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Agnew, J., P. Balduzzi, and A. Sundйn. 2003. “Portfolio Choice and Trading in a

Large 401(k) Plan.” American Economic Review, vol. 93, no. 1 (March):193–215.

Allport, F.H., and G.W. Allport. 1921. “Personality Traits: Their Classification

and Measurement.” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol. 16:6–40.

Ameriks, J., and S.P. Zeldes. 2004. “How Do Household Portfolio Shares Vary

with Age?” Working paper, Columbia University (September): www2.gsb.

Barber, B., and T. Odean. 1999. “The Courage of Misguided Convictions.”

Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 55, no. 6 (November/December):41–55.

———. 2000. “Trading Is Hazardous to Your Wealth: The Common Stock

Investment Performance of Individual Investors.” Journal of Finance, vol. 55, no. 2


———. 2001. “Boys Will Be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock

Investment.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 116, no. 1 (February):261–292.

Bar-On, R., D. Tranel, N.L. Denburg, and A. Bechara. 2003. “Exploring the

Neurological Substrate of Emotional and Social Intelligence.” Brain, vol. 126, no. 8


Bechara, A. 2004. “The Role of Emotion in Decision-Making: Evidence from

Neurological Patients with Orbitofrontal Damage.” Brain and Cognition, vol. 55,

no. 1 (June):30–40.

Bechara, A., H. Damasio, and A.R. Damasio. 2000. “Emotion, Decision Making

and the Orbitofrontal Cortex.” Cerebral Cortex, vol. 10, no. 3 (March):295–307.

Bernet, M. 1996. “Emotional Intelligence: Components and Correlates.” Paper

presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Toronto


Brackett, M.A., J.D. Mayer, and R.M. Warner. 2004. “Emotional Intelligence and

Its Relation to Everyday Behaviour.” Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 36,

no. 6 (April):1387–1402.

d’Acremont, M., and M. Van der Linden. 2005. “Adolescent Impulsivity: Findings

from a Community Sample.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 34, no. 5


Eysenck, H.J. 1970. The Structure of Personality. 3rd ed. London: Methuen.

Flynn, K.E., M.A. Smith, and J. Freese. 2006. “When Do Older Adults Turn to

the Internet for Health Information? Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal

Study.” Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 21, no. 12 (December):1295–1301.

Forgas, J.P. 1995. “Mood and Judgment: The Affect Infusion Model (AIM).”

Psychological Bulletin, vol. 117, no. 1 (January):39–66.

French, K.R. 2008. “Presidential Address: The Cost of Active Investing.” Journal

of Finance, vol. 63, no. 4 (August):1537–1573.

Gilovich, T., D. Griffin, and D. Kahneman, eds. 2002. Heuristics and Biases: The

Psychology of Intuitive Judgment. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

Goetzmann, W.N., M. Massa, and K.G. Rouwenhorst. 1999. “Behavioral Factors

in Mutual Fund Flows.” Yale ICF Working Paper No. 00-14 (December): http://

Goldberg, L.R. 1981. “Language and Individual Differences: The Search for

Universals in Personality Lexicons.” In Review of Personality and Social Psychology.

Edited by L. Wheeler. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Goleman, D. 1995. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam.

Grinblatt, M., and M. Keloharju. 2001. “What Makes Investors Trade?” Journal of

Finance, vol. 56, no. 2 (April):589–616.

Hershey, D.A., and J.C. Mowen. 2000. “Psychological Determinants of Financial

Preparedness for Retirement.” Gerontologist, vol. 40, no. 6 (December):687–697.

Holden, S., and J. VanDerhei. 2005. “The Influence of Automatic Enrollment,

Catch-Up, and IRA Contributions on 401(k) Accumulations at Retirement.”

EBRI Issue Brief, no. 283 (July).

Hopfensitz, A., and T. Wranik. 2008. “Psychological and Environmental Determinants

of Myopic Loss Aversion.” Netspar, Discussion Paper 2008-013 (April 22):

Hyde, J.S. 2005. “The Gender Similarities Hypothesis.” American Psychologist,

vol. 60, no. 6 (September):581–592.

