
К оглавлению1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
51 52 53 54 

1/Y (one coupon per year) 54, 55, 57

1-V (one-variable statistics ) 65, 67

2/Y (two coupons per year) 54, 55, 57

2nd (second)

functions 2

indicator 3

30/360 day-count method (360) 54,

55, 57, 77

360 (30/360 day-count method) 54,

55, 57, 77


a (y-intercept) 65

Accrued interest (AI) 54, 57, 58

Accuracy 98

ACT (actual/actual day-count

method) 54, 55, 57, 77

Actual/actual (ACT) day-count

method 77

Actual/actual day-count method

(ACT) 54, 55, 57

Addition 8

AI (accrued interest) 54, 57, 58

Algebraic Operating System (AOS™)

calculations 4, 5, 98


formulas 87

schedule 21, 25, 26, 38

worksheet 21

Amount of nth cash flow (Cnn) 41

Angle units format 5

Annual coupon rate, percent (CPN)

54, 56, 57

Annual effective rate (EFF) 75, 76

annual interest rate 56, 75, 89

Annuities 21

due 24, 29, 30

ordinary 24, 29, 30

perpetual 30

ANS (Last Answer) feature 14

AOS™ (Algebraic Operating System)

calculations 5, 98

APD™ (Automatic Power Down™)

feature 1, 2

Arccosine 9

Arcsine 9

Arctangent 9

Automatic Power Down™ (APD™)

feature 1, 2


b (slope) 65

Backspace key 7

BAL (balance) 22, 24

Balance (BAL) 22, 24

Battery 99

precautions 99

replacing 99

Beginning-of-period (BGN)

indicator 3

payments 22, 24

BGN (beginning-of-period)

indicator 3

106 Index

payments 22, 24


accrued interest (AI) 54

price (PRI) 58

terminology 56

worksheet 53–58

Breakeven worksheet 80–81


C/Y (compounding periods per year)

22, 24, 76

Calculation method 4, 5

Call date 56

Cash Flow worksheet 41–51

Cash flows

computing 45

deleting 42, 44

editing 48

entering 42

formulas 87

grouped 43

inserting 44

uneven 43

CFo (initial cash flow) 41

Chain (Chn) calculation 4, 5, 8

Chn (chain) calculation 4, 5, 8


calculations 6

calculator 6

characters 6

entry errors 6

error messages 6

errors 6

memory 6, 12

worksheets 6

Cnn (amount of nth cash flow) 41

Combinations 8, 10

Compound interest 56, 71, 73, 75

Compounding periods per year (C/Y)

22, 24, 76

COMPUTE indicator 3

Constant Memory™ feature 2

Constants 13

contact information 101

Correcting entry errors 7

Correlation coefficient (r) 65, 68

Cost (CST) 59, 62, 79

Cost-Sell-Markup 73, 74

Coupon payment 56

CPN (annual coupon rate, percent)

54, 55, 56, 57

CST (cost) 59, 62, 79

Curve fitting 67

customer support and service 101


Data points 68

Date 1 and 2 (DT1, DT2) 59, 78

Date worksheet 76


30/360 day-count method (360)


actual/actual (ACT) day-count

method 77

date 1 and 2 (DT1, DT2) 78

days between dates (DBD) 78

entering 77

Days between dates (DBD) 78

DB (declining balance) 59, 61, 62, 92

DBD (days between dates) 78

DBF (French declining balance) 59,

61, 62

DBX (declining balance with

crossover) 59, 61, 62

DEC (decimal format) 4

Decimal format (DEC) 4

Declining balance (DB) 59, 61, 62, 92

Declining balance with crossover

(DBX) 59, 61, 62

DEG (degrees) 4, 5

Degree angle units 5

Degrees (DEG) 4, 5

DEL (delete) indicator 3

Delete (DEL) indicator 3

DEP (depreciation) 59, 60, 62

Depreciation (DEP) 59, 60, 62

Depreciation worksheet 59–63

Difficulty 100

Discount bond 56

Discount rate (I) 41

Discounted payback (DPB) 41, 45

Display indicators 3

Division 8

Dollar price (PRI) 54, 56, 57

Index 107

DPB (discounted payback) 41, 45

DT1 (starting date) 62

DT1, DT2 (date 1 and 2) 59, 78

DUR (modified duration) 54


EFF (annual effective rate) 75, 76

END (end-of-period)

payments 22, 24

Ending payment (P2) 22, 24

End-of-period (END)

