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a cane non magno sæpe tenetur aper: a boar is often held by a not-so-large dog


a facto ad jus non datur consequentia: the inference from the fact to the law is not


a fonte puro pura defluit aqua: from a pure spring pure water flows

a fronte præcipitium a tergo lupi: a precipice before (me), wolves behind (me) (i.e.,

caught between death and dismemberment)

a minimis quoque timendum: one ought to fear even the tiniest of creatures

a prima descendit origine mundi causarum series: even from the first beginnings

of the world descends a series of causes (Lucan)

a proximis quisque minime anteiri vult: no one likes to be surpassed by those of

his own level (Livy)

a verbis legis non est recedendum: from the words of the law there is no departure

ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia: (fig.) the abuse of a thing is no

argument against its use

ab actu ad posse valet illatio: it is possible to infer the future from the past

ab alio expectes, alteri quod feceris: what you do to others, you may expect

another to do to you (Laberius and Publilius Syrus)

ab alto speres alteri quod feceris: expect from Heaven what you have done to


ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa: from this and from this and from that (i.e., from here,

there, and everywhere; confusedly)

ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret: nothing deters a good man from what

honor requires of him (Seneca)

ab inopia ad virtutem obsepta est via: the way from poverty to virtue is an

obstructed one

ab uno disce omnes: from one learn all (i.e., from one sample we judge the rest)


abeunt studia in mores: pursuits become habits (Ovid)

abi in malam crucem: (fig.) to the devil with you!

abores serit diligens agricola, quarum adspiciet baccam ipse numquam: the

diligent farmer plants trees of which he himself will never see the fruit (Cicero)

absens hæres non erit: the absent one will not be the heir (i.e., out of sight, out of


absentem lædit cum ebrio qui litigat: to quarrel with a drunk is to dispute with a

man who is not there (Publilius Syrus)

absque argento omnia vana actus legis nulli facit injuriam

absque argento omnia vana: without money all is vain

abstineto a fabis: abstain from beans (i.e., have nothing to do with elections—the

ballot having been cast with beans)

absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit: it is absurd that he

should rule others who knows not how to rule himself

abundans cautela non nocet: abundant caution does no harm

abusus non tollit usum: abuse does not take away use

accensa domo proximi, tua quoque periclitatur: when your neighbor’s house is on

fire, yours is likewise in danger

acceptissima semper munera sunt, auctor quæ pretiosa facit: those gifts are

always the most acceptable that owe their value to the giver (Ovid)

accidit in puncto, et toto contingit in anno: it happens in a moment, and happens

all year long

accidit in puncto quod non contingit in anno: what does not occur in the whole

course of the year may happen in a moment

accipere quam facere præstat injuriam: it is better to receive than to do an injury


acclinus falsis animus meliora recusat: the mind attracted by what is false refuses

better things (Horace)

accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo: no one is bound to accuse himself unless

it be before God

acer et ad palmæ per se cursurus honores, si tamen horteris fortius ibit equus:

the spirited horse, which will of itself strive to win the race, will run still more

swiftly if encouraged (Ovid)

acer et vehemens bonus orator: a good orator is pointed and impassioned (Cicero)

acerrima proximorum odia: the hatred of those closest to us is the most bitter


acerrimus ex omnibus nostris sensibus est sensus videndi: the keenest of all our

senses is the sense of sight (Cicero)

acribus initiis, incurioso fine: alert (or energetic) at the beginning, careless (or

negligent) at the end (Tacitus)

acta deos nunquam mortalia fallunt: the deeds of men never escape the gods


acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta: external actions indicate internal secrets

acti labores jucundi: the remembrance of past labors is pleasant

actio personalis moritur cum persona: a personal action (or right) dies with the


actis ævum implet, non segnibus annis: his lifetime is full of deeds, not of indolent

years (Ovid)

actum ne agas: do not do what is done (i.e., leave well enough alone) (Terence and


actus Dei nemini facit injuriam: the act of God does injury to no one

actus Dei nemini nocet: the act of God brings harm to no one

actus legis nulli facit injuriam: the act of the law does injury to no one

actus me invito factus, non est meus adversus miseros … inhumanus est

actus me invito factus, non est meus actus: an act done against my will is not my


actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea: the act does not make the person guilty,

unless the mind be guilty

ad auctores redit sceleris coacti culpa: the guilt of enforced crimes lies on those

who impose them (Seneca)

ad calamitatem quilibet rumor valet: any rumor is sufficient against calamity (i.e.,

when a disaster happens, every report confirming it obtains ready credence)

ad damnum adderetur injuria: that would be adding insult to injury (Cicero)

ad Græcas kalendas soluturos: they will pay at the Greek calends (i.e., never; there

is no Greek calends) (Cжsar Augustus)

ad mala quisque animum referat sua: let each recall his own woes (Ovid)

ad nocendum potentes sumus: we all have power to do harm (Seneca)

ad perditam securim manubrium adjicere: to throw the handle after the hatchet

(i.e., to give up in despair)

ad perniciem solet agi sinceritas: honesty is often goaded to ruin (Phжdrus)

ad poenitendum properat, cito qui judicat: the one who judges in haste repents in

haste (Publilius Syrus)

ad præsens ova cras pullis sunt meliora: eggs today are better than chickens

tomorrow (i.e., a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush)

ad quæstionem legis respondent judices, ad quæstionem facti respondent

juratores: it is the judge’s business to answer to the question of law, the jury’s to

answer to the question of fact

ad tristem partem strenua est suspicio: one is quick to suspect where one has

suffered harm before (or, the losing side is full of suspicion) (Publilius Syrus)

ad vivendum velut ad natandum is melior qui onere liberior: he is better

equipped for life, as for swimming, who has the lesser to carry (Apuleius)

addecet honeste vivere: it much becomes us to live honorably

addere legi justitiam decus: it is to one’s honor to combine justice with law

adeo facilius est multa facere quam diu: it is much easier to try one’s hand at many

things than to concentrate one’s powers on one thing (Quintilian)

adeo in teneris consuescere multum est: so much depends upon habit in the

tender years (i.e., such are the advantages of an early education) (Virgil)

adhibenda est in jocando moderatio: moderation should be used in joking (Cicero)

adhuc tua messis in herba est: your crop is still in grass (Ovid)

adjuvat in bello pacatæ ramus olivæ: in war the olive branch of peace is of use (Ovid)

adolescentem verecundum esse decet: it becomes a young man to be modest


adsit regula, peccatis quæ poenas irroget æquas: have a rule apportioning to each

offense its appropriate penalty (Horace)

adversæ res admonent religionum: adversity reminds men of religion (Livy)

adversus miseros … inhumanus est jocus: jokes directed against the unfortunate

are inhumane (Quintilian)

adversus solem ne loquitor

aliena pericula, cautiones nostræ

adversus solem ne loquitor: neither speak against the sun (i.e., do not dispute with

what is obvious)

ædificatum solo, solo cedit: the thing built on the land goes with the land

ægrescit medendo: he grows worse with the treatment (i.e., the remedy is worse

than the disease) (adapted from Virgil)

ægroto, dum anima est, spes est: to the sick, while there is life there is hope


æmulatio æmulationem parit: emulation begets emulation

æqua lege necessitas, sortitur insignes et imos: necessity apportions impartiality

to the high and the low (Horace)

æqua tellus pauperi recluditur regumque pueris: the impartial earth opens alike

for the child of the pauper and that of the king (Horace)

æquabit nigras candida una dies: one single bright day will equal the black ones

æquari pavet alta minori: a lofty thing fears being made equal with a lower

æquo animo poenam, qui meruere, ferant: let those who have deserved their

punishment bear it patiently (Ovid)

æquum est peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus: the one who asks pardon

for faults should grant the same to others (Horace)

ære quandoque salutem redimendam: safety must sometimes be bought with


ærugo animi, rubigo ingenii: rusty mind, blighted genius (i.e., idleness is the blight

of genius)

æs debitorem leve, gravius inimicum facit: a slight debt produces a debtor, a large

one an enemy (Laberius)

æstimatio delicti præteriti ex post facto non crescit: the nature of a crime is not

altered by subsequent acts

ætatem non tegunt tempora: our temples do not conceal our age

ævo rarissima nostro simplicitas: simplicity is nowadays very rare (Ovid)

age officium tuum: act your office

agentes, et consentientes, pari poena puniendi: those acting and those consenting

ought to bear equal punishment

agite pro viribus: act according to your strength

alia res sceptrum, alia plectrum: ruling men is one thing, entertaining them is


aliæ nationes servitutem pati possunt, populi Romani est propria libertas:

other nations may be able to put up with slavery, but liberty is peculiar to the

Roman people (Cicero)

aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent: other people’s things are more pleasing to

us, and ours to other people (Publilius Syrus)

aliena opprobria sæpe absterrent vitiis: we are often deterred from crime by the

disgrace of others (Horace)

aliena optimum frui insania: it is best to profit by the madness of others

aliena pericula, cautiones nostræ: others’ dangers are our warnings aliena vitia in oculis habemus amabit sapiens, cupient cæteri

aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt: the vices of others we have

before our eyes, our own are behind our backs (Seneca)

alieno in loco haud stabile regnum est: the throne of another is not stable (i.e.,

sovereignty over a foreign land is insecure) (Seneca)

alienos agros irrigas tuis sitientibus: you water the fields of others while your own

are parched

alienum est omne quicquid optando evenit: what we obtain merely by asking is

not really our own (Publilius Syrus)

alii sementem faciunt, alii metentem: some do the planting, others the reaping

aliis lætus, sapiens sibi: cheerful for others, wise for himself

aliorum medicus, ipse ulceribus scates: a physician to others, while you yourself

are full of ulcers

aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus: sometimes even the good Homer nods off


aliquando et insanire jucundum est: it is pleasant at times to play the madman


aliquid mali propter vicinum malum: something bad from a bad neighbor (i.e., to

be harmed because of an evil neighbor)

aliquis malo sit usus ab illo: let us derive some use or benefit from that evil

aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa: no one should be a judge in his own


aliter catuli longe olent, aliter sues: puppies and pigs have a very different smell


alitur vitium vivitque tegendo: the taint is nourished and lives by being concealed

(i.e., vice lives and thrives by secrecy) (Virgil)

aliud est celare, aliud tacere: it is one thing to conceal, another to be silent

aliud legunt pueri, aliud viri, aliud senes: boys read books one way, men another,

old men another (Terence)

alium silere quod valeas (or voles), primus sile: to make another person hold his

tongue, be first silent (Seneca)

alius est amor, alius cupido: love is one thing, lust another (Lucius Afranius)

alius peccat, alius plectitur: one man sins, the other is punished

allegans contraria non est audiendus: no one is to be heard whose evidence is


alta sedent civilis vulnera dextræ: deep-seated are the wounds dealt out in civil

conflict (or civil wars) (Lucan)

alteri sic tibi: do to another as to yourself

alterum alterius auxilio eget: one thing needs the help of another

altissima quæque flumina minimo sono labuntur: the deepest rivers flow with the

least noise (i.e., still waters run deep) (Curtius)

ama et fac quod vis: love and do what you will (adapted from St. Augustine)

amabit sapiens, cupient cæteri: the wise man loves, the others are lecherous

(Lucius Afranius)

amans iratus multa mentitur amittit merito proprium

amans iratus multa mentitur: an angry lover tells himself many lies (Publilius


amantes amentes: in love, in delirium (Terence)

amantes sunt amentes: lovers are lunatics (Terence)

amantium iræ amoris redintegratio est: the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of

love (Terence)

amare et sapere vix deo conceditur: even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at

the same time (Publilius Syrus and Laberius)

amarus vitiorum fructus: the fruit of sin is bitter

amat victoria curam: victory and care are close friends

ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est: an ambiguous

contract is to be interpreted against the seller

amici probantur rebus adversis: friends are proved by adversity (Cicero)

amici vitium ni feras, prodis tuum: unless you bear with the faults of a friend, you

betray your own (Publilius Syrus)

amicitia fucata vitanda: feigned friendship [is] to be avoided

amicitia semper prodest, amor et nocet: friendship always benefits, love

sometimes injures (Seneca and Publilius Syrus)

amicitiæ immortales, mortales inimicitias debere esse: friendships should be

immortal, enmities should be mortal (Livy)

amico ficto nulla fit injuria: no injury is done to a feigned friend

amicorum esse communia omnia: friends’ goods are common property

amicos esse fures temporis: friends are thieves of time (Francis Bacon)

amicum ita habeas, posse ut fieri hunc inimicum scias: be on such terms with

your friend as if you knew that he might one day become your enemy (Laberius)

amicum perdere est damnorum maximum: to lose a friend is the greatest of all

losses (Publilius Syrus)

amicus certus in re incerta cernitur: a true friend is certain when certainty is

uncertain (i.e., a friend in need is a friend indeed) (Ennius)

amicus est unus animus in duobus corporibus: a friend is one soul in two bodies


amicus in necessitate probatur: a friend is proven in time of necessity (or, a friend

in need is a friend indeed)

amicus Plato, amicus Socrates, sed magis amica veritas: Plato is my friend,

Socrates is my friend, but truth is more my friend

amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas: Plato is my friend, but truth is more my friend

amicus verus rara avis: a true friend is a rare bird

amicus vitæ solatium: a friend is the solace of life

amittimus iisdem modis quibus acquirimus: we gain and lose by the same means

amittit famam qui se indignis comparat: he loses repute who compares himself

with unworthy people (Phжdrus)

amittit merito proprium, qui alienum appetit: the one who covets what is

another’s deservedly loses what is his own (Phжdrus) amor animi arbitrio sumitur appetitus rationi pareat

amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur: we choose to love, we do not chose to

cease loving (Publilius Syrus)

amor Dei et proximi summa beatitudo: the love of God and our neighbor is the

highest happiness

amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus: love has both honey and gall in

abundance (Plautus)

amor gignit amorem: love begets love

amor omnibus idem: love is the same in all (Virgil)

amor tussisque non celantur: love, and a cough, are not concealed (Ovid)

amoris vulnus idem sanat qui facit: love’s wounds are cured by love itself (Publilius


an nescis longas regibus esse manus?: do you not know that kings have long

hands? (Ovid)

an quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam cui licet, ut voluit?: is any man

free except the one who can pass his life as he pleases? (Persius)

anguillam cauda tenes: you hold an eel by the tail (i.e., you have caught a lion by

the tail)

anguis in herba latet: a snake concealed in the grass

animi cultus quasi quidam humanitatis cibus: cultivation is as necessary to the

soul as food is to the body (Cicero)

animi scrinium servitus: servitude [is] the cage of the soul

animo ægrotanti medicus est oratio: kind words are as a physician to an afflicted


animum rege, qui nisi paret imperat: rule your spirit well, for if it is not subject to

you, it will rule over you (Horace)

animus æquus optimum est ærumnæ condimentum: a patient mind is the best

remedy for trouble (Plautus)

animus est nobilitas: the soul is the nobility

animus hominis est anima scripti: the intention of the person is the intention of

the written instrument

animus tamen omnia vincit; ille etiam vires corpus habere facit: courage

conquers all things; it even gives strength to the body (Ovid)

annus inceptus habetur pro completo: a year begun we reckon as completed

ante victoriam ne canas triumphum: do not celebrate your triumph before you

have conquered

antiquissima quæque commenticia: all that is most ancient is a lie (or, a fiction)

antiquitas sæculi juventus mundi: ancient times were the youth of the world

(Francis Bacon)

aperit præcordia liber: wine opens the seals of the heart (Horace)

aperte mala cum est mulier, tum demum est bona: when a woman is openly bad,

she then is at the best (i.e., open dishonesty is preferable to concealed hypocrisy)

apex est autem senectutis auctoritas: the crown of old age is authority (Cicero)

appetitus rationi pareat: let your desires be governed by reason (Cicero)

aqua profunda est quieta attendite vobis

aqua profunda est quieta: still water runs deep

aquam a pumice nunc postulas: you are trying to get water from a stone (Plautus)

arbore dejecta quivis (or qui vult) ligna colligit: when the tree is thrown down,

anyone who wishes may gather the wood (i.e., even the lowliest will gather the

fruits of the fallen tyrant)

arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum aspiciet baccam ipse nunquam: the

industrious husbandman plants trees, not one berry of which he will ever see


arcanum demens detegit ebrietas: mad drunkenness discloses every secret (Virgil)

arcum intensio frangit, animum remissio: straining breaks the bow, and relaxation

the mind (Publilius Syrus)

ardua deturbans vis animosa quatit: the strength of courage shatters higher things

ardua enim res famam præcipitantem retrovertere: it is a hard thing to prop up a

falling reputation (Francis Bacon)

ardua res hæc est opibus non tradere mores: it is a hard thing not to surrender

morals for riches (Martial)

arma pacis fulcra: arms are the props (or buttresses) of peace

arma tenenti omnia dat, qui justa negat: the one who refuses what is just, gives up

everything to an enemy in arms (Lucan)

ars fit ubi a teneris crimen condiscitur annis: where crime is taught from early

years, it becomes a part of nature (Ovid)

ars prima regni posse te invidiam pati: the first art to be learned by a ruler is to

endure envy (Seneca)

ars varia vulpis, ast una echino maxima: the fox has many tricks, the hedgehog has

one, and it is the greatest of them

artes serviunt vitæ; sapientia imperat: the arts are the servants of life; wisdom its

master (Seneca)

asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher: as an ass is beautiful to an ass, so a pig is to a pig

asperæ facetiæ, ubi nimis ex vero traxere, acrem sui memoriam relinquunt: a

bitter jest, when it comes too near the truth, leaves a sharp sting behind it (Tacitus)

asperius nihil est humili cum surgit in altum: nothing is more harsh (or galling)

than a low man raised to a high position (Claudian)

aspirat primo Fortuna labori: Fortune smiles upon our first effort (Virgil)

assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem sæpe vincit: constant

practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill (Cicero)

at caret insidiis hominum, quia mitis, hirundo: the swallow is not ensnared by

men because of its gentle nature (Ovid)

at pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier: his est: it is pleasing to be pointed at

with the finger and to have it said: there he goes (Persius)

atria regum hominibus plena sunt, amicis vacua: the courts of kings are full of

men, empty of friends (Seneca)

atrocitatis mansuetudo est remedium: gentleness is the remedy for cruelty


attendite vobis: attend to yourselves auctor pretiosa facit barbaris ex fortuna pendet fides

auctor pretiosa facit: the giver makes the gift precious (adapted from Ovid)

audacter calumniare, semper aliquid hæret: hurl calumny boldly, some of it

always sticks (Francis Bacon)

audax ad omnia foemina, quæ vel amat vel odit: a woman, when she either loves

or hates, will dare anything

audendo magnus tegitur timor: great fear is concealed under daring (Lucan)

audi alteram partem: hear the other party (i.e., listen to both sides) (St. Augustine)

audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace: use your ears and eyes, but hold your tongue,

if you would live in peace

audiatur et altera pars: let the other side also have a hearing (Seneca)

audire est operæ pretium: it is worth your while to hear (Horace)

auri sacra fames quid non?: what does the accursed greed for gold not drive men to


auro loquente nihil pollet quævis ratio: when gold speaks, not even the least

reason avails

auro quæque janua panditur: a golden key opens any door

aurum omnes victa jam pietate colunt: all men now worship gold, all other types

of reverence being done away

auscultare disce, si nescis loqui: if you do not know how to talk, learn to listen

(Pomponius Bononiensis)

aut disce, aut discede; manet sors tertia, cædi: either learn, or depart; a third

course is open to you, and that is, submit to be flogged

aut non tentaris, aut perfice: either do not try it or go through with it (Ovid)

aut nunquam tentes aut perfice: either never attempt or accomplish (i.e., try not,

do!; after Ovid)

aut prodesse volunt aut delectare poëtæ: poets wish either to profit or to please


aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportere: a man ought to be born either a king or a

fool (Seneca)

auxilia humilia firma consensus facit: union gives strength to the humblest of aids

(Laberius and Publilius Syrus)

auxilium non leve vultus habet: a pleasing countenance is no small advantage


avarus, nisi cum moritur, nil recte facit: a miser does nothing right except when he



barbæ tenus sapientes: men are wise as far as their beards (referring to those who

pretend to have knowledge they do not in fact possess)

barbaris ex fortuna pendet fides: the fidelity of barbarians depends on fortune


bastardus nullius est filius

bis est gratum quod opus est, si ultro

bastardus nullius est filius, aut filius populi: a bastard is the son of no one, or the

son of the people

beati monoculi in regione cærcorum: blessed is the one-eyed person in the

country of the blind

beatus autem esse sine virtute nemo potest: no one can be happy without virtue


beatus enim nemo dici potest extra veritatem projectus: no one can be called

happy who is living a life of falsehood (Seneca)

bella gerant alii: leave war to others (Ovid)

bellum nec timendum nec provocandum: war ought neither to be dreaded nor

provoked (Pliny the Younger)

bene agendo nunquam defessus: never weary of doing good (after Galatians 6:9)

bene dormit, qui non sentit quod male dormiat: he sleeps well who is not

conscious that he sleeps ill

bene est cui Deus obtulit parca quod satis est manu: well for him to whom God

has given enough with a sparing hand

bene orasse est bene studuisse: to have prayed well is to have striven well (Ovid)

bene qui latuit bene vixit: well has he lived who has lived a retired life (i.e., he who

has lived in obscurity has lived in security) (Ovid)

bene qui pacifice: he lives well who lives peacefully

bene qui sedulo: he lives well who lives industriously

beneficia dare qui nescit, injuste petit: the one who knows not how to confer a

kindness has not the right to ask any for himself

beneficia plura recipit qui scit reddere: he receives the most favors who knows

how to return them (Publilius Syrus)

beneficium accipere libertatem vendere est: to accept a favor is to sell one’s

liberty (Publilius Syrus and Laberius)

beneficium dignis ubi des, omnes obliges: where you confer a benefit on those

worthy of it, you confer a favor on all (Publilius Syrus)

beneficium invito non datur: no benefit can be conferred upon one who will not

accept it

beneficium non est, cujus sine rubore meminisse non possum: a favor that a

person cannot recall without a blush is not a favor (Seneca)

beneficium non in eo quot fit aut datur consistit sed in ipso dantis aut facientis

animo: a benefit consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the

giver or doer (Seneca)

benignus etiam dandi causam cogitat: even the benevolent man reflects upon the

cause of giving

bibamus, moriendum est: let us drink, death is certain (Seneca the Elder)

bilingues cavendi: one should beware of the double-tongued

bis dat qui cito dat: he gives twice who gives quickly (Cervantes)

bis dat qui temptestive donat: he gives twice who gives on time

bis est gratum quod opus est, si ultro offeras: the kindness is doubled if what

must be given is given willingly

bis interimitur qui suis armis perit bos lassus fortius figit pedem

bis interimitur qui suis armis perit: he dies twice who perishes by his own weapons

(i.e., by his own devices) (Publilius Syrus)

bis peccare in bello non licet: it is not permitted to err twice in war

bis pueri senes: old men are twice children

bis repetita placent: that which pleases is twice repeated (Horace)

bis vincit qui se vincit: he conquers twice who conquers himself

bis vivit qui bene vivit: he lives twice who lives well

bona nemini hora est, ut non alicui sit mala: there is no hour good for one man

that is not bad for another (Publilius Syrus)

bonæ leges malis ex moribus proceantur: good laws grow out of evil acts


bonarum rerum consuetudo pessima est: nothing is worse than being accustomed

to good things (or good fortune) (Publilius Syrus)

boni judicis est lites dirimere: a good judge is one who prevents litigation

boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere: it is the duty of a good shepherd

to shear his sheep, not to flay them (Emperor Tiberius, in reference to taxation)

bonis a divitibus nihil timendum: good men ought to fear nothing from the rich

bonis nocet quisquis pepercerit malis: he hurts the good who spares the bad

(Publilius Syrus)

bonis quod bene fit (or benefit) haud perit: whatever good is done for good men

is never done in vain (Plautus)

bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem: it is not goodness to be better than the

worst (Seneca)

bonum ego quam beatum me esse nimio dici mavolo: I would rather be called

good than well off (Plautus)

bonum est fugienda aspicere in alieno malo: it is good to see in the misfortune of

another what we should shun ourselves (Publilius Syrus)

bonum est, pauxillum amare sane, insane non bonum est: it is good to be

moderately sane in love, but it is not good to be insanely in love (Plautus)

bonum magis carendo quam fruendo cernitur: that which is good is perceived

more strongly in its absence than in its enjoyment

bonum vinum lætificat cor hominis: good wine makes men’s hearts rejoice

bonum virum facile crederes, magnum libenter: you might believe a good man

easily, a great man with pleasure (Tacitus)

bonus animus in mala re dimidium est mali: good courage in a bad circumstance

is half of the evil overcome (Plautus)

bonus atque fidus judex honestum prætulit utili: a good and faithful judge ever

prefers the honorable to the expedient (Horace)

bonus dux bonum reddit militem: the good leader makes good soldiers

bonus judex damnat improbanda, non odit: the good judge condemns the crime,

but does not hate the criminal (Seneca)

bonus vir semper tiro: a good man is always learning

bos lassus fortius figit pedem: the tired ox plants its foot more firmly

brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit

casta ad virum matrona parendo

brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit longior (also, brevis ipsa vita est sed longior

malis): life itself is short but evils make it longer (Publilius Syrus)

brevis voluptas mox doloris est parens: short-lived pleasure is the parent of pain

brevissima ad divitias per contemptum divitiarum via est: the shortest way to

wealth lies in the contempt of wealth (Seneca)


cadit ira metu: fear causes anger to subside (Ovid)

cæca invidia est: envy is blind (Livy)

cæcus non judicat de colore: the blind do not judge of colors

cælum (or coelum) non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt: they change the

sky, not their soul, who run across the sea (Horace)

Cæsar non supra grammaticos: Cжsar has no authority over the grammarians

cæteris major qui melior: the one who is better than all others is greater

calamitosus est animus futuri anxius: dreadful is the state of that mind that is

anxious about the future (Seneca)

calumniam contra calumniatorem virtus repellit: virtue turns calumny back

against the calumniator

camelus desiderans cornua etiam aures perdidit: the camel, begging for horns,

was deprived of its ears as well

candida pax homines, trux decet ira feras: white-robed peace becomes men,

savage anger becomes wild beasts (Ovid)

candide secure: honesty is the best policy

canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet (pl. canes timidi vehementius

latrant quam mordent): a timid dog barks more violently than it bites (Curtius)

cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator: the empty-handed traveler sings before the

robber (i.e., the penniless man has nothing to lose) (Juvenal)

capiat qui capere possit: let him take who can (i.e., catch as catch can)

captantes capti sumus: we catchers have been caught (i.e., the biter is bitten)

cara Deo nihilo carent: God’s beloved are in want of nothing

caret periculo, qui etiam (cum est) tutus cavet: he is most free from danger, who,

even when safe, is on his guard (Publilius Syrus)

carior est illis homo quam sibi: man is dearer to them (the gods) than to himself


carpe diem, quam minimum (or minime) credula postero: seize the day, trusting

little in tomorrow (Horace)

carpent tua poma nepotes: your descendants will pick your fruit

caseus est sanus quem dat avara manus: cheese is healthy when given with a

sparing hand

casta ad virum matrona parendo imperat: a chaste wife acquires an influence over

her husband by obeying him (Laberius and Publilius Syrus) casus quem sæpe transit, aliquando cito maturum, cito putridum

casus quem sæpe transit, aliquando invenit: chance (or misfortune) will at some

time or another find the one whom it has often passed by (Publilius Syrus)

catus amat pisces, sed non vult tingere plantas: a cat likes fish, but it does not like

to wet its paws

causarum ignoratio in re nova mirationem facit: in extraordinary events

ignorance of their causes produces astonishment (Cicero)

cautionis is in re plus quam in persona: goods are better sureties than the debtor’s


cautis pericula prodesse aliorum solent: prudent people are ever ready to profit

from the experiences of others (Phжdrus)

cautus metuit foveam lupus: the cautious wolf fears the snare

cave ab homine unius libri: beware of the man of one book (adapted from St.

Thomas Aquinas)

cave ignoscas: take care not to overlook or forgive

cave ne cadas: take heed you do not fall (i.e., beware of falling from your high


cave ne quidquam incipias, quod post poeniteat: take care not to begin anything

of which you may repent (Publilius Syrus)

cave quid dicis, quando et cui: beware what you say, when, and to whom

cavendi nulla est dimittenda occasio: no occasion to be alert is to be overlooked

cavendum a meretricibus: one ought to beware of prostitutes

cedant arma togæ, concedant laurea laudi: let arms yield to the toga, laurels to

pжans (Cicero )

celsæ graviore casu decidunt turres: lofty towers fall with a heavier crash (Horace)

certa amittimus dum incerta petimus: we lose things certain in pursuing things

uncertain (Plautus)

certanti et resistenti victoria cedit: victory yields to the one who struggles and


certe ignoratio futurorum malorum utilius est quam scientia: it is more

advantageous not to know than to know the evils that are coming upon us (Cicero)

certis rebus certa signa præcurrunt: certain signs precede certain events (Cicero)

certum pete finem: aim at a certain end (i.e., aim at a sure thing)

certum voto pete finem: set a definite limit to your desire (Horace)

charitas non quærit quæ sua sunt: love does not seek things for itself

charta non erubescit: a document does not blush

cineri gloria sera est (or cineri gloria sera venit): glory paid to ashes (the dead)

comes too late (Martial)

citius venit periculum cum contemnitur: the danger we despise comes quickest

upon us (Publius Syrus and Laberius)

cito enim arescit lacrima, præsertim in alienis malis: for a tear is quickly dried,

especially when shed for the misfortunes of others (Cicero)

cito maturum, cito putridum: soon ripe, soon rotten

cito rumpes arcum consilio melius vinces quam

cito rumpes arcum, semper si tensum habueris, at si laxaris, quum voles, erit

utilis: a bow kept taut will quickly break, but kept loosely strung, it will serve you

when you need it (Phжdrus)

cito scribendo non fit, ut bene scribatur; bene scribendo fit, ut cito: write

quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly


claude os, aperi oculos: close your mouth, open your eyes

coelum (or cælum) non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt: those who cross

the sea change their climate, but not their character (Horace)

cogas amantem irasci, amare si velis: you must make a lover angry if you wish him

to love (Publilius Syrus)

cogenda mens est ut incipiat: the mind must be stimulated for it to make a

beginning (Seneca)

cogi qui potest nescit mori: the one who can be compelled knows not how to die


cogitationis poenam nemo meretur: no one deserves punishment for a thought

colossus magnitudinem suam servabit etiam si steterit in puteo: a giant will

keep his size even though he will have stood in a well (Seneca)

comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est: a pleasant companion on the road is as

good as a vehicle (Publilius Syrus)

commune naufragium omnibus est consolatio: a shipwreck that is common to all

is a consolation

commune periculum concordiam parit: a common danger begets unity

communia esse amicorum inter se omnia: all things are common among friends


communis error facit jus: sometimes common error makes law

compendia dispendia: short cuts are roundabouts

compendiaria res improbitas, virtusque tarda: wickedness takes the shorter road,

and virtue the longer

compesce mentem: control your temper (Horace)

concordia res parvæ crescunt, discordia maximæ dilabuntur: with concord small

things increase, with discord the greatest things go to ruin (Sallust)

conjunctio maris et foeminæ est de jure naturæ: the conjuction of man and

woman is of the law of nature

conscia mens recti famæ mendacia risit (or ridet): the mind conscious of integrity

scorns the lies of rumor (Ovid)

conscientia rectæ voluntatis maxima consolatio est rerum incommodarum: the

consciousness of good intention is the greatest solace of misfortunes (Cicero)

consilia res magis dant hominibus quam homines rebus: men’s plans should be

regulated by the circumstances, not circumstances by the plans (Livy)

consiliis nox apta ducum, lux aptior armis: night is the time for counsel, day for

arms (Caius Rabirius)

consilio melius vinces quam iracundia: you will conquer more surely by prudence

than by passion (Publilius Syrus) constans et lenis, ut res expostulet crimina qui cernunt aliorum

constans et lenis, ut res expostulet, esto: be firm or mild as the occasion may

require (Cato)

consuetudo manerii et loci est observanda: the custom of the manor and the place

is to be observed

contemni est gravius stultitiæ quam percuti: to be despised is more galling to a

foolish man than to be whipped

contemptum periculorum assiduitas periclitandi dabit: constant exposure to

dangers will breed contempt for them (Seneca)

contentum vero suis rebus esse, maximæ sunt certissimæque divitiæ: to be

content with what one has is the greatest and truest of riches (Cicero)

continua messe senescit ager: a field becomes exhausted by constant tillage (Ovid)

contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis: against the evil of death

there is no remedy in the garden

contraria contrariis curantur: opposite cures opposite

contumeliam si dicis, audies: if you utter abuse, you must expect to receive it (or, if

you speak insults you will hear them as well) (Plautus)

conventio privatorum non potest publico juri derogare: an agreement between

individuals cannot set aside public law

corpora lente augescunt, cito extinguuntur: bodies are slow in growth, rapid in

decay (Horace and Tacitus)

corpus non animæ domicilium sed diversum est: the body is not the abode of the

soul but its enemy

corpus onustum hesternis vitiis animum quoque prægravat una: the body,

loaded with yesterday’s excess, also bears down the mind (Horace)

corrumpunt mores bonos colloquia mala: bad company corrupts good morals (1

Corinthians 15:33)

corruptio optimi pessima: the corruption of the best is the worst

corruptissima (in) republica plurimæ leges: in the most corrupt state exist the

most laws (or, the more corrupt the state, the more the laws) (Terence and Tacitus)

crede mihi; miseros prudentia prima relinquit: believe me; it is prudence that first

forsakes the wretched (Ovid)

crede quod est quod vis: believe that that is which you wish to be (Ovid)

crede quod habes, et habes: believe that you have it, and you have it

crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crescit: the love of money increases as

wealth itself increases (Juvenal)

cressa ne careat pulchra dies nota: let not a day so fair be without its white mark


crimen quos inquinat, æquat: crime puts on an equal footing those whom it defiles

crimina qui cernunt aliorum, non sua cernunt; hi sapiunt aliis, desipiuntque

sibi: those who see the faults of others, but not their own, are wise for others and

fools for themselves

crimine ab uno disce omnes cum plus sunt potæ, plus potiuntur

crimine ab uno disce omnes: from the guilt (or crime) of one learn the nature of

them all (Virgil)

crudelem medicum intemperans æger facit: a disorderly patient makes the

physician cruel (Publilius Syrus)

crux est si metuas quod vincere nequeas: it is torture to fear what you cannot

overcome (Ausonius)

cucullus non facit monachum: the cowl does not make the monk

cui licitus est finis, etiam licent media: for whom the end is lawful, the means are

also lawful (i.e., the end justifies the means)

cui placet alterius, sua nimirum est odio sors: when a person envies another’s lot,

it is natural for him to be discontented with his own

cui placet obliviscitur, cui dolet meminit: we forget our pleasures, we remember

our pains (Cicero)

cui prodest scelus, is fecit: he has committed the crime who has derived the profit


cuilibet in arte sua perito credendum est: every skilled man is to be trusted in his

own art

cuisvis (or cujusvis) hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore

perseverare: any man is liable to err, [but] no one except a fool will persevere in

error (Cicero)

cujus est solum, ejus (est) usque ad coelum: the one who owns the soil owns

everything above it to the sky

cujus sit vita indecoris mortem fugere turpem haut convenit: one whose life has

been disgraceful is not entitled to escape a disgraceful death (Accius)

cujus vita fulgor, ejus verba tonitrua: his words are thunderbolts whose life is as


culpa sua damnum sentiens non intelligitur damnum pati: he who suffers by his

own fault is not deemed a sufferer

culpam poena premit comes: punishment presses hard upon the heels of crime


cum altera lux venit jam cras hesternum consumpsimus: when another day has

arrived, we will find that we have consumed our yesterday's tomorrow (Persius)

cum corpore mentem crescere sentimus pariterque senescere: we find that, as

the mind strengthens with the body, it decays with it in like manner (Lucretius)

cum fortuna manet, vultum servatis amici: while fortune lasts you will see your

friend’s face (Petronius)

cum frueris felix quæ sunt adversa caveto: when fortune is lavish of her favors

beware of adversity (Cato)

cum larvis non luctandum: one ought not to wrestle with ghosts

cum licet fugere, ne quære litem: do not seek the quarrel, or the suit, of which

there is an opportunity of escaping

cum odio sui coepit veritas: the first reaction to truth is hatred (Tertullian)

cum plus sunt potæ, plus potiuntur aquæ: the more they have been drinking, the

more water they drink (often said of the thirst for knowledge) cum quod datur spectabis, et dantem de duobus malis, minus est semper

cum quod datur spectabis, et dantem adspice: while you look at what is given,

look also at the giver (Seneca)

cum vitia prosint, peccat qui recte facit: if vices were profitable, the virtuous man

would be the sinner

cuncta complecti velle, stultum: it is foolish to wish to encompass all things

cupias non placuisse nimis: do not aim at too much popularity (Martial)

cupiditas ex homine, cupido ex stulto numquam tollitur: a man can be cured of

his lust, but never a fool of his greed (Lucilius)

cupido dominandi cunctis affectibus flagrantior est: the desire to rule is the most

ardent of all the affections of the mind (Tacitus)

cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus?: why should a tremor seize the limbs before

the trumpet sounds? (Virgil)

cur omnium fit culpa, paucorum scelus?: why should the wickedness of a few be

laid to the account of all?