Ippolito, R. 1992. “Consumer Reaction to Measures of Poor Quality: Evidence

from the Mutual Fund Industry.” Journal of Law & Economics, vol. 35, no. 1


Isen, A.M. 2000. “Positive Affect and Decision Making.” In Handbook of Emotions.

Edited by J.M. Haviland. London: Guilford Press.

John, O.P., and S. Srivastava. 1999. “The Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History,

Measurement, and Theoretical Perspectives.” In Handbook of Personality: Theory and

Research. 2nd ed. Edited by L.A. Pervin and O.P. John. New York: Guilford Press.

Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. 1973. “On the Psychology of Prediction.”

Psychological Review, vol. 80, no. 4 (July):237–251.

———. 1979. “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk.” Econometrica,

vol. 47, no. 2 (March):263–291.

Laitila, T. 1993. “A Pseudo-R2 Measure for Limited and Qualitative Dependent

Variable Models.” Journal of Econometrics, vol. 56, no. 3:341–355.

Lerner, J.S., D.A. Small, and G. Loewenstein. 2004. “Heart Strings and Purse

Strings: Carryover Effects of Emotions on Economic Decisions.” Psychological

Science, vol. 15, no. 5 (May):337–341.

Lewis, M. 2000. “The Emergence of Human Emotions.” In Handbook of Emotions.

2nd ed. Edited by M. Lewis and J.M. Haviland-Jones. New York: Guilford.

Loewenstein, G. 2000. “Emotions in Economic Theory and Economic Behavior.”

American Economic Review, vol. 90, no. 2 (May):426–432.

Loewenstein, G., E.U. Weber, C.K. Hsee, and N. Welch. 2001. “Risk as Feelings.”

Psychological Bulletin, vol. 127, no. 2:267–286.

Lopes, P.N., P. Salovey, and R. Straus. 2003. “Emotional Intelligence, Personality,

and the Perceived Quality of Social Relationships.” Personality and Individual

Differences, vol. 35, no. 3 (August):641–658.

Lopes, P.N., D. Grewal, J. Kadis, M. Gall, and P. Salovey. 2006. “Evidence That

Emotional Intelligence Is Related to Job Performance and Affect and Attitudes at

Work.” Psicothema, vol. 18 (Supplemental Issue):132–138.

Lopes, P.N., M.A. Brackett, J.B. Nezlek, A. Schьtz, I. Sellin, and P. Salovey. 2004.

“Emotional Intelligence and Social Interaction.” Personality and Social Psychology

Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 8 (August):1018–1034.

Lynam, D.R., and J.D. Miller. 2004. “Personality Pathways to Impulsive Behavior

and Their Relations to Deviance: Results from Three Samples.” Journal of

Quantitative Criminology, vol. 20, no. 4 (December):319–341.

Madrian, B.C., and D.F. Shea. 2001. “The Power of Suggestion: Inertia in 401(k)

Participation and Savings Behavior.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 116, no. 4


Mayer, J.D., and P. Salovey. 1997. “What Is Emotional Intelligence?” In Emotional

Development and Emotional Intelligence: Educational Implications. Edited by Peter

Salovey and David Sluyter. New York: Basic Books.

Mayer, J.D., R.D. Roberts, and S.G. Barsade. 2008. “Human Abilities: Emotional

Intelligence.” Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 59 (January):507–536.

Mayer, J.D., P. Salovey, and D.R. Caruso. 2002. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional

Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) User’s Manual. Toronto: MHS Publishers.

———. 2008. “Emotional Intelligence: New Ability or Eclectic Traits?” American

Psychologist, vol. 63, no. 6 (September):503–517.

McCrae, R.R., and P.T. Costa, Jr. 1987. “Validation of the Five-Factor Model of

Personality across Instruments and Observers.” Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology, vol. 52, no. 1 (January):81–90.

———. 1997. “Personality Trait Structure as a Human Universal.” American

Psychologist, vol. 52, no. 5 (May):509–516.