payments 22, 24

ENTER indicator 3


clearing 96

messages 96


accrued interest 58

amortization schedule 38

amount to borrow 36

annuities 30

balloon payment 40

bond price 58

compound interest 73

computing basic loan payments


constants 13

converting interest 76

correcting an entry error 7

cost-sell-markup 74

days between dates 78

discounted payback 49

down payment 36

editing cash flow data 48

entering cash flow data 48

future value (savings) 28

interest received 40

internal rate of return 49

last answer 14

lease with uneven payments 49

memory 12

Memory worksheet 83

modified duration 58

modified internal rate of return


monthly payments 40

monthly savings deposits 35

mortgage payments 38

net future value 49

net present value 48, 49, 50

other monthly payments 34

payback 49

percent change 73

perpetual annuities 30

present value (annuities) 29

present value (lease with

residual value) 33

present value (savings) 28

present value (variable cash

flow) 33

profit margin 79

regular deposits for specific

goals 37

remaining balance (balloon

payment) 40

residual value 33

saving for future 35

straight-line depreciation 62

EXP (exponential regression) 65, 67

Exponential regression (EXP) 65, 67


Face value 56

Factorial 10

FC (fixed cost) 80, 81

FCC statement ii

Fixed cost (FC) 80, 81

Floating-decimal format 4

Fnn (frequency of nth cash flow) 41

Forecasting 67


angle units 4, 5

calculation method 5

decimal places 4

number separators 4

setting 4


30/360 day-count method 95

accrued interest 90

actual/actual day-count method


amortization 87

108 Index

bond price (more than one

coupon period to

redemption) 90

bond price (one coupon period

or less to redemption) 89

bond yield (more than one

coupon period to

redemption) 90

bond yield (one coupon period

or less to redemption) 89

bonds 89

breakeven 94

cash flow 87

days between dates 94

depreciation 91

depreciation, declining-balance


depreciation, straight-line 91

depreciation, sum-of-the-years’-

digits 92

interest-rate conversions 93

internal rate of return 88

modified duration 90

modified internal rate of return

88, 89

net future value 88

net present value 87

percent change 93

profit margin 94

regressions 93

statistics 92

time-value-of-money 85

French declining balance (DBF) 59,

61, 62

French straight line (SLF) 59, 61, 62

Frequency 44

cash flow 88

coupon 55, 57

one-variable data 68

Y value 65, 67

Frequency of nth cash flow (Fnn) 41

Frequency of X value (Ynn) 67

Future value (FV) 22, 23, 24

FV (future value) 22, 23, 24


Grouped cash flows 43


Hard reset 6

HYP (hyperbolic) indicator 3

Hyperbolic (HYP) indicator 3


I (discount rate) 41

I/Y (interest rate per year) 22, 24

Inflows 21, 23, 25

Initial cash flow (CFo) 41

INS (insert) indicator 3

Insert (IND) indicator 3

INT (interest paid) 22, 24

Interest Conversion worksheet 74

Interest paid (INT) 22, 24

Interest rate per year (I/Y) 22, 24

Internal rate of return (IRR) 41, 45

INV (inverse) indicator 3

Inverse (INV) indicator 3

IRR (internal rate of return) 41, 45


Last Answer (ANS) feature 14

Leases 21

LIF (life of the asset) 59, 61, 62

Life of the asset (LIF) 59, 61, 62

LIN (linear regression) 65, 67

Linear regression (LIN) 65, 67

Ln (logarithmic regression) 65, 67

Loans 21, 24

Logarithmic regression (Ln) 65, 67


M01 (starting month) 59, 61, 62

M0–M9 (memory) 12, 82

MAR (profit margin) 79

Math operations 8

Mean of X (v) 65, 67

Mean of Y (v) 65


arithmetic 12

clearing 12

examples 12

recalling from 12

storing to 12

Memory worksheet 82–83

Index 109

MOD (modified internal rate of

return) 41, 45

Modified duration (DUR) 54

Modified internal rate of return

(MOD) 41, 45

Mortgages 21

Multiplication 8


n (number of observations) 65, 67

N (number of periods) 24