cura facit canos: care brings grey hairs

cura ut valeas: take care that you keep well (Cicero)

curæ leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent: light griefs find utterance, great ones hold

silence (Seneca)

curis tabescimus omnes: we are all consumed by cares

cutis vulpina consuenda est cum cute leonis: the fox’s skin must be sewn to that of

the lion


da fidei quæ fidei sunt: give to faith that which belongs to faith (Francis Bacon)

da locum melioribus: give place to your betters (Terence)

da requiem; requietus ager bene credita reddit: take rest; a field that has rested

gives a bountiful crop (Ovid)

da spatium tenuemque moram; male cuncta ministrat impetus: allow time and

slight delay; haste and violence ruin everything (Statius)

damna minus consueta movent: losses to which we are accustomed affect us little


damnosa quid non imminuit dies?: what is there that corroding time does not

damage? (Horace)

damnum appellandum est cum mala fama lucrum: gain made at the expense of

reputation must be reckoned as loss

damnum sentit dominus: the master suffers the loss

damnum sine injuria esse potest: loss without injury is deemed possible

dat Deus immiti cornua curta bovi: God gives short horns to the cruel ox

de calceo sollicitus, at pedem nihil curans: anxious about the shoe, but careless

about the foot

de duobus malis, minus est semper eligendum: of two evils, always choose the

lesser (Thomas а Kempis)

de gustibus non est disputandum degeneranti genus opprobrium

de gustibus non est disputandum (or de gustibus non disputandum): there is no

disputing about tastes

de inimico non loquaris male sed cogites: do not speak ill of your enemy, but plan

it (Publilius Syrus)

de male quæsitis vix gaudet tertius hæres: a third heir seldom enjoys what is

dishonestly acquired (Juvenal)

de morte hominis nulla est cunctatio longa: no delay is long when it concerns the

death of a man

de mortuis nihil nisi bonum: of the dead say nothing but good (Chilon, one of the

Seven Sages of Greece)

de mortuis nil nisi bene: of the dead say nothing but what is favorable

de mortuis nil nisi verum: of the dead say nothing but what is true

de multis grandis acervus erit: out of many things a great heap will be formed


de parvis grandis acervus erit: small things will make a large pile

de paupertate tacentes plus poscente ferent: those who are silent about their

poverty fare better than those who beg (Horace)

de principiis non est disputandum: there is no disputing about principles

de similibus idem est judicium: in similar cases, the judgment is the same (i.e.,

follow precedent)

de te fabula narratur: the story relates to you (Horace)

de vita hominis nulla cunctatio longa est: when the life of a man is at stake, no

delay that is afforded can be too long

de vitiis nostris scalam nobis facimus, si vitia ipsa calcamus: we make a ladder

for ourselves of our vices, if we trample those same vices underfoot (St. Augustine)

debile fundamentum fallit opus: a weak foundation destroys the work upon which

it is built

decet patriam nobis cariorem esse quam nosmetipsos: our country ought to be

dearer to us than ourselves (Cicero)

decet verecundum esse adolescentem: it becomes a young man to be modest


decipimur specie recti: we are deceived by the appearance of rectitude (Horace)

decipit frons prima multos: the first appearance deceives many

decorum ab honesto non potest separari: propriety cannot be separated from

what is honorable (Cicero)

dedecet philosophum abjicere animum: it dishonors a philosopher to be

disheartened (Cicero)

dediscit animus sero quod didicit diu: the mind is slow in unlearning what it has

been long learning (Seneca)

defectio virium adolescentiæ vitiis efficitur sæpius quam senectutis: loss of

strength is more frequently due to faults of youth than old age (Cicero)

deficit omne quod nascitur: everything that is born passes away (Quintilian)

degeneranti genus opprobrium: to the degenerate man his good family is a


degeneres animos timor arguit det ille veniam facile, cui venia est

degeneres animos timor arguit: fear betrays ignoble souls (Virgil)

dei pherein ta ton theon: we must bear what the gods lay upon us (a Greek saying)

delegatus non potest delegare: a delegate cannot delegate

deliberando sæpe perit occasio: an opportunity (or occasion) is often lost through

deliberation (Publilius Syrus)

deliberandum est diu, quod statuendum semel: that should be considered at

length, which can be decided but once (Publilius Syrus)

deliberare utilia, mora est tutissima: to deliberate about useful things is the safest


delicta majorum immeritus lues: undeservedly you will atone for the sins of your

fathers (Horace)

deligas tantum quem diligas: choose only the one whom you love

delphinum natare doces: you are teaching a dolphin to swim (i.e., you are wasting

your time)

deme supercilio nubem: remove the clouds from your brow (i.e., come down from

your cloud)

demonstratio longe optima est experientia: the best proof by far is experience

(Francis Bacon)

denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque: not all men admire or love the

same things (Horace)

dente lupus, cornu taurus petit: the wolf attacks with its fang, the bull with its

horn (Horace)

Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor: when God gives,

envy injures us not, and when He does not give, labor avails not

deos fortioribus adesse: the gods are said to aid the stronger (Tacitus)

deos placatos pietas efficiet et sanctitas: piety and holiness of life will propitiate

the gods (Cicero)

deprendi miserum est: it is wretched to be found out (Horace)

derelicta fertilius revivescunt: fields left fallow recover their fertility (Pliny the


derelicto communis utilitatis contra naturam: the abandonment of what is for the

common good is a crime against nature

derivativa potestas non potest esse major primitiva: the power derived cannot be

greater than that from which it is derived

desidiam abjiciendam: idleness ought to be rejected

desine fata Deum flecti sperare precando: cease to hope that the decrees of

Heaven can bend to prayer (Virgil)

desubito famam tollunt si quam solam videre in via: the moment they see a

woman alone in the street, they cry scandal (Nжvius)

desunt inopiæ multa, avaritiæ omnia: poverty is in want of many things, avarice of

everything (Publilius Syrus)

det ille veniam facile, cui venia est opus: the one who needs pardon should readily

grant it (Seneca)

Deus scitur melius nesciendo

discipulus est prioris posterior dies

Deus scitur melius nesciendo: God is best known in not knowing him (St.


di irati laneos pedes habent: the gods, when angry, have their feet covered with


di nos quasi pilas homines habent: the gods treat us mortals like so many balls to

play with (Plautus)

dicere enim bene nemo potest, nisi qui prudenter intelligit: no one can speak

well, unless he thoroughly understands his subject (Cicero)

dicique beatus ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet: no one should be

called happy before he is dead and buried (Ovid)

dies adimit ægritudinem: time cures our griefs

difficile est crimen non prodere vultu: it is difficult not to betray guilt by the

countenance (Ovid)

difficile est longum subito deponere amorem: it is difficult to give up suddenly a

long love (Catullus)

difficile est plurimum virtutem revereri, qui semper secunda fortuna sit usus:

it is difficult for one who has enjoyed uninterrupted good fortune to have a due

reverence for virtue (Cicero)

difficile est proprie communia dicere: it is difficult to say what is common in a

distinct way (Horace)

difficile est tenere quæ acceperis nisi exerceas: it is difficult to retain what you

may have learned unless you should practice it (Pliny the Younger)

difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum: it is difficult to feign jocularity when one is

in a sad mood (Tibullus)

difficilem oportet aurem habere ad crimina: one should not lend an easy ear to

criminal charges (i.e., accusations should be taken with skepticism) (Publilius Syrus)

difficilia quæ pulchra: beauty is difficult to attain

difficilis in otio quies: tranquility is difficult if one has leisure

difficilius est sarcire concordiam quam rumpere: it is more difficult to restore

harmony than to sow dissension

dignus est decipi qui de recipiendo cogitavit cum daret: the man who gives,

thinking to receive, deserves to be deceived (Seneca)

dii laboribus omnia vendunt: the gods sell all things to hard labor

dilationes in lege sunt odiosæ: delays in the law are odious

diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium: diligence is a very great

help even to a mediocre intelligence (Seneca)

diligentia, qua una virtute omnes virtutes reliquæ continentur: diligence, the

one virtue that embraces in it all the rest (Cicero)

diligitur nemo, nisi cui fortuna secunda est: only he who is the favorite of fortune

is loved (Ovid)

dimidium facti qui (bene) coepit habet: sapere aude: what is well begun is already

half done: dare to be wise (Horace)

discipulus est prioris posterior dies: each day succeeding is the student of the one

preceding (Publilius Syrus)

discite justitiam moniti donec eris felix, multos numerabis

discite justitiam moniti: having been warned, learn justice

disputandi pruritas ecclesiarum scabies: an itch for disputation is the mange of the

Church (Henry Wotton, reputedly said of King Charles)

dissidia inter æqualies, pessima: dissensions among equals are the worst

distrahit animum librorum multitudo: a multitude of books distracts the mind

(i.e., his learning is wide but shallow) (Seneca)

dives aut iniquus est aut iniqui hæres: a rich man is either an unjust man or the

heir of one

dives est, cui tanta possessio est, ut nihil optet amplius: rich is the one who

wishes no more than he has (Cicero)

dives qui fieri vult, et cito vult fieri: the one who desires to become rich desires to

become rich quickly (Juvenal)

divitis servi maxime servi: servants to the rich are the most abject

dociles imitandis turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus: we are all easily taught to

imitate what is base and depraved (Juvenal)

docti rationem artis intelligunt, indocti voluptatem: the learned understand the

principles of art, the unlearned feel its pleasure (Quintilian)

doctos doctis obloqui nefas esse: it is a sacrilege for scholars to malign scholars

doctrina est ingenii naturale quoddam pabulum: learning is a kind of natural food

for the mind (Cicero)

doctrina sed vim promovet insitam rectique cultus pectora roborant: but

instruction improves the innate powers (of the mind), and good discipline

strengthens the heart (Horace)

dolendi modus, non est timendi: to suffering there is a limit, to being in fear there

is none (Pliny the Younger)

dolendi modus, timendi non autem: there is a limit to grief, but not to fear

(Francis Bacon, after Pliny the Younger)

doli non doli sunt, nisi astu colas: fraud is not fraud, unless craftily planned (Plautus)

dolium volvitur: an empty cask is easily rolled

dolosus versatur in generalibus: a deceiver deals in generalities

dolus versatur in generalibus: deceit deals in generalities

domi manere convenit felicibus: those who are happy at home should stay there

dominium a possessione coepisse dicitur: a right is said to have its beginning from


dominus videt plurimum in rebus suis: the master sees best in his own affairs


domus amica domus optima: the house of a friend is the best house

domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium: the safest place of refuge for everyone is

his own home (Coke)

dona præsentis cape lætus horæ, et linque severa: gladly enjoy the gifts of the

present hour, and banish serious thoughts (Horace)

donec eris felix, multos numerabis amicos; tempora si fuerint nubila, solus

eris: as long as you are lucky, you will have many friends; if cloudy times come, you

will be alone (Ovid)

dormit aliquando jus, moritur dumque punitur scelus, crescit

dormit aliquando jus, moritur nunquam: a right sometimes sleeps, but never dies

(i.e., sometimes in abeyance, but never abolished) (Coke)

dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriuntur: the laws sometimes sleep, but

never die

dos est magna parentum virtus: the virtue of parents is a great dowry (Horace)

dos est uxoria lites: strife is the dowry of a wife (Ovid)

dubiam salutem qui dat afflictis, negat: the one who offers the afflicted a doubtful

deliverance denies all hope (Seneca)

dubitando ad veritatem pervenimus: by way of doubting we arrive at the truth


ducis ingenium, res adversæ nudare solent, celare secundæ: disasters are wont to

reveal the abilities of a leader, good fortune to conceal them (Horace)

ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt: fate leads the willing and drags the

unwilling (Seneca, after Cleanthes)

dulce bellum inexpertis: war is delightful to the inexperienced (Erasmus)

dulce est desipere in loco: it is sweet to be silly in places (i.e., to unwind upon

occasion) (Horace)

dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris: it is a comfort to the wretched to have

companions in misfortune

dulce et decorum est pro patria mori: sweet and seemly it is to die for one’s

country (Horace)

dulcia quandoque amara fieri: sometimes sweet things become bitter

dulcibus est verbis alliciendus amor: love is to be won by affectionate words

dulcibus est verbis mollis alendus amor: with soft words must love be fostered


dulcis inexpertis cultura potentis amici; expertus metuit: the cultivation of

friendship with the powerful is pleasant to the inexperienced, but he who has

experienced it dreads it (Horace)

dum fata fugimus, fata stulti incurrimus: while we flee from our fate, we like fools

run into it (Buchanan)

dum in dubio est animus, paulo momento huc illuc impellitur: while the mind is

in doubt, a very little sways it one way or the other (Terence)

dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem: so long as we live among men,

let us cherish humanity (Seneca)

dum lego, assentior: whilst I read, I give assent (Cicero)

dum loquor, hora fugit: while I am speaking, time flies (Ovid)

dum potes vive: live while you can

dum singuli pugnant, universi vincuntur: so long as they fight separately, the

whole are conquered (Tacitus)

dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt: while fools try to avoid one error,

they fall into its opposite (Horace)

dummodo morata recte veniat, dotata est satis: provided she comes with virtuous

principles, a woman brings dowry enough (Plautus)

dumque punitur scelus, crescit: while crime is punished it yet increases (Seneca)

duo quum faciunt idem non est eheu!, quam brevibus pereunt

duo quum faciunt idem non est idem: when two do the same thing, it is not the

same thing (Terence)

duos qui sequitur lepores neutrum capit: the one who follows two hares is sure to

catch neither

dura lex, sed lex: the law is hard, but it is the law

dura usu molliora: difficult things become easier with practice

durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis: carry on and preserve yourselves for

better times (Virgil)

durum et durum non faciunt murum: hard and hard do not make a wall (i.e., brick

against brick, without mortar)


e flamma cibum petere: to fetch food from the flames (i.e., to live by desperate

means) (Terence)

e labore dulcedo: pleasure arises out of labor

e multis paleis paulum fructus collegi: from much chaff I have gathered little


e tardegradis asinis equus non prodiit: the horse is not the progeny of the slowpaced


e tenui casa sæpe vir magnus exit: a great man often steps forth from a humble


ea libertas est qui pectus purum et firmum gestitat; aliæ res obnoxiosæ nocte in

obscura latent: liberty is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and

hidden darkness (Ennius)

ea molestissime ferre homines debent quæ ipsorum culpa ferenda sunt: men

ought to be most annoyed by the sufferings that come from their own faults


eamus quo ducit gula: let us go where our appetite prompts us (Virgil)

effodiuntur opes, irritamenta malorum: riches, the incentives to evil, are dug out

of the earth (Ovid)

effugere non potes necessitates, potes vincere: you cannot escape necessity, but

you can overcome it (Seneca)

effugit mortem, quisquis contempserit; timidissimum quemque consequitur:

whoever despises death escapes it, while it overtakes the one who is afraid of it


ego apros occido, alter fruitur pulpamento: I kill the boars, another enjoys their


ego mihimet sum semper proximus: I am ever my nearest neighbor (or, I am

always my own best friend)

eheu!, fugaces labuntur anni: alas!, the years glide swiftly away (Horace)

eheu!, quam brevibus pereunt ingentia causis (or fatis): alas!, by what slight

means are great affairs brought to destruction (Claudian)

ei, qui semel sua prodegerit, aliena est aliquid fatale malum per verba

ei, qui semel sua prodegerit, aliena credi non oportere: he who has once

squandered his own ought not to be trusted with another’s

elati animi comprimendi sunt: minds that are too much elated ought to be kept in


elige eum cujus tibi placuit et vita et oratio: choose the one who recommends

himself to you by his life as well as by his speech (Seneca)

elucet maxime animi excellentia magnitudoque in despiciendis opibus:

excellence and greatness of soul are most conspicuously displayed in contempt of


emas non quod opus est, sed quod necesse est; quod non opus est, asse carum

est: buy not what you want, but what you need; what you do not want is costly at a

penny (Cato the Elder)

emendatio pars studiorum longe utilissima: correction and revision of what we

write is by far the most useful part of our studies (Quintilian)

emere malo quam rogare: I had rather buy than beg

emitur sola virtute potestas: virtue alone can purchase power (Claudian)

empta dolore docet experientia: experience bought with pain teaches

enim vero di nos quasi pilas homines habent: truly the gods use us men as

footballs (Plautus)

eodem animo beneficium debetur, quo datur: a benefit is estimated according to

the mind of the giver (Seneca)

epistola … non erubescit: a letter … does not blush (Cicero)

equi et poëtæ alendi, non saginandi: horses and poets should be fed, not pampered

(Charles IX of France)

equo frænato est auris in ore: the ear of the bridled horse is in the mouth (Horace)

ergo hoc proprium est animi bene constituti, et lætari bonis rebus, et dolere

contrariis: this is a proof of a well-constituted mind, to rejoice in what is good and

to grieve at the opposite (Cicero)

eripe te moræ: tear yourself from all that detains you (Horace)

eripere vitam nemo non homini potest; at nemo mortem; mille ad hanc aditus

patent: anyone may take life from man, but no one death; a thousand gates stand

open to it (Seneca)

eripit interdum, modo dat medicina salutem: medicine sometimes destroys

health, sometimes restores it (Ovid)

errantem in viam reductio: lead back the wanderer into the right way

error qui non resistitur approbatur: an error that is not resisted is approved

esse bonum facile est, ubi quod vetet esse remotum est: it is easy to be good

when all that prevents it is far removed (Ovid)

esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas: you should eat to live, not live to eat


esse quam videri malim: I should wish to be rather than to seem

est aliquid fatale malum per verba levare: it is some alleviation of an incurable

disease to speak of it to others (Ovid) est aliquid valida sceptra tenere est quoque cunctarum novitas

est aliquid valida sceptra tenere manu: it is something to hold the scepter with a

firm hand (Ovid)

est ars etiam male dicendi: there is even an art of maligning

est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor: avarice is rich, while modesty is poor


est (enim) demum vera felicitas, felicitate dignum videri: true happiness consists

in being considered deserving of it (Pliny the Younger)

est deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo: there is a god in us, who, when he stirs,

sets us all aglow (Ovid)

est deus in nobis, et sunt commercia coeli: there is a god within us, and we hold

commerce with heaven (Ovid)

est etiam miseris pietas, et in hoste probatur: regard for the wretched is a duty,

and deserving of praise even in an enemy (Ovid)

est etiam quiete et pure et eleganter actæ ætatis placida ac lenis senectus: a life

of peace, purity, and refinement leads to a calm and untroubled old age (Cicero)

est etiam, ubi profecto damnum præstet facere, quam lucrum: there are

occasions when it is certainly better to lose than to gain (Plautus)

est genus hominum qui esse primos se omnium rerum volunt, nec sunt: there

is a class of men who wish to be first in everything, and are not (Terence)

est in aqua dulci non invidiosa voluptas: there is no small pleasure in sweet water


est ipsa cupiditati tarda celeritas: to passion, even haste is slow (Publilius Syrus)

est miserorum, ut malevolentes sint atque invideant bonis: it is the tendency of

the wretched to be ill-disposed toward and to envy the fortunate (Plautus)

est modus in rebus: there is a mean (or method) in all things (Horace)

est natura hominim novitatis avida: it is human nature to hunt for novelty (Pliny

the Elder)

est nobis voluisse satis: to have willed suffices us (Tibullus)

est pater ille quem nuptiæ demonstrant: he is the father whom marriage points to

as such

est pii Deum et patriam diligere: it is part of a good man to love God and country

est procax natura multorum in alienis miseriis: there are many who are only too

ready to take advantage of the misfortunes of others (Pliny the Elder)

est profecto animi medicina, philosophia: philosophy is the true medicine of the

mind (Cicero)

est proprium stultitiæ aliorum cernere vitia, oblivisci suorum: it is characteristic

of folly to judge the faults of others and to forget its own (Cicero)

est quædam flere voluptas; expletur lacrymis egeriturque dolor: there is a

certain pleasure in weeping; pain is soothed and alleviated by tears (Ovid)

est quoque cunctarum novitas carissima rerum: in all things, novelty is what we

prize most (Ovid)

est unusquisque faber ipsæ suæ etiam illud quod scies nesciveris

est unusquisque faber ipsæ suæ fortunæ: every man is the maker of his own

fortune (or fate) (Appius Claudius)

esto prudens ut serpens et simplex scut columba: be as wise as the serpent and

gentle as the dove (after St. Matthew 10:16)

esto, ut nunc multi, dives tibi, pauper amicis: be, as many now are, rich to

yourself, poor to your friends (Juvenal)

estque pati poenas quam meruisse minus: it is less to suffer punishment than to

deserve it (Ovid)

esurienti ne occurras: do not throw yourself in the way of a hungry man

et credis cineres curare sepultos?: and do you think that the ashes of the dead

concern themselves with our affairs? (Virgil)

et genus et formam regina pecunia donat: money, like a queen, bestows both rank

and beauty (Horace)

et genus et proavos, et quæ non fecimus ipsi, vix ea nostra voco: we can scarcely

call birth and ancestry, and what we have not ourselves done, our own

et genus et virtus, nisi cum re, vilior alga est: without money, both birth and

virtue are as worthless as seaweed (Horace)

et mala sunt vicina bonis: there are bad qualities near akin to good (Ovid)

et male tornatos incudi reddere versus: and take ill-formed verses back to the

anvil (Horace)

et minimæ vires frangere quassa valent: a little force will break that which has

been cracked already (Ovid)

et monere, et moneri, proprium est veræ amicitiæ: to give counsel, as well as to

take it, is a feature of true friendship (Cicero)

et qui nolunt occidere quenquam posse volunt: even those who have no wish to

kill anyone, would like to have the power (Juvenal)

et quiescenti agendum est, et agenti quiescendum est: the active should

occasionally rest, and the inactive should occasionally labor (Seneca)

et sanguis et spiritus pecunia mortalibus: money is both blood and life to mortal


et sceleratis sol oritur: the sun shines even on the wicked (Seneca)

et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum: and a word once uttered flies abroad

never to be recalled (Horace)

eternitatem cogita: think on eternity

etiam capillus unus habet umbram: even one hair has a shadow (Publilius Syrus)

etiam celeritas in desiderio mora est: in desire, swiftness itself is delay (Publilius


etiam fera animalia, si clausa teneas, virtutis obliviscuntur: even wild animals, if

you keep them in confinement, forget their fierceness

etiam ferocissimos domari: even the fiercest are overcome

etiam fortes viros subitis terreri: even brave men are alarmed by sudden terrors


etiam illud quod scies nesciveris; ne videris quod videris: know not what you

know, and see not what you see (Plautus)

etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor exceptio probat regulam

etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor: pain makes even the innocent man a liar

(Publilius Syrus)

etiam oblivisci qui (or quid) sis interdum expedit: it is sometimes expedient to

forget who (or what) you are (Publilius Syrus)

etiam oblivisci quod scis interdum expedit: it is sometimes expedient to forget

what you know (Publilius Syrus)

etiam quod esse videris: be what you seem to be

etiam sapientibus cupido gloriæ novissima exuitur: even for the wise, the desire

for glory is the last of all passions to be laid aside (Tacitus)

eum ausculta, cui quatuor sunt aures: listen to the one who has four ears (i.e., one

who is readier to hear than to speak)

eventus stultorum magister (est): experience is the teacher of fools (Livy)

ex abusu non arguitur ad usum: no argument can be drawn from the abuse of a

thing against its use

ex abusu non argumentum ad desuetudinem: the abuse of a thing is no argument

for its disuse

ex Africa semper aliquid novi: out of Africa there is always something new (Pliny

the Elder)

ex damno alterius, alterius utilitas: one man’s loss is another man’s gain

ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia: it is from disuse that rights are lost

ex factis non ex dictis amici pensandi: friends are to be estimated from deeds, not

words (Livy)

ex facto jus oritur: the law goes into effect after the fact

ex falsis, ut ab ipsis didicimus, verum effici non potest: from the false, as they

have themselves taught us, we can obtain nothing true (Cicero)

ex granis fit acervus: many grains make a heap

ex inimico cogita posse fieri amicum: think that you may make a friend of an

enemy (Seneca)

ex ipso ore procedit benedictio et maledictio: out of the same mouth comes

blessing and cursing (St. James 3:10)

ex magno certamine magnas excitari ferme iras: it is when great issues are at

stake that men’s passions are more easily roused (Livy)

ex malis eligere minima: of evils to choose the least (Cicero)

ex malis moribus bonæ leges natæ sunt: from bad manners (or morals) good laws

have sprung (Coke)

ex ore parvulorum veritas: out of the mouth of little children comes truth

ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus: our leisure gives us more to do

than our business

ex parvis sæpe magnarum momenta rerum pendent: events of great consequence

often spring from trifling circumstances (Livy)

ex vitio alterius sapiens emendat suum: from the faults of another a wise man will

correct his own (Laberius)

exceptio probat regulam: the exception proves the rule (i.e., gives greater


excessus in jure reprobatur

extrema primo nemo tentavit loco

excessus in jure reprobatur: all excess is condemned by the law

excusatio non petita fit accusatio manifesta: an excuse not called for betrays the

guilt of him who makes it

exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus: we live more by example than by reason

exemplumque dei quisque est in imagine parva: each person is the image of God

in miniature (or, everyone is in a small way the image of God) (Manilius)

exercitatio optimus est magister: practice is the best teacher

exercitato artem parat (or, exercitatio artem parat): exercise gives skill (i.e.,

practice makes perfect)

exhæreditare filium non potest pater, nisi: the father may not disinherit the son,

never (Justinian)

exigua pars est vitæ quam nos vivimus: the part of life that we really live is short


exiguum est ad legem bonum esse: it is but a small matter to be good in the eye of

the law (Seneca)

exitus acta probat: the ending proves the deeds (i.e., all’s well that ends well)

expedit esse deos, et, ut expedit esse putemus: it is expedient that gods exist, and,

given it is expedient, let us believe it (Ovid)

experientia docet stultos: experience teaches fools

experto crede (or experto credite): believe one who has had experience (i.e., trust

the expert) (Virgil)

expertus dico, nemo est in amore fidelis: I say as an expert, no one is faithful in

love (Propertius)

expetendæ opes ut dignis largiamur: we should seek riches so that we may give to

the deserving

expetuntur divitiæ ad perficiendas voluptates: riches are desired to bring about

our pleasures

explorant adversa viros: adversity tries men

expressa nocent, non expressa non nocent: what is expressed may be hurtful, what

is not expressed cannot do any injury (a principle of legal contracts)

expressio unius est exclusio alterius: the naming of one is the exclusion of the


expressum facit cessare tacitum: a matter expressed causes that to cease which

otherwise would have been implied

exstinctus (or extinctus) amabitur idem: [though hated in life,] the same man will

be loved after he is dead (Horace)

extant recte factis præmia: the rewards of good deeds endure

extra lutum pedes habes: you have got your feet out of the mud

extrema gaudii luctus occupat: grief treads on the confines of gladness

extrema manus nondum operibus ejus imposita est: the finishing hand has not

yet been put to his works

extrema primo nemo tentavit loco: no one tries extreme remedies at first (Seneca)

fabas indulcet fames fama malum quo non aliud velocius


fabas indulcet fames: hunger sweetens beans (i.e., hunger makes everything taste


faber (est) quisque fortunæ suæ: each person is the architect of his own fortune

(Sallust, Appius Claudius, and Francis Bacon)

fabricando fabri fimus: we become workmen by working

fac tibi consuescat. Nil adsuetudine majus: accustom her to your companionship.

There is nothing more powerful than custom (Ovid)

facies qualis mens talis: as is the face so is the mind

facies tua computat annos: your years are counted on your face (Juvenal)

facile est imperium in bonis: it is easy to rule over the good (Plautus)

facile est inventis addere: it is easy to add to what has already been invented

facile largiri de alieno: it is easy to be generous with what is another’s

facilis descensus Averno (est) (or, facilis [est] descensus Averni): the descent to

hell is easy (Virgil)

facilius crescit dignitas quam incipit: dignity increases more easily than it begins


facilius crescit quam inchoatur dignitas: it is easier to increase dignity than to

acquire it in the first place (Laberius)

facilius est se a certamine abstinere quam abducere: it is easier to keep out of a

quarrel than to get out of one (Seneca)

facilius in amore finem impetres quam modum: love is more easily quenched

than moderated (Seneca the Elder)

facinus audax incipit, qui cum opulento pauper homine coepit rem habere aut

negotium: the poor man who enters into partnership with a rich man makes a

risky venture (Plautus)

facinus quos inquinat æquat: crime levels all whom it defiles (i.e., puts all on equal

terms) (Lucan)

facit indignatio versum: indignation gives inspiration to verse (Juvenal)

facit occasio furem (or, occasio furem facit): opportunity makes the thief

facito aliquid operis, ut semper te diabolus inveniat occupatum: be sure to keep

busy, so that the devil may always find you occupied (St. Jerome)

factum abiit; monumenta manent: the event is past; the memorial remains (Ovid)

factum est illud; fieri infectum non potest: it is done; it cannot be undone


facundia difficilis: eloquence is difficult

fallaces sunt rerum species: the appearances of things are deceptive (Seneca)

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus: false in one thing, false in everything

fama crescit eundo: rumor grows as it goes (Virgil)

fama fert: rumor runs away

fama malum quo non aliud velocius ullum: there is no evil swifter than a rumor


fama nihil est celerius

fere fit malum malo aptissimum

fama nihil est celerius: nothing is swifter than rumor (Livy)

famæ damna majora (sunt), quam quæ æstimari possint: the damage done to

reputation is greater than can be possibly estimated (Livy)

famæ laboranti non facile succurritur: it is not easy to repair a damaged reputation

famæ quidem ac fidei damna majora esse quam quæ æstimari possent: it is

impossible to estimate the injury that may be done to us by an attack on our credit

and our reputation (Livy)

fames et more bilem in nasum conciunt: hunger and delay stir up one’s bile in the


fames optimum condimentum: hunger is the best of seasonings

fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies: famine, pestilence, and war are the

destruction of a people

familiare est hominibus omnia sibi ignoscere: it is common to man to pardon all

his own faults

fas est (et) ab hoste doceri: it is permitted to learn even from an enemy (Ovid)

fas est præteritos semper amare viros: our reverence is ever due to those who have

passed on (Propertius)

fastidientis est stomachi multa degustare: it proves a dainty stomach to taste of

many things (Seneca)

Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt: the Fates lead the willing and drag the


fatetur facinus (is) qui judicium fugit: the one who flees the law confesses his guilt

(Publilius Syrus)

fatigatis humus cubile est: to the weary, the bare ground is a bed (Curtius)

fatuis levia committito: entrust trifles to fools

fecundi calices quem non fecere disertum?: whom have flowing cups not made

eloquent? (Horace)

felicitas multos habet amicos: happiness (or prosperity) has many friends

felicitas nutrix est iracundiæ: prosperity is the nurse of an angry disposition

felicitate corrumpimur: we are corrupted by good fortune (Tacitus)

feliciter is sapit, qui periculo alieno sapit: he is happily wise who is wise at the

expense of another (Plautus)

felis demulcta mitis: the stroked cat is meek

felix ille tamen corvo quoque rarior albo: a lucky man is rarer than a white crow


felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum!: happy are they who can learn caution

from the danger of others!

felix qui nihil debet: happy is the one who owes nothing

felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas: happy is the one who understands the

causes of all things (Virgil)

felix qui quod amat, defendere fortiter andet: happy is the one who dares

courageously to defend what he loves (Ovid)

fere fit malum malo aptissimum: one misfortune is generally followed closely by

another (Livy)

feriis caret necessitas flagiti principium est nudare inter

feriis caret necessitas: necessity knows no holiday

ferme fugiendo in media fata ruitur: how often it happens that men fall into the

very evils they are striving to avoid (Livy)

ferreus assiduo consumitur annulus usu: by constant use an iron ring is worn

away (Ovid)

ferto, fereris: forgive and you will be forgiven

fervet olla, vivit amicitia: as long as the pot boils, friendship lasts

festinatio tarda est: haste is late (or, haste is slow)

ficta voluptatis causa sit proxima veris: fictions meant to please should have as

much resemblance as possible to truth (Horace)

fide abrogata, omnis humana societas tollitur: if good faith be abolished, all

human society is dissolved (Livy)

fide sed cui vide: trust but see in whom you are trusting

fideli certa merces: the faithful are certain of their reward

fidelius rident tiguria: the laughter of the cottage is more hearty and sincere than

that of the court

fidem qui perdit perdere ultra nil potest: the one who loses his honor has nothing

else he can lose (Publilius Syrus)

fides probata coronat: faith approved confers a crown

fides ut anima, unde abiit, eo nunquam redit: honor, like life, when once it is lost,

is never recovered (Publilius Syrus)

filii non plus possessionum quam morborum hæredes sumus: we sons are heirs

no less to diseases than to estates

finis finem litibus imponit: the end put an end to litigation

finis unius diei est principium alterius: the end of one day is the beginning of


finiunt pariter renovantque labores: they finish at the same time and renew their


firmissima convelli non posse: what stands firmest cannot be overthrown

firmum in vita nihil: nothing in life is permanent

fit cito per multas præda petita manus: the spoil that is sought by many hands

quickly accumulates (Ovid)

fit erranti medicina confessio: confession is as healing medicine to the one who has


fit fabricando faber: a smith becomes a smith by working at the forge

fit fastidium copia: from abundance comes disgust (or boredom) (Livy)

fit in dominatu servitus, in servitute dominatus: in masterhood is servanthood, in

servanthood masterhood (also, in the master there is the servant, in the servant

there is the master) (Cicero)

fit scelus indulgens per nubila sæcula virtus: in times of trouble leniency becomes


flagiti principium est nudare inter cives corpora: the beginning of shame is

baring the body in public (Ennius)

flamma fumo est proxima

fortiter in re

flamma fumo est proxima: flame is close to smoke (i.e., where there is smoke, there

is fire) (Plautus)

flamma per incensas citius sedatur aristas: the flames are sooner to be

extinguished when once spread amongst the standing corn (a reference to the rapid

spread of destructive views) (Propertius)

flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo: if I cannot bend heaven then I

shall move (or stir up) Acheron (i.e., hell) (Virgil)

flectimur non frangimur undis: we are bent but not broken by waves

flectimur obsequio non viribus: we bend out of compliance and not because of


foecundi calices quem non fecere disertum?: whom has not the inspiring chalice

[of wine] made elegant? (Horace)

foedum inceptu, foedum exitu: foul in the beginning, foul in the end

foenum habet in cornu: he carries hay upon his horn (i.e., he shows signs of


fontes ipsi sitiunt: even the fountains complain of thirst

forma bonum fragile est: beauty is a fragile good (i.e., a transitory blessing) (Ovid)

forma viros neglecta decet: neglect of appearance becomes men (Ovid)

formidabilior cervorum exercitus, duce leone, quam leonum cervo: an army of

deer would be more formidable commanded by a lion than one of lions

commanded by a deer

formosa facies muta commendatio est: a handsome face is a silent recommendation

(Liberius; also attributed to Publilius Syrus)

forte scutum, salus ducum: a strong shield is the safety of leaders

fortem facit vicina libertas senem: the approach of liberty makes even an old man

brave (Seneca)

fortem posce animum: pray for a strong will (Juvenal)

fortes creantur fortibus et bonis: brave sons spring from the steadfast and good


fortes semper monstrant misericordiam: the brave always show mercy

forti et fideli nihil (or nil) difficile: to the brave and faithful, nothing is difficult

fortia facere et pati Romanum est: to do brave deeds and to suffer is Roman

fortior et potentior est dispositio legis quam hominis: the disposition of the law

is stronger and more potent than that of man

fortis cadere, cedere non potest: the brave may fall, but they cannot yield

fortis et constantis animi est, non perturbari in rebus asperis: it shows a brave

and resolute spirit not to be agitated in exciting circumstances (Cicero)

fortis sub forte fatiscet: the brave man will yield to a braver man

fortissima minimis interdum cedunt: the strongest sometimes yield to the smallest

fortiter ferendo vincitur malum quod evitari non potest: by bravely enduring it,

an evil that cannot be avoided is overcome

fortiter in re, (et) suaviter in modo: firmly in the matter (and) gently in the

manner (or, resolute in the deed, but gentle in the approach) fortuna cæca est fulgente trahit constrictos gloria

fortuna cæca est: fortune is blind

fortuna magna magna domino est servitus: a great fortune is a great slavery to its

owner (Publilius Syrus)

fortuna miserrima tuta est: the most wretched fortune is safe (Ovid)

fortuna multis dat nimium, nulli satis: to many fortune gives too much, to none

does it give enough (Martial and Publilius Syrus)