Mehrling, P. 2005. Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance. Hoboken,

NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Mitchell, O.S., G.R. Mottola, S.P. Utkus, and T. Yamaguchi. 2006. “The Inattentive

Participant: Portfolio Trading Behavior in 401(k) Plans.” Pension Research

Council Working Paper, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Nicholson, N., E. Soane, M. Fenton-O’Creevy, and P. Willman. 2005. “Personality

and Domain-Specific Risk Taking.” Journal of Risk Research, vol. 8, no. 2


Norman, W.T. 1963. “Toward an Adequate Taxonomy of Personality Attributes:

Replicated Factor Structure in Peer Nomination Personality Ratings.” Journal of

Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol. 66, no. 6 (June):574–583.

Nyhus, E., and P. Webley. 2001. “The Role of Personality in Household Saving

and Borrowing Behaviour.” European Journal of Personality, vol. 15, no. S1

(November Special Issue):S85–S103.

Pervin, L.A., and O.P. John. 2001. Personality: Theory and Research. 8th ed. New

York: Wiley.

Salovey, P. 2001. “Applied Emotional Intelligence: Regulating Emotions to

Become Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.” In Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life:

A Scientific Inquiry. Edited by J. Ciarrochi, J.P. Forgas, and J.D. Mayer. New York:

Psychology Press.

Salovey, P., and J.D. Mayer. 1990. “Emotional Intelligence.” Imagination, Cognition

and Personality, vol. 9, no. 3:185–211.

Schwarz, N. 1990. “Feelings as Information: Informational and Motivational

Functions of Affective States.” In Handbook of Motivation and Cognition. Edited by

E.T. Higgins and R.M. Sorrentino. New York: Guilford.

Shefrin, H., and M. Statman. 1985. “The Disposition to Sell Winners Too Early

and Ride Losers Too Long: Theory and Evidence.” Journal of Finance, vol. 40,

no. 3 (July):777–790.

Thaler, R.H. 2000. “From Homo Economicus to Homo Sapiens.” Journal of

Economic Perspectives, vol. 14, no. 1 (Winter):133–141.

Utkus, S.P., and J.A. Young. 2004. “Lessons from Behavioral Finance and the

Autopilot 401(k) Plan.” Vanguard Center for Retirement Research (April): https://

Vanguard. 2006. “How America Saves 2006: A Report on Vanguard 2005 Defined

Contribution Plan Data.” Vanguard Center for Retirement Research (November):

Verplanken, B., and A. Herabadi. 2001. “Individual Differences in Impulse Buying

Tendency: Feeling and No Thinking.” European Journal of Personality, vol. 15, no.

S1 (November Special Issue):S71–S83.

Wanberg, C., and J.D. Kammeyer-Mueller. 2000. “Predictors and Outcomes of

Proactivity in the Socialization Process.” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 85, no.

3 (June):373–385.

Whiteside, S.P., and D.R. Lynam. 2001. “The Five Factor Model and Impulsivity:

Using a Structural Model of Personality to Understand Impulsivity.” Personality

and Individual Differences, vol. 30, no. 4 (March):669–689.

Whiteside, S.P., D.R. Lynam, J.D. Miller, and S.K. Reynolds. 2005. “Validation

of the UPPS Impulsive Behaviour Scale: A Four-Factor Model of Impulsivity.”

European Journal of Personality, vol. 19, no. 7 (December):559–574.

Wranik, T., L.F. Barrett, and P. Salovey. 2007. “Intelligent Emotion Regulation:

Is Knowledge Power?” In Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Edited by J. Gross. New

York: Guilford.

Zaleskiewicz, T. 2001. “Beyond Risk Seeking and Risk Aversion: Personality and

the Dual Nature of Economic Risk Taking.” European Journal of Personality, vol. 15,

no. S1 (November Special Issue):S105–S122.

Zermatten, A., M. Van der Linden, M. d’Acremont, F. Jermann, and A. Bechara.

2005. “Impulsivity and Decision Making.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,

vol. 193, no. 10 (October):647–650.

Zuckerman, M., and D.M. Kuhlman. 2000. “Personality and Risk-Taking: Common

Biosocial Factors.” Journal of Personality, vol. 68, no. 6 (December):999–1029.

Zweig, J. 2007. Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics

Can Help Make You Rich. New York: Simon & Schuster.