N (number of periods, TVM

worksheet) 22

Negative (–) indicator 3

Net future value (NFV) 41, 45

Net present value (NPV) 41, 45

NEW (new value) 72, 73, 74

New value (NEW) 72, 73, 74

NFV (net future value) 41, 45

NOM (nominal rate) 76

Nominal rate (NOM) 75, 76

NPV (net present value) 41, 45

Number of observations (n) 65, 67

Number of periods (#PD) 72, 73, 74

Number of periods (#PD), Percent

Change/Compound Interest

worksheet 72

Number of periods (N) 24

Number of periods (N), TVM

worksheet 22

Number separators format 4


OLD (old value) 72, 73, 74

Old value (OLD) 72, 73, 74

One coupon per year (1/Y) 54, 55, 57

One-variable statistics (1-V) 65, 67

Outflows 21, 25

Overview of calculator operation 1–



P (unit price) 80, 81

P/Y (payments per year) 22, 24, 25

P1 (starting payment) 22, 24

P2 (ending payment) 22, 24

Par value 56

Parentheses 8, 10

Payback (PB) 41, 45

Payment (PMT) 22, 23, 24

Payments per year (P/Y) 22, 24, 25

PB (payback) 41, 45

Percent 8

Percent add-on 8

Percent change (%CH) 72, 73, 74

Percent Change/Compound Interest

worksheet 71

Percent discount 8

Percent ratio 8

Permutations 8, 10

PFT (profit) 80, 81

PMT (payment) 22, 23, 24

Population standard deviation of X

((x) 65, 67

Population standard deviation of Y

((y) 65

Power regression (PWR) 65, 67

Predicted X value (X') 65, 67, 69

Predicted Y value (Y') 65, 67, 69

Premium bond 56

Present value (PV) 22, 23, 24

PRI (bond price) 58

PRI (dollar price) 54, 56, 57

Principal paid (PRN) 22, 24

PRN (principal paid) 22, 24


computing accrued interest 57

computing basic loan interest 26

computing bond price 57

computing bond yield 57

computing breakeven 81

computing breakeven quantity


computing compound interest


computing cost-sell-markup 72

computing dates 77

computing discounted payback


computing internal rate of

return 46

computing modified duration 58

computing modified internal

rate of return 46

110 Index

computing net future value 45

computing net present value 45

computing payback 45

computing percent change 72

computing profit margin 79

computing statistical results 69

computing X’ 69

computing Y’ 69

constants for various operations


converting interest 75

deleting cash flows 44

entering bond data 57

entering data points 68

entering depreciation data 62

generating a depreciation

schedule 62

generating amortization

schedules 25, 26

inserting cash flows 44

selecting a depreciation method


selecting a statistics calculation

method 69

selecting bond settings 57

using the memory worksheet 82

Profit (PFT) 80, 81

Profit margin (MAR) 79

Profit Margin worksheet 78–80

PV (present value) 22, 23, 24

PWR (power regression) 65, 67


Q (quantity) 80, 81

Quantity (Q) 80, 81


r (correlation coefficient) 65, 68

RAD (radians) 5

RAD (radians) indicator 3

Radians (RAD) 5

Radians (RAD) indicator 3

Random numbers 10

RBV (remaining book value) 59, 60,


RDT (redemption date) 54, 55, 56, 57

RDV (remaining depreciable value)

59, 60, 62

Reading the display 2

Recalling from memory 12

Redemption date (RDT) 54, 55, 56, 57

Redemption value (RV) 54, 55, 56

Regression models

exponential 67

linear 67

logarithmic 67

power 67

Reinvestment rate (RI) 41

Remaining book value (RBV) 59, 60,


Remaining depreciable value (RDV)

59, 60, 62


amortization variables 23

bond variables 54

breakeven variables 80

cash flow variables 42

date variables 77

depreciation variables 60

interest conversion variables 75

percent change/compound

interest variables 72

statistics variables 66

TVM variables 23

Resetting calculator 6

hard reset 6

pressing keys 6

RI (reinvestment rate) 41

Rounding 10, 98

RV (redemption value) 54, 55, 56, 57


SAL (salvage value) 59, 62

Salvage value (SAL) 59, 62

Sample standard deviation of X (Sx)

65, 67

Sample standard deviation of Y (Sy)