Fortuna, nimium quem fovet, stultum facit: Fortune, when she caresses a man too

much, makes him a fool (Publilius Syrus)

fortuna non mutat genus: fortune does not change nature (Horace)

fortuna obesse nulli contenta est semel: fortune is not content to do someone an

ill turn only once (Publilius Syrus)

fortuna opes auferre, non animum potest: fortune may steal our wealth, but it

cannot take away our courage (Seneca)

fortuna parvis momentis magnas rerum commutationes efficit: fortune in brief

moments works great changes in our affairs

fortuna vitrea est, tum cum splendet frangitur: fortune is like glass; when it

sparkles, it is broken (Publilius Syrus)

fortunam citius reperias quam retineas: it is easier to find fortune than to keep

hold of it (Publilius Syrus)

fortunam debet quisque manere suam: everyone ought to live within his means (Ovid)

fortunato omne solum patria est: to the fortunate, every land is his country

fortunatus et ille deos qui novit agrestes: happy the person who knows the rural

gods (Virgil)

fragrat post funera virtus: virtue smells sweet after death

fraudare eos qui sciunt et consentiunt nemo videtur: a fraud upon those who are

aware of and consent to it is not deemed a fraud

fraus est celare fraudem: it is fraud to conceal fraud

fraus meretur fraudem: deceit deserves deceit

frigidam aquam effundere: to throw cold water on a business

fructu non foliis arborem æstima: judge a tree by its fruit, not by its leaves


frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per pauciora: that is idly done by many,

which may be done by a few

frustra Herculi: it is vain to speak against Hercules

frustra laborat qui omnibus placere studet: he labors in vain who tries to please


fugere est triumphus: to flee [evil] is a triumph

fugiendo in media sæpe ruitur fata: by fleeing, men often meet the very fate they

seek to avoid (Livy)

fugientes afflictio sequitur: suffering follows those who flee

fuimus Troës; fuit Ilium: we have been Trojans; Troy was (Virgil)

fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru, non minus ignotos generosis: glory

draws all bound to her shining carriage, low-born and high-born alike (Horace)

fundamentum justitiæ est fides

gratus animus est una virtus non

fundamentum justitiæ est fides: the fountain of justice is good faith (Cicero)

furiosi solo furore punitur: a madman is to be punished by his madness alone

furiosus absentis loco est: a madman is like a man who is absent (Coke, adapted

from Justinian)

furiosus furore suo punitur: a madman is punished by his madness

furor fit læsa sæpius patientia: patience, when too often offended, is turned into


furor iraque mentem præcipitant: rage and anger hurry on the mind (Virgil)

futurum invisibile: the future is inscrutable


galeatum sero duelli poenitet: after donning the helmet, it is too late to repent of

war (Juvenal)

gallus in sterquilinio suo plurimum potest: the cock is proudest on his own

dungheap (Seneca)

gaudeamus igitur (juvenes dum sumus): let us be joyful, therefore (while we are


gaudent magni viri rebus adversis non aliter, quam fortes milites bellis: great

men rejoice in adversity just as brave soldiers triumph in war (Seneca)

gaudium est miseris socios habere poenarum: it is joy to the unhappy to have

companions in misfortune (i.e., misery loves company) (Dominicus de Gravina)

genus est mortis male vivere: to live an evil life is a type of death (Ovid)

gladiator in arena consilium capit: the gladiator takes counsel in the arena (i.e., he

asks for advice after it is too late to heed it)

gloria virtutem tanquam umbra sequitur: glory follows virtue as if it were its

shadow (Cicero)

gloriæ et famæ jactura facienda est, publicæ utilitatis causa: a surrender of glory

and fame must be made for the public advantage (Cicero)

gloriam qui spreverit, veram habet: the one who despises glory will have true glory


grata superveniet quæ non sperabitur hora: the hour of happiness will come, the

more welcome when it is not expected (Horace)

gratia atque honos opportuniora interdum non cupientibus: fame and honor

sometimes fall more fitly on those who do not desire them (Livy)

gratia pro rebus merito debetur inemtis: thanks are justly due for things we do

not pay for (Ovid)

gratior et pulchro veniens in corpore virtus: virtue is all the fairer when it comes

in a beautiful body (Virgil)

gratus animus est una virtus non solum maxima, sed etiam mater virtutum

omnium reliquarum: a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the

parent of all the other virtues (Cicero)

grave nihil est homini quod fert hæredis fletus sub persona risus est

grave nihil est homini quod fert necessitas: no burden is really heavy to a man

that necessity lays on him

grave paupertas malum est, et intolerabile, quæ magnum domat populum: the

poverty that oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil

grave senectus est hominibus pondus: old age is a heavy burden to man

gravior multo poena videtur, quæ a miti viro constituitur: a punishment always

appears far more severe when it is inflicted by a merciful man (Seneca)

graviora quæ patiantur videntur jam hominibus quam quæ metuant: present

sufferings seem far greater to men than those they merely dread (Livy)

graviora quædam sunt remedia periculis: some remedies are worse than the

disease (Publilius Syrus)

gravis ira regum (est) semper: the wrath of kings is always severe (Seneca)

gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis: the power of custom is most weighty

(Publilius Syrus)

grex totus in agris unius scabie cadit: the entire flock in the fields dies of the

disease introduced by one (Juvenal)

gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed sæpe cadendo: the drop hollows the stone, not by

force but by constant dripping (Ovid)

gutta fortunæ præ dolio sapientiæ: a drop of good fortune rather than a cask of



habent insidias hominis blanditiæ mali: under the fair words of a bad man there

lurks some treachery (Phжdrus)

habeo senectuti magnam gratiam, quæ mihi sermonis aviditatem auxit: I owe it

to old age, that my desire for conversation is so increased (Cicero)

habere non potest Deum patrem qui ecclesiam non habet matrem: one cannot

have God for a father who does not have the Church for a mother (St. Cyprian)

habet et bellum suas leges: even war has its laws

habet et musca splenem: even a fly gets angry

hac urget lupus, hac canis: on one side a wolf besets you, on the other a dog


hæ nugæ in seria ducent mala: these trifles will lead to serious evils (Horace)

hæc a te non multum abludit imago: this picture bears no resemblance to yourself


hæc brevis est nostrorum summa malorum: such is the short sum of our evils


hæc olim meminisse juvabit: it will be a pleasure to remember these things

hereafter (Virgil)

hæredis fletus sub persona risus est: the weeping of an heir is laughter under a

mask (i.e., in disguise) (Publilius Syrus)

hæreditas nunquam ascendit

hoc tempore obsequium amicos

hæreditas nunquam ascendit: the right of inheritance never ascends

hæres legitimus est quem nuptiæ demonstrant: he is the lawful heir whom

marriage points out as such

haud æquum facit, qui quod didicit, id dediscit: he does not do right who

unlearns what he has learned (Plautus)

haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco: not unfamiliar with misfortune myself,

I have learned to aid the wretched (Virgil)

haud semper errat fama; aliquando et elegit: fame does not always err; sometimes

it chooses well (Tacitus)

haud sidit inane: it does not sink when empty

hei mihi!, quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis: ah me!, love cannot be cured

by herbs (Ovid)

heu!, nihil invitis fas quenquam fidere divis!: alas!, it is not well for anyone to feel

confident when the gods are adverse! (Virgil)

heu!, quam difficile est crimen non prodere vultu!: alas!, how difficult it is not to

betray guilt by our looks! (Ovid)

heu!, quam difficilis gloriæ custodia est!: alas!, how difficult is the custody of

glory! (Publilius Syrus)

heu!, quam miserum est ab eo lædi, de quo non ausis queri!: alas!, how galling it

is to be injured by one against whom you dare not make a complaint! (Publilius


hi sunt inimici pessumi fronte hilaro corde tristi: your worst enemies are those

whose faces are cheerful while their hearts are bitter (Cжcilius)

hic est aut nusquam quod quærimus: what we seek is either here or nowhere


hic funis nihil attraxit: this line has taken no fish (i.e., this scheme has failed)

hilarisque tamen cum pondere virtus: virtue may be happy, but with dignity


his nunc præmium est, qui recta prava faciunt: nowadays those are rewarded who

make right appear wrong (Terence)

historia quo quomodo scripta delectat: history, however written, is always a

pleasure to us (Pliny the Younger)

hoc erat in more majorum: this was in the custom (or manner) of our ancestors

hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui: it is to live twice, when you can enjoy

recalling your former life (Martial)

hoc habeo quodcunque dedi: whatever I have given, I still possess (Caius Rabirius)

hoc maxime officii est, ut quisquis maxime opus indigeat, ita ei potissimum

opitulari: it is our prime duty to aid him first who most stands in need of our

assistance (Cicero)

hoc pretium ob stultitiam fero: this reward I gain for my folly (Terence)

hoc sustinete, majus ne veniat malum: endure this evil lest a greater come upon

you (Phжdrus)

hoc tempore obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit: these days flattery wins

friends, truth begets hatred (Terence)

hodie vivendum, amissa homo multi consilii et optimi

hodie vivendum, amissa (or omissa) præteritorum cura: let us live today,

forgetting the cares that are past (an Epicurean maxim)

hominem improbum non accusari tutius est quam absolvi: it is safer that a bad

man should not be accused, than that he should be acquitted (Livy)

hominem non odi sed ejus vitia: I do not hate the man, but his vices (Martial)

homines amplius oculis quam auribus credunt: men are readier to believe their

eyes than their ears (Seneca)

homines dum docent discunt: even while they teach, men learn (Seneca)

homines (enim) ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus

dando: in nothing are men more like gods than when they save (or heal) their

fellow men (Cicero)

homines nihil agendo discunt male agere: men, by doing nothing, learn to do ill


homines plus in alieno negotio videre, quam in suo: men see better into other

people’s business than into their own (Seneca)

homines proniores sunt ad voluptatem, quam ad virtutem: men are more prone

to pleasure than to virtue (Cicero)

homines, quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora: the more men have, the more

they want (Justinian)

homines voluptatibus transformantur: men are transformed by pleasures

homini ne fidas nisi cum quo modium salis absumpseres: trust no man till you

have eaten a peck of salt with him (i.e., have known him for a long time)

homini plurima ex homine sunt mala: most of man’s misfortunes are due to man

(Pliny the Elder)

homini potentiam quærenti egentissumus quisque opportunissumus: to

someone seeking power, the poorest man is the most useful (Sallust)

hominibus plenum, amicis vacuum: full of men, vacant of friends (Seneca)

hominis est errare, insipientis (vero) perseverare: to be human is to err, but it is

(truly) the fool who perseveres in error

hominum immortalis est infamia; etiam tum vivit, cum esse credas mortuam:

disgrace is immortal, and it lives even when one thinks it dead (Plautus)

hominum sententia fallax: the opinions of men are fallible (Ovid)

homo doctus in se semper divitias habet: a learned person always has wealth (or

riches) within (Phжdrus)

homo extra est corpus suum cum irascitur: a man, when angry, is beside himself

(Syrus Publilius)

homo fervidus et diligens ad omnia paratur: the man who is earnest and diligent

is prepared for all things (Thomas а Kempis)

homo homini aut Deus aut lupus: man is to man either a God or a wolf (Erasmus)

homo homini deus est si suum officium sciat: man is to man a god when he

recognizes his duty (Cжcilius)

homo multi consilii et optimi: a man always ready to give advice, and that the most


homo proponit, sed Deus disponit

humiles laborant ubi potentes

homo proponit, sed Deus disponit: man proposes, but God disposes (Thomas а


homo solus aut Deus aut Dæmon: man alone is either a God or a Demon


homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto: I am a man; nothing that relates to

man do I consider foreign to me (Terence)

homo totiens moritur quotiens amittit suos: a man dies as often as his friends (or

loved ones) die (Publilius Syrus)

homo vitæ commodatus non donatus: a man is lent, not given, to life (Publilius Syrus)

homunculi quanti sunt!, cum recogito: how insignificant men are!, when I think

of it (Plautus)

honesta mors turpi vita potior: an honorable death is better than a dishonorable

life (Tacitus)

honesta quædam scelera successus facit: success makes some crimes honorable


honestum non est semper quod licet: what is lawful is not always respectable

honora medicum propter necessitatem: honor physicians for the sake of necessity

honos alit artes, omnesque incenduntur ad studia gloria: honors encourage the

arts, for all are incited toward studies by glory (or fame) (Cicero)

honos habet onus: honor has its burdens (i.e., honor carries responsibility)

horæ momento, cita mors venit aut victoria læta: in a moment comes either

sudden death or joyful victory (Horace)

horrea formicæ tendunt ad inania nunquam; nullus ad amissas ibit amicus

opes: just as ants never bend their way to visit empty storehouses, so no friend will

visit departed wealth (Ovid)

horrent commota moveri: what has been disturbed shrinks from being stirred up


hos ego versiculos feci, tulit alter honores: I wrote these lines, another has taken

the credit (Virgil)

hosti etiam servanda fides: faith must be kept even to the enemy

hostis est uxor invita quæ ad virum nuptum datur: the wife who is given in

marriage to a man against her will becomes his enemy (Plautus)

hostis honori invidia: envy is the foe of honor

humanitati qui se non accommodat, plerumque poenas oppetit superbiæ: the

one who does not conform to courtesy generally pays the penalty for his

haughtiness (Phжdrus)

humanius est deridere vitam quam deplorare: it is better for a man to laugh at life

than to lament over it (Seneca)

humanum amare est, humanum autem ignoscere est: it is human to love, and it

is also human to forgive (Plautus)

humanum genus est avidum nimis auricularum: man suffers from the plague of

itching ears (Lucretius)

humiles laborant ubi potentes dissident: the humble are in danger when the

powerful disagree (Phжdrus)

hunc laborem sumas laudem qui tibi ignorantia juris non excusat

hunc laborem sumas laudem qui tibi ac fructum ferat: accept tasks that bring you

praise as well as profit (Lucilius)

hypocritæ progenies viperarum: hypocrites are the offspring of vipers


ibit eo quo vis, qui zonam perdidit: the one who has lost his girdle (i.e., wallet or

purse), will go wherever you wish (Horace)

id agas tuo te merito ne quis oderit: take care that no one hates you justly

(Publilius Syrus)

id arbitror adprime in vita esse utile, ne quid nimis: this I consider to be a

valuable principle in life, not to do anything in excess (Terence)

id cinerem, aut manes credis curare sepultos?: do you think that spirits or ashes

of the dead care for such things? (Virgil)

id commune malum; semel insanivimus omnes: it is a common calamity; we have

all been mad once (Mantuanus)

id demum est homini turpe, quod meruit pati: that only brings disgrace on a man

which he has deserved to suffer (Phжdrus)

id facere laus est quod decet, non quod licet: he is deserving of praise who

considers not what he may do, but what it becomes him to do (Seneca)

id maxime quemque decet, quod est cujusque suum maxime: the best becomes

every person, which is more peculiarly his own (Cicero)

id nobis maxime nocet, quod non ad rationis lumen sed ad similitudinem

aliorum vivimus: this is especially ruinous to us, that we shape our lives not by the

light of reason, but after the fashion of others (Seneca)

id quoque, quod vivam, munus habere Dei: this also, that I live, I consider a gift

of God (Ovid)

idem est ergo beate vivere et secundum naturam: to live happily is the same

thing as to live in accordance with nature’s laws (Seneca)

idem velle atque idem nolle, ea demum firma amicitia est: to have the same likes

and dislikes, this, after all, is what defines a solid friendship (Sallust)

idque petit corpus, mens unde est saucia amore: the body seeks that which has

wounded the mind with love (Lucretius)

ignavis precibus Fortuna repugnat: Fortune spurns the prayers of cowards (Ovid)

ignavis semper feriæ sunt: to the indolent every day is a holiday

ignem ne gladio fodito: do not stir the fire with a sword

ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros: fire tests gold, adversity brave men


ignis gladio non fodiendus: the fire should not be stirred by the sword

ignis, quo clarior fulsit, citius exstinguitur: the more brightly the fire has burnt,

the sooner it is extinguished (Seneca)

ignorantia juris non excusat: ignorance of the law does not excuse

ignorantia legis neminem excusat

imperia dura tolle

ignorantia legis neminem excusat: ignorance of the law excuses no one

ignorantia non excusat legem: ignorance does not excuse the law

ignoratione rerum bonarum et malarum, maxime hominum vita vexatur:

through ignorance of the distinction between good and bad, the life of men is

greatly vexed (Cicero)

ignoscas aliis multa, nil tibi: you should forgive many things in others, but nothing

in yourself (Ausonius)

ignoscito sæpe alteri nunquam tibi: forgive others often, yourself never

ignoti nulla cupido: there is no desire for what is unknown (i.e., ignorance is bliss)

illa dolet vere quæ sine teste dolet: one grieves sincerely who grieves unseen (Martial)

ille crucem sceleris pretium tulit, hic diadema: that one man found a cross the

reward of his guilt, this one, a diadem (Juvenal)

ille sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum, abit: unus utrique error, sed variis illudit

partibus: one wanders to the left, another to the right: both are equally wrong, but

in different directions (Horace)

ille terrarum mihi præter omnis angulus ridet: that corner of the world smiles for

me more than anywhere else (Horace)

illi mors gravis incubat, qui, notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi: death

presses heavily on that man who, being but too well known to others, dies in

ignorance of himself (Seneca)

illic apposito narrabis multa Lyæo: there, with the wine of Bacchus in front of you,

you will tell many a tale (Ovid)

illicitum non sperandum: what is unlawful should not be hoped for

ima permutat brevis hora summis: but one short hour will change the lot of the

highest and of the lowest (Seneca)

imago animi sermo est: speech is the mirror of the mind (Seneca)

immensum gloria calcar habet: the love of glory gives an immense stimulus (Ovid)

immersabilis est vera virtus: true virtue cannot be overwhelmed

immortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum quæ rapit hora diem: not to hope

for things to last forever is what the year teaches, and even the hour that speeds the

pleasant day (Horace)

impedit ira animum, ne possit cernere verum: anger so clouds the mind that it

cannot perceive the truth (Dionysius Cato)

impendendus homo est, deus esse ut possit in ipso: man must be so weighed as

though there were a god within him (Manilius)

impensa monumenti supervacua est; memoria nostra durabit si vita meruimus:

a monument is an unnecessary expense; our memory will endure if we have earned

it by our life (Pliny the Younger)

imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique: money is either our master or our

slave (Horace)

imperator … intra ecclesiam, non supra ecclesiam est: the emperor is in the

Church, not above the Church (St. Ambrose)

imperia dura tolle, quid virtus erit?: remove severe restraints and what will

become of virtue? (Seneca)

imperium cupientibus in candore decus

imperium cupientibus nihil medium inter summa et præcipitia: in the struggle

between those seeking power there is no middle course (Tacitus)

imperium facile iis artibus retinetur, quibus initio partum est: power is easily

retained by those arts by which it was at first acquired (Sallust)

imperium, flagitio acquisitum, nemo unquam bonis artibus exercuit: the power

that was acquired by disgraceful means has never been directed to any good

purpose (Tacitus)

impetrare oportet, quia æquum postulas: you ought to obtain what you ask, as

you only ask for what is fair (Plautus)

impia sub dulci melle venena latent: deadly poisons are concealed under sweet

honey (Ovid)

implacabiles plerumque læsæ mulieres: women, when offended, are generally


importunitas evitanda: importunity (or insolence) should be avoided

impossibilium nulla obligatio est: there is no legal obligation to perform

impossibilities (Celsus)

impotentia excusat legem: impotency excuses law (i.e., laws that do not apply to the

disabled or infirm)

imprimis venerare deos: before all things reverence the gods (Virgil)

imprimisque hominis est propria veri inquisitio atque investigatio: the first duty

of man is seeking after and investigating the truth (Cicero)

improbe Neptunum accusat, qui naufragium iterum facit: the one who suffers

shipwreck twice is unjust to blame Neptune (Publilius Syrus)

improbi hominis est mendacio fallere: it is the act of a bad man to deceive by

falsehood (Cicero)

improbis aliena virtus semper formidolosa est: to wicked men the virtue of others

is always a matter of dread (Sallust)

improbus a nullo flectitur obsequio: the wicked are not swayed by obsequiousness

impunitas ferociæ parens: impunity is the parent of ferocity

impunitas semper ad deteriora invitat: impunity is always an invitation to a greater

crime (Coke)

in alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides: you see a louse on someone else, but

not a tick on yourself (Petronius)

in angustis amici boni apparent: good friends appear in difficulties

in animo perturbato, sicut in corpore, sanitas esse non potest: in a disturbed

mind, as in a body in the same state, health cannot exist (Cicero)

in annulo Dei figuram ne gestato: do not wear the image of God in a ring (i.e., do

not be frivolous in your use of God’s name)

in audaces non est audacia tuta: against the daring, daring is unsafe (Ovid)

in beato omnia beata: with the blessed, all things are blessed (Horace)

in calamitoso risus etiam injuria est: even to smile at the unfortunate is to do them

injury (Publilius Syrus)

in candore decus: there is honor in sincerity

in casu extremæ necessitatis omnia

in omni adversitate fortunæ

in casu extremæ necessitatis omnia sunt communia: in a case of extreme

emergency all things are common

in causa facili, cuivis licet esse diserto: in an easy cause, any person may be eloquent


in civitate libera linguam mentemque liberas esse debere (jactabat): in a free

state there should be freedom of speech and thought (Tiberias, as quoted by


in coelo nunquam spectatum impune cometam: a comet is never seen in the sky

without indicating disaster (Claudian)

in contingentibus et liberis tota ratio facti stat in voluntate facientis: in

contingent and free things, all the reason of the fact lies in the will of the doer

in cute curanda plus æquo operata juventus: youth unduly busy with pampering

the outer man (Horace)

in dubiis benigniora semper sunt præferenda: in doubtful cases we must always

prefer the mildest sentence

in eadem re, utilitas et turpitudo esse non potest: usefulness and baseness cannot

exist in the same thing (Cicero)

in fuga foeda mors est; in victoria gloriosa: in flight death is disgraceful; in victory,

glorious (Cicero)

in generalibus latet dolus: in generalities lurks deception

in generalibus latet error: in generalities lurks error

in judicando criminosa est celeritas: in pronouncing judgment, haste is criminal

in magnis et voluisse sat est: in great things, it is enough even to have willed


in malis sperare bonum, nisi innocens, nemo potest: in adversity, only the

virtuous can entertain hope

in maxima fortuna minima licentia est: in the greatest fortune lies the least liberty


in maxima potentia minima licentia (est): in the greatest power lies the least


in medio tutissimus ibis: safety is in going the middle course (Ovid)

in morte alterius spem tu tibi ponere noli: beware of placing your hopes in the

death of others (Cato)

in nocte consilium: in the night is counsel (i.e., sleep on it)

in nomine Domini incipit omne malum: in the name of the Lord every evil begins

in nullum avarus bonus est, in se pessimus: the avaricious man is kind to no

person, but most unkind to himself

in omni adversitate fortunæ infelicissimum est genus infortunii fuisse felicem:

in every kind of adversity, the bitterest part of a person’s affliction is to remember

that he was once happy (Boлthius)

in omni re vincit imitationem incertum est quo te loco mors

in omni re vincit imitationem veritas: in everything, truth surpasses its imitation


in omnibus fere minori ætati succurritur: in all cases, relief is afforded to persons

under age

in omnibus quidem, maxime tamen in jure, æquitas est: in all things, but

particularly in law, regard is to be given to equity

in pace leones, in prælio cervi: in peace they are lions, in battle they are deer

in pace ut sapiens aptarit idonea bello: in peace, like the wise man, make

preparations for war (Horace)

in pertusum ingerimus dicta dolium, operam ludimus: we are pouring our words

into a perforated cask, and lose our labor (Plautus)

in poenam sectatur et umbra: for punishment even a shadow is pursued

in proverbium cessit, sapientiam vino adumbrari: it has passed into a proverb,

that wisdom is overshadowed by wine (Pliny the Elder)

in re dubia melius est verbis edicti serviri: in uncertain cases it is best to follow


in rebus prosperis, superbiam, fastidium arrogantiamque magno opere

fugiamus: in prosperity let us most carefully avoid pride, disdain, and arrogance


in se magna ruunt: great things are apt to rush against each other (i.e., to clash) (Lucan)

in tanta inconstantia turbaque rerum nihil nisi quod preteriit certum est: in

the great inconstancy and crowd of events, nothing is certain except the past


in toto et pars continetur: in the whole, the part is also contained

in turbas et discordias pessimo cuique plurima vis: in seasons of tumult and

discord, the worst men have the greatest power (Tacitus)

in unoquoque virorum bonorum habitat Deus: God has his dwelling within every

good man (Seneca)

in vindicando, criminosa est celeritas: in revenge, haste is criminal

in virtute posita est vera felicitas: true happiness is centered in virtue (Seneca)

in virtute sunt multi ascensus: in the ascent to virtue there are many steps (i.e.,

there are many degrees of excellence) (Cicero)

in vitium ducit culpæ fuga: in fleeing one vice we are sometimes caught by another


in vota miseros ultimus cogit timor: fear of death drives the wretched to prayer


incendit omnem feminæ zelus domum: the jealousy of a woman sets a whole

house aflame

incerta pro nullis habetur: what is uncertain is to be treated as non-existent

incerti sunt exitus belli: the results of war are uncertain (Cicero)

incertum est quo te loco mors expectet; itaque in omni loco illam expecta: it is

uncertain in what place death awaits you; therefore, be ready for it in every place


incipe quidquid agas: pro toto est

inhumanitas omni ætate molesta est

incipe quidquid agas: pro toto est prima operis pars: begin whatever you have to

do: the beginning of a work stands for the whole (Ausonius)

incitantur enim homines ad agnoscenda quæ differuntur: our inquisitive

disposition is excited by having its gratification deferred (Pliny the Younger)

inclusio unius est exclusio alterius: the mention by name of the one is the

exclusion of the other

inde datæ leges ne fortior omnia posset: laws have been ordained so that the

stronger may not have everything their own way

index animi sermo est: speech is an indicator of thought

indigna digna habenda sunt hæres quæ facit: things unbecoming are to be held

becoming if the master does them (Plautus)

indigne vivit per quem non vivit alter: he by whom another does not live does not

deserve to live

indulgentia parentum, filiorum pernicies: the indulgence of parents is the bane of


ingenii largitor venter: the belly is the giver of genius (i.e., poverty inspires genius)


ingenio experior funera digna meo: I suffer ruin worthy of mine own invention

ingenio facies conciliante placet: when the disposition wins us, the features please


ingenio non ætate adipiscitur sapientia: wisdom is a gift of nature, not of years

ingenio stat sine morte decus: the honor accorded to genius is immortal


ingenio stimulos subdere fama solet: the love of fame usually spurs on the mind


ingeniorum cos æmulatio: rivalry is the whetstone of talent

ingenita levitas et erudita vanitas: levity is inborn, but vanity is instilled (Cicero)

ingenium mala sæpe movent: misfortunes often stir up genius (Ovid)

ingenium res adversæ nudare solent, celare secundæ: as a rule, adversity reveals

genius and prosperity conceals it (Horace)

ingens telum necessitas: necessity is a powerful weapon (Seneca)

ingentia marmora findet caprificus: the fig tree splits huge blocks of marble

ingenuas didicisse fideliter artes emollit mores, nec sinit esse feros: a faithful

study of the liberal arts refines the manners and corrects their harshness (Ovid)

ingratis servire nefas: to serve the ungrateful is an offense to the gods

ingrato homine terra pejus nil creat: the earth does not produce anything worse

than an ungrateful man (Ausonius)

ingratum si dixeris, omnia dicis: if you pronounce a man ungrateful, you say all

that can be said against him

ingratus est qui remotis testibus agit gratiam: he is an ungrateful man who is

unwilling to acknowledge his obligation before others (Seneca)

ingratus unus miseris omnibus nocet: one ungrateful man does an injury to all

who are wretched (Publilius Syrus)

inhumanitas omni ætate molesta est: inhumanity is harmful in every age (Cicero) inhumanum verbum est ultio insanus omnis furere credit cæteros

inhumanum verbum est ultio: revenge is an inhuman word (Seneca)

inimicorum dona, infausta: gifts of enemies are unlucky

inimicus et invidus vicinorum oculus: an enemy and an envious man is an eye over

his neighbor (i.e., carefully watches his neighbor)

iniqua nunquam regna perpetua manent: authority, founded on injustice, does not

remain perpetual (Seneca)

iniquissimam pacem justissimo bello antefero: I prefer the most unjust peace to

the most just war (Cicero)

iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem: it is unjust that anyone should be the

judge in his own cause (Coke)

iniquum est collapsis manum non porrigere: commune hoc jus generis humani

est: it is no sin to stretch out your hand to the fallen: that is a common law of the

human race (Seneca the Elder)

initia magistratuum nostrorum meliora ferme, et finis inclinat: our magistrates

discharge their duties best at the beginning and fall off toward the end (Tacitus)

initium est salutis, notitia peccati: the first step toward salvation is the recognition

of sin (Seneca)

initium sapientiæ est timor Domini: the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the

Lord (also, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of domini, the master)

injuria non excusat injuriam: one wrong does not justify another

injuriæ spretæ exolescunt, si irascaris agnitæ videntur: injuries that are slighted

and unnoticed are soon forgotten; if you are angry, they are seen to be


injuriam qui facturus est jam facit: the one who is bent on doing an injury has

already done it (Seneca)

injuriarum remedium est oblivio: the best remedy for injuries is to forget them

(Publilius Syrus)

injuriis infirmitas subjecta: weakness is subject to injuries (or wrongs)

injusta ab justis impetrare non decet; justa autem ab injustis petere, insipientia

est: to ask what is unreasonable from the reasonable is not right; to ask what is

reasonable from the unreasonable is folly (Plautus)

inopi beneficium bis dat, qui dat celeriter: the one who gives quickly gives a

double benefit to the needy (Publilius Syrus and Seneca)

inopiæ desunt multa, avaritiæ omnia: poverty is the lack of many things, but

avarice is the lack of all things (Publilius Syrus)

inops, potentem dum vult imitari, perit: it is destruction to the weak man to

attempt to imitate the powerful (Phжdrus)

inquinat egregios adjuncta superbia mores: the best manners are stained by the

addition of pride (Claudian)

insania scire se non potest, non magis quam cæcitas se videre: insanity cannot

recognize itself any more than blindness can see itself (Apuleius)

insanus omnis furere credit cæteros: every madman thinks all others insane

(Publilius Syrus)

insipientis est dicere, non putarem

intra fortunam quisque debet

insipientis est dicere, non putarem: it is the part of a fool to say, I should not have

thought so

insita hominibus libidine alendi de industria rumores: innate to all persons is a

natural desire to spread rumors

insita hominibus natura violentiæ resistere: it is natural to man to resist violence


insita mortalibus natura, propere sequi quæ piget inchoare: people are naturally

ready enough to follow in matters in which they are disinclined to take the lead


insperata accidunt magis sæpe quam quæ speres: what you do not expect happens

more frequently than what you do (Plautus)

inspicere tanquam in speculum in vitas omnium jubeo, atque ex aliis sumere

exemplum sibi: the lives of other men should be regarded as a mirror from which

we may take an example and a rule of conduct for ourselves (Terence)

integra mens augustissima possessio: a sound and vigorous mind is the highest


intelligenti pauca: to the understanding, few words suffice

intemperans adolescentia effoetum corpus tradit senectuti: an intemperate youth

transfers to old age a worn-out body (Cicero)

intentio cæca mala: a hidden intention is an evil one

inter amicos omnium rerum communitas: among friends all things are common


inter arma leges silent: in time of war, the laws are silent (Circero)

inter delicias semper aliquid sævi nos strangulat: in the midst of our enjoyments

there is always some wrong to torture us

inter nos sanctissima divitiarum majestas: among us the most sacred majesty is

that of riches (Juvenal)

inter sylvas Academi quærere verum: amid the woods of the Academy to seek for

truth (Horace)

inter utrumque tene: keep between both extremes (Ovid)

intera fortunam quisque debet manere suam: every man should stay within his

own fortune (Ovid)

interdum lacrimæ pondera vocis habent: even tears at times have the weight of

speech (Ovid)

interdum requiescendum: sometimes we must rest

interdum stultus bene loquitur: sometimes a fool speaks well

interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat: sometimes the common people see

what is right, at other times they err (Horace)

intererit multum Davusne loquatur an heros: there is a great difference when the

servant Davus is speaking and when a hero speaks (Horace)

intolerabilius nihil est quam foemina dives: there is nothing more insufferable

than a rich woman (Juvenal)

intra fortunam quisque debet manere suam: everyone should confine himself

within the bounds of his own fortune (Ovid)

intret amicitiæ nomine tectus amor is demum miser est, cujus nobilitas

intret amicitiæ nomine tectus amor: love will enter cloaked in friendship’s name


intus si recte, ne labora: if inwardly right, don’t worry

intuta quæ indecora: what is unseemly is unsafe (Tacitus)

invidiam ferre aut fortis aut felix potest: only the brave or the fortunate are able

to endure envy (Publilius Syrus)

invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta?: are you trying to appease envy by the

abandonment of virtue?

invidiam, tanquam ignem, summa petere: envy, like fire, always makes for the

highest points (Livy)

invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis: the envious man grows lean at the

prosperity of another (Horace)

invisa numquam imperia retinentur diu: hated governments never last long


invitat culpam qui peccatum præterit: the one who overlooks one sin (or crime)

invites the commission of another (Publilius Syrus)

invitum fortuna fovet: fortune helps a man even against his will

invitum qui servat idem facit occidenti: the one who saves a man against his will

does the same as if he killed him (Horace)

involuta veritas in alto latet: truth lies wrapped up and hidden in the depths


ipsa quidem virtus pretium sibi: virtue is indeed its own reward (Claudian)

ipsa scientia potestas est: knowledge itself is power (Francis Bacon)

ipsa se fraus, etiamsi initio cautior fuerit, detegit: treachery, though at first very

cautious, betrays itself in the end (Livy)

ipse decor, recti facti si præmia desint, non movet: men do not value a good deed

unless it brings a reward (Ovid)

ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos: He (God) made us, and not we ourselves (after