Agnew, J., P. Balduzzi, and A. Sundйn. 2003. “Portfolio Choice and Trading in a

Large 401(k) Plan.” American Economic Review, vol. 93, no. 1 (March):193–215.

Allport, F.H., and G.W. Allport. 1921. “Personality Traits: Their Classification

and Measurement.” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol. 16:6–40.

Ameriks, J., and S.P. Zeldes. 2004. “How Do Household Portfolio Shares Vary

with Age?” Working paper, Columbia University (September): www2.gsb.

Barber, B., and T. Odean. 1999. “The Courage of Misguided Convictions.”

Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 55, no. 6 (November/December):41–55.

———. 2000. “Trading Is Hazardous to Your Wealth: The Common Stock

Investment Performance of Individual Investors.” Journal of Finance, vol. 55, no. 2


———. 2001. “Boys Will Be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock

Investment.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 116, no. 1 (February):261–292.

Bar-On, R., D. Tranel, N.L. Denburg, and A. Bechara. 2003. “Exploring the

Neurological Substrate of Emotional and Social Intelligence.” Brain, vol. 126, no. 8


Bechara, A. 2004. “The Role of Emotion in Decision-Making: Evidence from

Neurological Patients with Orbitofrontal Damage.” Brain and Cognition, vol. 55,

no. 1 (June):30–40.

Bechara, A., H. Damasio, and A.R. Damasio. 2000. “Emotion, Decision Making

and the Orbitofrontal Cortex.” Cerebral Cortex, vol. 10, no. 3 (March):295–307.

Bernet, M. 1996. “Emotional Intelligence: Components and Correlates.” Paper

presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Toronto


Brackett, M.A., J.D. Mayer, and R.M. Warner. 2004. “Emotional Intelligence and

Its Relation to Everyday Behaviour.” Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 36,

no. 6 (April):1387–1402.

d’Acremont, M., and M. Van der Linden. 2005. “Adolescent Impulsivity: Findings

from a Community Sample.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 34, no. 5


Eysenck, H.J. 1970. The Structure of Personality. 3rd ed. London: Methuen.

Flynn, K.E., M.A. Smith, and J. Freese. 2006. “When Do Older Adults Turn to

the Internet for Health Information? Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal

Study.” Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 21, no. 12 (December):1295–1301.

Forgas, J.P. 1995. “Mood and Judgment: The Affect Infusion Model (AIM).”

Psychological Bulletin, vol. 117, no. 1 (January):39–66.

French, K.R. 2008. “Presidential Address: The Cost of Active Investing.” Journal

of Finance, vol. 63, no. 4 (August):1537–1573.

Gilovich, T., D. Griffin, and D. Kahneman, eds. 2002. Heuristics and Biases: The

Psychology of Intuitive Judgment. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

Goetzmann, W.N., M. Massa, and K.G. Rouwenhorst. 1999. “Behavioral Factors

in Mutual Fund Flows.” Yale ICF Working Paper No. 00-14 (December): http://

Goldberg, L.R. 1981. “Language and Individual Differences: The Search for

Universals in Personality Lexicons.” In Review of Personality and Social Psychology.

Edited by L. Wheeler. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Goleman, D. 1995. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam.

Grinblatt, M., and M. Keloharju. 2001. “What Makes Investors Trade?” Journal of

Finance, vol. 56, no. 2 (April):589–616.

Hershey, D.A., and J.C. Mowen. 2000. “Psychological Determinants of Financial

Preparedness for Retirement.” Gerontologist, vol. 40, no. 6 (December):687–697.

Holden, S., and J. VanDerhei. 2005. “The Influence of Automatic Enrollment,

Catch-Up, and IRA Contributions on 401(k) Accumulations at Retirement.”

EBRI Issue Brief, no. 283 (July).

Hopfensitz, A., and T. Wranik. 2008. “Psychological and Environmental Determinants

of Myopic Loss Aversion.” Netspar, Discussion Paper 2008-013 (April 22):

Hyde, J.S. 2005. “The Gender Similarities Hypothesis.” American Psychologist,

vol. 60, no. 6 (September):581–592.

