Foreword...................................................................................... 9
Chapter 1. A promissory note
as a financial market instrument
§ 1. The legal feature of a promissory note.............................'... 13
§ 2. Risks in the field of the promissory note circulation................ 18
§ 3. Crimes in the promissory note market................................. 23
Chapter 2. Crimes against property:
a promissory note is a subject of a criminal infringement
§1. The misappropriation of a promissory note by thefts.............. 26
§ 2. The misappropriation of a promissory note 36
by fraudulent conversion..................................................
§ 3. The misappropriation of a bill by cheat................................ 39
Chapter 3. Crimes against property: a promissory note is an instrument of completion of the crime
§ 1. The fraud at issue of promissory notes................................ 55
§ 2. The fraud with the use of false promissory notes.................. 66
Chapter 4. Arrangements for prevention of crimes in the field of promissory note circulation
§ 1. General requirements to the security system design
in the field of the promissory note circulation........................ 80
§ 2. Arrangements for bad consequence prevention
in case of misappropriations of promissory notes................... 82
§ 3. Protective actions from specific infringement
of a promissory note or from its criminal use......................... 84
Application 1 .......................................................................... 101
Application 2.......................................................................... 103
Application 3.......................................................................... 129
Application 4.......................................................................... 136
Normative sources and references.................................................. 143
Information................................................................................... 149
В. А. Гамза, И. Б. Ткачу к
«все книги «к разделу «содержание Глав: 56 Главы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. >