Psalm 100:3)

ipse Jupiter, neque pluens omnibus placet, neque abstinens: even Jupiter

himself cannot please all, whether he sends rain or fair weather

ira furor brevis est: anger is a brief madness (Horace)

ira quæ tegitur nocet; professa perdunt odia vindictæ locum: resentment that is

concealed is dangerous; hatred avowed loses its opportunity of vengeance (Seneca)

iram qui vincit, hostem superat maximum: the one who subdues his anger

conquers his greatest enemy

iratus cum ad se redit, sibi tum irascitur: when an angry man returns to himself,

he is angry with himself (Publilius Syrus)

is demum miser est, cujus nobilitas miserias nobilitat: wretched, indeed, is the

man whose fame makes his misfortunes famous (Accius)

is maxime divitiis fruetur

jucundiorem autem faciet libertatem

is maxime divitiis fruetur (or utitur), qui minime divitiis indiget: he most enjoys

wealth who least desires wealth (Seneca)

is plurimum habebit qui minimum desiderabit: he will have most who desires

least (Ausonius)

is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; stultus pugnat in adversis ire

natator aquis: he is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool

struggles like a swimmer against the stream

ista parentum est vita vilis liberis, ubi malunt metui quam vereri se ab suis:

children hold cheap the life of parents who would rather be feared than respected

(Lucius Afranius)

isthuc est sapere non quod ante pedes modo est videre, sed etiam illa quæ

futura sunt prospicere: true wisdom consists not in seeing that which is

immediately before our eyes, but in the foresight of that which may happen


istuc est sapere, qui, ubicunque opus sit, animum possis flectere: you are a wise

man if you can easily direct your attention to whatever may require it (Terence)

ita comparatam esse naturam omnium, aliena ut melius videant et dijudicent,

quam sua: the nature of all men is so formed that they see and discriminate in the

affairs of others much better than in their own (Terence)

ita cuique comparatum est in ætate hominum; ita divis est placitum, voluptatem

ut mæror comes consequatur: it is our human lot, it is heaven’s will, for sorrow to

come after joy (Plautus)

ita finitima sunt falsa veris, ut in præcipitem locum non debeat se sapiens

committere: falsehood often borders so nearly on the truth that a wise man should

not trust himself to the precipice (Cicero)

itidemque ut sæpe jam in multis locis, plus insciens quis fecit quam prodens

boni: and so it happens oft in many instances; more good is done without our

knowledge than is intended by us (Plautus)

Iuppiter ex alto perjuria ridet amantum: Jupiter from on high laughs at the lies of

lovers (Ovid)


jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit: a hungry stomach rarely despises

common fare (also translated: the stomach that is rarely hungry despises common

fare) (Horace)

jocos et dii amant: even the gods love jokes (Plato)

jucunda est memoria præteritorum malorum: the recollection of past miseries is

pleasant (Cicero)

jucunda oblivia vitæ: it is pleasant to forget [the calamities of] life

jucundi acti labores: past labors are pleasant (Cicero)

jucundiorem autem faciet libertatem servitutis recordatio: liberty is made even

more precious by the recollection of servitude (Cicero)

jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor justitia est constans et perpetua

jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor amicum: a wife who has no children makes

a dear and delightful friend (to her husband’s heirs) (Juvenal)

jucundum nihil est, nisi quod reficit varietas: nothing is pleasant to which variety

does not give relish

judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur: the judge is condemned when the guilty is

acquitted (Publilius Syrus)

judex non potest esse testis in propria causa: a judge cannot be a witness in his

own cause (Coke)

judicandum est legibus, non exempli: the judgment must be pronounced from law,

not from precedent

judicata res pro veritate accipitur: a matter that has been adjudged is accepted as a


judicia Dei sunt ita recondita ut quis illa scrutari nullatenus possit: the

purposes of God are so abstruse that no one can possibly scrutinize them (Cicero)

judicis est innocentiæ subvenire: it is the duty of the judge to support innocence


judicis est judicare secundum allegata et probata: it is the judge’s duty to decide

in accordance with what is alleged and proved

judicis est jus dicere non dare: it is the judge’s duty to enunciate the law, not to

make it

judicis officium est, ut res, ita tempora rerum quærere: it is the judge’s duty to

inquire into not only the facts, but the circumstances (Ovid)

judicium a non suo judice datum nullus est momenti: judgment given by a judge

in a matter outside his jurisdiction is of no legal force

Jupiter est quodcumque vides, quocumque moveris: Jupiter is whatever you see,

whichever way you move (Lucan)

jura inventa metu injusti fateare necesse est, tempora si fastosque velis

evolvere mundi: if you examine the history of the world you will have to admit

that fear of injustice brought justice into being (Horace)

jurare est Deum in testem vocare: to swear is to call God to witness

jurgia præcipue vino stimulata caveto: above all, avoid quarrels excited by wine


jus civile neque inflecti gratia, neque perfringi potentia, neque adulterari

pecunia debet: the law ought neither to be warped by favor, nor shattered by

power, nor corrupted by money (Cicero)

jus est ars boni et æqui: law is the art of the good and the just

jus summum sæpe summa malitia est: extreme law (or justice) is often extreme

wrong (Terence)

justæ causæ facilis est defensio: the defense of a just cause is easy

justitia erga Deum religio dicitur, erga parentes pietas: the discharge of our duty

toward God is called religion, toward our parents, piety (Cicero)

justitia est constans et perpetua voluntas jus suum cuique tribuens (or

tribuendi): justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to everyone his due


justitia est obtemperatio scriptis laudari a viro laudato maxima est

justitia est obtemperatio scriptis legibus: justice is conformity to the written laws


justitia nihil expetit præmii: justice seeks no reward (Cicero)

justitia suum cuique distribuit: justice renders to every one his due (Cicero)

justitia virtutum regina: justice is the queen of virtues

justitiæ partes sunt, non violare homines verecundiæ non offendere: it is the

office of justice to injure no one, of property, to offend none (Cicero)

justo geminantur anni: the years are doubled for the just

juvant aspera probum: misfortunes benefit the good man

juvenile vitium regere non posse impetum: it is the fault of youth that it cannot

govern its own impulses (Seneca)


labitur occulte, fallitque volubilis ætas: time rolls on steadily and eludes us as it

steals past (Ovid)

labor est etiam ipsa voluptas: even pleasure itself is a toil (Manilius)

labor improbus omnia vincit (or, labor omnia vincit improbus): great labor

overcomes everything

labor ipse voluptas: work is itself a pleasure (i.e., labor is its own reward)

labor optimos citat: work summons forth the best men (Seneca)

lacrimæ nobis deerunt antequam causæ dolendi: our tears will fail before we

cease to have cause for grief (Seneca)

lactuca innatat acri post vinum stomacho: lettuce after wine floats on the acrid

stomach (Horace)

lætus sorte tua vives sapienter: you will live wisely if you live contented with

your lot

lætus sum laudari a laudato viro: I am pleased to be praised by a man of such praise


lapis qui volvitur algam non generat: a rolling stone gathers no moss

largitio fundum non habet: giving has no bottom

latere semper patere, quod latuit diu: leave in concealment what has long been

concealed (Seneca)

laterem laves: you wash a brick (i.e., you may as well wash a clay brick white)


latet anguis in herba: a snake lies hid in the grass (Virgil)

lathe biosas: remain hidden in life (Epicurus, from the Greek)

latrante uno, latrat statim et alter canis: when one dog barks, another

immediately begins to bark as well

laudari a viro laudato maxima est laus: to be praised by a man himself deserving of

praise is the greatest possible praise

laudat venales qui vult extrudere leves homines futuri sunt improvidi

laudat venales qui vult extrudere merces: he praises his wares who wishes to palm

them off upon another (Horace)

laudato ingentia rura, exiguum colito: praise a large estate, but cultivate a small

one (Virgil)

laus est facere quod decet, non quod licet: it is doing what we ought to do, and

not merely doing what we may do, that is the ground of praise

laus in ore proprio vilescit: the praise one bestows upon oneself is of little value

laus in proprio ore sordescit: self-praise is offensive

laus magna natis obsequi parentibus: great praise is the reward of children who

respect the wishes of their parents (Phжdrus)

laus propria sordet: self-praise is base

laus vera et humili sæpe contingit viro; non nisi potenti falsa: true praise is often

the lot of him who is humble; false praise reaches none but the powerful (Seneca)

lege totum si vis scire totum: read the whole if you wish to know the whole

legem brevem esse oportet quo facilius ab imperitis teneatur: a law ought to be

short, that it may be the more easily understood by the unlearned (Seneca)

leges ad civium salutem, civitatumque incolumitatem conditæ sunt: laws were

framed for the welfare of the citizens and the security of states (Cicero)

leges arma tenent sanctas: arms cause laws to be respected

leges bonæ ex malis moribus procreantur: from bad morals good laws are

produced (Macrobius)

leges mori serviunt: laws are subservient to custom (Plautus)

leges neminem in paupertate vivere neque in anxietate mori permittunt: it is

never the intention of the law that anyone shall live in poverty or die in anguish


leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant: later laws repeal prior contrary


leges sunt inventæ quæ cum omnibus semper una atque eadem voce

loquerentur: laws are so devised that they may always speak with one and the same

voice to all (Cicero)

legis constructio non facit injuriam: the construction of the law does injury to no


lenior et melior fis, accedente senecta: you become milder and better as old age

advances (Horace)

leonem larva terres: you frighten a lion with a mask

leonum ora a magistris impune tractantur: the mouths of lions are handled by

their keepers with impunity (Seneca)

leve æs alienum debitorem facit, grave inimicum: a small debt makes a man your

debtor, a large one your enemy (Seneca)

leve fit quod bene fertur onus: light is the load that is cheerfully borne (Ovid)

leve incommodum tolerandum est: a slight inconvenience must be endured

leves homines futuri sunt improvidi: light-minded men are improvident of the

future (Tacitus)

levia perpessi sumus, si flenda

lingua mali loquax malæ mentis est

levia perpessi sumus, si flenda patimur: we have suffered lightly, if we have

suffered what we should weep for (Seneca)

leviores sunt injuriæ, quæ repentino aliquo motu accidunt, quam eæ quæ

meditate præparata inferuntur: the injuries that befall us unexpectedly are less

severe than those that we are deliberately anticipating (Cicero)

levis est consolatio ex miseria aliorum: the comfort derived from the misery of

others is slight (Cicero)

levis est dolor qui capere consilium potest: light is the grief that can take counsel


levius fit patientia quicquid corrigere est nefas: patience makes more tolerable

that which it is impossible to correct (Horace)

levius solet timere qui propius timet: he fears less who fears what is nearer to him


lex aliquando sequitur æquitatem: law is sometimes according to equity

lex citius tolerare vult privatum damnum quam publicum malum: the law will

sooner tolerate a private loss than a public evil (Coke)

lex neminem cogit ad impossibilia: the law compels no one to do what is


lex prospicit non respicit: the law is prospective, not retrospective

lex universa est quæ jubet nasci et mori: there is a universal law that commands

that we shall be born and we shall die (Publilius Syrus)

libenter homines id quod volunt credunt: men willingly believe that which they

wish for (Julius Cжsar)

libera te metu mortis: deliver yourself from the fear of death (Seneca)

liberæ sunt enim nostræ cogitationes: our thoughts are free (Cicero)

liberatem natura etiam mutis animalibus datam: liberty is given by nature even to

mute animals (Tacitus)

libertas est potestas faciendi id quod jure licet: liberty consists in the power of

doing what the law permits (Cicero)

libertas inæstimabile res est: liberty is a thing of inestimable value (Justinian)

libidinosa et intemperans adolescentia effoetum corpus tradit senectuti: a

sensual and intemperate youth transfers to old age a worn-out body (Cicero)

libido effrenata effrenatam appententiam efficit: unbridled gratification produces

unbridled desire

libra justa justitiam servat: a just balance preserves justice

licentiam retroena: abstain from license

licet superbus ambules pecunia, Fortuna non mutat genus: though you walk

proud of your money, yet Fortune has not changed your birth (Horace)

licuit semperque licebit parcere personis, dicere de vitiis: it has been, and ever

will be, lawful to spare the individual and to attack the vice

limæ labor et mora: the labor and delay of the file (i.e., the tedious revising of a

literary work before publication) (Horace)

lingua mali loquax malæ mentis est indicium: an evil tongue is the proof of an evil

mind (Publilius Syrus)

lingua mali pars pessima servi lusus animo debent aliquando dari

lingua mali pars pessima servi: the tongue is the worst part of a bad servant


linguam compescere, virtus non minima est: to restrain the tongue is not the least

of the virtues

litem parit lis, noxa item noxam parit: strife engenders strife, and injury likewise

engenders injury

litem quod lite resolvit: resolving one controversy by creating another (Horace)

litera scripta manet, verbum ut inane perit: the written word remains, what is

spoken perishes

littera enim occidit, spiritus autem vivificat (or, littera occidit, spiritus vivicat):

for the letter kills, but the spirit breathes life (2 Corinthians 3:6)

littore quot conchæ, tot sunt in amore dolores: there are as many pangs in love as

shells on the seashore (Ovid)

litus ama; altum alii teneant: keep close to the shore; let others venture into the

deep (Virgil)

locus est et pluribus umbris: there is room for even more guests at the feast


longa mora est nobis omnis, quæ gaudia differt: every delay that postpones our

joys is long (Ovid)

longissimus dies cito conditur: the longest day soon comes to an end (Pliny the

Younge r)

longum iter est per præcepta, breve et efficax per exempla: teaching by precept

is a long road, but brief and beneficial is the way by example (Seneca)

loquendum ut vulgus, sentiendum ut docti: we should speak as the populace,

think as the learned (Coke)

lubrici sunt fortunæ gressus: the footsteps of fortune are slippery

lubricum linguæ non facile in poenam est trahendum: a slip of the tongue ought

not to be rashly punished

lucri bonus (est) odor ex re qualibet: money smells good no matter its source

(Emperor Vespasian, in reference to his tax on public latrines)

lucrum malum æquale dispendio: an evil gain equals a loss (Publilius Syrus)

lucrum sine damno alterius fieri non potest: there is no profit without another’s

loss (Publilius Syrus)

lupo ovem commisisti: you have entrusted the wolf with the sheep (Terence)

lupum auribus tenere: to hold a wolf by its ears

lupus est homo homini: man is a wolf to his fellow man

lupus non curat numerum ovum: the wolf is not scared by the number of the sheep

lupus pilum mutat, non mentem: the wolf changes its coat, not its disposition

lusus animo debent aliquando dari, ad cogitandum melior ut redeat sibi: the

mind ought sometimes to be amused, that it may the better return to thought and

to itself (Phжdrus)

luxuriæ desunt multa, avaritiæ

magni est ingenii revocare mentem

luxuriæ desunt multa, avaritiæ omnia: luxury is in want of many things, avarice of

everything (Publilius Syrus)


macte virtute diligentiaque esto: persevere in virtue and diligence (Livy)

magis gauderes quod habueras, quam moereres quod amiseras: better to have

loved and lost, than not to have loved at all (Seneca)

magis gaudet quam qui senectam exuit: he rejoices more than an old man who has

put off old age (i.e., has become young again)

magis magni clerici non sunt magis sapientes: the greatest scholars are not the

wisest men

magister alius casus: misfortune is a second master (Pliny the Elder)

magistratum legem esse loquentem, legem autem mutum magistratum: a judge

is a speaking law, law a silent judge (Cicero)

magistratus indicat virum: the office shows the man

magna civitas, magna solitudo: great city, great solitude

magna di curant, parva neglegunt: the gods care about great matters, but they

neglect small ones (Cicero)

magna est vis consuetudinis; hæc ferre laborem, contemnere vulnus et dolorem

docet: great is the force of habit, teaching us as it does to bear fatigue and to

despise wounds and pain (Cicero)

magna inter molles concordia: there is great unanimity among the dissolute


magna pars hominum est, quæ non peccatis irascitur sed peccantibus: the

greater part of mankind is angry with the sinner and not with the sin (Seneca)

magna pars vulgi levis odit scelus spectatque: most of the giddy rabble hate the

evil deed they come to see (Seneca)

magna servitus est magna fortuna: a great fortune is a great slavery (Seneca)

magnæ felicitates multum caliginis mentibus humanis objiciunt: great and

sudden prosperity has a deadening effect on the human mind (Seneca)

magnæ fortunæ comes adest adulatio: adulation is ever the attendant on great


magnam fortunam magnus animus decet: a great mind becomes a great fortune


magni animi est injurias despicere: it is the mark of a great mind to despise

injuries (Seneca)

magni animi est magna contemnere, ac mediocria malle quam nimia: it is a sign

of a great mind to despise greatness, and to prefer things in measure to things in

excess (Seneca)

magni est ingenii revocare mentem a sensibus, et cogitationem a consuetudine

abducere: it is a proof of great talents to call back the mind from the senses, and

separate thought from habit (Cicero)

magni pectoris est inter secunda mala gallina, malum ovum

magni pectoris est inter secunda moderatio: moderation is the mark of a great

heart (Seneca the Elder)

magni refert quibuscum vixeris: it matters a great deal with whom you live (i.e.,

the company you keep betrays your character)

magno cum periculo custoditur, quod multis placet: that is guarded at great risk

which is coveted by many (Publilius Syrus)

magnos homines virtute metimur, non fortuna: we measure great men by their

virtue, not their fortune (Cornelius Nepos)

magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum: it speaks volumes for a

man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same

spirit of moderation

magnum hoc vitium vino est, pedes captat primum; luctator dolosu ’st: this is

the great fault of wine, it first trips up the feet; it is a cunning wrestler (Plautus)

magnum pauperies opprobrium jubet quidvis aut facere aut pati: poverty, that

deep disgrace, bids us do or suffer anything (Horace)

magnum vectigal est parsimonia: economy (or thrift) is a great revenue (Cicero)

magnus animus remissius loquitur et securius: the talk of a great soul is at once

more quiet and confident than that of other men (Seneca)

magnus sibi ipse non facit finem dolor: great grief does not of itself put an end to

itself (Seneca)

magnus sine viribus ignis incassum furit: a great fire, unless you feed it, spends its

rage in vain (Virgil)

majestatem res data dantis habet: the gift derives its value from the rank of the

giver (Ovid)

major e longinquo reverentia: respect is greater at a distance (Tacitus)

major erat natu; non omnia possumus omnes: he was older; there are some things

we cannot all do (Lucilius)

major famæ sitis est quam virtutis; quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam,

præmia si tollas?: the thirst of fame is greater than that of virtue; for who would

embrace virtue itself, if you take away its rewards? (Juvenal)

major hæreditas venit unicuique nostrum a jure et legibus, quam a parentibus:

a greater inheritance comes to each of us from our rights and laws than from our

parents (Cicero)

major ignotarum rerum est terror: greater is the terror of something unknown


majore tumultu planguntur nummi quam funera: money is bewailed with a

greater tumult than death (Juvenal)

majores fertilissium is agro oculum domini esse dixerunt: our fathers used to say

that the master’s eye was the best fertilizer (Pliny the Elder)

majus et minus non variant speciem: greater and less do not change the nature of

a thing

mala causa silenda est: it is best to be silent in a bad cause (Ovid)

mala gallina, malum ovum: bad hen, bad egg

mala grammatica non vitiat

malum (est) consilium quod mutari

mala grammatica non vitiat chartam: bad grammar does not vitiate a contract (or


mala mens, malus animus: bad mind, bad designs; bad mind, bad heart (Terence)

mala ultro adsunt: misfortunes come unsought

male cuncta ministrat impetus: anger manages everything badly (Statius)

male facere qui vult numquam non causam invenit: those who would do evil

never fail to find a reason (Publilius Syrus)

male imperando summum imperium amittitur: the greatest empire may be lost

by the misrule of its governors (Syrus Publilius)

male irato ferrum committitur: do not trust an angry man with a sword (Seneca)

male parta male dilabuntur: ill-gotten, ill-spent (i.e., easy come, easy go) (Cicero)

male partum male disperit: property ill got is property ill spent (i.e., easy come,

easy go) (Plautus)

male secum agit æger, medicum qui hæredem facit: a sick man acts foolishly for

himself who makes his doctor his heir

male verum examinat omnis corruptus judex: a corrupt judge does not carefully

search for the truth (Horace)

male vivunt qui se semper victuros putant: they live ill who think they will live

forever (Publilius Syrus)

maledicus a malefico non distat nisi occasione: an evil-speaker differs from an

evil-doer in nothing but want of opportunity (Quintilian)

malevolus animus abditos dentes habet: the malevolent have hidden teeth

(Publilius Syrus)

malim inquietam libertatem quam quietum servitium: I would rather have a

restless liberty than a quiet slavery

maliuolum solacii genus est turba miserorum: A crowd of fellow sufferers is a

miserable kind of comfort (Seneca)

malo benefacere tantumdem est periculum quantum bono malefacere: to do

good to the bad is a danger just as great as to do bad to the good (Plautus)

malo in consilio feminæ vincunt viros: women surpass men at scheming evil

(Publilius Syrus)

malo indisertam prudentiam, quam loquacem stultitiam: I prefer silent prudence

to loquacious folly (Cicero)

malo mihi male quam molliter esse: I would rather be ill than idle (Seneca)

malo mori quam foedari: I would rather die than be dishonored (i.e., better death

than dishonor)

malo nodo malus quærendus cuneus: for a hard knot a hard tool must be sought

malo undique clades: disaster awaits the wicked on every side

malorum facinorum ministri quasi exprobrantes aspiciuntur: accomplices in evil

actions are always regarded as reproaching the deed (Tacitus)

malum consilium consultori pessimum: bad advice is often fatal to the adviser

(Verrius Flaccus)

malum (est) consilium quod mutari non potest: bad is the plan that is incapable of

change (Publilius Syrus)

malum nascens facile opprimitur medici, causa morbi inventa

malum nascens facile opprimitur; inveteratum fit pleurumque robustius: an

evil habit is easily subdued in the beginning, but when it becomes inveterate it

gains strength (Cicero)

malum vas non frangitur: a worthless vessel is seldom broken (i.e., cheap things are

secure from harm)

malus bonum ubi se simulat, tunc est pessimus: a bad man, when he pretends to

be a good man, is the worst man of all (Publilius Syrus)

malus usus abolendus est: a bad custom is to be abolished

manet insontem gravis exitus: a grim end awaits the innocent

manus justa nardus: the just hand is as precious ointment

marcet sine adversario virtus: valor becomes feeble without an opponent (Seneca)

Mars gravior sub pace latet: a more severe war lurks under the guise of peace


mater artium necessitas: necessity is the mother of the arts (i.e., of invention)

materiam (or materiem) superabat opus: the workmanship surpassed the material


matre pulchra filia pulchrior: a daughter more beautiful than her beautiful mother


matrem timidi flere non solere: the mother of a timid man seldom has reason to

weep (Cornelius Nepos)

maturas coelo non cadit ante diem: he who is ripe for heaven falls not before his day

mature fieri senem, si diu velis esse senex: you must become an old man soon if

you would be an old man long (Cicero)

maxima debetur puero reverentia (or, maxima reverentia pueris debetur): the

greatest respect is due to a child (Juvenal)

maxima illecebra est peccandi impunitatis spes: the greatest incitement to guilt is

the hope of sinning with impunity (Cicero)

maxima quæque domus servis est plena superbis: every great house is full of

haughty servants (Juvenal)

maximæ cuique Fortunæ minime credendum est: it is when Fortune is most

propitious that she is least to be trusted (Livy)

maximas virtutes jacere omnes necesse est, voluptate dominante: where

pleasure prevails, all the greatest virtues must lie dormant (or, lose their power)


maximeque admirantur eum, qui pecunia non movetur: above all is he admired

who is not moved by money (Cicero)

maximum ornamentum amicitiæ tollit, qui ex ea tollit verecudiam: he takes the

greatest ornament from friendship, who takes modesty from it (Cicero)

maximum remedium iræ mora est (or dilatio est): the best remedy for anger is

delay (Seneca)

maximus novator tempus: time is the greatest innovator

medici, causa morbi inventa, curationem inventam putant: physicians, when they

have found out the cause of a disease, believe they have found out the cure (Cicero)

medici graviores morbos asperis

mercenarius fugit a grege

medici graviores morbos asperis remediis curant: doctors cure the more serious

diseases with harsh remedies (Curtius)

medio maxima turba mari est: the roughest seas are far from land (Propertius)

medio tutissimus ibis: the middle way is the safest for you to go (Ovid)

mediocribus utere partis: make moderate use of possessions

medium tenuere beati: blessed are they who have kept a middle course

mega biblion mega kakon: a great book is a great evil (Callimachus, from the


melior est conditio possidentis: better is the condition of the one in possession

(i.e., possession is nine-tenths of the law)

melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: better and safer is the

certainty of peace than the hope of victory (Livy)

meliora sunt ea quæ natura, quam quæ arte perfecta sunt: the things that are

perfect by nature are better than those that are perfect by art (Cicero)

melius est cavere semper quam pati semel: it is better to be always on our guard

than to suffer once

melius est pati semel, quam cavere semper: it is better to suffer once than always

to be cautious (Julius Cжsar)

melius est peccata cavere quam mortem fugere: it is better to avoid sin than to

flee from death (Thomas а Kempis)

melius in malis sapimus, secunda rectum auferunt: we become wiser by

adversity; prosperity destroys our appreciation of the right (Seneca)

mellitum venenum, blanda oratio: flattering speech is honey-sweetened poison

meminerunt omnia amantes: lovers remember everything (Ovid)

memorem immemorem facit, qui monet quod memor meminit: the one who

reminds someone of what he already remembers makes him forget (Plautus)

memoria est thesaurus omnium rerum e custos: memory is the treasury and

guardian of all things (Cicero)

memoria minuitur, nisi eam exerceas: your power of memory will diminish unless

you exercise it (Cicero)

mendacem memorem esse oportet (or oportere): a liar should have a good

memory (Quintilian)

mendaci homini, ne verum quidem dicenti credere solemus: we give no credit to

a liar, even when he speaks the truth (Cicero)

mendico ne parentes quidem amici sunt: to a beggar not even his own parents

show affection

mens bona regnum possidet: a good mind possesses a kingdom (Seneca)

mens cujusque is est quisque: the mind is the true self (Cicero)

mens sine pondere ludit: the mind is playful when unburdened

mens sola loco non exsulat: the mind alone cannot be exiled (Ovid)

mensque pati durum sustinet ægra nihil: a mind diseased cannot bear anything

harsh (Ovid)

mercenarius fugit a grege: the hired hand flees from the flock merces virtutis laus est misera est servitus ubi jus est aut

merces virtutis laus est: applause is the reward of virtue

meret qui laborat: he is deserving who is industrious

meritus augentur honores: honors are enhanced by merit

merx ultronea putret: proffered service stinks (i.e., it is despised)

messe tenus propria vive: live within the harvest (i.e., live within your means)

metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede verum est: it is right that every man

should measure himself by his own model and standard (Horace)

metus autem non est, ubi nullus irascitur: there is no fear where none is angry


militat omnis amans: every lover is engaged in a war (Ovid)

militiæ species amor est: love is a kind of warfare (Ovid)

mille animos excipe mille modis: treat a thousand dispositions in a thousand ways


mille mali species, mille salutis erunt: there are a thousand forms of evil; there

will be a thousand remedies (Ovid)

minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus: he threatens the innocent who spares

the guilty (Coke)

minimæ vires frangere quassa valent: very little avails to break a bruised thing


minime sibi quisque notus est, et difficilime de se quisque sentit: every one is

least known to himself, and it is very difficult for a man to know himself (Cicero)

minimum decet libere cui multum licet: he who has great power should use it

lightly (Seneca)

minor est quam servus, dominus qui servos timet: a master who fears his servants

is lower than a servant

minuentur atræ carmine curæ: black care will be soothed by song (Horace)

minuit præsentia famam: presence diminishes fame (Claudian)

minus afficit sensus fatigatio quam cogitatio: bodily fatigue affects the mind less

than intense thought (Quintilian)

minus (or minor) in parvis Fortuna furit, leviusque ferit leviora Deus: the rage

of Fortune is less directed against the humble, and God strikes more lightly upon

the low (Seneca)

minuti semper et infirmi est animi exiguique voluptas ultio: revenge is ever the

delight of a stinted and weak and petty mind (Juvenal)

mira quædam in cognoscendo suavitas et delectatio: there is a certain wonderful

sweetness and delight in gaining knowledge

miramur ex intervallo fallentia: we admire at a distance the things that deceive us

misce stultitiam consiliis brevem; dulce est desipere in loco: mix a little

foolishness with your serious plans; it is sweet to be silly in places (Horace)

misera est magni custodia census: the custody of a large fortune is a wretched

business (Juvenal)

misera est servitus ubi jus est aut vagum aut incognitum: obedience to the law is

a hardship where law is either unsettled or unknown

miseram pacem vel bello bene

morborum in vitio facilis medicina

miseram pacem vel bello bene mutari: an unhappy peace may be profitably

exchanged for war (Tacitus)

miseranda vita, qui se metui, quam amari malunt: pitiable is the life of those who

prefer being feared to being loved (Cornelius Nepos)

miserias properant suas audire miseri: the wretched hasten to hear of their own

miseries (Seneca)

misero datur quodcunque, fortunæ datæ: whatever we give to the wretched, we

lend to fortune (Seneca)

miseros prudentia prima relinquit: prudence is the first thing to forsake the

wretched (Ovid)

miserrima est fortuna quæ inimico caret: most wretched is the fortune of him

who has no enemy (i.e., who is not envied) (Publilius Syrus)

miserum est aliorum incumbere famæ: it is a wretched thing to lean upon the

fame of others (Juvenal)

miserum est opus, igitur demum fodere puteum, ubi sitis fauces tedet: it is a

wretched business to be digging a well just as thirst is mastering you (Plautus)

miserum est tacere cogi, quod cupias loqui: you are in a pitiable condition when

you have to conceal what you wish to tell (Publilius Syrus)

mitte hanc de pectore curam: dismiss these anxieties from your heart (Virgil)

mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum sera moretur: stop looking for the place where a

late rose may yet linger (Horace)

mobile mutatur semper cum principe vulgus: the fickle populace always changes

with the prince (Claudian)

mobilis et varia est ferme natura malorum: misfortunes generally are of a variable

and changeable nature (Juvenal)

moderari animo et orationi, cum sis iratus, non mediocris ingenii est: to be

able to temper your indignation and language when you are angry is evidence of a

chastened disposition (Cicero)

modestia famæ neque summis mortalibus spernenda est: fame, modestly

courted, is not to be despised by persons of the highest character (Tacitus)

modica voluptas laxat animos et temperat: moderate pleasure relaxes the spirit

and moderates it (Seneca)

modo, et modo, non habebent modum: by-and-by has no end (St. Augustine)

modus omnibus in rebus, soror, optimum est habitu; nimia omnia nimium

exhibent negotium hominibus ex se: in everything the middle course is best; all

things in excess bring trouble to men (Plautus)

mollis educatio nervos omnes et mentis et corporis frangit: an easy education

weakens all powers both of mind and body (Quintilian)

mora omnis odio est, sed facit sapientiam: all delay is hateful, but it produces

wisdom (Publilius Syrus)

morbi perniciores pluresque animi quam corporis: the diseases of the mind are

more and more destructive than those of the body (Cicero)

morborum in vitio facilis medicina recenti: the cure is easy if the malady be recent

(Gratius Faliscus)

mores amici noveris, non oderis multæ hominibus at malitam viæ

mores amici noveris, non oderis: know well, but take no offense at the manners of

a friend

mori est felicis antequam mortem invocet: happy is the one who dies before he

must call on death (Publilius Syrus)

moribus et forma conciliandus amor: pleasing manners and a handsome form

conciliate love (Ovid)

mors et fugacem persequitur virum: death pursues the man even as he flees from

it (Horace)

mors ipsa refugit sæpe virum: death itself often takes flight at the presence of a

man (Lucan)

mors laborum ac miseriarum quies est: death is repose from all our toils and

miseries (Cicero)

mors sola fatetur quantula sint hominum corpuscula: death alone reveals how

small are men’s bodies (Juvenal)

mors ultima linea rerum est: death is the last boundary of things (Horace)

mortalia acta nunquam deos fallunt: the deeds of mortals can never be hid from

the gods

mortem effugere nemo potest: no one can escape death

mortem misericors sæpe pro vita dabit: mercy often inflicts death (Seneca)

mortui non mordant: the dead do not bite (i.e., dead men tell no tales)

mortuo leoni et lepores insultant: even hares strike (or insult) a dead lion

motus in fine velocior: motion drawing to its end is swifter

mulier quæ sola cogitat male cogitat: the thoughts of a woman when alone tend

toward mischief

mulier recte olet ubi nihil olet: a woman smells sweetest when she smells not at all


multa cadunt inter calicem supremaque labra: many things fall between the cup

and the lip (Laberius)

multa ceciderunt ut altius surgerent: many things have fallen only to rise higher


multa docet fames: hunger teaches many things

multa fidem promissa levant: many promises weaken faith (Ovid)

multa magis quam multorum lectione formanda mens: the mind is formed by

reading deep rather than reading wide (Quintilian)

multa novit vulpis, sed felis unum magnum: the fox knows many devices, the cat

only one great one (i.e., to run up a tree)

multa petentibus desunt multa: those who long for much are in want of much


multa senem circumveniunt incommoda: many are the discomforts that gather

around old age (Horace)

multa trepidus solet detegere vultus: the fearful face usually betrays great guilt


multæ hominibus at malitam viæ sunt: many are the ways of malice in men


multæ manus onus levius faciunt

murus æneus conscientia sana

multæ manus onus levius faciunt: many hands make work light

multæ regum aures et oculi: kings have many ears and eyes

multæ terricolis linguæ coelestibus una: the inhabitants of earth have many

tongues, those of heaven have one

multas amicitias silentium diremit: silence (or neglect) dissolves many friendships

multi adorantur in ara qui cremantur in igne: many are worshipped at the altar

who are burning in flames (St. Augustine)

multi multa, nemo omnia novit: many know many things, no one everything


multi nil rectum nisi quod placuit sibi ducunt: many deem nothing right but what

suits their own conceit (Horace)

multi quidem facilius se abstinent ut non utantur, quam temperent ut bene

utantur: to many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation (St.


multi sunt vocati, pauci vero electi: many are called but few are chosen (St.