Ippolito, R. 1992. “Consumer Reaction to Measures of Poor Quality: Evidence

from the Mutual Fund Industry.” Journal of Law & Economics, vol. 35, no. 1


Isen, A.M. 2000. “Positive Affect and Decision Making.” In Handbook of Emotions.

Edited by J.M. Haviland. London: Guilford Press.

John, O.P., and S. Srivastava. 1999. “The Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History,

Measurement, and Theoretical Perspectives.” In Handbook of Personality: Theory and

Research. 2nd ed. Edited by L.A. Pervin and O.P. John. New York: Guilford Press.

Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. 1973. “On the Psychology of Prediction.”

Psychological Review, vol. 80, no. 4 (July):237–251.

———. 1979. “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk.” Econometrica,

vol. 47, no. 2 (March):263–291.

Laitila, T. 1993. “A Pseudo-R2 Measure for Limited and Qualitative Dependent

Variable Models.” Journal of Econometrics, vol. 56, no. 3:341–355.

Lerner, J.S., D.A. Small, and G. Loewenstein. 2004. “Heart Strings and Purse

Strings: Carryover Effects of Emotions on Economic Decisions.” Psychological

Science, vol. 15, no. 5 (May):337–341.

Lewis, M. 2000. “The Emergence of Human Emotions.” In Handbook of Emotions.

2nd ed. Edited by M. Lewis and J.M. Haviland-Jones. New York: Guilford.

Loewenstein, G. 2000. “Emotions in Economic Theory and Economic Behavior.”

American Economic Review, vol. 90, no. 2 (May):426–432.

Loewenstein, G., E.U. Weber, C.K. Hsee, and N. Welch. 2001. “Risk as Feelings.”

Psychological Bulletin, vol. 127, no. 2:267–286.

Lopes, P.N., P. Salovey, and R. Straus. 2003. “Emotional Intelligence, Personality,

and the Perceived Quality of Social Relationships.” Personality and Individual

Differences, vol. 35, no. 3 (August):641–658.

Lopes, P.N., D. Grewal, J. Kadis, M. Gall, and P. Salovey. 2006. “Evidence That

Emotional Intelligence Is Related to Job Performance and Affect and Attitudes at

Work.” Psicothema, vol. 18 (Supplemental Issue):132–138.

Lopes, P.N., M.A. Brackett, J.B. Nezlek, A. Schьtz, I. Sellin, and P. Salovey. 2004.

“Emotional Intelligence and Social Interaction.” Personality and Social Psychology

Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 8 (August):1018–1034.

Lynam, D.R., and J.D. Miller. 2004. “Personality Pathways to Impulsive Behavior

and Their Relations to Deviance: Results from Three Samples.” Journal of

Quantitative Criminology, vol. 20, no. 4 (December):319–341.

Madrian, B.C., and D.F. Shea. 2001. “The Power of Suggestion: Inertia in 401(k)

Participation and Savings Behavior.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 116, no. 4


Mayer, J.D., and P. Salovey. 1997. “What Is Emotional Intelligence?” In Emotional

Development and Emotional Intelligence: Educational Implications. Edited by Peter

Salovey and David Sluyter. New York: Basic Books.

Mayer, J.D., R.D. Roberts, and S.G. Barsade. 2008. “Human Abilities: Emotional

Intelligence.” Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 59 (January):507–536.

Mayer, J.D., P. Salovey, and D.R. Caruso. 2002. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional

Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) User’s Manual. Toronto: MHS Publishers.

———. 2008. “Emotional Intelligence: New Ability or Eclectic Traits?” American

Psychologist, vol. 63, no. 6 (September):503–517.

McCrae, R.R., and P.T. Costa, Jr. 1987. “Validation of the Five-Factor Model of

Personality across Instruments and Observers.” Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology, vol. 52, no. 1 (January):81–90.

———. 1997. “Personality Trait Structure as a Human Universal.” American

Psychologist, vol. 52, no. 5 (May):509–516.