Savings 21

Scientific notation 11

SDT (settlement date) 54, 56, 57

Second (2nd)

functions 2

Index 111

indicator 3

Quit 2

SEL (selling price) 79

Selling price (SEL) 79

service and support 101

SET (setting) indicator 3

Setting (SET) indicator 3

Settlement date (SDT) 54, 56, 57

SL (straight line) 59, 61, 62

SLF (French straight line) 59, 61, 62

Slope (b) 65

Square 8

Square root 8

Starting date (DT1) 62

Starting month (M01) 59, 61, 62

Starting payment (P1) 22, 24

Statistical data 68

Statistics worksheet 65–69

Storing to memory 12

Straight line (SL) 59, 61, 62

Subtraction 8

Sum of the years’ digits (SYD) 59, 61,


Sum of X (GX) 65, 67

Sum of X² (GX²) 65, 67

Sum of XY products (GXY) 65

Sum of Y (GY) 65

Sum of Y² (GY²) 65

support and service 101

Sx (sample standard deviation of X)

65, 67

Sy (sample standard deviation of Y)


SYD (sum of the years’ digits) 59, 61,



Time-Value-of-Money (TVM)

worksheet 15, 16, 18, 21

Time-Value-of-Money and

Amortization worksheets ??–40

Turning calculator off 1

Turning calculator on 1

TVM (Time-Value-of-Money)

worksheet 15, 16, 18, 21

Two coupons per year (2/Y) 54, 55, 57

Two-variable statistics 67, 69


Uneven cash flows 43

Unit price (P) 80, 81

Universal power 8


Value assigned (=) indicator 3

Value computed (*) indicator 3

Value entered (1) indicator 3

Variable cost per unit (VC) 80, 81

VC (variable cost per unit) 80, 81


warranty 102

What-if calculations 15


Amortization 21

Bond 53

Breakeven 80

Cash Flow 41

Date 76

Depreciation 59

display indicators 19

Interest Conversion 74

Memory 82

Percent Change/Compound

Interest 71

Profit Margin 78

prompted 18

TVM (Time-Value-of-Money) 15,

16, 18, 21

variables 15, 16, 17, 18


X value (Xnn) 65, 67

X' (predicted X value) 65, 67, 69

Xnn (X value) 65, 67

xP/Y key (multiply payments per

year) 25


Y' (predicted Y value) 65, 67

Year to compute (YR) 59, 61, 62

Yield to maturity 56

Yield to redemption (YLD) 54, 57

Y-intercept (a) 65

YLD (yield to redemption) 54, 57

Ynn (frequency of X value) 65, 67

YR (year to compute) 59, 61, 62

1/Y (one coupon per year) 54, 55, 57

1-V (one-variable statistics ) 65, 67

2/Y (two coupons per year) 54, 55, 57

2nd (second)

functions 2

indicator 3

30/360 day-count method (360) 54,

55, 57, 77

360 (30/360 day-count method) 54,

55, 57, 77


a (y-intercept) 65

Accrued interest (AI) 54, 57, 58

Accuracy 98

ACT (actual/actual day-count

method) 54, 55, 57, 77

Actual/actual (ACT) day-count

method 77

Actual/actual day-count method

(ACT) 54, 55, 57

Addition 8

AI (accrued interest) 54, 57, 58

Algebraic Operating System (AOS™)

calculations 4, 5, 98


formulas 87

schedule 21, 25, 26, 38

worksheet 21

Amount of nth cash flow (Cnn) 41

Angle units format 5

Annual coupon rate, percent (CPN)

54, 56, 57

Annual effective rate (EFF) 75, 76

annual interest rate 56, 75, 89

Annuities 21

due 24, 29, 30

ordinary 24, 29, 30

perpetual 30

ANS (Last Answer) feature 14

AOS™ (Algebraic Operating System)

calculations 5, 98

APD™ (Automatic Power Down™)

feature 1, 2

Arccosine 9

Arcsine 9

Arctangent 9

Automatic Power Down™ (APD™)

feature 1, 2


b (slope) 65

Backspace key 7

BAL (balance) 22, 24

Balance (BAL) 22, 24

Battery 99

precautions 99

replacing 99

Beginning-of-period (BGN)

indicator 3

payments 22, 24

BGN (beginning-of-period)

indicator 3

106 Index

payments 22, 24


accrued interest (AI) 54

price (PRI) 58

terminology 56

worksheet 53–58

Breakeven worksheet 80–81


C/Y (compounding periods per year)

22, 24, 76

Calculation method 4, 5

Call date 56

Cash Flow worksheet 41–51

Cash flows

computing 45

deleting 42, 44

editing 48

entering 42

formulas 87

grouped 43

inserting 44

uneven 43

CFo (initial cash flow) 41

Chain (Chn) calculation 4, 5, 8

Chn (chain) calculation 4, 5, 8


calculations 6

calculator 6

characters 6

entry errors 6

error messages 6

errors 6

memory 6, 12

worksheets 6

Cnn (amount of nth cash flow) 41

Combinations 8, 10

Compound interest 56, 71, 73, 75

Compounding periods per year (C/Y)