Matthew 22:14)

multi te oderint, si teipsum ames: many will hate you if you love yourself

multis minatur, qui uni facit injuriam: the person who injures one threatens many

(Publilius Syrus)

multis terribilis caveto multos: if you are a terror to many, then beware of many


multitudinem decem faciunt: ten constitute a crowd (Coke)

multo enim multoque seipsum quam hostem superare operosius est: it is

harder, much harder, to conquer yourself than it is to conquer your enemy

(Valerius Maximus)

multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros: many more die of excess than of


multos in summa pericula misit venturi timor ipse mali: the mere apprehension

of coming evil has driven many into positions of great peril

multos ingratos invenimus, plures facimus: we come upon many ungrateful men

and, by being kind, we make more (said of benefactors)

multum sapit qui non diu desipit: he is very wise who does not long persist in folly

munditiis capimur: we are captivated by neatness (Ovid)

mundus est Dei viva statua: the world is the living image of God (Campanella)

mundus est ingens deorum omnium templum: the world is the mighty temple of

the gods (Seneca)

mundus universus exercet histrioniam (or, totus mundus agit histrionem): all

humanity practices the art of acting (Petronius)

mundus vult decipi; ergo decipiatur: the world wishes to be deceived; therefore let

it be deceived

murus æneus conscientia sana: a sound conscience is a wall of bronze

mus non uni fidit antro nam tua res agitur, paries cum

mus non uni fidit antro: a mouse does not rely on just one hole (Plautus)

mutata forma interimitur prope substantia rei: the form being changed, the

substance of the thing is destroyed

mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur: change but the name, and the tale is told of

you (Horace)

mutum est pictura poëma: a picture is a silent poem


næ amicum castigare ob meritam noxiam immune est facinus: truly, it is a

thankless office to censure a friend for a fault when he deserved it (Plautus)

nam dives qui fieri vult, et cito vult fieri: for the one who wishes to become rich

wishes to become rich quickly (Juvenal)

nam et ipsa scientia potesta(s) est: for knowledge is itself power (Francis Bacon)

nam genus et proavos et quæ non fecimus ipsi vix ea nostra voco: for birth and

ancestry, and that which we have not ourselves achieved, we can scarcely call our

own (Ovid)

nam homo proponit, sed Deus disponit: for man proposes, but God disposes

(Thomas а Kempis)

nam inimici famam non ita ut nata est ferunt: enemies carry a report in a form

different from the original (Plautus)

nam non solum scire aliquid, artis est, sed quædam ars etiam docendi: not only

is there an art in knowing a thing, but also a certain art in teaching it (Cicero)

nam nunc mores nihil faciunt quod licet, nisi quod lubet: nowadays it is the

fashion to make nothing of what is proper, but only what is pleasant (Plautus)

nam quum magna malæ superest audacia causæ, creditur a multis fiducia: when

great impudence comes to the help of a bad cause, it is taken by many for honest

confidence (Juvenal)

nam risu inepto res ineptior nulla est: for there is nothing sillier than a silly laugh


nam scelus intra se tacitum qui cogitat ullum facti crimen habet: the one who

secretly meditates a crime has all the guilt of the deed (Juvenal)

nam sera nunquam est ad bonos mores via: quem pænitet peccasse, pæne est

innocens: it is never too late to turn from the errors of our ways: the one who

repents of his sins is almost innocent (Seneca)

nam si violandum est jus, regnandi gratia violandum est: aliis rebus pietatem

colas: if you must break the law, do it only to seize power: in all other cases,

observe it (Julius Cжsar)

nam tanto brevius omne, quanto felicius tempus: the happier the moments, the

shorter the time (Pliny the Younger)

nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet: you too are in danger when your

neighbor’s house is on fire (Horace)

nam ut quisque est vir optimus

nec amor nec tussis celatur

nam ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur:

the more virtuous any man is, the less easily does he suspect others of being wicked


nam vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille est qui minimis urgetur: for no one

is born without faults, and the best is the one who has the fewest (Horace)

nam(que) inscitia est adversum stimulum calces: it is ignorance to struggle

against the spur (or goad) (Terence)

nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet: we are born but to die, the end

hangs from the beginning (Manilius)

nascimur poëtæ, fimus oratores: we are born poets, we become orators (Cicero)

natura hominum novitatis avida: human nature is greedy of novelty (Pliny the


natura inest in mentibus nostris insatiabilis quædam cupiditas veri videndi:

nature has planted in our minds an insatiable desire to seek the truth (Cicero)

natura semina scientiæ nobis dedit, scientiam non dedit: nature has given us the

seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself (Seneca)

natura vero nihil hominibus brevitate vitæ præstitit melius: nature has granted

man no better gift than the brevity of life (Pliny the Elder)

naturæ enim non imperatur, nisi parendo: we cannot command nature except by

obeying her (Francis Bacon)

naturæ vis maxima: the greatest force is that of nature

naturalia non sunt turpia: natural things are without shame

naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret: you may drive out nature with a

pitchfork, but she will keep coming back (Horace)

ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito: yield not to misfortunes, but rather go

more boldly to meet them (Virgil)

ne depugnes in alieno negotio: do not fight in another man’s affairs

ne discedas a statione: do not desert your post

ne e quovis ligno Mercurius fiat: not every wood is fit for a statue of Mercury


ne puero gladium: do not entrust a sword to a boy

ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat: take care to protect the republic from harm

ne quid nimis: nothing too much (i.e., avoid excess) (Terence)

ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello: do not pursue, with a weighty

scourge, the person who deserves only a slight whip (Horace)

ne sutor supra crepidam (judicaret) (also, ne sutor ultra crepidam): let not the

shoemaker judge beyond his last (i.e., speak of things he does not know) (Pliny the


ne te quæsiveris extra: seek not yourself from outside yourself

ne tempora perde precando: do not lose time by praying (Ovid)

ne tentes, aut perfice: attempt not, or accomplish (i.e., do not attempt what you do

not intend to accomplish)

nec amor nec tussis celatur: neither love nor a cough can be hidden nec cui de te plusquam tibi credas nec vixit male qui natus moriensque

nec cui de te plusquam tibi credas: do not believe any man more than yourself

about yourself

nec deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus: nor let a god intervene, unless the

knot be worthy of such an intervention (Horace)

nec domo dominus, sed domino domus honestanda est: the master should not be

graced by the mansion, but the mansion by the master (Cicero)

nec est ad astra mollis e terris via: the way from the earth to the stars is no easy

one (Seneca)

nec grata est facies cui gelasinus abest: unpleasing is the face that does not smile


nec lex est æquior ulla, quam necis artifices arte perire sua: nor is there any law

more just than that the one seeking to harm should perish by his own devices (Ovid)

nec lusisse pudet, sed non incidere ludum: there is no shame in having sported,

but in not having broken off play (Horace)

nec quicquam acrius quam pecuniæ damnum stimulat: nothing stings more

deeply than the loss of money (Livy)

nec rationem patitur, nec æquitate mitigatur nec ulla prece flectitur, populus

esuriens: a hungry populace listens not to reason, nor cares for justice, nor is bent

by any prayers (Seneca)

nec scire fas est omnia: neither is it permitted to know all things (Horace)

nec semper feriet quodcunque minabitur arcus: the arrow will not always hit the

object that it threatens

nec si non obstatur propterea etiam permittitur: that an act is not prohibited, it

does not follow that it is permitted (Cicero)

nec sibi, sed toti genitum se credere mundo: to think that he was born not for

himself alone, but for the whole world (Lucan)

nec sidera pacem semper habent: nor is heaven always at peace (Claudian)

nec te quæsiveris extra: do not seek out the opinion of another beside yourself


nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te: neither can I live with you nor without you


nec ulla major poena nequitiæ est, quam quod sibi et suis displicet: there is no

greater punishment of wickedness than that it is dissatisfied with itself and its deeds


nec verbo, nec facto, quenquam lædendum: neither in word nor in deed should

anyone be injured (or, harm no one, neither by word nor by deed)

nec vero superstitione tollenda religio tollitur: we do not destroy religion by

destroying superstition (Cicero)

nec vitia nostra nec remedia pati possumus: neither can we endure our vices nor

the remedies for them (Livy)

nec vixit male qui natus moriensque fefellit: neither has he lived ill whose birth

and death has passed unnoticed by the world (Horace)

nec vultu destrue dicta tuo nemo dat quod non habet

nec vultu destrue dicta tuo: do not discredit your words by the expression on your

face (Ovid)

necesse est cum insanientibus furere, nisi solus relinqueris: it is necessary to be

mad with the insane, unless you wish to be left quite alone (Petronius)

necesse est facere sumptum, qui quærit lucrum: it is necessary that the one who

seeks gain should incur expense (Plautus)

necesse est in immensum exeat cupiditas quæ naturalem modum transiliit:

when once ambition has passed its natural bounds, its progress is sure to be

immense (Seneca)

necesse est multos timeat quem multi timent: he must fear many, whom many

fear (Laberius, alluding to Julius Cжsar)

necessitas dat legem non ipsa accipit: necessity gives law without itself accepting

one (Publilius Syrus)

necessitas fortiter ferre docet, consuetudo facile: necessity teaches us to bear

misfortunes bravely, habit to bear them easily (Seneca)

necessitas ultimum et maximum telum est: necessity is the last and strongest

weapon (Livy)

necessitudinis et libertatis infinita est æstimatio: necessity and liberty require the

greatest consideration

nefas nocere vel malo fratri puta: you should esteem it a crime to hurt even an evil

brother (Seneca)

nega, si fecisti (also, si fecisti, nega): if you did it, deny it

neglecta solent incendia sumere vires: a fire, if neglected, always gathers in

strength (Horace)

neglecta virescunt: neglected things flourish

negligentia semper habet infortuniam comitem: negligence always has

misfortune for a companion

negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum arrogantis est, sed etiam

omnino dissoluti: to be careless of what others think of us not only indicates an

arrogant, but an altogether dissolute, character (Cicero)

neminem id agere, ut ex alterius prædetur nescitia: no one should so act as to

take advantage of another’s folly (Cicero)

nemini fidas, nisi cum quo prius multos modios salis absumpseris: trust no one

unless you have eaten much salt with him (Cicero)

nemo agit in se ipsum: no one sues himself

nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audiendus est: no one testifying to his own

baseness ought to be heard (i.e., do not trust the words of the debased)

nemo autem regere potest, nisi qui et regi: no one can rule who cannot also

submit to authority (Seneca)

nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto: no one is punished twice for the same crime

nemo dat quod non habet: no one can give what he does not have nemo debet bis puniri pro uno nemo potest nudo vestimenta

nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto: no one shall be punished twice for the

same offense (i.e., the principle of double jeopardy)

nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa: no one shall be harassed twice for

the same cause

nemo debet esse judex in propria causa: no one ought to be judge in his own


nemo debet ex aliena jactura lucrari: no one ought to gain by another person’s loss

nemo doctus mutationem consilii inconstantiam dixit esse: no sensible person

ever charged someone with inconstancy who had merely changed his opinion


nemo (enim) est tam senex qui se annum non putet posse vivere: no one is so

old that he does not think it possible to live another year (Cicero)

nemo (enim) potest personam diu ferre fictam: no one can wear a mask for very

long (Seneca)

nemo est hæres viventis: no one is heir of the living

nemo est tam fortis quin rei novitate perturbetur: no one is so courageous as not

to be upset by an unexpected turn of events (Julius Cжsar)

nemo ex proprio dolo consequitur actionem: no one can bring suit for his own


nemo facile cum fortunæ suæ conditione concordat: no one is perfectly satisfied

with what fortune allots him

nemo fit fato nocens: no one becomes guilty by fate (Seneca)

nemo impetrare potest a papa bullam nunquam moriendi: no one can ever

obtain from the pope a dispensation from death (Thomas а Kempis)

nemo in amore videt: no one in love sees (Propertius)

nemo in sese tentat descendere: nemo!: no one is able to descend into his own

bosom [to examine his faults]: no one! (Persius)

nemo ita pauper vivit, quam pauper natus est: no one is so poor in life as he was

poor at birth (after Seneca)

nemo læditur nisi a seipso: no one is harmed but by himself

nemo liber est qui corpori servit: no one is free who is a slave to the body (Seneca)

nemo malus felix: no evil person is happy (Juvenal)

nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit: no one is wise at all times (Pliny the Elder)

nemo patriam in qua natus est exuere nec ligeantiæ debitum ejurare possit: no

one can cast off his native country or abjure his allegiance to his sovereign

nemo plus juris in alium transferre potest quam ipse habet: no one can transfer

to others rights more extensive than those that he possesses

nemo potest duobus dominis servire: no one can serve two masters (St. Matthew


nemo potest mutare consilium suum in alterius injuriam: no one can change

what he proposes to enact to the injury of another

nemo potest nudo vestimenta detrahere: you cannot strip the garment off a naked


nemo præsumitur alienam

neque mala vel bona quæ vulgus

nemo præsumitur alienam posteritatem suæ prætulisse: no one is presumed to

have preferred another’s offspring to his own

nemo punitur pro alieno delicto: let no one be punished for the fault of another

nemo repente fuit (or fit) turpissimus: no one ever became suddenly base (i.e.,

became evil all at once) (Juvenal)

nemo risum præbuit qui ex se coepit: no one becomes a laughingstock who eagerly

laughs at himself (Seneca)

nemo sibi nascitur: no one is born for himself

nemo solus satis sapit: no one alone is sufficiently wise (or, no one is wise enough

by himself) (Plautus)

nemo sua sorte contentus: no one is satisfied with his lot

nemo tam pauper vivit quam natus est: no one is so poor in life as he was at birth


nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare: no one is bound to accuse himself

nemo timendo ad summum pervenit locum: no one reaches a high position

without daring (Publilius Syrus)

nemo umquam neque poëta neque orator fuit, qui quemquam meliorem quam

se arbitraretur: no poet or orator has ever existed who thought there was another

better than himself (Cicero)

nemo unquam sapiens proditori credendum putavit: no wise man ever thought

that a traitor should be trusted (Cicero)

nemo unquam sine magna spe immortalitatis se pro patria offerret ad mortem:

no one could ever meet death for his country without the hope of immortality


nemo vir magnus sine aliquo afflatu divino unquam fuit: no man was ever great

without some divine inspiration (Cicero)

neque cæcum ducem neque amentem consultorem: do not take either a blind

guide or a weak advisor (from Aristophanes)

neque cuiquam mortalium injuriæ suæ parvæ videntur; multi eas gravius æquo

habuere: no one underestimates the wrongs he suffers; many take them more

seriously than they ought (Julius Cжsar, as quoted by Sallust)

neque culpa neque lauda teipsum: neither blame nor applaud yourself

neque enim est quisquam tam malus, ut videri velit: no one is wicked enough to

wish to appear wicked (Quintilian)

neque enim lex est æquior ulla, quam necis artifices arte perire sua: nor is there

any law more just than that he who has plotted death shall perish by his own plot


neque foemina, amissa pudicitia, alia abnuerit: when a woman has lost her

chastity, she will not shrink from any other crime (Tacitus)

neque laus in copia neque culpa in penuria consistit: it is no credit to be rich and

no disgrace to be poor (Apuleius)

neque mala vel bona quæ vulgus putet: the views of the multitude are neither bad

nor good (also, things are not to be viewed either good or bad merely because the

public thinks so) (Tacitus) neque opinione sed natura nihil esse præcipue cuiquam

neque opinione sed natura constitutum est jus: not in opinion, but in nature, is

law founded (Cicero)

neque (enim) quies gentium sine armis: the quiet of nations cannot be maintained

without arms, nor can arms be maintained without pay, nor pay without taxation


nequicquam sapit qui sibi non sapit: he is wise to no purpose who is not wise

regarding himself

nervos belli, pecuniam infinitam (also, nervi belli, pecunia infinita): the sinews

of war: unlimited money (Cicero)

nescia mens hominum fati sortisque futuræ, et servare modum, rebus sublata

secundis: the mind of man is ignorant of fate and future destiny, and cannot keep

within due bounds when elated by prosperity (Virgil)

nescio quid curtæ semper abest rei: something is always wanting to our imperfect

fortune (Horace)

nescire quædam magna pars sapientiæ est: ignorance of certain subjects is a great

part of wisdom (Hugo de Groot, 1670)

nescis tu quam meticulosa res sit ire ad judicem: you do not know what a

frightful thing it is to go to court (Plautus)

nescit vox missa reverti: a word once spoken can never be recalled (Horace)

neutiquam officium liberi esse hominis puto, cum is nihil promereat, postulare

id gratiæ apponi sibi: a man of liberal sentiments will not stoop to ask that as a

favor, which he cannot claim as a reward (Terence)

nihil a Deo vacat; opus suum ipse implet: nothing is void of God; his work

everywhere is filled with himself (Seneca)

nihil aliud est ebrietas quam voluntaria insania: drunkenness is nothing but

voluntary madness (Seneca)

nihil aliud necessarium ut sis miser, quam ut te miserum credas: nothing else is

necessary to make you wretched than to believe you are so

nihil amanti durum: nothing is hard for one who loves

nihil amori injuriam est: there is no wrong that love will not forgive

nihil cum fidibus graculo: jackdaws have nothing to do with a lute (Aulus Gellius)

nihil dat qui non habet: a person gives nothing who has nothing

nihil dictum quod non dictum prius: nothing can be said that has not been said


nihil difficile amanti: nothing is difficult for the lover (Cicero)

nihil enim æque gratum est adeptis, quam concupiscentibus: an object in

possession seldom retains the same charms that it had when it was longed for (Pliny

the Younger)

nihil enim lacryma citius arescit: nothing dries sooner than a tear (Cicero)

nihil eripit Fortuna nisi quod et dedit: Fortune takes nothing away but what she

also gave (Publilius Syrus)

nihil esse præcipue cuiquam dolendum in eo, quod accidat universis: no one

has the right to be sorry for himself for a misfortune that strikes everyone (Cicero)

nihil est ab omni parte beatum

nihil tam absurdum dici potest ut

nihil est ab omni parte beatum: there is nothing that is blessed in every respect

(i.e., there are no unmixed blessings) (Horace)

nihil est aliud falsitas nisi veritatis imitatio: falsehood is nothing but an imitation

of truth (Justinian)

nihil est aliud magnum quam multa minuta: every great thing is composed of

many things that are small

nihil est annis velocius!: nothing is swifter than the years! (Ovid)

nihil est autem tam voluere: nothing is so swift as calumny (Cicero)

nihil est enim tam miserabile quam ex beato miser: nothing is more deserving of

pity than a poor man who has seen better days (Cicero)

nihil est miserum, nisi cum putes: nothing is lamentable unless you think it so


nihil est quod credere de se non possit: there is nothing of which it (power)

cannot believe itself capable (Juvenal)

nihil est quod Deus efficere non possit: there is nothing that God cannot do


nihil est tam utile, quod in transitu prosit: nothing is so useful as to be of profit

after only a hasty study of it (Seneca)

nihil hic nisi carmina desunt: nothing is wanting here except a song (Virgil)

nihil honestum esse potest, quod justitia vacat: nothing can be honorable where

justice is absent (Cicero)

nihil inimicius quam sibi ipse: man is his own worst enemy (Cicero)

nihil ita sublime est, supraque pericula tendit non sit ut inferius

suppositumque Deo: nothing is so high and above all danger that is not below

and in the power of God (Ovid)

nihil magis consentaneum est quam ut iisdem modis res dissolvatur, quibus

constituitur: nothing is more equitable than that everything should be dissolved

by the same means by which it was first constituted

nihil morosius hominum judiciis: there is nothing so peevish as men’s judgments of

one another (Erasmus)

nihil non aggressuros homines, si magna conatis magna præmia proponantur:

there is nothing men will not attempt when great enterprises hold out the promise

of great rewards (Livy)

nihil potest rex nisi quod de jure potest: the king can do nothing but what the law


nihil quod est inconveniens est licitum: nothing that is inconvenient is lawful

nihil scire est vita jucundissima: to know nothing at all is the happiest life (i.e.,

ignorance is bliss)

nihil simul inventum est et perfectum: nothing is invented and brought to

perfection all at once (Coke)

nihil sub sole novum (or, nihil sub sole novi, or, nil novi sub sole): there is

nothing new under the sun (after Ecclesiastes 1:9)

nihil tam absurdum dici potest ut non dicatur a philosopho: there is nothing so

absurd but it may be said by a philosopher (Cicero) nihil tam firmum est, cui periculum nil temere novandum

nihil tam firmum est, cui periculum non sit etiam ab invalido: nothing is so

steadfast as to be free of danger from even the weakest person (Curtius)

nihil tam incertum nec tam inæstimabile est quam animi multitudinis: nothing

is so uncertain or so inestimable as the disposition of a crowd (Livy)

nihil tam munitum est, quod non expugnari pecunia possit: nothing is so

strongly fortified that it cannot be taken by money (Cicero)

nihil volitum quin præcognitum: nothing can be said to be desired that is not first


nil actum reputa si quid superest agendum: do not consider that anything has

been done if anything is left to be done (Lucan)

nil agit exemplum litem quod lite resolvit: that example does nothing, which, in

removing one difficulty, introduces another (Horace)

nil dictum quod non dictum prius: there can be nothing said now that has not

been said before

nil enim prodest, quod lædere non possit idem: nothing can be of advantage that

is not also convertible to purposes of injury (Ovid)

nil est amore veritatis celsus: nothing is loftier than the love of truth (Prudentius)

nil feret ad manes divitis umbra suos: the spirit of the rich man will carry nothing

to the shades below (Ovid)

nil habet infelix paupertas durius in se, quam quod ridiculos homines facit: the

misfortunes of poverty carry with them nothing harder to bear than that it exposes

men to ridicule (Juvenal)

nil homine terra pejus ingrato creat: earth produces nothing worse than an

ungrateful man (Ausonius)

nil homini certum est: there is nothing assured to men (Ovid)

nil magnum nisi bonum: nothing is great unless it is good

nil mortalibus arduum est; coelum ipsum petimus stultitia: nothing is too

difficult for mortals; in our folly we strive to reach heaven itself (Horace)

nil peccant oculi, si oculis animus imperet: the eyes do not err if the mind

governs them (Publilius Syrus)

nil posse creari de nilo: nothing can be created of nothing (Lucretius)

nil proprium ducas quod mutari potest: never deem anything your own that can

be transferred (Publilius Syrus)

nil similius insano quam ebrius: nothing is more like a madman than a man who is


nil sine magno vita labore debit mortalibus: life has given nothing great to

mortals without labor (Horace)

nil spernat auris, nec tamen credat statim: let the ear despise nothing, nor yet be

too ready to believe (Phжdrus)

nil tam difficile est quod non solertia vincat: there is nothing so difficult that skill

will not overcome it

nil tam inæstimabile est quam animi multitudinis: nothing is so valueless as the

sentiments of the mob (Seneca)

nil temere novandum: make no rash innovations

nil unquam longum est, quod sine non ætate verum ingenio adipiscitur

nil unquam longum est, quod sine fine placet: nothing is ever long that never

ceases to please

nimia cura deterit magis quam emendat: too much concern may injure rather

than improve your work

nimia est miseria nimis pulchrum esse hominem: it is a great affliction to be too

handsome a man (Plautus)

nimia est voluptas, si diu abfueris a domo domum si redieris, si tibi nulla est

ægritudo animo obviam: it is a very great pleasure if, on your return home after a

long absence, you are not confronted with anything to vex you (Plautus)

nimia familiaritas parit contemptum: familiarity breeds contempt (Publilius Syrus)

nimis uncis naribus indulges: you indulge too much in turning up the nose

nimium altercando veritas amittitur: in too much disputing, truth is apt to be lost

(Publilius Syrus)

nimium (enim) risus pretium est, si probitatis impendio constat: we pay too

much for a laugh if it is at the expense of our honesty (Quintilian)

nimium ne crede colori: trust not too much in a beautiful complexion (i.e., trust not

too much to appearances) (Virgil)

nimium ne lætare secundis: do not rejoice too much in prosperity

nimium rebus ne fide secundis: do not trust prosperity too much

nisi caste, saltem caute: if not chastely, then at least cautiously

nisi pariter, non pugnant: there is no battle unless there be two (Seneca)

nisi utile est quod facias, stulta est gloria: unless what we do is useful, our pride is

foolish (Phжdrus)

nitamur semper ad optima: let us always strive for the best

nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata: we are ever striving after what is

forbidden, and coveting what is denied us (Ovid)

nobilitatis virtus non stemma character: virtue, not pedigree, is the mark of


nocet empta dolore voluptas: pleasure bought by pain is injurious (Horace)

nodum in scirpo quærere: to look for a knot in the rushes (i.e., to look for difficulty

where none exists) (Terence)

noli altum sapere: do not aim at lofty things

noli barbam vellere mortuo leoni: do not pluck the beard of a dead lion (Juvenal)

noli tuba canere Eleemosynam: do not trumpet your almsgiving

nolite dare sanctum canibus: do not give that which is sacred to dogs (St. Matthew 7:6)

nolite deficere bene facientes: do not cease to do good (2 Thessalonians 3:13)

nolite judicare ut non judicemini: judge not that you be not judged (St. Matthew 7:1)

nomen amicitia est; nomen inane fides: friendship is but a name; fidelity but an

empty name (Ovid)

nomina stultorum parietibus hærent: fools’ names stick to the walls (i.e., fools’

names and fools’ faces are always found in public places)

non ætate verum ingenio adipiscitur sapientia: wisdom is not attained with years,

but by ability (Plautus)

non aliunder pendere non ex verbo verbum sed ad sensu

non aliunder pendere: do not rely on others

non bene conveniunt, nec in una sede morantur majestas et amor: majesty and

love do not consort well together, nor do they dwell in the same place (Ovid)

non bene imperat, nisi qui paruerit imperio: no one makes a good commander

except the one who has been trained to obey commands

non bene olet, qui bene semper olet: (fig.) the one who uses perfume has good

reasons for using it (Martial)

non cuicunque datum est habere nasum: not everyone is gifted with a nose (i.e.,

has the powers of discernment) (Martial)

non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum: it is not every man that can go to

Corinth (i.e., not everyone possesses the same opportunities) (Horace)

non damnatio sed causa hominem turpem facit: it is not the condemnation but

the crime that disgraces a man (Seneca)

non decipitur qui scit se decipi: no one is deceived who is knowingly deceived

non deest generoso in pectore virtus: there is no lack of courage in a noble heart

non defendi homines sine vituperatione fortasse posse, neglegenter defendi

sine scelere non posse: it might be pardonable to refuse to defend some men, but

to defend them negligently is nothing short of criminal (Cicero)

non enim potest quæstus consistere, si eum sumptus superat: there can be no

profit if the expense exceeds it (Plautus)

non enim tam auctoritatis in disputando, quam rationis momenta quærenda

sunt: in every disputation, we should look more to the weight of reason than to the

weight of authorities (Cicero)

non est ab homine nunquam sobrio postulanda prudentia: prudence must not be

expected from a man who is never sober (Cicero)

non est alius ingenio alius animo color: genius does not have one form (or

appearance) and courage another (Seneca)

non est ars quæ ad effectum casu venit: that which achieves its effect by accident

is not art (Seneca)

non est bonum ludere cum diis: it is not good to trifle with the gods

non est discipulus super magistrum nec servus super dominum suum: the

student is not above the teacher, nor is the servant above his master (St. Matthew


non est ejusdem et multa et opportuna dicere: the same person will not both talk

much and to the purpose

non est jocus esse malignum: there is no joke in being malignant (Horace)

non est princeps super leges, sed leges supra principem: The prince is not above

the laws, but the laws above the prince (Pliny the Younger)

non est sine pulvere palma: the palm (honor) is not obtained without toil

non est vivere, sed valere, vita (est): life is not mere living but the enjoyment of

health (Martial)

non ex verbo verbum sed ad sensu curabis reddere fidus interpres: as a faithful

translator, be careful not to render (or translate) word for word but the meaning

non exercitus, neque thesauri non opus est verbis, credite rebus

non exercitus, neque thesauri, præsidia regni sunt, verum amici: the safety of a

kingdom does not depend so much upon its armies, or its treasures, as on its

alliances (Sallust)

non exiguum temporis habemus; sed multa perdidimus: it is not that we have so

little time, but that we have lost so much (Seneca)

non facile solus serves quod multis placet: it is not easy to keep to yourself what

many desire (Publilius Syrus)

non facit nobilem atrium plenum fumosis imaginibus: it is not a hallway filled

with dusty portraits that makes a man a nobleman (Seneca)

non faciunt meliorem equum aurei freni: a gilded bit does not make for a better

horse (Seneca)

non generant aquilæ columbas: eagles do not beget doves

non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum: not

that which is great is beautiful, but that which is beautiful is great

non in caro nidore voluptas summa, sed in teipso est, tu pulmentaria quære

sundando: the pleasure [of eating] does not lie in the costly flavor, but in yourself;

seek the relish, therefore, from hard exercise (Horace)

non intelligitur quando obrepit senectus: we do not perceive old age, seeing it

creeps on apace (Cicero)

non intelligunt homines quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia: men do not

understand what a great revenue is thrift (Cicero)

non licet in bello bis peccare: in war, it is not permitted to err twice

non licet omnibus adire Corinthum: not everyone is permitted to go to Corinth

(i.e., we cannot all be wealthy or have the same opportunities) (after Horace)

non metuit mortem, qui scit contemnere vitam: he fears not death who has

learned to despise life (Dionysius Cato)

non mihi sapit qui sermone, sed qui factis sapit: not the one who is wise in

speech, but the one who is wise in deeds, is wise for me (Gregory of Agrigentum)

non missura cutem, nisi plena cruoris hirudo: a leech that will not leave the skin

until it is gorged with blood (Horace)

non omne quod licet honestum est (also, non omne licitum honestum): what is

permissible is not always honorable (Justinian)

non omnem molitor quæ fluit unda videt: the miller does not see everything that

floats by his mill (i.e., no one can be expected to see everything that might pass his


non omnes eadem mirantur amantque: all men do not admire and love the same

things (Horace)

non omnes qui habent citharam sunt citharoedi: not all who own a lyre are lyreplayers


non omnia possumus omnes: we cannot all do all things (Virgil)

non omnibus ægris eadem auxilia conveniunt: the same remedies do not suit

every patient (Celsus)

non omnis error stultitia est dicendus: not every error is to be called folly

non opus est verbis, credite rebus: there is no need of words; believe facts (Ovid) non parcit populis regnum breve non vixit male, qui natus

non parcit populis regnum breve: a short reign brings no respite to the masses


non parvum est seipsum noscere: it is not a little thing to know oneself

non posse bene geri rempublican multorum imperiis: a republic cannot be well

conducted under the command of many (Cornelius Nepos)

non potest severus esse in judicando, qui alios in se severos esse judices non

vult: he cannot be strict in judging who does not wish others to be strict judges of

himself (Cicero)

non progredi est regredi: not to go forward is to go backward

non propter vitam faciunt patrimonia quidam, sed vitio cæci propter

patrimonia vivunt: some men do not get estates for the purpose of enjoying life,

but, blinded by error, live only for their estates (Juvenal)

non purgat peccata qui negat: the one who denies his sins does not atone for them

non quam diu, sed quam bene vixeris refert: not how long, but how well you have

lived, is the main thing (Seneca)

non quam multis placeas, sed qualibus stude: do not care how many you please,

but whom (Publilius Syrus)

non qui parum habet, sed qui plus cupit, pauper est: it is not the one who has

little, but the one who craves more, who is the poor man (Seneca)

non satis est puris versum perscribere verbis: it is not enough to write your verse

in plain words (Horace)

non scholæ, sed vitæ discimus: we learn not at school, but in life; or, we learn not for

school, but for life (modified version of Seneca’s non vitæ, sed scholæ discimus)

non scribit, cujus carmina nemo legit: no man writes whose verses no one reads


non semper erit æstas: it will not always be summer (Hesiod)

non semper erunt Saturnalia: it will not always be Saturnalia (i.e., the carnival will

not last forever)

non semper temeritas est felix: rashness is not always fortunate (Livy)

non sentire mala sua non est hominis et non ferre non est viri: not to feel one’s

misfortunes is not human, not to bear them is not manly (Seneca)

non sentiunt viri fortes in acie vulnera: in the stress of battle brave men do not

feel their wounds (Cicero)

non si male nunc et olim sic erit: if matters go on badly at present, they may take a

better turn in the hereafter (Horace)

non tua te moveant, sed publica vota: let not your own, but the public wishes,

motivate you

non uti libet, sed uti licet, sic vivamus: we must live not as we like, but as we can

non vi sed virtute, non armis sed arte paritur victoria: not by force but by virtue,

not with arms but with art is victory won

non vitæ, sed scholæ discimus: in school, we learn not the lessons of life, but of

school (Seneca)

non vixit male, qui natus moriensque fefellit: he has not lived ill whose birth and

death have passed unnoticed by the world (Horace)

nondum omnium dierum sol occidit

 nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque

nondum omnium dierum sol occidit: the sun of all days has not yet set

nondum victoria, jam discordia erat: not yet victory, and there was already

dissension (Tacitus)

nonum(que) prematur in annum: let it (your first draft) be kept back from

publication until the ninth year (Horace)

nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati: we are a mere cipher, and born to

consume the fruits of the earth (Horace)

noscitur a sociis ejusdem generis: one is known by his companions of the same

type (i.e., it takes one to know one)

nosse omnia hæc salus est adolescentulis: it is salutary for young men to know all

these things (Terence)

nosse volunt omnes, mercedem solvere nemo: all wish to know, but no one

wishes to pay the fee (Terence)

nostra nos sine comparatione delectant; nunquam erit felix quem torquebit

felicior: what we have pleases us if we do not compare it with what others have; no

person will be happy to whom a happier person is a torture (Seneca)

notatio naturæ, et animadversio peperit artem: art is born of the observation and

investigation of nature (Cicero)

notissimum quodque malum, maxime tolerabile: the best known evils are the

easiest to bear (Livy)

novos amicos dum paras, veteres cole: while you seek new friendships, take care to

cultivate the old ones (Hermes)

noxiæ poena par esto: let the punishment equal the crime (Cicero)

nudus amor formæ non amat artificem: naked love loves not the beauty that is due

to art (Propertius)

nulla aconita bibuntur fictilibus: no poison is drunk out of earthenware (i.e., the

poor and powerless need not fear being poisoned) (Juvenal)

nulla ætas ad perdiscendum est: there is no time of life past learning something

(St. Ambrose)

nulla dies mærore caret: there is no day without sorrow (Seneca)

nulla (enim) res tantum ad dicendum proficit, quantum scriptio: nothing so

much assists learning as writing down what we wish to remember (Cicero)

nulla est igitur excusatio peccati, si amici causa peccaveris: it is certainly no

excuse for sin if we have sinned for the sake of a friend (Cicero)

nulla est sicera voluptas; sollicitumque aliquid lætis intervenit: no joy comes

unmixed; and something of anxiety intervenes with every pleasure (Ovid)

nulla falsa doctrina est, quæ non permisceat aliquid veritatis: there is no

doctrine so false that it does not contain some mixture of truth

nulla fere causa est, in qua non foemina litem moverit: there is hardly a [bad]

cause in which a woman has not been a prime mover (Juvenal)

nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque potestas impatiens consortis erit: there is no

trust among colleagues in power, and all power will be impatient of a colleague


nulla fides umquam miseros elegit nullum magnum malum quod

nulla fides umquam miseros elegit amicos: loyalty never chose the unfortunate as

friends (Lucan)

nulla lex satis commoda omnibus est: no law is sufficiently convenient to all (Livy)

nulla placere diu nec vivere carmina possunt quæ scribuntur aquæ potoribus:

no song can give pleasure for long, nor can it last, that is written by drinkers of

water (Horace)

nulla res carius constat quam quæ precibus empta est: nothing costs so much as

what is bought by prayers (Seneca)

nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scripto: nothing so much assists

learning as writing down what we wish to remember

nulla unquam de vita hominis cunctatio longa est: no delay is too long when the

life of a man is at stake (Juvenal)

nulli est homini perpetuum bonum: no man has perpetual good fortune (Plautus)

nulli jactantius moerent, quam qui maxime lætantur: none mourn with more

affection of sorrow than those who inwardly rejoice (Tacitus)

nulli sapere casu obtigit: no one was ever wise by chance (Seneca)

nulli te facias nimis sodalem, gaudebis minus et minus dolebis: be on too

intimate terms with no one; if your joy be less, so will your grief (Martial)

nullis amor est medicabilis herbis: love is not to be cured by medicinal herbs


nullius boni sine socio jucunda possessio (est): without friends to share it, no

good we possess is truly enjoyable (Seneca)

nullum ad nocendum tempus angustum est malis: no time is too short for the

wicked to injure their neighbors

nullum caruit exemplo nefas: no crime has been without a precedent (Seneca)

nullum cum victis certamen et æthere cassis: brave men never warred with the

dead and conquered (Virgil)

nullum enim officium referenda gratia magis necessarium est: there is no duty

more obligatory than the repayment of a kindness (Cicero)

nullum est jam (or nunc) dictum quod non sit dictum prius: nothing is said now

that has not been said before (Terence)

nullum est malum majus, quam non posse ferre malum: there is no greater

misfortune than not to be able to endure misfortune

nullum est sine nomine saxum: no stone without a name (or, without a tale to tell)

(Lucan, said of the fate of Troy)

nullum imperium tutum, nisi benevolentia munitum: no government is safe

unless it be fortified by good will (Cornelius Nepos)

nullum iniquum in jure præsumendum est: nothing unjust is to be presumed in

the law

nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiæ fuit: there has not been any

great genius without an element of madness (Seneca)

nullum magnum malum quod extremum est: no evil is great which is the last (i.e.,

people have endured all manner of ills believing that there was no more to come)

