Список литературы

1. Акофф Р. Планирование будущего корпорации. М., 1985.

2. Мерсер Д. ИБМ — управление в самой преуспевающей корпорации мира. М., 1991.

3. Обер-КриеДж. Управление предприятием. М., 1973.

4. Шркинсон С.Н. Закон Паркинсона. М., 1992.

5. Anderson С. Management. WSB, 1984.

6. Argyris С. Integrating the Individual and the Organization. 1964.

7. Burke W. Organization Development: Principles and Practices. Little Brown and Company, 1982.



8. Chandler Jr. A. St rategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise. MIT Press, 1962.

9. Galbteith ].R. Matrix Organization Designs: How to Combine Functional and Project Forms. Business Horizons. Vol. 14. № 1 (February 1971).

10. Galbreith J.R. Organization Design. Addison-Wesley, 19*77.

11. Galbreith f.R., Nathenson D. Strategic Implementation: Role of Structure and Process. West Publishing Co, 1978.

12. GibsonJ., Ivancevich ]., Donnellyfr. J. Organizations. Irwin, 1991. IS.HellriegelD., SbcumJr.J., Woodman R. Organizational Behavior. West Publishing Co, 1989.

14. KoontzH., O'Donnel C., Weihrich H. Management. McGraw-Hill, 1984.

15. Lawrence P., Lorsch J. Organization and Environment. HBS Press, 1986.

16. Robey D. Designing Organization. Irwin, 1986.

17. Sloan Jr. A. My Years with General Motors. Doubleday, 1964.

18. Woodward]. Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press, 1965.


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