22, 24, 76

COMPUTE indicator 3

Constant Memory™ feature 2

Constants 13

contact information 101

Correcting entry errors 7

Correlation coefficient (r) 65, 68

Cost (CST) 59, 62, 79

Cost-Sell-Markup 73, 74

Coupon payment 56

CPN (annual coupon rate, percent)

54, 55, 56, 57

CST (cost) 59, 62, 79

Curve fitting 67

customer support and service 101


Data points 68

Date 1 and 2 (DT1, DT2) 59, 78

Date worksheet 76


30/360 day-count method (360)


actual/actual (ACT) day-count

method 77

date 1 and 2 (DT1, DT2) 78

days between dates (DBD) 78

entering 77

Days between dates (DBD) 78

DB (declining balance) 59, 61, 62, 92

DBD (days between dates) 78

DBF (French declining balance) 59,

61, 62

DBX (declining balance with

crossover) 59, 61, 62

DEC (decimal format) 4

Decimal format (DEC) 4

Declining balance (DB) 59, 61, 62, 92

Declining balance with crossover

(DBX) 59, 61, 62

DEG (degrees) 4, 5

Degree angle units 5

Degrees (DEG) 4, 5

DEL (delete) indicator 3

Delete (DEL) indicator 3

DEP (depreciation) 59, 60, 62

Depreciation (DEP) 59, 60, 62

Depreciation worksheet 59–63

Difficulty 100

Discount bond 56

Discount rate (I) 41

Discounted payback (DPB) 41, 45

Display indicators 3

Division 8

Dollar price (PRI) 54, 56, 57

Index 107

DPB (discounted payback) 41, 45

DT1 (starting date) 62

DT1, DT2 (date 1 and 2) 59, 78

DUR (modified duration) 54


EFF (annual effective rate) 75, 76

END (end-of-period)

payments 22, 24

Ending payment (P2) 22, 24

End-of-period (END)