(Cornelius Nepos)

nullum majus boni imperii

nunquam minus solus quam cum

nullum majus boni imperii instrumentum quam bonos amicos esse: there can

be no more effectual instrument of good government than good friends (Tacitus)

nullum numen abest, si sit prudentia: where there is prudence, a protecting deity

is not far away

nullum sæculum magnis ingeniis clausum est: no era is closed to great intellects


nullum scelus rationem habet: no crime has a reason (i.e., no crime can be

defended on rational grounds) (Livy)

nullum simile quatuor pedibus currit: no simile runs on all fours (i.e., applicable in

every case)

nullum tempus occurrit regi: no lapse of time bars the rights of the king

nullus argento color est avaris abdito terris: silver has no shine while it is hidden

in the miserly earth (Horace)

nullus argento color est, nisi temperato splendeat usu: silver has no splendor of

its own unless it shines by temperate use (Horace)

nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria: no one can take

advantage of a wrong committed by himself

nullus dolor est quem non longinquitas temporis minuat ac molliat: there is no

pain that length of time will not diminish and soothe (Cicero)

nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit: there is no book so bad that

it is not profitable in some part (attributed to Pliny the Elder)

nullus est locus domestica sede jucundior: there is no place more delightful than

one’s own domestic space (Cicero)

nullus tantus quæstus, quam quod habes parcere: there is no gain so certain as that

which arises from sparing what you have (i.e., economy is a more certain road to wealth)

numero omnia impare gaudet: odd numbers bring luck (Virgil)

nunc vino pellite curas!: now drive away your cares with wine! (Horace)

nunquam acquiescere: never acquiesce

nunquam ad liquidum fama perducitur: fame (or rumor) never reports things in

their true light

nunquam ædepol temere tinniit tintinnabulum; nisi quis illud tractat aut

movet, mutum est, tacet: the bell never rings of itself; unless someone handles or

moves it, it is silent (Plautus)

nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapientia dicit: nature never says one thing and

wisdom another (Juvenal)

nunquam erit alienis gravis, qui suis se concinnat levem: he will never be

disagreeable to others who makes himself agreeable to his own relations (Plautus)

nunquam est fidelis cum potente societas: never trust an alliance with the

powerful (Phrжdrus)

nunquam imperator ita paci credit, ut non se præparet bello: no ruler can be so

confident of peace as not to prepare for war (Seneca)

nunquam libertas gratior extat quam sub rege pio: liberty is never more

enjoyable than under a pious king (Claudian)

nunquam minus solus quam cum solus: never less alone than when alone (Cicero)

nunquam nimis dicitur, quod officium natura docet

nunquam nimis dicitur, quod nunquam satis discitur: that is never too often

repeated that is never sufficiently learned (Seneca)

nunquam potest non esse virtuti locus: there must ever be a place for virtue


nunquam procrastinandum: one ought never to procrastinate

nunquam scelus scelere vincendum est: it is unlawful to overcome crime by crime


nunquam vera species ab utilitate dividitur: the truly beautiful is never separated

from the useful (Quintilian)

nunquam vir æquus dives evasit cito: no just man ever became rich quickly


nusquam est qui ubique est: the man who is everywhere is never anywhere


nusquam tuta fides: nowhere is trust safe; or, nowhere is there true fidelity (or

honor) (Virgil)


oblatam occasionem tene: seize the opportunity that is offered

obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit: obsequiousness brings us friends, the

truth brings forth enemies (Terence)

occasio ægre offertur, facile amittitur: a good opportunity is seldom presented,

and is easily lost (Publilius Syrus)

occasio furem facit (or, facit occasio furem): opportunity makes the thief

oculi sunt in amore duces: in love the eyes are our leaders (Propertius)

oculi tanquam speculatores altissimum locum obtinent: the eyes, like sentinels,

occupy the highest place in the body (Cicero)

oculis magis habenda fides quam auribus: it is better to trust our eyes than our


oculus domini saginat equum: the master’s eye makes the horse fat

oderunt di homines injuros: the gods hate unjust men (Nжvius)

oderunt hilarem tristes, tristemque jocosi: the sad detest the cheerful, and the

cheerful the sad (Horace)

oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore: good men hate to sin out of their love of

virtue (Horace)

odia qui nimium timet, regnare nescit: the one who dreads hostility too much is

unfit to rule (Seneca)

odit verus amor, nec patitur, moras: true love hates, and does not suffer, delay


officii fructus sit ipsum officium: let the reward of duty be duty itself (Cicero)

officium natura docet: nature teaches one duty

oi pleiones kakoi

omnia cum amico delibera, sed de

oi pleiones kakoi: the greater part of humankind is bad (Bias, one of the Seven

Greek Sages, from the Greek)

olim meminisse juvabit: it will delight us to recall these things (i.e., some day we

will look back at this and laugh) (Virgil)

omina sunt aliquid: there is something in omens (Ovid)

omne actum ab agentis intentione (est) judicandum: every act is to be judged by

the intention of the agent

omne ævum curæ: cunctis sua displicet ætas: every age has its own care: each one

thinks his own time of life is disagreeable (Ausonius)

omne animal seipsum diligit: every animal loves itself (Cicero)

omne animi vitium tanto conspectius in se crimen habet, quanto major qui

peccat habetur: every vice of the mind makes its guilt the more conspicuous in

proportion to the rank of the offender (Juvenal)

omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ægerrume desinere: war is always easy to

start, but very hard to end (Sallust)

omne homini natale solum: the whole world is a man’s birthplace (Statius)

omne ignotum pro magnifico (est): everything unknown is thought to be

magnificent (Tacitus)

omne in præcipiti vitium stetit: every vice ever stands on a precipice (Juvenal)

omne malum nascens facile opprimitur; inveteratum fit plerumque robustius:

every evil is easily crushed at its birth; when grown old, it generally becomes more

obstinate (Cicero)

omne nimium vertitur in vitium: every excess develops into a vice

omne quod dulce est cito satiat: all sweet things quickly bring satiety (or

satisfaction) (Macrobius)

omne supervacuum pleno de pectore manat: everything that is superfluous

overflows from the full bosom (Horace)

omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum: believe that each day that shines on

you is your last (Horace)

omnes pari sorte nascimur: sola virtute distinguimur: men are equal by birth:

merit alone makes the difference

omnes sapientes decet conferre et fabulari: all wise people ought to confer and

hold converse with each other (Plautus)

omnes sibi malle melius esse, quam alteri: it is human nature that every individual

should wish for his own advantage in preference to that of others (Terence)

omnes sub regno graviore regnum est: every monarch is subject to a mightier one


omnes una manet nox, et calcanda semel via lethi: one night awaits us all, and the

path of death must be trodden once (Horace)

omni ætati mors est communis: death is common to every age (Cicero)

omnia conando docilis solertia vincit: by application a docile shrewdness conquers

every difficulty (Manilius)

omnia cum amico delibera, sed de (te) ipso prius: consult your friend on

everything, but particularly on what concerns yourself (Seneca) omnia enim plerumque quæ absunt omnis amans amens

omnia enim plerumque quæ absunt vehementius hominum mentes

perturbant: as a rule, men’s minds are more deeply disturbed by what they do not

see (Julius Cжsar)

omnia fert ætas, animum quoque: age carries everything away, even the mind


omnia inconsulti impetus coepta, initiis valida, spatio languescunt: all

enterprises that are entered into with hasty zeal may be pursued with great vigor at

first, but are sure to languish in the end (Tacitus)

omnia mala exempla ex rebus bonis orta sunt (also, omnia mala exempla orta

sunt ex bonis initiis): every bad precedent originated as a justifiable measure


omnia mors æquat: death levels all things (Claudian and Cicero)

omnia mors poscit. Lex est, non poena, perire: death claims all things. It is law,

not punishment, to die (Seneca)

omnia munda mundis: to the pure all things are pure

omnia mutantur, nihil interit: all things merely change, nothing perishes (Ovid)

omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis: all things change, and we ourselves

change with them (Borbonius)

omnia non pariter rerum sunt omnibus apta: all things are not equally fit for all

men (Propertius)

omnia non properanti clara certaque erunt; festinatio improvida est, et cæca:

all things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry; haste is blind

and improvident (Livy)

omnia orta occidunt, et aucta senescunt: everything that rises sets, and everything

that grows grows old (Sallust)

omnia perversas possunt corrumpere mentes: all things tend to corrupt perverted

minds (Ovid)

omnia præclara rara: all excellent things are rare (Cicero)

omnia præsumuntur rite et solenniter esse acta: all things are presumed to have

been done duly and in the usual manner

omnia prius experiri, quam armis, sapientem decet: it becomes a wise man to try

all methods before having recourse to arms (Terence)

omnia rerum principia parva sunt: all beginnings are small (Cicero)

omnia Romæ cum pretio: all things at Rome may be bought for a price (Juvenal)

omnia sunt hominum tenui pendentia filo; et subito casu, quæ valuere, ruunt:

all things human hang by a slender thread; and that which seemed to stand strong

of a sudden falls and sinks in ruins (Ovid)

omnia vincit amor, nos et cedamus amori: love conquers all things, let us also

yield to love (Virgil)

omnibus bonis expedit rempublicam esse salvam: it is for the interest of every

good man that the republic shall be safe (Cicero)

omnibus in rebus voluptatibus maximis fastidium finitimum est: the greatest

pleasures are only narrowly separated from disgust (Cicero)

omnis amans amens: every lover is demented

omnis ars imitatio est naturæ

optimum obsonium labor

omnis ars imitatio est naturæ: all art is an imitation of nature (Seneca)

omnis commoditas sua fert incommoda secum: every convenience brings its own

inconveniences along with it

omnis homines … qui de rebus dubiis consultant, ab odio, amicitia, ira atque

misericordia vacuos esse decet: those who deliberate on controversial matters

should be free from hatred, friendship, anger, and pity (Julius Cжsar, as quoted by


omnis mutatio loci jucunda fiet: every change of place becomes a delight (Seneca)

omnis nimium longa properanti mora est: every delay is too long to one who is in

a hurry (Seneca)

omnis poena corporalis, quamvis minima, major est omni poena pecuniaria,

quamvis maxima: the slightest corporal punishment falls more heavily than the

largest pecuniary penalty

omnis sors ferendo superanda est: every fate is to be overcome by enduring

omnis stultitia laborat fastidio sui: all folly is afflicted with a disdain of itself


omnium consensu capax imperii, nisi imperasset: he would have been universally

deemed fit for empire, if he had never reigned (Tacitus, said of Emperor Galba)

omnium rerum, heus, vicissitudo est: there are changes, mark you, in all things


omnium rerum principia parva sunt: the beginnings of all things are small (Cicero)

onus segni impone asello: lay the burden on the lazy ass

operæ pretium est: there is a reward for work (i.e., it is worth doing) (Terence)

operæ pretium non est: it is work not worthy of doing (i.e., it is not worthwhile)

opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum: in a long work it is allowable for sleep to

steal upon us (or, upon the writer) (Horace)

opes regum, corda subditorum: the wealth of kings is in the affections of their


opinionem quidem et famam eo loco habeamus, tamquam non ducere sed

sequi debeat: as for rumor and reputation, let us consider them as matters that

must follow, not guide, our actions (Seneca)

opinionum commenta delet dies, naturæ judicia confirmat: time erases the

comments of opinion, but it confirms the judgments of nature (Cicero)

optanda mors est, sine metu mortis mori: to die without fear of death is

something to be desired (Seneca)

optat ephippia bos piger optat arare caballus: the lazy ox covets the horse’s saddle,

the slow horse would rather plough (Horace)

optima mors Parca quæ venit apta die: the best death is that which comes on the

day that Fate determines (Propertius)

optimi consiliarii mortui: the best counselors are the dead

optimum custodem ovium quem dicunt esse lupum!: what a fine shepherd a wolf

must be!

optimum obsonium labor: work is the best of relishes (or, work is the best means to


optimus est portus poenitenti mutatio pares cum paribus ut est in veteri

optimus est portus poenitenti mutatio consilii: the safest haven for the penitent is

a change in conduct (Cicero)

optimus est qui optime facit: the best is he who does the best

opulentia tyranni, paupertas subjectorum: the wealth of a tyrant is the poverty of

his subjects

opus artificem probat: the work proves the craftsman (i.e., the worker is known by

his work)

orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano: we should pray for a sound mind

in a sound body (Juvenal)

orare est laborare, laborare est orare: to pray is to work, to work is to pray

orationis summa virtus est perspicuitas: the greatest virtue of speech is perspicuity


orator improbus leges subvertit: a morally corrupt orator subverts the law

ostendite modo bellum, pacem habebitis: you need only a show of war to have

peace (Livy)

otia dant vitia: leisure begets vices

otia si tollas, periere Cupidinis arcus: remove leisure, and the bow of Cupid will

lose its effect (Ovid)

otiosi semper egentes: the idle are always needy

otiosis nullus adsistit deus: no god assists the idle

otium sine litteris mors est et hominis vivi sepultura: leisure without literature is

death, or rather the burial of a living man (Seneca)

otium sortem exspectat: idleness awaits its destiny (i.e., hopes for good fortune)


pacem hominibus habe, bellum cum vitiis: maintain peace with men, war with their


pactum non pactum est; non pactum pactum est, quod vobis lubet: an

agreement is not an agreement; no agreement is an agreement, as it pleases you


palam mutire plebeio piaculum est: for a common man to mutter what he thinks is

a risky venture

par in parem imperium non habet: an equal has no authority over an equal

paratæ lacrimæ insidias non fletum indicant: ready tears are a sign of treachery,

not of grief (Publilius Syrus)

parcite paucarum diffundere crimen in omnes: refrain from laying the guilt of the

few upon the many (Ovid)

parem delinquentis et suasoris culpam esse: the fault belongs alike to the wrongdoer

and to the persuader

pares cum paribus ut est in veteri proverbio facillime congregantur: as in the

old proverb, like associates more easily with like (Cicero)

paritur pax bello

paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur

paritur pax bello: peace is produced by war (Cornelius Nepos)

pars beneficii est quod petitur si belle neges: to refuse graciously is to confer a

favor (Publilius Syrus)

pars beneficii est quod petitur si cito neges: to refuse a favor quickly is to grant

one (Publilius Syrus)

pars minima est ipsa puella sui: the girl herself is the least part of herself (Ovid)

pars sanitatis velle sanari fuit: it is a step to the cure to be willing to be cured


parsimonia est magnum vectigal: thrift is a great revenue (Cicero)

parta tueri: defend what you have won

parva leves capiunt animas (or animos): little minds are caught (or captured) by

little things (Ovid)

parvam culinam duobus ganeonibus non sufficere: a small kitchen does not

suffice for two gluttons

parvi enim sunt foris arma, nisi est consilium domi: an army abroad is of little

use unless there are prudent counsels at home (Cicero)

parvula scintilla sæpe magnum suscitavit incendium: a very small spark has often

kindled a great conflagration

parvum parva decent: small things become the small (Horace)

pati necesse est multa mortales mala: mortals must bear many ills (Nжvius)

patientia casus exsuperat omnes: patience masters all chances

patientia læsa fit furor: patience abused becomes fury

patria cuique chara: each person’s homeland is dear to him

patriæ fumus igne alieno luculentior: the smoke of one’s own country is brighter

than any fire in a foreign land

patriæ quis exsul se quoque fugit?: what fugitive from his homeland can flee from

himself? (Horace)

patriæ solum omnibus carum est: the soil of their native land is dear to the hearts

of all (Cicero)

pauci dignoscere possunt vera bona, atque illis multum diversa: few men can

distinguish the truly good from the reverse (Juvenal)

pauci libertatem, pars magna justos dominos volunt: few men desire liberty; the

majority are satisfied with a just master (Sallust)

paucis carior fides quam pecunia fuit: there were few who preferred honor to

money (Sallust)

paullum (or paulum) sepultæ distat inertiæ celata virtus: virtue (or excellence)

when concealed, differs but little from buried idleness (Horace)

pauper enim non est, cui rerum suppetit usus: that man is not poor who has a

sufficiency for all his wants (Horace)

pauper ubique jacet: everywhere the poor man is despised (Ovid)

paupertas est, non quæ pauca possidet, sed quæ multa non possidet: poverty is

not possessing few things, but lacking many things (Seneca)

paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur orbe: poverty is shunned and treated as a

crime throughout the world (Lucan)

paupertatem summis ingeniis obesse periculum in mora

paupertatem summis ingeniis obesse, ne provehantur: poverty hinders the

greatest talents from advancing

paupertatis onus patienter ferre memento: patiently bear the burden of poverty

(Dionysius Cato)

pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at poenam semper ob oculos versari

putant qui peccarunt: the innocent are free from fear; but the guilty have always

the dread of punishment before their eyes

pax paritur bello: peace is produced by war (Cornelius Nepos)

pax potior bello: peace is preferable to war

peccare licet nemini: no one has license to sin (Cicero)

peccare pauci nolunt, nulli nesciunt: few are unwilling to sin, all know how

(Publilius Syrus)

pectus est quod disertos facit: it is the heart that makes one eloquent (Quintillan)

pecunia obediunt omnia: all things are obedient to money

pecunia regimen est rerum omnium: money controls all things (Publilius Syrus)

pecuniam in loco negligere interdum maximum est lucrum: to despise money

on occasion sometimes leads to very great gain (Terence)

pecuniam perdidisti; fortasse illa te perderet manens: you have lost your money;

perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you

pejor est bello timor ipse belli: the dread of war is worse than war itself (Seneca)

per difficile est, cum prestare cæteris concupieris, servare æquitatem: it is very

difficult to preserve equity aiming to surpass others (Cicero)

per multum risum, poteris cognoscere stultum: by his redundant laughter, you

can always distinguish a fool

per scelera semper sceleribus certum est iter: the way to wickedness is always

through wickedness (Seneca)

percunctatorem fugito; nam garrulus idem est: avoid the inquisitive person, for

he is sure to be a talker (i.e., secrets entrusted to idle gossips are no longer secrets)


perdidit arma, locum virtutis deseruit, qui semper in augenda festinat et

obruitur re: he has lost his weapons and deserted the cause of virtue who is ever

eager and engrossed in increasing his wealth (Horace)

pereant amici, dum una inimici intercidant: let our friends perish, provided our

enemies fall along with them (a Greek proverb in Latin, condemned by Cicero)

pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt: may they perish who said our good things

before us (said humorously of ideas borrowed from predecessors)

perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim: bear and endure to the end; one

day this pain will be useful to you (Ovid)

perfer et obdura; multo graviora tulisti: bear and endure to the end; you have

borne much heavier misfortunes than these (Ovid)

periculosior casus ab alto: even more dangerous is a fall from high

periculosum est credere et non credere: it is equally dangerous to believe and to

disbelieve (Phжdrus)

periculum in mora: there is danger in delay

perimus licitis

pluris est oculatus testis unus quam

perimus licitis: we come to ruin by permitted things (i.e., we died for a good cause)

perit omnis in illo nobilitas, cujus laus est in origine sola: he loses all nobility

whose only merit is noble birth (Saleius Bassus)

perituræ parcite chartæ: spare the paper that is fated to perish (adapted from


perjuria ridet amantum Juppiter: Jupiter laughs at lovers’ deceits

perjurii poena divina exitium, humana dedecus: the punishment of perjury at the

hands of the gods is perdition; at the hands of man, it is disgrace (from The Twelve


pessimum genus inimicorum, laudantes: the worst kind of enemies: flatterers

(Tacitus and Publilius Syrus)

philosophia simulari potest, eloquentia non potest: philosophy can be feigned,

eloquence cannot (Quintilian)

phobou to geras, ou gar erchetai monon: fear old age, for it does not come alone

(a Greek proverb)

pigmæi gigantum humeris impositi plusquam ipsi gigantes vident: pygmies on a

giant’s back see more than the giant himself (Didacus Stella)

pinguis venter non gignit sensum tenuem: a fat belly does not produce fine sense

(St. Jerome)

placeat homini quicquid (or quidquid) Deo placuit: whatever is God’s pleasure

should be man’s pleasure (Seneca)

plebeia ingenia magis exemplis quam ratione capiuntur: vulgar minds are more

impressed by examples than by reasons (Macrobius)

plerumque gratæ divitibus vices: changes are generally agreeable to the wealthy


plerumque modestus occupat obscuri speciem, taciturnus acerbi: usually, the

modest man passes for a reserved man, the silent for a sullen one (Horace)

ploratur lacrimis amissa pecunia veris: the loss of money is bewailed with true

tears (Juvenal)

plura consilio quam vi perficimus: we accomplish more by prudence than by force


plura faciunt homines e consuetudine quam e ratione: men do more things from

habit than from reason

plures adorant solem orientem quam occidentem: more do homage to the rising

sun than to the setting one

plures crapula quam gladius: drunkenness kills more than the sword

plures tegit Fortuna quam tutos facit: Fortune shields more than it makes safe

(Publilius Syrus)

pluribus intentus minor est ad singula sensus: a person engaged in various

pursuits minds none of them well

plurima sunt quæ non audent homines pertusa dicere læna: there are very many

things that men, when their cloaks have holes in them, dare not say (Juvenal)

pluris est oculatus testis unus quam auriti decem: one eyewitness is better than

ten who have heard (Plautus)

plus aloës quam mellis habet post epulas stabis vel passus mille

plus aloës quam mellis habet: she has more of aloes than of honey (i.e., the bitter

outweighs the sweet) (Juvenal)

plus animi est inferenti periculum, quam propulsanti: there is always more spirit

in attack than in defense (Livy)

plus apud me (or nos) tamen vera ratio valebit quam vulgi opinio: sound

argument will have more weight with me (or us) than popular opinion (Cicero)

plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est: the one who

grieves before it is necessary grieves more than necessary (Seneca)

plus exemplo quam peccato nocent: they do more mischief by the example than by

the sin

plus impetus, majorem constantiam, penes miseros: we find more violence and

greater perseverance among the wretched (Tacitus)

plus in amicitia valet similitudo morum quam affinitas: similarity of manners is

more conducive to friendship than affinity by marriage (Cornelius Nepos)

plus in posse quam in actu: more in possibility than in actuality

plus potest qui plus valet: the stronger always succeeds (Plautus)

plus ratio quam vis cæca valere solet: reason can generally effect more than blind

force (Cornelius Gallus)

plus salis quam sumptus: more of good taste than expense (also, more relish than

meat) (Cornelius Nepos)

plus scire satius est, quam loqui: it is well for one to know more than he says


plus vetustis nam favet invidia mordax, quam bonis præsentibus: biting envy is

more merciful to good things that are old than such that are new (Phжdrus)

poësis est vinum dæmonum: poetry is the wine of demons

poëta nascitur, non fit: a poet is born, not made

pompa mortis magis terret quam mors ipsa: the solemnity associated with death

awes us more than death itself (Seneca, as quoted by Bacon)

ponderanda sunt testimonia, non numeranda: testimonies are to be weighed, not


populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo: the people boo me, but I applaud myself


populus vult decipi; (ergo) decipiatur: the people wish to be deceived; (therefore)

let them be deceived

poscunt fidem secunda, at adversa exigunt: prosperity asks for fidelity; adversity

exacts it (Seneca)

post amara dulcia: sweet things come after bitter things

post amicitiam credendum est, ante amicitiam judicandum: after friendship, you

should render implicit belief; before friendship, you should exercise judgment


post cineres gloria sera venit: glory comes too late after one has died (Martial)

post coitum omne animal triste: after sexual intercourse, every animal is sad

post epulas stabis vel passus mille meabis: after eating, you should either stand or

walk a mile (variation of Schola Salern)

post factum nullum consilium

prima caritas incipit a seipso

post factum nullum consilium: counsel is of no effect after the fact

post malam segetem serendum est: after a bad crop, immediately begin to sow


post mortem nulla voluptas: after death no pleasure remains

post prandium stabis, post coenem ambulabis: after lunch rest a while, after

supper walk a mile (Schola Salern)

posteriores cogitationes sapientiores solent esse: second thoughts are generally

wiser thoughts (Cicero)

posthac occasio calva: later, opportunity is bald (i.e., has passed)

postremo nemo ægrotus quidquam somniat tam infandum, quod non aliquis

dicat philosophus: in short, no sick man ever dreamed of anything so absurd that

one or another philosopher has not said it (Varro)

potentiam cautis quam acribus consiliis tutius haberi: power is more safely

retained by cautious than by severe counsels (Tacitus)

potentissimus est, qui se habet in potestate: he is the most powerful who has

himself in his power (Seneca)

potest ex casa magnus vir exire: a great man can come from a hut (Seneca)

potest melior vincere, non potest non pejor esse qui vicerit: the better man may

win, but he cannot fail to be the worse for his victory (Seneca)

potius ignoratio juris litigiosa est quam scientia: the litigious spirit is more often

found with ignorance than with knowledge of law (Cicero)

potuit fortasse minoria piscator quam piscis emi: the fisherman could perhaps be

bought for less than the fish (Juvenal)

præcedentibus insta: follow close on those who go before (or precede)

præcepta ducunt, at exempla trahunt: precepts guide, but examples drag along

præceptores suos adulescens veneratur et suspicit: a young man respects and

looks up to his teachers (Seneca)

præcipue autem lignum, sive virga, versus superiorem partem curva est: every

staff of empire is truly crooked at the top (Francis Bacon)

præcocia non diuturna: precocious things do not last long

præferre patriam liberis regem decet: a king should prefer his country to his

children (Seneca)

præmium virtutis honor (pl. præmia virtutis honores): honor is the reward of


præsis ut prosis: be first, that you may be of service

præstatur laus virtuti, sed multo ocius verno gelu tabescit: praise is bestowed on

virtue but vanishes more quickly than frost in the Spring (Livius Andronicus)

prævalent illicita: things forbidden have a secret charm (Tacitus)

presto maturo, presto marcio: soon ripe, soon rotten

pretio parata vincitur pretio fides: fidelity bought with money is overcome by

money (Seneca)

pretiosum quod utile: what is useful is valuable

prima caritas incipit a seipso: charity begins at home prima enim sequentem, honestum promissio boni viri fit obligatio

prima enim sequentem, honestum est in secundis, tertiisque consistere: when

you are aspiring to the highest place, it is honorable to stand in the second or even

the third rank (Cicero)

prima est hæc ultio, quod se judice nemo nocens absolvitur: this is the first of

punishments, that no guilty man is acquitted if judged by himself (Juvenal)

prima et maxima peccantium est poena peccasse: the first and greatest

punishment of sinners is the conscience of sin (Seneca)

prima quæ vitam dedit hora, carpit: the hour that gives us life begins to take it

away (Seneca)

prima societas in ipso conjugio est; proxima in liberis; deinde una domus,

communia omnia: the first bond of society is marriage; the next, our children;

then the whole family and all things in common (Cicero)

primus in orbe deos fecit timor: it was fear that first produced gods in the world

(Petronius and Statius)

primus sapientiæ gradus est falsa intelligere: the first step toward wisdom is to

distinguish what is false

princeps qui delatores non castigat, irritat: the prince who does not punish

informers encourages them (Domitian, as quoted by Suetonius)

principes mortales, rempublicam æternam: princes are mortal, the republic is

eternal (Tacitus)

principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est: to have won the approval of

important people is not the last degree of praise (Horace)

principis est virtus maxima nosse suos: it is the greatest merit of a prince to know

his subjects (Martial)

prius quam (or priusquam) incipias consulto, et ubi consulueris mature facto

opus est: before you begin, consider; but having considered, use dispatch (Sallust)

privatorum convento juri publico non derogat: no bargain between individuals

derogates from a law

privilegium est quasi privata lex: privilege is, as it were, private law

probæ etsi in segetem sunt deteriorem datæ fruges, tamen ipsæ suaptæ natura

enitent: a good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own

nature (Accius)

probis probatum potius quam multis fore: the praise of the honorable is worth

more than that of the multitude (Accius)

probitas laudatur et alget: honesty is praised and is left out to freeze (Juvenal)

probitas verus honor (or honos): honesty (or integrity) is true honor

probum non poenitet: the honest man does not repent

procellæ quanto plus habent virium tanto minus temporis: the more violent the

storms are, the sooner they are over (Seneca)

proditor pro hoste habendus: we must take the traitor for an enemy (attributed to


prohibetur ne quis faciat in suo, quod nocere possit (or potest) in alieno: no

one is allowed to do on his own property what may injure that of a neighbor

promissio boni viri fit obligatio: the promise of an honest man is a bond

propra vivere et singulos dies

quæ amissa salva

propra vivere et singulos dies singulas vitas puta: make haste to live, and consider

each day a life (Seneca)

proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem læseris: it is a weakness of human

nature to hate those whom one has wronged (Tacitus)

prosperum et felix scelus virtus vocatur: crime, when it succeeds, is called virtue


proximorum incuriosi longinqua sectamur: uninterested in things near, we pursue

those that are at a distance (Pliny)

proximus a tectis ignis defenditur ægre: a fire is difficult to ward off when the

neighboring house is in flames (Ovid)

prudens interrogatio quasi dimidium sapientiæ: prudent questioning is, as it

were, the half of knowledge

prudens quæstio dimidium scientiæ: half of science is putting forth the right

questions (Francis Bacon)

prudens qui patiens: he is prudent who has patience

prudentes vino abstinent: prudent men abstain from wine

prudentis est mutare consilium; stultus sicut luna mutatur: a prudent man may,

on occasion, change his opinion; but a fool changes as often as the moon

publicum bonum privato est præferendum: the public good is to be preferred to

private advantage

pudor doceri non potest, nasci potest: modesty is inborn, it cannot be learned

(Publilius Syrus)

pulchra mulier nuda erit quam purpurata pulchrior: a beautiful woman is more

beautiful undressed than dressed in fine purple (Plautus)

pulchrum est accusari ab accusandis: it is an honorable circumstance to be accused

by those who are themselves deserving of accusation

pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier, hic est: it is pleasant to be pointed at

with the finger and to have it said, there he is (Persius)

pulvis et umbra sumus, fruges consumere nati: we are but dust and shadows,

born to consume the fruits of the earth (Horace)

punitis ingeniis gliscit auctoritas: when men of talents are punished, authority is

strengthened (Tacitus)

puras Deus non plenas adspicit manus: God looks to pure hands, not to full ones

(Publilius Syrus)

purgamenta hujus mundi sunt tria: pestis, bellum, et frateria: this world is

purified by three means: by plague, by war, and by monastic seclusion


qua dii vocant, eundum: where the gods call, there one must go

qua flumen placidum est, forsan latet altius unda: where the river flows calmly,

there perchance is it the deepest (Dionysius Cato)

quæ amissa salva: things lost are safe

quæ e longinquo magis placent quam multa injusta ac prava fiunt

quæ e longinquo magis placent: things are more pleasant from a distance

quæ fuerant vitia mores sunt: what were once vices are now customs (Seneca)

quæ fuit durum pati meminisse dulce est: what was hard to suffer is sweet to

remember (Seneca)

quæ in terris gignuntur omnia ad usum hominum creantur: the produce of the

earth was all created for humanity’s use (Cicero)

quæ nimis apparent retia, vitat avis: if the net be spread too openly, the bird avoids

the snare (Ovid)

quæ nocent docent: that which hurts, teaches

quæ peccamus juvenes ea luimus senes: we pay when old for the excesses of our


quæ serata secura: things locked up are safe

quæ virtus et quanta, boni, sit vivere parvo!: how great, my friends, is the virtue

of living upon a little! (Horace)

quæ volumus et credimus libenter, et quæ sentimus ipsi, reliquos sentire

speramus: what we desire we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we

expect the rest to think (Julius Cжsar)

quædam non jura scripta sed omnibus scriptis certiora sunt: some laws are

unwritten, but they are better established than all written ones (Seneca the Elder)

quære adolescens, utere senex: youth seek, the old use

quærit, et inventis miser abstinet, ac timet uti: the miser is ever on the search, yet

fears to use what he has acquired (Horace)

quæsitam meritis sume superbiam: assume the honors that are justly due to your

merits (Horace)

quæstio fit de legibus, non de personis: the question must refer to the laws, not to


quævis terra alit artificem: every land supports the artisan

qualem commendes etiam atque etiam aspice, ne mox incutiant aliena tibi

peccata pudorem: study carefully the character of the one you recommend, lest

his misdeeds bring you shame (Horace)

quales sunt summi civitatis viri talis est civitas: a community is as those who rule

it (Cicero)

qualis ab incepto processerit et sibi constet: let him proceed as he began, and be

consistent with himself (Horace)

qualis avis, talis cantus; qualis vir, talis oratio: as is the bird, so is its song; as is the

man, so is his manner of speech

quam angusta innocentia est, ad legem bonum esse: what narrow innocence it is

for one to be good only according to the law (Seneca)

quam continuis et quantis longa senectus plena malis!: how incessant and great

are the ills with which a prolonged old age is replete! (Juvenal)

quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia!: what a wonderful revenue lies in thrift!


quam multa injusta ac prava fiunt moribus!: how many unjust and improper

things are authorized by custom! (Terence)

quam multum interest quid a quo

quem metuunt oderunt; quem

quam multum interest quid a quo fiat!: what a difference it makes by whom the

deed is done! (Pliny the Younger)

quam parva sapientia regitur mundus!: with how little wisdom the world is


quam prope ad crimen sine crimine!: how near to guilt a man may approach

without being guilty!

