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[COMPANY NAME] is committed to providing the best possible working conditions for its employees. Part of this commitment is encouraging an open and frank atmosphere in which any problem, complaint, suggestion, or question receives a timely response from [COMPANY NAME] supervisors and management.

[COMPANY NAME] strives to ensure fair and honest treatment of all employees. Supervisors, managers, and employees are expected to treat each other with mutual respect. Employees are encouraged to offer positive and constructive criticism.

If employees disagree with established rules of conduct, policies, or practices, they can express their concern through the problem resolution procedure. No employee will be penalized, formally or informally, for voicing a complaint with [COMPANY NAME] in a reasonable, business-like manner, or for using the problem resolution procedure.

If a situation occurs when employees believe that a condition of employment or a decision affecting them is unjust or inequitable, they are encouraged to make use of the following steps. The employee may discontinue the procedure at any step.

1.         Employee presents problem to immediate supervisor after incident occurs. If supervisor is unavailable or employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, employee may present problem to [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] or any other member of management.

2.         Supervisor responds to problem during discussion or after consulting with appropriate management, when necessary. Supervisor documents discussion.

3.         Employee presents problem to [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] if problem is unresolved.

4.         [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] counsels and advises employee, assists in putting problem in writing and visits with employee's manager(s), if necessary.

5.         Employee presents problem to the President in writing.

6.         The President reviews and considers problem. The President informs employee of decision and forwards copy of written response to [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] for employee's file. The President has full authority to make any adjustment deemed appropriate to resolve the problem.

Not every problem can be resolved to everyone's total satisfaction, but only through understanding and discussion of mutual problems can employees and management develop confidence in each other. This confidence is important to the operation of an efficient and harmonious work environment, and helps to ensure everyone's job security.

[COMPANY NAME] is committed to providing the best possible working conditions for its employees. Part of this commitment is encouraging an open and frank atmosphere in which any problem, complaint, suggestion, or question receives a timely response from [COMPANY NAME] supervisors and management.

[COMPANY NAME] strives to ensure fair and honest treatment of all employees. Supervisors, managers, and employees are expected to treat each other with mutual respect. Employees are encouraged to offer positive and constructive criticism.

If employees disagree with established rules of conduct, policies, or practices, they can express their concern through the problem resolution procedure. No employee will be penalized, formally or informally, for voicing a complaint with [COMPANY NAME] in a reasonable, business-like manner, or for using the problem resolution procedure.

If a situation occurs when employees believe that a condition of employment or a decision affecting them is unjust or inequitable, they are encouraged to make use of the following steps. The employee may discontinue the procedure at any step.

1.         Employee presents problem to immediate supervisor after incident occurs. If supervisor is unavailable or employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, employee may present problem to [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] or any other member of management.

2.         Supervisor responds to problem during discussion or after consulting with appropriate management, when necessary. Supervisor documents discussion.

3.         Employee presents problem to [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] if problem is unresolved.

4.         [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] counsels and advises employee, assists in putting problem in writing and visits with employee's manager(s), if necessary.

5.         Employee presents problem to the President in writing.

6.         The President reviews and considers problem. The President informs employee of decision and forwards copy of written response to [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR OTHER] for employee's file. The President has full authority to make any adjustment deemed appropriate to resolve the problem.

Not every problem can be resolved to everyone's total satisfaction, but only through understanding and discussion of mutual problems can employees and management develop confidence in each other. This confidence is important to the operation of an efficient and harmonious work environment, and helps to ensure everyone's job security.