payments 22, 24

ENTER indicator 3


clearing 96

messages 96


accrued interest 58

amortization schedule 38

amount to borrow 36

annuities 30

balloon payment 40

bond price 58

compound interest 73

computing basic loan payments


constants 13

converting interest 76

correcting an entry error 7

cost-sell-markup 74

days between dates 78

discounted payback 49

down payment 36

editing cash flow data 48

entering cash flow data 48

future value (savings) 28

interest received 40

internal rate of return 49

last answer 14

lease with uneven payments 49

memory 12

Memory worksheet 83

modified duration 58

modified internal rate of return


monthly payments 40

monthly savings deposits 35

mortgage payments 38

net future value 49

net present value 48, 49, 50

other monthly payments 34

payback 49

percent change 73

perpetual annuities 30

present value (annuities) 29

present value (lease with

residual value) 33

present value (savings) 28

present value (variable cash

flow) 33

profit margin 79

regular deposits for specific

goals 37

remaining balance (balloon

payment) 40

residual value 33

saving for future 35

straight-line depreciation 62

EXP (exponential regression) 65, 67

Exponential regression (EXP) 65, 67


Face value 56

Factorial 10

FC (fixed cost) 80, 81

FCC statement ii

Fixed cost (FC) 80, 81

Floating-decimal format 4

Fnn (frequency of nth cash flow) 41

Forecasting 67


angle units 4, 5

calculation method 5

decimal places 4

number separators 4

setting 4


30/360 day-count method 95

accrued interest 90

actual/actual day-count method


amortization 87

108 Index

bond price (more than one

coupon period to

redemption) 90

bond price (one coupon period

or less to redemption) 89

bond yield (more than one

coupon period to

redemption) 90

bond yield (one coupon period

or less to redemption) 89

bonds 89

breakeven 94

cash flow 87

days between dates 94

depreciation 91

depreciation, declining-balance


depreciation, straight-line 91

depreciation, sum-of-the-years’-

digits 92

interest-rate conversions 93

internal rate of return 88

modified duration 90

modified internal rate of return

88, 89

net future value 88

net present value 87

percent change 93

profit margin 94

regressions 93

statistics 92

time-value-of-money 85

French declining balance (DBF) 59,

61, 62

French straight line (SLF) 59, 61, 62

Frequency 44

cash flow 88

coupon 55, 57

one-variable data 68

Y value 65, 67

Frequency of nth cash flow (Fnn) 41

Frequency of X value (Ynn) 67

Future value (FV) 22, 23, 24

FV (future value) 22, 23, 24


Grouped cash flows 43


Hard reset 6

HYP (hyperbolic) indicator 3

Hyperbolic (HYP) indicator 3


I (discount rate) 41

I/Y (interest rate per year) 22, 24

Inflows 21, 23, 25

Initial cash flow (CFo) 41

INS (insert) indicator 3

Insert (IND) indicator 3

INT (interest paid) 22, 24

Interest Conversion worksheet 74

Interest paid (INT) 22, 24

Interest rate per year (I/Y) 22, 24

Internal rate of return (IRR) 41, 45

INV (inverse) indicator 3

Inverse (INV) indicator 3

IRR (internal rate of return) 41, 45


Last Answer (ANS) feature 14

Leases 21

LIF (life of the asset) 59, 61, 62

Life of the asset (LIF) 59, 61, 62

LIN (linear regression) 65, 67

Linear regression (LIN) 65, 67

Ln (logarithmic regression) 65, 67

Loans 21, 24

Logarithmic regression (Ln) 65, 67


M01 (starting month) 59, 61, 62

M0–M9 (memory) 12, 82

MAR (profit margin) 79

Math operations 8

Mean of X (v) 65, 67

Mean of Y (v) 65


arithmetic 12

clearing 12

examples 12

recalling from 12

storing to 12

Memory worksheet 82–83

Index 109

MOD (modified internal rate of

return) 41, 45

Modified duration (DUR) 54

Modified internal rate of return

(MOD) 41, 45

Mortgages 21

Multiplication 8


n (number of observations) 65, 67

N (number of periods) 24

N (number of periods, TVM

worksheet) 22

Negative (–) indicator 3

Net future value (NFV) 41, 45

Net present value (NPV) 41, 45

NEW (new value) 72, 73, 74

New value (NEW) 72, 73, 74

NFV (net future value) 41, 45

NOM (nominal rate) 76

Nominal rate (NOM) 75, 76

NPV (net present value) 41, 45

Number of observations (n) 65, 67

Number of periods (#PD) 72, 73, 74

Number of periods (#PD), Percent

Change/Compound Interest

worksheet 72

Number of periods (N) 24

Number of periods (N), TVM

worksheet 22

Number separators format 4


OLD (old value) 72, 73, 74

Old value (OLD) 72, 73, 74

One coupon per year (1/Y) 54, 55, 57

One-variable statistics (1-V) 65, 67

Outflows 21, 25

Overview of calculator operation 1–



P (unit price) 80, 81

P/Y (payments per year) 22, 24, 25

P1 (starting payment) 22, 24

P2 (ending payment) 22, 24

Par value 56

Parentheses 8, 10

Payback (PB) 41, 45

Payment (PMT) 22, 23, 24

Payments per year (P/Y) 22, 24, 25

PB (payback) 41, 45

Percent 8

Percent add-on 8

Percent change (%CH) 72, 73, 74

Percent Change/Compound Interest