quam quisque novit artem, in hac se exerceat: let a man practice the profession

he best knows (Cicero)

quam sæpe forte temere eveniunt, quæ non audeas optare: how often things

occur by mere chance, for which we dared not even to hope (Terence)

quam temere in nosmet legem sancimus iniquam!: how rashly do we sanction an

unjust law against ourselves! (Horace)

quam veterrimus homini optimus est amicus: a man’s oldest friend is his best


quamlibet infirmas adjuvat ira manus: anger assists hands however weak (Ovid)

quamvis tegatur proditur vultu furor: anger, though concealed, is betrayed by the

countenance (Seneca)

quando aliquid prohibetur, prohibetur et omne per quod devenitur ad illud:

when anything is forbidden, whatever leads to it is at the same time forbidden

quanti est sapere!: what a great thing it is to be wise! (Terence)

quanto quisque sibi plura negaverit, a dis plura feret: the more a person denies

himself, the more will he receive from the gods (Horace)

quantum caliginis mentibus nostris objicit magna felicitas!: how much does

great prosperity overspread the mind with darkness! (Seneca)

quantum est in rebus inane!: what emptiness there is in things! (i.e., in human

affairs) (Persius)

quantum instar in ipso est: none but himself can be his parallel (Virgil)

quantum quisque sua nummorum servat in arca tantum habet et fidei: the faith

(or credit) of every person is in proportion to the number of coins he keeps in his

chest (Juvenal)

quantum religio potuit suadere malorum!: to how many evils does not religion

persuade! (Lucretius)

quas dederis, solus semper habebis opes: the wealth which you give away will ever

be your own (Martial)

quem di diligunt, adolescens moritur, dum valet, sentit, sapit: the one whom the

gods love dies young, while he has strength and senses and wits (Plautus)

quem dies vidit veniens superbum, hunc dies vidit fugiens jacentem: the man

whom the new day sees in his pride is by its close seen prostrate

quem Juppiter vult perdere, prius dementat: whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he

first dements

quem metuit quisque, perisse cupit: every one wishes that the man whom he fears

would perish (Ovid)

quem metuunt oderunt; quem quisque odit periise expetit: whom men fear,

they hate; whom a man hates he wishes dead (Ennius)

quem poenitet peccasse pene est qui finem quæris amoris, cedet amor

quem poenitet peccasse pene est innocens: the one who repents of having sinned

is almost innocent (Seneca)

quem res plus nimio delectavere secundæ, mutatæ quatient: whom prosperity

has charmed too much, adversity will shatter (Horace)

quemcunque miserum videris, hominem scias: whenever you see a fellow

creature in distress, remember that he is a man (Seneca)

qui a nuce nucleum esse vult, frangat nucem: the one who wishes to eat the

kernel must crack the nut (Plautus)

qui alta contemplantur, cadere: those who contemplate the heights, fall

qui alterum incusat probri eum ipsum se intueri oportet: the one who accuses

another of improper conduct ought to look to himself (Plautus)

qui amat, tamen hercle si esurit, nullum esurit: a man in love, though he is

hungry, is not hungry (Plautus)

qui bene amat bene castigat: the one who loves well chastises well

qui bene conjiciet, hunc vatem perhibeto optimum: hold him the best prophet

who forms the best conjectures

qui bene imperat, paruerit aliquando necesse est: the one who is good at

commanding must have at some time been good at obeying (Cicero)

qui capit, ille facit: the one who takes it, the same makes it (i.e., if the shoe fits, let

the cobbler wear it)

qui de contemnenda gloria libros scribunt, nomen suum inscribunt: those who

write books condemning fame inscribe their own names on the cover (i.e., they

wish for the very fame they condemn)

qui dedit beneficium taceat; narrat qui accepit: let him who has given a favor be

silent; let he who has received it tell it (Seneca)

qui dedit hoc hodie, cras, si volet, auferet: the one who has given today may, if he

so please, take away tomorrow (Horace)

qui desiderat pacem, præparet bellum: the one who wishes for peace must prepare

for war (Vegetius)

qui docet discit: the one who teaches, learns

qui e nuce nucleum esse vult, frangat nucem: the one who wishes to eat the

kernel must crack the nut (Plautus)

qui ex errore imperitæ multitudinis pendet, hic in magnis viris non est

habendus: the one who hangs on the errors of the ignorant multitude must not be

counted among great men (Cicero)

qui facit per alium est perinde ac si faciat per seipsum: the one who acts through

an agent is responsible as though he acted himself (Pope Boniface VIII)

qui facit per alium facit per se: the one who does a thing by another does it himself


qui fert malis auxilium, post tempus dolet: the one who aids the wicked suffers in

the end (Phжdrus)

qui finem quæris amoris, cedet amor rebus; res age tutus eris: you who seek an

end of love, love will yield to business; be busy, and you will be safe (Ovid)

qui fugiebat, rursus proeliabitur

qui non libere veritatem pronunciat

qui fugiebat, rursus proeliabitur: the one who flees will fight again (Tertullian,

citing a Greek proverb)

qui genus jactat suum aliena laudat: the one who boasts of his descent boasts of

what he owes to others (Seneca)

qui gratus futurus est statim dum accipit de reddendo cogitet: let the man who

would be grateful think of repaying a kindness even while receiving it (Seneca)

qui homo mature quæsivit pecuniam, nisi eam mature parcit, mature esurit:

the one who has acquired wealth in time, unless he saves it in time, will in time

come to starvation (Plautus)

qui honeste fortiter: he who acts honestly acts bravely

qui in amore præcipitavit pejus perit, quam si saxo saliat: he who falls in love

meets a worse fate than he who leaps from a rock (Plautus)

qui invidet minor est: the one who envies is inferior

qui ipse si sapiens prodesse non quit, nequiquam sapit: a wise man whose

wisdom does not serve him is wise in vain (Ennius)

qui jacet in terra non habet unde cadat: the one who lies upon the ground cannot

fall (Allain de Lille)

qui jure suo utitur, neminem lædit: the one who enjoys his own right injures no


qui lingua jurat, mentem non injuratam gerit: the one who swears with his

tongue carries a mind unsworn

qui male agit, odit lucem: the one who commits evil shuns the light

qui medice vivit, misere vivit: the one who lives by medical prescription lives a

miserable life

qui mentiri aut fallere insuevit patrem, tanto magis is audebit cæteros: the one

who has made it a practice to lie or to deceive his father, the more daring will he be

in deceiving others (Terence)

qui modeste paret, videtur qui aliquando imperet dignus esse: the one who

obeys with modesty appears worthy of being some day a commander (Cicero)

qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare: the one who knows not how to dissemble

knows not how to rule (Louis XI)

qui nescit dissimulare, nescit vivere: the one who knows not how to dissemble,

knows not how to live

qui nil potest sperare, desperet nihil: the one who can hope for nothing should

despair of nothing (Seneca)

qui nimium probat, nihil probat: he who proves too much proves nothing

qui nolet fieri desidiosus, amet: he who would not be idle, let him fall in love (Ovid)

qui non est hodie, cras minus aptus erit: the one who is not prepared today will be

less prepared tomorrow (Ovid)

qui non improbat, approbat: the one who does not disapprove, approves

qui non laborat, non manducet: the one who does no work shall not eat

(2 Thessalonians 3:10)

qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est veritatis: the one who does not

speak the truth freely is a betrayer of the truth

qui non moderabitur iræ infectum qui tacet, non utique fatetur, sed

qui non moderabitur iræ infectum volet esse, dolor quod suaserit et mens: the

one who does not restrain his anger will wish that undone that his irritation and

temper prompted him to do (Horace)

qui non proficit, deficit: the one who does not make progress loses ground

qui non prohibet quod prohibere potest assentire videtur: the one who does not

prevent what he can prevent is seen to consent

qui non vetat peccare cum possit, jubet: the one who does not prevent a crime

when he can encourages it (Seneca)

qui peccat ebrius luat sobrius: let the one who sins when drunk be punished when


qui per alium facit seipsum facere videtur: the one who has a thing done by

another does it himself

qui per virtutem peritat, non interit: the one who dies for virtue does not perish


qui prægravat artes, infra se positas, extinctus amabitur idem: the one whose

excellence causes envy in his lifetime shall be revered when he is dead


qui proficit in literis et deficit in moribus, plus deficit quam proficit: the one

who is proficient in learning and deficient in morals is more deficient than


qui pulchra affectat ardua perferat: he who strives after beauty, let him endure the


qui quæ vult dicit, quod non vult audiet: the one who says what he likes will hear

what he does not like (Terence)

qui scribit bis legit: the one who writes reads twice

qui se exaltat, humiliabitur: the one who exalts himself will be humbled

qui sentit commodum, sentire debet et onus: the one who derives the advantage

should endure the burden

qui sibi amicus est, scito hunc amicum omnibus esse: you may be sure that the

one who is a friend to himself is a friend to all (Seneca)

qui socius est in malo, consors erit in supplicio: a partner in evil will also be a

partner in punishment

qui spe aluntur, pendent, non vivunt: those who feed on hope, they hang on, but

they do not live

qui stat, caveat ne cadat: let the one who stands be careful lest he fall (1

Corinthians 10:12)

qui stultus videri eruditi volunt stulti eruditis videntur: those who wish to

appear learned to fools will appear fools to the learned (Quintilian)

qui sustinet hamos, novit, quæ multo pisce natentur aquæ: the one who holds

the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming (Ovid)

qui tacet consentire videtur: the one who is silent is seen to consent (Pope

Boniface VIII)

qui tacet, non utique fatetur, sed tamen verum est eum non negare: though

silence is not necessarily an admission, neither it is a denial (Justinian)

qui terret plus ipse timet quid est turpius quam senex vivere

qui terret plus ipse timet: the one who terrifies others is himself more afraid


qui timide rogat, docet negare: the one who asks timidly courts denial (Seneca)

qui uti scit, ei bona: he should possess wealth who knows how to use it (Terence)

qui vicit non est victor nisi victus fatetur: the victor is not truly victor unless the

vanquished admits it (Ennius)

qui vivens lædit morte medetur: he who hurts in life heals in death

qui vult decipi, decipiatur: the one who wants to be deceived, let him be deceived

quicquid agas, prudenter agas, et respice finem: whatever you do, do it with

intelligence, and keep the end in view (Thomas а Kempis)

quicquid coepit, et desinit: whatever begins also ends (Seneca)

quicquid crescit in cinere perit: whatever grows perishes in ashes

quicquid erit, superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est: whatever the event many be,

we must subdue our fortune by bearing it (Virgil)

quicquid excessit modum pendet instabili loco: whatever has overstepped its due

bounds is always in a state of instability (Seneca)

quicquid præcipies, esto brevis: whatever precepts you give, be brief (Horace)

quicquid servatur, cupimus magis: we covet what is guarded (Ovid)

quicunque turpi fraude semel innotuit, etiamsi verum dicit, amittit fidem:

whoever has once become known for a shameful fraud is not believed, even if he

speaks the truth (Phжdrus)

quid æternis minorem consiliis animum fatigas?: why weary with eternal

purposes a mind too weak to grasp them? (Horace)

quid cæco cum speculo?: what has a blind man to do with a mirror?

quid clarius astris?: what is brighter than the stars?

quid crastina volveret ætas scire nefas homini: it is not permitted to man to know

what tomorrow may bring forth (Statius)

quid datur a divis felici optatius hora?: what thing more to be wished do the gods

bestow than a happy hour? (i.e., a golden opportunity) (Catullus)

quid de quoque viro, et cui dicas, sæpe caveto: take special care what you say of

any person, and to whom it is said (Horace)

quid domini facient, audent quum (or cum) talia fures?: what would the masters

do when their own servants dare such things? (Virgil)

quid enim ratione timemus aut cupimus?: what do we fear or desire with reason?

(i.e., how void of reason are our hopes and fears) (Juvenal)

quid enim salvis infamia nummis?: what does disgrace matter when the money is

safe? (Juvenal)

quid est enim novi, hominem mori, cujus tota vita nihil aliud quam ad mortem

iter est?: what new thing is it then for a man to die, whose whole life is nothing

else but a journey to death? (Seneca)

quid est somnus gelidæ nisi mortis imago?: what is sleep but the image of cold

death? (Ovid)

quid est turpius quam senex vivere incipiens?: what is more disgraceful than an

old man just beginning to live? (Seneca)

quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et

quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat?: what power has law where only

money rules? (Petronius)

quid faciunt pauci contra tot millia fortes?: what can a few brave men do against

so many thousand? (Ovid)

quid furor est census corpore ferre suo!: what madness it is to carry one’s fortune

on one’s back! (Ovid)

quid leges sine moribus vanæ proficiunt?: what good are laws when there are no

morals? (Horace)

quid leone fortius?: what is braver than a lion?

quid non dedit Fortuna non eripit: Fortune cannot take away what she did not

give (Seneca)

quid non mortalia pectora cogis, auri sacra fames?: to what lust do you not drive

mortal hearts, you accursed hunger for gold? (Virgil)

quid obseratis auribus fundis preces?: why do you pour prayers into ears that are

stopped? (Horace)

quid opus est verbis?: what need is there for words?

quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautem est in horas: man never takes

sufficient and hourly care against that which he ought to avoid (Horace)

quid sit futurum cras fuge quærere, et quem Fors dierum cunque dabit, lucro

appone: avoid asking what the future will bring, and every day that Fortune shall

grant you, set down as gain (Horace)

quid tam ridiculum quam appetere mortem, cum vitam tibi inquietam feceris

metu mortis?: what can be so ridiculous as to seek for death, when it is merely the

fear of death that makes your life so restless? (Seneca)

quid te exempta juvat spinis de pluribus una?: what pleasure does it give to be rid

of one thorn out of many? (Horace)

quid terras alio calente, sole mutamus?: why do we change for soils warmed only

by another sun? (Horace)

quid tibi cum pelago? Terra contenta fuisses: what have you to do with the sea?

You should have been content with the land (Ovid)

quid tristes querimoniæ si non supplicio culpa reciditur?: what do sad

complaints avail if the offense is not cut down by punishment? (Horace)

quid turpius quam sapientis vitam ex insipientis sermone pendere?: what is

more contemptible than to estimate the life of a wise man from the talk of a fool?

quid vesper ferat, incertum est?: who knows what the evening may bring us?


quid violentius aure tyranni?: what is more violent than the ear of a tyrant?


quidquid agas, prudenter agas, et respice finem: whatever you do, do prudently,

and look to the result

quidquid erit, superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est: our fate, whatever it be, is to

be overcome by our patience under it (Virgil)

quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes: whatever it is, I fear the Greeks

even when they bring gifts with them (Virgil)

quidquid in altum fortuna tulit quocirca vivite fortes fortiaque

quidquid in altum fortuna tulit, ruitura levat: whatever fortune has raised to a

height, it has raised only that it might fall (Seneca)

quidquid multis peccatur inultum est: the guilt that is committed by many must

pass unpunished (Lucan)

quidquid præcipies, esto brevis: whatever you teach, be brief (Horace)

quieta non movere: do not disturb things at rest (i.e., let sleeping dogs lie)

quiete et pure atque eleganter actæ ætatis placida et lenis recordatio: placid

and soothing is the remembrance of a life passed with quietness, innocence, and

elegance (Cicero)

quietem nemo impune lacesset: though I am peaceful, no one will attack me with


quin etiam leges latronum esse dicuntur, quibus pareant, quas observent: even

thieves are said to have laws that they obey, that they observe (Cicero)

quis … bene celat amorem?: who can successfully conceal love? (Ovid)

quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: who shall guard the guards themselves? (Juvenal)

quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus tam cari (or chari) capitis?: what shame or

measure can there be in our grief for one so dear? (Horace)

quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam, præmia si tollas?: for who would embrace

virtue itself if you took away the reward? (Juvenal)

quis fallere possit amantem?: who can deceive a lover? (Virgil)

quis memorabitur tui post mortem?: who will remember you after you are dead?

(Thomas а Kempis)

quis scit an adjiciant hodiernæ crastina summæ tempora di superi?: who knows

whether the gods above will add tomorrow’s hours to the sum of today?


quis vitia odit, homines odit: the one who hates vice, hates humanity (Pliny the

Younge r)

quisnam igitur liber? Sapiens qui sibi imperiosus: who then is free? The one who

is wisely in command of himself (Horace)

quisnam igitur sanus? Qui non stultus: who then is sane? The one who is not a

fool (Horace)

quisque sibi proximus: everyone is nearest to himself

quisque suos patimur manes: [in the nether world,] each one suffers his own spirit’s

doom (also rendered, each one suffers from the spirits of his own past) (Virgil)

quo Fata trahunt retrahuntque, sequamur: let us follow the Fates wherever they

may lead us, or divert our steps (Virgil)

quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit: in the eddies where you least expect it,

there will be a fish (Ovid)

quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem testa diu: the jar will long retain

the odor of that with which it was once filled (Horace)

quo spinosior fragrantior: the more thorns, the greater the fragrance

quocirca vivite fortes fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus: wherefore live

as brave men, and face adversity with stout hearts quocunque trahunt Fata, sequamur quod non legitur non creditur

quocunque trahunt Fata, sequamur: wherever the Fates direct us, let us follow


quod ab initio non valet, tractu temporis convalescere non potest: that which

has no force in the beginning, can gain no strength from the lapse of time

quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim aut fraudem petatur, malum et

injustum est: what otherwise is good and just, if it be aimed at by violence or

fraud, becomes evil and unjust

quod antecedit tempus, maxima venturi supplicii pars est: the time that precedes

punishment is the severest part of it (Seneca)

quod certaminibus ortum ultra metam durat: that which arises from struggle

often goes beyond the mark (Velleius Paterculus)

quod cito fit, cito perit: what is done quickly, perishes quickly

quod commune cum alio est, desinit esse proprium: what we share with another

ceases to be our own (Quintilian)

quod decet honestum est et quod honestum est decet: what is becoming is

honorable, and what is honorable is becoming (Cicero)

quod dubitas, ne feceris: which you doubt, then neither do (Pliny the Younger)

quod enim mavult homo verum esse, id potius credit: for what a man would like

to be true, that he more readily believes (Francis Bacon)

quod enim munus reipublicæ afferre majus, meliusve possumus, quam si

docemus atque erudimus juventutem?: what greater or better gift can we offer

the republic than to teach and instruct our youth? (Cicero)

quod est ante pedes nemo spectat; coeli scrutantur plagas: no one sees what is

before his feet; they scan the tracks of heaven (Ennius and Cicero)

quod est inconveniens et contra rationem non est permissum in lege: whatever

is inconvenient and contrary to reason is not permitted in law

quod est violentum, non est durabile: what is violent is not durable

quod exemplo fit, id etiam jure fieri putant: men think they may justly do that for

which they have a precedent (Cicero)

quod fors dedit, hoc capit usus: what fortune gives, habit soon makes its own


quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur: what is asserted without reason (or proof),

may be denied without reason (or proof)

quod in te est, prome: bring forth what is in you

quod latet ignotum est; ignoti nulla cupido: what is hid is unknown; for what is

unknown there is no desire (Ovid)

quod licet ingratum est, quod non licet acrius urit: what is lawful is less desirable,

what is unlawful is more keenly desired (Ovid)

quod male fers, assuesce; feres bene: accustom yourself to that which you bear ill,

and you will bear it well (Seneca)

quod nimis miseri volunt, hoc facile credunt: whatever the wretched anxiously

wish for, this they readily believe (Seneca)

quod non legitur non creditur: what is not read is not believed

quod non opus est, asse carum est

quos Deus vult perdere prius

quod non opus est, asse carum est: what you do not need is costly at a penny

(Cato the Elder, as quoted by Seneca)

quod non potest, vult posse, qui nimium potest: the one who is all powerful still

aims at possessing greater power (Seneca)

quod non vetat lex, hoc vetat fieri pudor: modesty (or shame) forbids what the law

does not (Seneca)

quod nunc ratio est, impertus ante fuit: what is now reason was formerly impulse


quod optanti divum promittere nemo auderet, volvenda dies, en!, attulit ultro:

what none of the gods could have promised to your prayers, lo!, the turning of time

has supplied (Virgil)

quod petis id sane invisum est acidumque duobus: what you seek is disagreeable

and distasteful to two others (i.e., there is no compromise among three)


quod quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas: man is never

sufficiently aware of the dangers that await him hourly (Horace)

quod ratio nequiit (or non quit), sæpe sanavit mora: what reason could not avoid

has often been cured by delay (Seneca)

quod sapit, nutrit: what pleases, nourishes

quod satis est cui contingit, nihil amplius optet: the one who has enough for his

share should wish for nothing more (Horace)

quod sis esse velis, nihilque malis: summum nec metuas diem, nec optes: be

content to be what you are, and prefer nothing to it; neither fear nor wish for your

last day (Martial)

quod sors (or fors) feret, feremus æquo animo: whatever fate (or fortune) shall

bring, let us bear with a firm and equal mind (Terence)

quod volumus bonum; quod placet sanctum: what we wish is good; what we

please is sacred (Austin)

quod vos jus cogit, id voluntate impetret: what the law insists upon, let your

adversary obtain from your own free will (Terence)

quod vult habet qui velle quod satis est potest: he has what he desires who can

limit his desires to what is enough (Publilius Syrus)

quondam etiam victis redit in præcordia virtus: valor sometimes returns even into

the bosom of the conquered (Virgil)

quoniam diu vixesse denegatur, aliquid faciamus quo possimus ostendere nos

vixisse: as length of life is denied to us, we should at least do something to show

that we have lived (Cicero)

quoniam dociles imitandis turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus: we are all too prone

to imitate whatever is base and depraved (Juvenal)

quoniam id fieri quod vis non potest, velis id quod possit: as that which you wish

cannot be effected, you should wish for that which may be obtained (Terence)

quos amor verus tenuit tenebit: those whom true love has held it will go on

holding (Seneca)

quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat: whom God would ruin he first deprives

of reason (after Euripides)

quos læserunt et oderunt rebus in angustis facile est

quos læserunt et oderunt: whom they have injured they also hate (Seneca)

quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum millia: there are as many thousands of

pursuits as there are individuals

quot homines, tot sententiæ: suus cuique mos: so many men, so many

sentiments: each has his own way (Terence)

quum Romæ fueris, Romano vivite more: when you are at Rome, live after the

Roman fashion


rabiem livoris acerbi nulla potest placare quies: nothing can allay the rage of

biting envy (Claudian)

radix (enim) omnium malorum est cupiditas: the love of money is a root to all

kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10)

rapiamus, amici, occasionem de die: let us, my friends, snatch our opportunity

from the passing day (Horace)

rara est adeo concordia formæ atque pudicitiæ: so rare is the union of beauty with

modesty (Juvenal)

rara fides pietasque viris qui castra sequuntur: faith and piety are rare among the

men who follow the camp (whether political or military) (Lucan)

raram facit misturam cum sapientia forma: rarely are beauty and wisdom found


raro antecedentem scelestum deseruit pede poena claudo: rarely does

punishment, even at a slow pace, fail to overtake the criminal in his flight (Horace)

raro simul hominibus bonam fortunam bonamque mentem dari: men are

seldom given good fortune and good sense at the same time (Livy)

rarus concubitus corpus excitat, frequens solvit: the body is excited by infrequent

coitus, by frequent it relaxes (Celsus)

rarus enim ferme sensus communis in illa fortuna: common sense is generally

rare in that condition (i.e., in those of high position) (Juvenal)

ratio est legis anima: reason is the spirit and soul of the law

ratio et auctoritas, duo clarissima mundi lumina: reason and authority, the two

brightest luminaries of the world (Coke)

ratio et consilium propriæ ducis artes: judgment and deliberation are the proper

qualities of a leader (Tacitus)

ratio quasi quædam lux lumenque vitæ: reason is, as it were, the guide and light of

life (Cicero)

re opitulandum non verbis: we should assist by deeds, not by words

rebus cunctis inest quidam velut orbis: in all things there is a kind of law of cycles


rebus in angustis facile est contemnere vitam; fortiter ille facit qui miser esse

potest: it is easy in misfortune to despise life; but he does bravely who can endure

misery (Martial)

rebus secundis etiam egregios duces res sunt humanæ flebile ludibrium

rebus secundis etiam egregios duces insolescere: in the hour of prosperity even

the best leaders become haughty and insolent (Tacitus)

recedant vetera: let old things recede

recepto dulce mihi furere est amico: it is delightful to indulge in extravagance on

the return of a friend (Horace)

recte quod honeste: that is rightly done which is honestly done

regia, crede mihi, res est, succurrere lapsis: it is a regal act, believe me, to succor

the fallen (Ovid)

regula ex jure, non jus ex regula, sumitur: we draw this rule from the law, and not

the law from the practice

religentem esse oportet, religiosum nefas: a man should be religious, not

superstitious (quoted by Aulus Gellius)

rem, facias rem recte, si possis; si non, quocunque modo rem: fortune, make a

fortune by honest means, if you can; if not, by any means make a fortune (Horace)

rem tibi quam nosces aptam dimittere noli; fronte capillata, post est occasio

calva: let nothing pass that will give you advantage; though hairy in front,

opportunity is bald behind (Dionysius Cato)

rem tu strenuus auge: labor vigorously to increase your property (Horace)

remedia in arduo, mala in prono esse: there are benefits in what is difficult, evils

in what is easy

remissio animum frangit; arcum intensio: much bending breaks the bow; much

unbending, the mind (Publilius Syrus)

rempublicam duabus rebus contineri dixit, præmio et poena: a state is regulated

by two things, reward and punishment (Cicero, attributed to Solon)

repente dives nemo factus est bonus: no good person ever became suddenly rich

(Publilius Syrus)

repente nemo fit turpissimus: no one becomes extremely wicked all at once

reperit Deus nocentem: God finds out the guilty

repetitio est mater studiorum: repetition is the mother of study

rerum cognitio vera, e rebus ipsis est: the true knowledge of things is from the

things themselves (Scaliger)

res age, tute eris: be busy and you will be safe (Ovid)

res amicos invenit: fortune finds us friends (Plautus)

res est ingeniosa dare: giving requires good sense (Ovid)

res est sacra miser: the afflicted person is sacred (or, a person in misery is a sacred

matter) (Ovid)

res est solliciti plena timoris amor: love is a thing full of anxious fears (Ovid)

res humanæ in summo declinant: at their summit, human affairs decline

res nolunt diu male administrari: things refuse to be mismanaged long

res non posse creari de nilo: it is not possible to create matter from nothing

res perit suo domino: the loss falls upon its owner

res sunt humanæ flebile ludibrium: human affairs are a jest to be wept over respondeat superior sæpe ingenia calamitate intercidunt

respondeat superior: let the superior answer (i.e., let the principal answer for the

actions of his agent)

rex est major singulis, minor universis: the king is greater than each singly, but

less than all universally (Bracton)

rex est qui metuit nihil; rex est qui cupit nihil: a king is one who fears nothing; a

king is one who desires nothing (Seneca)

rex non potest fallere nec falli: the king cannot deceive or be deceived

rex non potest peccare: the king can do no wrong

rex regnat sed non gubernat: the king reigns but does not govern

rhinoceros nunquam victus ab hoste cedit: the rhinoceros never turns away

defeated from the enemy

rident stolidi verba Latina: fools laugh at the Latin language (Ovid)

ridentem dicere verum quid vetat?: what forbids a person, when laughing, from

speaking the truth? (Horace)

ridetur chorda qui semper oberrat eadem: that person makes himself ridiculous

who is ever harping on one string (Horace)

ridiculum acri fortius ac melius magnas plerumque secat res: ridicule often

settles matters of importance better and with more effect than severity (Horace)

ridiculus æque nullus est, quam quando esurit: no one is so ridiculous as when he

is hungry (Plautus)

risu inepto res ineptior nulla est: there is nothing more foolish than a foolish

laugh (Catullus)

risus abundat in ore stultorum: laughter abounds in the mouth of fools

rivalem patienter habe: bear patiently with a rival (Ovid)


sæpe creat molles aspera spina rosas: often the prickly thorn produces tender

roses (Ovid)

sæpe decipimur specie recti: we are often misled by the appearance of truth


sæpe est etiam sub palliolo sordido sapientia: wisdom is often found even under a

tattered coat

sæpe ignavavit fortem ex spe expectatio: expectation based on hope has often

disappointed the courageous (Accius)

sæpe in conjugiis fit noxia, cum nimia est dos: quarrels often arise in marriages

when the dowry is excessive (Ausonius)

sæpe in magistrum scelera redierunt sua: crime often falls back upon its author’s

head (Seneca)

sæpe ingenia calamitate intercidunt: genius often goes to waste through

misfortune (Phжdrus)

sæpe intereunt aliis meditantes sapientia prima est, stultitia caruisse

sæpe intereunt aliis meditantes necem: those who plot the destruction of others

very often fall themselves the victims

sæpe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit: often it is not even advantageous

to know what will be (Cicero)

sæpe nihil inimicus homini quam sibi ipse: often a man is his own worst enemy


sæpe premente deo, fert deus alter opem: often when we are oppressed by one

god, another comes to our help

sæpe satius fuit dissimulare quam ulcisci: it is often better not to see an insult

than to avenge it (Seneca)

sæpe stylum vertas: turn the stylus often (i.e., correct freely, if you want to write

anything of merit)

sæpe summa ingenia in occulto latent: the greatest talents often lie buried out of

sight (Plautus)

sæpe tacens vocem verbaque vultus habet: often a silent face has a voice and

speaks (i.e., has expression) (Ovid)

sæpe venit magno foenore tardus amor: love that comes late in life bears great

interest (Propertius)

sæpe via obliqua præstat quam tendere recta: it is often better to go the circuitous

way than the direct one

sæpius in auro bibitur venenum: poison is more often drunk from a gold cup

sævis inter se convenit ursis: even savage bears agree among themselves (Juvenal)

sal sapit omnia: salt seasons everything

salus ubi multi consiliarii: there is safety in many advisors

sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et prohibens contraria: a just decree, commanding

what is honorable and forbidding the contrary (Bracton)

sanctum est vetus omne poëma: every old poem is sacred (Horace)

sapere aude, incipe: dare to be wise, begin at once

sapere isthac ætate oportet, qui sunt capite candido: those who have white hair

are old enough to be wise (Plautus)

sapiens nihil facit invitus, nihil dolens, nihil coactus: a wise man does nothing

against his will, nothing from sorrow, nothing under coercion (Cicero)

sapiens qui prospicit: the one who is wise looks ahead

sapiens qui vigilat: he is wise who watches

sapiens virtuti honorem præmium, haud prædam petit: the wise man seeks

honor, not profit, as the reward of virtue (Cicero)

sapientem locupletat ipsa Natura: Nature herself makes the wise man wealthy


sapientes pacis causa bellum gerunt, laborem spe otii sustentant: the wise wage

war for the sake of peace, and endure toil in the hope of leisure (Sallust)

sapientes principes sapientum congressu: princes become wise by associating with

the wise (i.e., from the council of wise advisors) (after Plato)

sapientia prima est, stultitia caruisse: the first step toward wisdom is by being

exempt from folly (Horace)

sapimus animo, fruimur anima; sine secrete amicos admone, lauda

sapimus animo, fruimur anima; sine animo anima est debilis: we discern with

the mind, enjoy with the heart; without the mind, the heart is feeble (Accius)

satis eloquentiæ, sapientiæ parum: enough eloquence, not enough wisdom (i.e.,

those who speak well do not always think well) (Sallust)

satis est superare inimicum, nimium est perdere: it is enough to defeat an enemy,

too much to destroy him (Publilius Syrus)

satis quod sufficit: what suffices is enough

satius est recurrere, quam currere male: it is better to run back than to run on the

wrong way

scandala removenda sunt: things causing offense must be removed

scelere velandum est scelus: one crime is to be concealed by another (i.e., a crime

committed to mask a greater crime) (Seneca)

scelus intra se tacitum qui cogitat ullum, facti crimen habet: the one who

meditates upon a crime possesses all the guilt of the crime (Juvenal)

scientia nihil aliud est quam veritatis imago: science is but an image of the truth

(Francis Bacon)

scientia quæ est remota a justitia, calliditas potius quam sapientia est

appellanda: knowledge that is divorced from justice may be called cunning rather

than wisdom (Cicero)

scientia ultima stat pretio ultime: ultimate knowledge costs the ultimate price

scilicet expectes, ut tradet mater honestos atque alios mores, quam quos

habet?: can you expect that the mother will teach good morals or ones other than

her own? (Juvenal)

scilicet insano nemo in amore videt: certainly everyone is blind when maddened

by love (Propertius)

scilicet, ut fulvum spectatur in ignibus aurum, tempore sic duro est inspicienda

fides: as the yellow gold is tested in the fire, so the faith of friendship can only be

known in the time of adversity (Ovid)

scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus: the uncertain multitude is divided

by contrary opinions (Virgil)

scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter: it is nothing for you to know a

thing unless another knows that you know it (Persius)

scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est: to

know where you can find a thing is the chief part of learning

scire volunt omnes, mercedem solvere nemo: everyone wishes to know, but no

one is willing to pay the price (Juvenal)

scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons: knowledge is the foundation and

source of good writing (Horace)

scribere est agere: to write is to act

scribimus indocti, doctique: learned and unlearned, we all write (Horace)

scribit in marmore læsus: the injured man writes in marble

scripta non temere edenda: writings should not be published readily

secrete amicos admone, lauda palam: admonish your friends secretly, but praise

them openly (Publilius Syrus)

secunda felices, adversa magnos semper et infirmi est animi exiguique

secunda felices, adversa magnos probent: prosperity proves the fortunate,

adversity the great (Pliny the Younger)

secundas fortunas decent superbiæ: pride is the fitting companion of fortune


securior quo paratior: the better prepared, the more secure

sed fugit interea, fugit inreparabile (or irreparabile) tempus: but meanwhile it is

flying, irretrievable time is flying (Virgil)

sed jam serpentum major concordia: but nowadays there is more agreement

among snakes (than among men) (Juvenal)

sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua:

but what a woman says to her lover it is best to write in the wind and in the swiftly

flowing water (Catullus)

sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: but who will guard the guardians themselves?


sed tacitus pasci si posset corvus, haberet plus dapis, et rixæ multo minus

invidiæque: if the crow had been satisfied to eat his prey in silence, he would have

had more meat and less quarreling and envy (Horace)

sedit qui timuit ne non succederet: the one who feared he would not succeed sat

still (Horace)

seditio civium hostium est occasio: the dissatisfaction of the citizenry gives

occasion to the enemy

seditiosissimus quisque ignavus: the most seditious is the most cowardly (Tacitus)

segnius homines bona quam mala sentire (or sentiunt): men are slower to

recognize blessings than misfortunes (Livy)

segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem, quam quæ sunt oculis subjecta

fidelibus: what we learn merely through the ear makes less impression upon our

minds than what is presented to the trustworthy eye (Horace)

semel in anno licet insanire: it is allowed once in the year to be mad

semel insanivimus omnes: we have all at one time been insane

semel malus, semper præsumitur esse malus: once bad is to be presumed always


semita certe tranquillæ per virtutem patet unica vitæ: only one path in this life

leads to tranquility, the path of virtue (Juvenal)

semper ad eventum festinat: he always hastens to the issue (or the crisis) (Horace)

semper aliquid novi Africam affere: there is always something new out of Africa

(Pliny the Elder)

semper autem in fide quid senseris, non quid dixeris, cogitandum: a promise

must be kept not merely in the letter, but in the spirit (Cicero)

semper avarus eget; certum voto pete finem: the miser is ever in want; let your

desire aim at a fixed limit (Horace)

semper bonus homo tiro: a good man is always a learner (Martial)

semper et infirmi est animi exiguique voluptas ultio: revenge is always the weak

pleasure of a little and narrow mind (Juvenal) semper in dubiis benigniora sero venientibus ossa

semper in dubiis benigniora præferenda sunt: in doubtful cases, the more liberal

interpretation must always be preferred (Justinian)

semper in fide quid senseris, non quid dixeris, cogitandum: in an honorable

dealing you should consider what you intended, not what you said or thought


semper inops, quicunque cupit: always poor is the one who desires more


semper nocuit differre paratis: delay has always been injurious to those who are

prepared (Lucan)

semper pluris feci ego potioremque habui libertatem quam pecuniam: I have

always valued freedom more highly than money, and preferred it (Nжvius)

semper præsto esse infortunia: misfortunes are always at hand

semper tibi pendeat hamus; quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit: have your

hook always baited; in the pool where you least think it, there will be a fish (Ovid)

semper timidum scelus: crime is always fearful

senectus insanabilis morbus est: old age is an incurable disease (Seneca)

senectus ipsa morbus est: old age is itself a sickness (or disease) (Terence)

senex bis puer: an old man is twice a boy

septem convivium, novem convitium: seven is a banquet, nine a brawl

septem horas dormisse sat est juvenique, senique: seven hours of sleep is

enough, both for young and old

sepulchri mitte supervacuos honores: discard the superfluous honors at the grave


sequitur superbos ultor a tergo deus: the avenging god follows in the steps of the

proud (Seneca)

sequiturque patrem non passibus æquis: he follows his father, but not with equal

steps (Virgil)

sera in fundo parsimonia: thrift is too late when you are at the bottom of your

purse (Seneca)

serit arbores quæ alteri sæclo prosint: he plants trees to benefit another

generation (Statius)

serius aut citius sedem properamus ad unam: sooner or later we hasten to one

home (Ovid)

sermo animi est imago; qualis vir, talis et oratio est: conversation is the image of

the mind; as the man, so is his speech (Publilius Syrus)

sermo datur cunctis, animi sapientia paucis: speech is given to all, wisdom to few