Mehrling, P. 2005. Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance. Hoboken,

NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Mitchell, O.S., G.R. Mottola, S.P. Utkus, and T. Yamaguchi. 2006. “The Inattentive

Participant: Portfolio Trading Behavior in 401(k) Plans.” Pension Research

Council Working Paper, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Nicholson, N., E. Soane, M. Fenton-O’Creevy, and P. Willman. 2005. “Personality

and Domain-Specific Risk Taking.” Journal of Risk Research, vol. 8, no. 2


Norman, W.T. 1963. “Toward an Adequate Taxonomy of Personality Attributes:

Replicated Factor Structure in Peer Nomination Personality Ratings.” Journal of

Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol. 66, no. 6 (June):574–583.

Nyhus, E., and P. Webley. 2001. “The Role of Personality in Household Saving

and Borrowing Behaviour.” European Journal of Personality, vol. 15, no. S1

(November Special Issue):S85–S103.

Pervin, L.A., and O.P. John. 2001. Personality: Theory and Research. 8th ed. New

York: Wiley.

Salovey, P. 2001. “Applied Emotional Intelligence: Regulating Emotions to

Become Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.” In Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life:

A Scientific Inquiry. Edited by J. Ciarrochi, J.P. Forgas, and J.D. Mayer. New York:

Psychology Press.

Salovey, P., and J.D. Mayer. 1990. “Emotional Intelligence.” Imagination, Cognition

and Personality, vol. 9, no. 3:185–211.

Schwarz, N. 1990. “Feelings as Information: Informational and Motivational

Functions of Affective States.” In Handbook of Motivation and Cognition. Edited by

E.T. Higgins and R.M. Sorrentino. New York: Guilford.

Shefrin, H., and M. Statman. 1985. “The Disposition to Sell Winners Too Early

and Ride Losers Too Long: Theory and Evidence.” Journal of Finance, vol. 40,

no. 3 (July):777–790.

Thaler, R.H. 2000. “From Homo Economicus to Homo Sapiens.” Journal of

Economic Perspectives, vol. 14, no. 1 (Winter):133–141.

Utkus, S.P., and J.A. Young. 2004. “Lessons from Behavioral Finance and the

Autopilot 401(k) Plan.” Vanguard Center for Retirement Research (April): https://

Vanguard. 2006. “How America Saves 2006: A Report on Vanguard 2005 Defined

Contribution Plan Data.” Vanguard Center for Retirement Research (November):

Verplanken, B., and A. Herabadi. 2001. “Individual Differences in Impulse Buying

Tendency: Feeling and No Thinking.” European Journal of Personality, vol. 15, no.

S1 (November Special Issue):S71–S83.

Wanberg, C., and J.D. Kammeyer-Mueller. 2000. “Predictors and Outcomes of

Proactivity in the Socialization Process.” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 85, no.

3 (June):373–385.

Whiteside, S.P., and D.R. Lynam. 2001. “The Five Factor Model and Impulsivity:

Using a Structural Model of Personality to Understand Impulsivity.” Personality

and Individual Differences, vol. 30, no. 4 (March):669–689.

Whiteside, S.P., D.R. Lynam, J.D. Miller, and S.K. Reynolds. 2005. “Validation

of the UPPS Impulsive Behaviour Scale: A Four-Factor Model of Impulsivity.”

European Journal of Personality, vol. 19, no. 7 (December):559–574.

Wranik, T., L.F. Barrett, and P. Salovey. 2007. “Intelligent Emotion Regulation:

Is Knowledge Power?” In Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Edited by J. Gross. New

York: Guilford.

Zaleskiewicz, T. 2001. “Beyond Risk Seeking and Risk Aversion: Personality and

the Dual Nature of Economic Risk Taking.” European Journal of Personality, vol. 15,

no. S1 (November Special Issue):S105–S122.

Zermatten, A., M. Van der Linden, M. d’Acremont, F. Jermann, and A. Bechara.

2005. “Impulsivity and Decision Making.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,

vol. 193, no. 10 (October):647–650.

Zuckerman, M., and D.M. Kuhlman. 2000. “Personality and Risk-Taking: Common

Biosocial Factors.” Journal of Personality, vol. 68, no. 6 (December):999–1029.

Zweig, J. 2007. Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics

Can Help Make You Rich. New York: Simon & Schuster.