worksheet 71

Percent discount 8

Percent ratio 8

Permutations 8, 10

PFT (profit) 80, 81

PMT (payment) 22, 23, 24

Population standard deviation of X

((x) 65, 67

Population standard deviation of Y

((y) 65

Power regression (PWR) 65, 67

Predicted X value (X') 65, 67, 69

Predicted Y value (Y') 65, 67, 69

Premium bond 56

Present value (PV) 22, 23, 24

PRI (bond price) 58

PRI (dollar price) 54, 56, 57

Principal paid (PRN) 22, 24

PRN (principal paid) 22, 24


computing accrued interest 57

computing basic loan interest 26

computing bond price 57

computing bond yield 57

computing breakeven 81

computing breakeven quantity


computing compound interest


computing cost-sell-markup 72

computing dates 77

computing discounted payback


computing internal rate of

return 46

computing modified duration 58

computing modified internal

rate of return 46

110 Index

computing net future value 45

computing net present value 45

computing payback 45

computing percent change 72

computing profit margin 79

computing statistical results 69

computing X’ 69

computing Y’ 69

constants for various operations


converting interest 75

deleting cash flows 44

entering bond data 57

entering data points 68

entering depreciation data 62

generating a depreciation

schedule 62

generating amortization

schedules 25, 26

inserting cash flows 44

selecting a depreciation method


selecting a statistics calculation

method 69

selecting bond settings 57

using the memory worksheet 82

Profit (PFT) 80, 81

Profit margin (MAR) 79

Profit Margin worksheet 78–80

PV (present value) 22, 23, 24

PWR (power regression) 65, 67


Q (quantity) 80, 81

Quantity (Q) 80, 81


r (correlation coefficient) 65, 68

RAD (radians) 5

RAD (radians) indicator 3

Radians (RAD) 5

Radians (RAD) indicator 3

Random numbers 10

RBV (remaining book value) 59, 60,


RDT (redemption date) 54, 55, 56, 57

RDV (remaining depreciable value)

59, 60, 62

Reading the display 2

Recalling from memory 12

Redemption date (RDT) 54, 55, 56, 57

Redemption value (RV) 54, 55, 56

Regression models

exponential 67

linear 67

logarithmic 67

power 67

Reinvestment rate (RI) 41

Remaining book value (RBV) 59, 60,


Remaining depreciable value (RDV)

59, 60, 62


amortization variables 23

bond variables 54

breakeven variables 80

cash flow variables 42

date variables 77

depreciation variables 60

interest conversion variables 75

percent change/compound

interest variables 72

statistics variables 66

TVM variables 23

Resetting calculator 6

hard reset 6

pressing keys 6

RI (reinvestment rate) 41

Rounding 10, 98

RV (redemption value) 54, 55, 56, 57


SAL (salvage value) 59, 62

Salvage value (SAL) 59, 62

Sample standard deviation of X (Sx)

65, 67

Sample standard deviation of Y (Sy)


Savings 21

Scientific notation 11

SDT (settlement date) 54, 56, 57

Second (2nd)

functions 2

Index 111

indicator 3

Quit 2

SEL (selling price) 79

Selling price (SEL) 79

service and support 101

SET (setting) indicator 3

Setting (SET) indicator 3

Settlement date (SDT) 54, 56, 57

SL (straight line) 59, 61, 62

SLF (French straight line) 59, 61, 62

Slope (b) 65

Square 8

Square root 8

Starting date (DT1) 62

Starting month (M01) 59, 61, 62

Starting payment (P1) 22, 24

Statistical data 68

Statistics worksheet 65–69

Storing to memory 12

Straight line (SL) 59, 61, 62

Subtraction 8

Sum of the years’ digits (SYD) 59, 61,


Sum of X (GX) 65, 67

Sum of X² (GX²) 65, 67

Sum of XY products (GXY) 65

Sum of Y (GY) 65

Sum of Y² (GY²) 65

support and service 101

Sx (sample standard deviation of X)

65, 67

Sy (sample standard deviation of Y)


SYD (sum of the years’ digits) 59, 61,



Time-Value-of-Money (TVM)

worksheet 15, 16, 18, 21

Time-Value-of-Money and

Amortization worksheets ??–40

Turning calculator off 1

Turning calculator on 1

TVM (Time-Value-of-Money)

worksheet 15, 16, 18, 21

Two coupons per year (2/Y) 54, 55, 57

Two-variable statistics 67, 69


Uneven cash flows 43

Unit price (P) 80, 81

Universal power 8


Value assigned (=) indicator 3

Value computed (*) indicator 3

Value entered (1) indicator 3

Variable cost per unit (VC) 80, 81

VC (variable cost per unit) 80, 81


warranty 102

What-if calculations 15


Amortization 21

Bond 53

Breakeven 80

Cash Flow 41

Date 76

Depreciation 59

display indicators 19

Interest Conversion 74

Memory 82

Percent Change/Compound

Interest 71

Profit Margin 78

prompted 18

TVM (Time-Value-of-Money) 15,

16, 18, 21

variables 15, 16, 17, 18


X value (Xnn) 65, 67

X' (predicted X value) 65, 67, 69

Xnn (X value) 65, 67

xP/Y key (multiply payments per

year) 25


Y' (predicted Y value) 65, 67

Year to compute (YR) 59, 61, 62

Yield to maturity 56

Yield to redemption (YLD) 54, 57

Y-intercept (a) 65

YLD (yield to redemption) 54, 57

Ynn (frequency of X value) 65, 67

YR (year to compute) 59, 61, 62