(Dionysius Cato)

sermo hominum mores et celat et indicat idem: the same words conceal and

declare the thoughts of men (Dionysius Cato)

sero clypeum post vulnera sumo: I am too late in taking my shield after being


sero venientibus ossa: bones for those who come late (i.e., first come, first served)

serpens ni edat serpentem, draco non si mortuorum aliquis miseretur, et

serpens ni edat serpentem, draco non fiet: unless a serpent devour a serpent, it

will not become a dragon (i.e., unless one power absorb another, it will not become

a great power) (Erasmus)

serum auxilium post prælium: help comes too late when the fight is over

serum est cavendi tempus in mediis malis: the time for caution is too late when

we are in the midst of evils (Seneca)

servare cives, major est virtus patriæ patri: to preserve the lives of citizens is the

greatest virtue in the father of his country (Seneca)

servetur ad imum qualis ab incepto processerit, et sibi constet: let the character

be kept up to the very end, just as it began, and so be consistent (Horace)

serviet æternum, quia parvo nescit uti: he will always be a slave because he knows

not how to live upon little (Horace)

servus curru portatur eodem: the slave rides in the same chariot

si ad naturam vivas, nunquam eris pauper; si ad opinionem, nunquam dives: if

you live according to nature, you will never be poor; if according to the notions of

men, you will never be rich (Seneca)

si animus est æquus tibi satis habes, qui bene vitam colas: if you are content, you

have enough to live comfortably (Plautus)

si cadere necesse est, occurrendum discrimini: if one must fall, let him meet the

hazard head on (Tacitus)

si cæcus cæco ducatum prebet, ambo in foveam cadent: if the blind leads the

blind, they will both fall into the ditch

si caput dolet omnia membra languent: if the head aches, all the members


si claudio cohabites, subclaudicare disces: if you live with a lame man, you will

learn to limp

si Deus pro nobis, quis contra nos?: if God is for us, who is against us? (Romans


si dixeris, æstuo, sudat: if you say that you are warm, he sweats (said of a sycophant)

si duo dicunt idem, non est idem: if two [languages] say the same thing, it is not

the same thing

si fecisti, nega (or, nega, si fecisti): if you did it, deny it

si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit: if the end is good, all will be good

si fortuna juvat, caveto tolli; si fortuna tonat, caveto mergi: if fortune favors you,

do not be elated; if fortune frowns, do not sink in despair (Ausonius)

si gravis, brevis; si longus, levis: if severe, short; if long, light

si judicas, cognosce; si regnas, jube: if you judge, inquire; if you reign, command


si libenter crucem portas portabit te: if you willingly bear the cross, it will bear

you (Thomas а Kempis)

si mens non læva fuisset: if the mind had not been on the left side (i.e., had not

been unlucky) (Virgil)

si mortuorum aliquis miseretur, et non natorum misereatur: if anyone pities the

dead, he must also pity those who have not been born (Seneca) si natura negat, facit indignatio sic multa quæ honesta natura

si natura negat, facit indignatio versum: even if nature denies power, indignation

makes verse (Juvenal)

si possis recte, si non, quocumque modo rem: uprightly if possible, if not, then

make money somehow (Horace)

si possis suaviter, si non, quocunque modo: gently if you can, if not, then by some

means or another

si post fata venit gloria, non propero: if glory comes after death, then I am in no

hurry (Martial)

si qua voles apte nubere, nube pari: if you wish to marry suitably, marry your

equal (in years) (Ovid)

si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti; si non, his utere mecum: if you

know anything better than these maxims, frankly impart them to me; if not, then

use them like me (Horace)

si quidem potest vi et metu extortum honorarium nominari?: if it is extorted by

force or by fear, how can we call it an honorarium? (Cicero)

si Romæ fueris, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi: if you are at

Rome, live as they do at Rome; if elsewhere, live as they do there (St. Ambrose)

si sine amore jocisque nil est jucundum, vivas in amore jocisque: if nothing

appears to you delightful without love and sports, then live in love and sports


si tibi deficiant medici, medici tibi fiant hæc tria; mens hilaris, requies,

moderata diæta: if you stand in need of medical advice, let these three things be

your physician: a cheerful mind, rest, and a moderate diet (Schola Salern)

si tibi vis omnia subjicere, te subjice rationi: if you wish to subject everything to

yourself, subject yourself to reason (Seneca)

si vir es, suspice, etiam si decidunt, magna conantes: if you are a man, admire

those who attempt great things, even though they fail (Seneca)

si vis ad summum progredi ab infimo ordire: if you wish to reach the highest,

begin at the lowest (Publilius Syrus)

si vis amari, ama: if you want to be loved, then love (Seneca)

si vis incolumem, si vis te reddere sanum, curas tolle graves, irasci crede

profanum: if you wish to preserve yourself in health and safety, avoid all serious

cares, and believe wrathful passions as something profane

si vis pacem, para bellum: if you wish for peace, prepare for war

si vultis nihil timere, cogitate omnia esse timenda: if you wish to fear nothing,

think that everything is to be feared (Seneca)

sibi servire gravissima est servitus: the most severe slavery is to be a slave to

oneself (Seneca)

sibimet merces industria: industry is a recompense to itself (i.e., work is its own reward)

sic fac omnia … tanquam spectat aliquis: do everything as in the eye of another


sic multa quæ honesta natura videntur esse, temporibus fiunt non honesta:

thus many things that seem honorable by their nature are rendered dishonorable

by circumstances (Cicero)

sic omnia fatis in pejus ruere et retro

solem enim e mundo tollere videntur

sic omnia fatis in pejus ruere et retro sublapsa referri: thus all things are fated to

change for the worse and to retrograde (Virgil)

sic præsentibus utaris voluptatibus, ut futuris non noceas: enjoy your present

pleasures so as not to injure those which are to come (Seneca)

sic utere tuo ut alienum non lædas: make use of your own property in such a

manner as not to injure that of another

sic vive cum hominibus, tamquam Deus videat; sic loquere cum Deo, tamquam

homines audiant: live among men as if God were watching; speak with God as if

men were listening (Seneca)

sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas: thus I wish, thus I order, my will

stands in place of reason (Juvenal)

sic vos non vobis: thus do you, but not for you (i.e., you do the work, another takes

the credit) (Virgil)

signum pacis amor: love is the token of peace

sile et philosophus esto: be silent and you will pass for a philosopher

silent leges inter arma (or, silent enim leges inter arma): the laws are silent in

time of war (Cicero)

simia quam similis turpissima bestia nobis!: the monkey, so base a creature, how

like ourselves! (Ennius and Cicero)

sincerum est nisi vas, quodcumque infundis acescit: unless the vessel is clean,

everything you pour into it turns sour (Horace)

sine amicitia vitam esse nullam: there is no life without friendship (Cicero)

sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago: without learning, life is but the image of

death (Dionysius Cato)

sine virtute esse amicitia nullo pacto potest: there cannot be friendship without

virtue (Sallust)

singula de nobis anni prædantur euntes: as the years pass, they rob us of one thing

after another (Horace)

sis pacem, para bellum: if you want peace, then prepare for war

sit jus liceatque perire poëtis: leave poets free to perish as they will (Horace)

sit piger ad poenas princeps, ad præmia velox: a prince should be slow to punish

and swift to reward (Ovid)

societatis vinculum est ratio et oratio: reason and speech are the bond of society


socius fidelis anchora tuta est: a faithful companion is a sure anchor

sol crescentes decedens duplicat umbras: the setting sun doubles the increasing

shadows (Virgil)

sol non occidat super iracundiam vestram: let not the sun set on your anger

(Ephesians 4:26)

sola bona que honesta: only those things are good that are honest

solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris: it is a comfort to the wretched to have

others to share their sorrow (i.e., misery loves company) (Virgil)

solem enim e mundo tollere videntur qui amicitiam e vita tollunt: robbing life

of friendship is like robbing the world of the sun (Cicero) solem quis dicere falsum stultitiam simulare loco prudentia

solem quis dicere falsum audeat?: who would dare to call the sun a liar? (Virgil)

solent mendaces luere poenas malefici: the liar will pay the penalty for his crime


sollicitæ mentes speque metuque pavent: minds that are ill at ease are agitated

both with hope and fear (Ovid)

solo cedit, quicquid solo plantatur: whatever is planted in the soil goes with it

solum ut inter ista certum sit nihil esse certi: in these matters the only certainty

is that there is nothing certain (Pliny the Elder)

solvitur ambulando: it is solved by walking (i.e., a theory is tested by practice)

somnus est imago mortis: sleep is the image of death (Cicero)

sorex suo perit indicio: the mouse perishes by betraying itself

sperate miseri, cavete felices: let the wretched live in hope and the happy be on

their guard

sperate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis: live in hope and reserve yourselves for

more prosperous circumstances (Virgil)

sperne voluptates: nocet empta dolore voluptas: despise pleasure: pleasure

bought by pain is injurious (Horace)

spes sibi quisque: let each be a hope unto himself (i.e., each must rely on himself alone)

spiritus durissima coquit: a noble mind digests even the most painful injuries

spiritus promtus (est), caro autem infirma: the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak

(St. Matthew 26:41)

stat fortuna domus virtute: the fortune of the household stands by its virtue

stat nulla diu mortalibus usquam fortuna titubante, fides: not long will man’s

faith endure when fortune is tottering (Silius Italicus)

stateræ ordo non transiliendus: the balance should not be overladen with weight


stemmata quid faciunt?: of what use are pedigrees? (Juvenal)

stillicidi casus lapidem cavat: a constant drip hollows a stone

stipendia enim peccati mors (also, stipendium peccati mors est): for the wages of

sin is death (Romans 6:23)

strenuorum immortale nomen: the fame of men of action is immortal

struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat: when a woman weeps, she is setting

traps with her tears (Dionysius Cato)

studiis invigilandum: one must pay attention to studies

studio sapientia crescit: wisdom grows by study

stulti sunt innumerabiles: fools are without number (Erasmus)

stultitia est timore mortis mori: it is folly to die of the fear of death (Seneca)

stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate: there is no concealing folly

except by silence

stultitiam patiuntur opes: riches allow one to be foolish (Horace)

stultitiam simulare loco prudentia summa est: it is sometimes prudent to feign

stupidity (Dionysius Cato)

stultitiam simulare loco sapientia sublato fundamento cadit opus

stultitiam simulare loco sapientia summa est: to feign stupidity is, in certain

situations, the highest wisdom (Horace)

stulto intellegens quid interest!: what a difference between a wise man and a fool!


stultorum eventus magister est: experience is the teacher of fools (Livy)

stultorum incurata malus pudor ulcera celat: the false shame of fools makes them

hide their uncured sores (Horace)

stultorum plenea sunt omnia: all places are filled with fools (Cicero)

stultorum quanto status sublimior, tanto manifestior turpitudo: the higher the

status of fools, the more manifest is their baseness

stultum est dicere, putabam: it is foolish to say, I did not think

stultum est in luctu capillum sibi evellere, quasi calvito mæror levaretur: it is

foolish to pluck out one’s hair for sorrow, as if grief could be assuaged by baldness


stultum est timere quod vitare non potes (or non potest): it is foolish to fear

what you cannot avoid (or what cannot be avoided) (Publilius Syrus)

stultum facit Fortuna quam vult perdere: Fortune makes a fool of him whom she

would ruin (Publilius Syrus)

stultus es, rem actam agis: you are a fool, doing what has already been done


stultus labor est ineptiarum: foolish is the labor that is bestowed on foolish things


stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat: the fool thinks nothing well done

except what he does

stultus semper incipit vivere: the fool is always beginning to live

stultus, qui, patre occiso, liberos relinquat: the one who kills the father and leaves

the children is a fool

sua cuique deus fit dira cupido: each one makes his own dire passion a god (Virgil)

sua cuique quum sit animi cogitatio, colorque proprius: each person has his own

way of thinking, and a peculiar disposition (Phжdrus)

sua cuique sunt vitia: everyone has his or her own vices

sua cuique vita obscura est: everyone’s life is dark to himself

sua munera mittit cum hamo: he sends his gift with a hook attached

sua quisque exempla debet æquo animo pati: everyone ought to bear patiently

with what is done after his own example (Phжdrus)

suave est ex magno tollere acervo: it is pleasant to take from a great heap (Horace,

said of the miser)

suavis laborum est præteritorum memoria: sweet is the memory of past labor (or

trouble) (Cicero, citing a Greek proverb)

subditus fidelis regis et salus regni: a subject faithful to his king is the safety of the


sublata causa, tollitur effectus: when the cause is removed, the effect ceases

sublato fundamento cadit opus: remove the foundation and the structure falls sufficit ad id, natura quod poscit surdo fabulam narras

sufficit ad id, natura quod poscit: we have a sufficiency, when we have what nature

requires (Seneca)

sufficit unum lumen in tenebris: a single light suffices in the darkness

suffundere malis hominis sanguinem, quam offundere: seek rather to make a

man blush for his guilt than to shed his blood (Terence)

sui cuique fingunt fortunam: one’s character fashions his fate (Cornelius Nepos)

sui cuique mores fingunt fortunam: each one’s fortune is shaped for him by his

own mores (Cornelius Nepos)

sume superbiam quæsitam meritis: assume the proud place your merits have won


sumite materiam vestris qui scribitis æquam viribus: let those who write fix on a

subject to which their force is equal (Horace)

summa bona putas, aliena vivere quadra: you think it the chief good to live on

another’s crumbs (Juvenal)

summa petit livor: envy aims very high (i.e., it attacks the highest things) (Ovid)

summa sedes non capit duos: the highest seat does not hold two

summæ opes inopia cupiditatum: he is richest who is poorest in his desires


summum crede nefas animam præferre pudori, et propter vitam vivendi

perdere causas: count it the greatest sin to prefer your existence to your honor,

and for the sake of life to lose every reason for living (Juvenal)

summum jus sæpe summa injuria est: the highest justice is often the greatest

injustice (Cicero)

summum (or summam) nec metuas diem, nec optes: neither fear nor wish for

your last day (Martial)

sumptus censum ne superet: let not your spending exceed your income

sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis: good is mixed with evil, and evil is

mixed with good (a definition of human existence)

sunt et belli sicut pacis jura: the same laws hold for peace as for war (Livy)

sunt lacrimæ rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt: tears are the nature of things

and the mind touched by human mortality (Virgil)

sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant: children are children, and children

occupy themselves with childish things (also, boys are boys, …)

sunt superis sua jura: even the gods above are subject to law (Ovid)

superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est: every misfortune is to be subdued by

patience (Virgil)

superstitio mentes occupavit: superstition has taken hold of their minds

superstitione tollenda religio non tollitur: religion is not abolished by abolishing

superstition (Cicero)

suppressio veri suggestio falsi: suppression of the truth is the suggestion of


surdo fabulam narras: you are telling your story to a deaf man

suspectum semper invisumque tantum de medio sumptis accedit

suspectum semper invisumque dominantibus, qui proximus destinaretur: those

in supreme power always suspect and hate their next heir (Tacitus)

sutor, ne supra crepidam: cobbler, stick to your last (i.e., mind your own business)

suum cuique decus posteritas rependit: posterity gives to everyone what is his due


suum cuique pulchrum: to each his own beauty

suum cuique tribuere, ea demum summa justitia est: to give everyone his due,

that is supreme justice (Cicero)

suus cuique mos (est): to each his own custom (i.e., different strokes for different

folks) (Terence and Horace)


tacere multis discitur vitæ malis: silence is learned by the many misfortunes of life


tacita bona est mulier semper quam loquens: it more becomes a woman to be

silent than to talk (Plautus)

tacitæ magis et occultæ inimicitiæ sunt, quam indictæ et opertæ: enmities

unavowed and concealed are more to be feared than when open and declared


talis hominibus fuit oratio qualis vita: as was his speech so was his life (Seneca)

tam deest avaro quod habet, quam quod non habet: the miser is as much in want

of that which he has, as of that which he has not (Publilius Syrus)

tam diu discendum est, quum diu nescias, et, si proverbio credimus, quam diu

vivas: you must continue learning as long as you do not know, and, if we believe

the proverb, as long as you live (Seneca)

tamquam scopulum, sic fugias inauditum atque insolens verbum: avoid a

strange and unfamiliar word as you would a dangerous reef (Julius Cжsar)

tantæne animis cælestibus (or coelestibus) iræ?: can wrath so great dwell in

heavenly minds? (Virgil)

tanti eris aliis, quanti tibi fueris: you will be of as much value to others as you have

been to yourself (Cicero)

tanto brevius omne, quanto felicius tempus: the happier the moments, the

shorter the time (Pliny the Younger)

tanto est accusare quam defendere, quanto facere quam sanare vulnere,

facilius: it is just so much easier to accuse than to defend, as it is easier to inflict

than to heal a wound (Quintilian)

tanto major famæ sitis est quam virtutis; quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam

præmia si tollas?: the thirst for fame is much greater than that for virtue; for who

would embrace virtue itself if you take away its rewards? (Juvenal)

tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris: so much of honor is due to subjects

taken from what is common place (Horace) tantum series juncturaque pollet tempus fugit

tantum series juncturaque pollet: of so much force are system and connection


tantus amor laudum, tantæ est victoria curæ: as great the love of praise, so great

the anxiety for victory (Virgil)

tarda solet magnis rebus inesse fides: men are slow to rest their confidence in

undertakings of magnitude (Ovid)

tarde venientibus ossa: to those who come late the bones

tarde, quæ credita lædunt, credimus: we are slow to believe that which, if believed,

would work us harm (Ovid)

tardiora sunt remedia quam mala: remedies are slower in their operation than

diseases (Tacitus)

tarditas et procrastinatio odiosa est: delay and procrastination is hateful (Cicero)

taurum tollet qui vitulum sustulerit: the one who has carried the calf will be able,

eventually, to carry the ox

te digna sequere: follow what is worthy of you

te hominem esse memento: remember that you are a man

tecum habita; noris quam sit tibi curta supellex: live with yourself; get to know

how poorly furnished you are (Persius)

temeritas est damnare quod nescias: it is rash to condemn what you do not know


temeritas est (videlicet) florentis ætatis, prudentia senescentis: rashness is

(clearly) a characteristic of youth, prudence of old age (Cicero)

tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis: times change, and we change with

them (attributed to Emperor Lothar I)

tempora si fuerit nubila, solus eris: if the stormy season should arrive, you will be

alone (i.e., adversity finds few companions) (Ovid)

tempore cuncta mitiora: everything becomes mellower with time

tempore difficiles veniunt ad aratra juvenci; tempore lenta pati frena docentur

equi: in time the unmanageable young oxen come to the plow; in time the horses

are taught to endure the restraining bit (Ovid)

tempore ducetur longo fortasse cicatrix; horrent admotas vulnera cruda

manus: a wound may, perhaps, through time be closed; but, when fresh, it shrinks

from the touch (Ovid)

tempore felici multi numerantur amici; si fortuna perit, nullus amicus erit: in

happy times we reckon many friends; but if fortune fails, we will have no friends (Ovid)

tempore ruricolæ patiens fit taurus aratri: in time the bull is brought to wear the

yoke (Ovid)

tempori parendum: one must move with the times

temporibus mores sapiens sine crimine mutat: the wise man does no wrong in

changing his habits with the times (Dionysius Cato)

temporis ars medicina fere est: time is the best of the healing arts (Ovid)

tempus erit quo vos speculum vidisse pigebit: the time will come when it will

disgust you to look in a mirror (Ovid)

tempus fugit: time flies

tenere lupum auribus trahit sua quemque voluptas

tenere lupum auribus: to hold a wolf by the ears (i.e., to hold danger in your hands;

also, to take the bull by the horns)

teneros animos aliena opprobria sæpe absterrent vitiis: the disgrace of others

often deters tender minds from vice (Horace)

tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoëthes, et ægro in corde senescit: many

have an incurable itch for writing that takes full possession of their disordered

faculties (Juvenal)

terra es, terram ibis: you are earth, and to the earth you will return (Genesis 3:19)

terra malos homines nunc educat, atque pusillos: the earth now supports many

bad and weak men (Juvenal)

tibi seris, tibi metis: you sow for yourself, you reap for yourself (i.e., as you sow, so

shall you reap) (Cicero)

timendi causa est nescire: ignorance is the cause of fear (Seneca)

timidi est optare necem: to wish for death is a coward’s part (Ovid)

timidi mater non flet: the mother of the coward has no occasion to weep

timidus se vocat cautum, parcum sordidus: the coward calls himself cautious, the

miser thrifty (Publilius Syrus)

timor mortis morte pejor: the fear of death is worse than death

timor non est diuturnus magister officii: fear is not a lasting teacher of duty


tolle jocos; non est jocus esse malignum: away with such jests; there is no joking

where there is ill will

tolle moras—semper nocuit differre paratis: away with all delays—it is ever

injurious to postpone, when you are in readiness (Lucan)

tolle periclum, jam vaga prosiliet frænis natura remotis: take away the danger,

remove the restraint, and vagrant nature bounds forth free (Horace)

tolluntur in altum, ut lapsu graviore ruant: they are raised to a great height, that

they may tumble with a heavier fall (Claudian)

torrens dicendi copia multis et sua mortifera est facundia: to many, a torrent

flow of speech and their own eloquence is fatal (Juvenal)

tota hujus mundi concordia ex discordibus constat: the complete harmony of this

world consists in discords (Seneca)

tota in minimis existit natura: the whole of nature exists in the very smallest things

(quoted by Emerson)

tota vita nihil aliud quam ad mortem iter est: the whole of life is nothing but a

journey to death (Seneca)

totus mundus agit histrionem (or, mundus universus exercet histrioniam): all

the world plays the comedian (or actor) (Petronius)

trahimur omnes laudis studio, et optimus quisque maxime gloria ducitur: we

are all drawn by our eagerness for praise, and the noblest are most influenced by

glory (Cicero)

trahit sua quemque voluptas: each one is drawn by his own delight (Virgil) tranquillas etiam naufragus horret turpe est viro, id in quo quotidie

tranquillas etiam naufragus horret aquas: the man who has suffered shipwreck

shudders even at a calm sea (Ovid)

translata proficit arbos: a tree makes progress when transplanted

tristia mæstum vultum verba decent; severum, seria dictu: sorrowful words

become the sorrowful; serious words suit the grave (Horace)

tristis eris si solus eris: you will be sad if you are alone (i.e., if you keep company

with only yourself) (Ovid)

tritissima quæque via et celeberrima maxime decipit: we most often go astray on

a well-beaten path and a much traveled road (Seneca)

tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito quam tua te fortuna sinet: do not

surrender to evil but go boldly against it, as your fortune shall permit you (Virgil)

tu ne quæsieris, scire nefas: do not inquire, for it is not permitted to know such

things (Horace)

tu pol si sapis, quod scis nescis: you, if you are wise, will not know what you do

know (Terence)

tu recte vivis, si curas esse quod audis: you live a true life if you make it your care

to be what you seem (Horace)

tu si animum vicisti, potius quam animus te, est quod gaudeas: if you have

conquered your inclination, rather than your inclination you, you have something

to rejoice at (Plautus)

tu si hic sis, aliter sentias: if you were in my place, you would think differently


tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet: your property is in danger when the

neighboring wall (house) is on fire (Horace)

tui animi compote es, ne quid fraudis stuprique ferocia pariat: be master of your

soul, lest your untamed nature bring forth deceit and disgrace (Appius Claudius)

tum denique homines nostra intellegimus bona, quom quæ in potestate

habuimus, ea amisimus: we men only realize the value of our blessings when we

have lost them (Plautus)

tunc tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet: then your property is in danger

when the neighboring wall (house) is on fire

turpe est aliud loqui, aliud sentire; quanto turpius aliud scribere, aliud

sentire!: it is base to say one thing and to think another; how much more base to

write one thing and think another! (Seneca)

turpe est in patria peregrinari, et in eis (or iis) rebus quæ ad patriam pertinent

hospitem esse: it is disgraceful to live as a stranger in one’s country, and to be

uninformed of its interests and affairs (Manutius)

turpe est laudari ab illaudatis: it is degrading to be commended by those who are

not themselves worthy of praise

turpe est odisse quam laudes: it is disgraceful to hate the one whom you praise

turpe est viro, id in quo quotidie versatur ignorare: it is shameful that a person

should be ignorant of that in which he is everyday employed

turpe quid ausurus, te sine teste time

ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas

turpe quid ausurus, te sine teste time: when about to commit a base deed, respect

yourself, even though there is no witness (Ausonius)

turpis autem fuga mortis omni est morte pejor: a dishonorable flight from death

is worse than any death (Cicero)

turpiter obticuit, sublato jure nocendi: he was shamefully silent when he had lost

the power to injure

turpius ejicitur quam non admittitur hospes: it is more disgraceful to turn a guest

out than not to admit one (Ovid)

tuta scelera esse possunt, non secura: wickedness may be safe, but not secure



ubi amici ibidem opus: (fig.) friends are sometimes troublesome (Plautus)

ubi amici, ibi opes: where there are friends, there is wealth (Plautus)

ubi amor condimentum inerit cuivis placiturum credo: where love enters to

season a dish, I believe it will please anyone (Plautus)

ubi desinit philosophus, ibi incipit medicus: where the philosopher ends, there

the physician begins (after Aristotle)

ubi est autem dignitas, nisi ubi honestas?: where is dignity unless there is

honesty? (Cicero)

ubi idem et maximus et honestissimus amor est, aliquando præstat morte jungi

quam vita distrahi: where there exists the greatest and most honorable love, it is

sometimes better to be joined in death than separated in life (Valerius Maximus)

ubi innocens damnatur, pars patriæ exsulat: when an innocent man is condemned,

part of his country is exiled (Publilius Syrus)

ubi jus, ibi remedium: where there is law, there is remedy

ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum: where the law is uncertain, there is no law

ubi major pars est, ibi est totum: where the greater part is, there [by law] is the


ubi nihil erit quod scribas, id ipsum scribito: where you have nothing to write,

write and say so (Cicero)

ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant: where they create a desolation they call

it peace (Tacitus)

ubi timor adest, sapientia adesse nequit: where fear is present, wisdom cannot be


ubi velis nolunt, ubi nolis cupiunt ultro: where you are willing, they are

disinclined, where you are averse, they are willing (Terence)

ubi vinci necesse est, expedit cedere: where defeat is inevitable, it is expedient to

yield (Quintilian)

ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur: wherever art is displayed, truth

seems to be wanting ubique Mors est; optime hoc cavit usque adeone scire tuum nihil est

ubique Mors est; optime hoc cavit Deus: Death is everywhere; God has provided

well for that

ulterius ne tende odiis: do not go forward in your hatred (Virgil)

ultimum malorum e vivorum numero exire, antequam moriaris: there is no

more dire misfortune than to quit the ranks of the living before you are dead


ultra posse nemo obligatur: no one is obligated to do more than he or she is able

una dies aperit, conficit una dies: in one day it opens its blossoms, in one day it

decays (Ausonius, said of the rose)

una salus victis nullam sperare salutem: the only salvation (or safety) for the

vanquished is not to hope for salvation (Virgil)

unde fames homini vetitorum tanta ciborum est?: why does man hunger so much

after forbidden fruit? (Ovid)

unde habeas quærit nemo; sed oportet habere: no man inquires how you

obtained your wealth; but it is necessary to possess it (Juvenal)

unde tibi frontem libertatemque parentis, cum facias pejora senex?: how do you

derive your privilege as a parent when you, as an adult, do worse things? (Juvenal)

undique enim ad inferos tantundem viæ est: from all sides there is equally a way

to the lower world (i.e., to hell) (Cicero, after Anaxagoras)

undique mors est: death is everywhere

unicumque homo est, ibi beneficio locus est: wherever there is a human being,

there is an opportunity for a kindness (Seneca)

unius compendium, alterius dispendium: the gain of the one is the loss of the


unius dementia dementes efficit multos: the madness of one makes many mad

universus hic mundus sit una civitas communis deorum atque hominum

existimanda: we must conceive of this whole universe as one community of which

both gods and men are citizens (Cicero)

universus mundus exercet histrioniam: all the world practices the art of acting

unum bonum est, quod beatæ vitæ causa et firmamentum est, sibi fidere: there

is only one good, which is the cause and support of a blessed life: to trust (or

believe) in yourself (Seneca)

unum nihil, duos plurimum posse: one man can do nothing, two can do much

unus utrique error; sed variis illudit partibus: the same error belongs to each, but

it mocks them in different ways (Horace)

urbes constituit ætas: hora dissolvit: it takes an age to build a city, an hour to ruin

it (Seneca)

urticæ proxima sæpe rosa est: the stinging nettle is often next to the rose (Ovid)

usque adeo nulli sincera voluptas, solicitique aliquid lætis intervenit: no one

possesses unalloyed pleasure; there is some anxiety mingled with the joy (Ovid)

usque adeone mori miserum est?: is it then so very wretched a thing to die?


usque adeone scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter?: is then your

knowledge to pass for nothing unless others know of that knowledge? (Persius)

usus est optimum magister

ut sementem feceris ita

usus est optimum magister: use is the best teacher

usus libri, non lectio prudentes facit: the use, not the reading, of a book makes

men wise

usus promptos facit (also, usus promptum facit): use (or practice) makes one

ready (i.e., practice makes perfect)

ut acerbum est, pro benefactis quum mali messem metas: it is a bitter thing to

have sown good deeds and to reap a harvest of evils (Plautus)

ut adversas res, secundas immoderate ferre, levitatis est: it shows a weak mind

not to bear prosperity as well as adversity with moderation (Cicero)

ut ager, quamvis fertilis, sine cultura fructuosus esse non potest, sic sine

doctrina animus: as a field, however fertile, can yield no fruit without cultivation,

so neither can the mind without education (Seneca)

ut ameris, amabilis esto: to be loved, be lovable (Ovid)

ut amnis vita labitur: like a brook, life flows away

ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas: though strength may be lacking, yet

the will is to be praised (Ovid)

ut enim non omne vinum, sic non omnis ætas vetustate coacescit: neither every

wine, nor every life, turns to vinegar with age (Cicero)

ut fragilis glacies interit ira mora: like fragile ice, anger passes away in time (Ovid)

ut homines sunt, ita morem geras; vita quam sit brevis, simul cogita: as men

are, so must you humor them; think, at the same time, how short life is (Plautus)

ut homo est, ita morem geras: as a man is, so must you humor him (i.e., conduct

yourself) (Terence)

ut metus ad omnes, poena ad paucos perveniret: that fear may reach all, punish

but a few

ut placeas, debes immemor esse tui: that you may please others you must be

forgetful of yourself (Ovid)

ut plerique solent, naso suspendis adunco ignotos: as is the way with most

people, you turn up your nose at men of obscure origin (Horace)

ut quimus, quando ut volumus non licet: when we cannot act as we wish, we must

act as we can (Terence)

ut quisque contemtissimus et ludibrio est, ita solutæ linguæ est: the more

despicable and ridiculous a man is, the readier he is with his tongue (Seneca)

ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur: the

better the man is, the harder it is for him to suspect dishonesty in others (Cicero)

ut quisque suum vult esse, ita est: as everyone wishes his offspring to be, so it is


ut ridentibus arrident, ita flentibus adflent, humani vultus: human

countenances, as they smile on those who smile, so they weep with those that weep


ut sæpe summa ingenia in occulto latent!: how often does it happen that great

genius is hidden in obscurity! (Plautus)

ut sementem feceris ita (et) metes: as you have sown, so (also) shall you reap


ut sit mens sana in corpore sano vel capillus habet umbram suam

ut sit mens sana in corpore sano: may we have a sound mind in a sound body


ut sunt humana, nihil est perpetuum: as human affairs go, nothing is everlasting


ut sunt molles in calamitate mortalium animi!: how weak are the hearts of

mortals under calamity! (Tacitus)

ut tibi sic alteri: as to yourself so to another (i.e., do unto others as you would have

others do unto you)

ut vera laus ornat, ita falsa castigat: true praise is an honor, false praise a rebuke

(Sidonius Apollinaris)

utatur motu animi, qui uti ratione non potest: let the one be guided by his

passions, who can make no sense of his reason

utendum est ætate; cito pede labitur ætas: use the occasion, for it passes swiftly by


utilem pete finem: seek a useful end

utilis interdum est ipsis injuria passis: sometimes those who suffer injury find it

beneficial (Ovid)

utitur in re non dubia testibus non necessariis: he uses unnecessary proofs on an

indisputable point (Cicero)

utque in corporibus, sic in imperio, gravissimus est morbus qui a capite

diffunditur: and as in men’s bodies, so in government, that disease is most serious

which proceeds from the head (Pliny the Younger)

utrum horum mavis accipe: take whichever you prefer

utrumque vitium est, et omnibus credere et nulli: it is equally an error to trust

(or confide) in all and in none (Seneca)


vacuus cantat coram latrone viator: the traveler who has nothing sings before the

robber (Juvenal)

validius est naturæ testimonium quam doctrinæ argumentum: the testimony of

nature is weightier than the arguments of the learned (St. Ambrose)

vanitas est longam vitam optare, et de bona vita parum curare: it is vanity to

desire a long life, and to care little whether that life be well spent (Thomas а


varia vita est: life is changeable (Plautus)

varietas delectat: variety is delighting (Phжdrus)

varii hominum sensus: various are the opinions of men

varium et mutabile semper foemina: woman is ever fickle and changeable (Virgil)

vectigalia nervos esse rei publicæ: taxes are the sinews of the republic (i.e.,

essential to its strength) (Cicero)

vel capillus habet umbram suam: even a hair has its shadow (Publilius Syrus)

velis quod possis

veritas premitur non opprimitur

velis quod possis: aim at what you can accomplish

velle suum cuique, nec voto vivitur uno: each person has his own wish, the

inclinations of all cannot be the same (Persius)

velocitas juxta formidinem, cunctatio propior constantiæ est: (fig.) haste is next

door to panic, delay is nearer to firm courage (Tacitus)

velox consilium sequitur poenitentia: hasty counsels are followed by repentance

(Laberius and Publilius Syrus)

venalis populus venalis curia patrum: the people are venal, and the senate is

equally venal (i.e., everyone has his or her price)

venenum in auro bibitur: poison is drunk from a gold cup (Seneca)

venia necessitati datur: pardon is conceded to necessity (i.e., necessity knows no

law) (Cicero)

venienti occurrite morbo: confront disease at its onset (i.e., prevention is better

than cure) (Persius)

venter, pluma, Venus, laudem fugiunt: the belly, featherbed, and Venus run away

from praise (i.e., gluttony, sloth, and lust shun fame)

ventum seminabant et turbinem metent: they were sowing the wind, and they

shall reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)

verba dat omnis amans: every lover makes fair speeches (Ovid)

verba facit mortuo: he is talking to a dead man (i.e., he is wasting his words)


verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes: words bind men, cords the horns

of a bull

verba volant, scripta manent: spoken words fly, written words remain

verbaque provisam rem non invita sequentur: words will not fail when the matter

is well considered (Horace)

verbum Dei manet in æternum: the word of God endures through eternity

verbum emissum non est revocabile: a word once spoken cannot be recalled

verbum sat sapienti: a word to the wise is sufficient

verbum verbo reddere, fidus interpres: as a faithful interpreter, render (or

translate) word for word (after Horace; a variation of the negative form, nec

verbum verbo curabis reddere fidus interpres)

vere magnum habere in se fragilitatem hominis ac securitatem Dei: it is true

greatness to have in one’s self the frailty of a man and the security of a God

veritas, a quocunque dicitur, a Deo est: truth, by whomever it is spoken, comes

from God

veritas jam attributa vino est: truth is indeed an attribute of wine (Pliny the Elder)

veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi: truth fears nothing but concealment

veritas nimium altercando amittitur: truth is lost through too much altercation

veritas non recipit magis ac minus: truth admits not of greater or lesser (Wilkins)

veritas odit moras: truth hates delays (Seneca)

veritas odium parit: truth begets hatred

veritas premitur non opprimitur: truth may be kept down, but not crushed

veritas vel mendacio corrumpitur vel victrix patientia duris

veritas vel mendacio corrumpitur vel silentio: truth is violated by falsehood or by

silence (Cicero)

veritas visu et mora, falsa festinatione et incertis valescunt: truth is established

by inspection and delay; falsehood thrives by haste and uncertainty (Tacitus)

veritatem dies aperit: time reveals the truth (Seneca)

veritatem laborare nimis sæpe, aiunt, exstingui nunquam: it is said that truth is

often eclipsed but never extinguished (Livy)

veritatis simplex oratio est: the language of truth is simple (Seneca)

versate diu, quid ferre recusent, quid valeant humeri: often try what weight you

can bear, and what your shoulders cannot support (Horace)

versibus exponi tragicis res comica non vult: a comic matter cannot be expressed

in tragic verse (Horace)

verum est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor: but greed is rich and modesty poor


verum illud est, vulgo quod dici solet, omnes sibi malle melius esse quam

alteri: the common assertion is certainly true, that we all wish matters to be better

with ourselves than others (Terence)

verum opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum: but in a long work it is allowable

that sleep may creep on (Horace)

verum putas haud ægre, quod valde expetas: you believe that easily, which you

hope for earnestly

verus amicus est is qui est tanquam alter idem: a true friend is the one who is, as

it were, a second self (Cicero)

verus amor nullum novit habere modum: true love knows no limits (i.e., knows

not moderation) (Propertius)

vestibulum domus ornamentum est: the hall is the ornament of a house (i.e., the

first impression makes a lasting impression)

vestigia nulla retrorsum: footprints do not go backwards

vetera extollimus, recentium incuriosi: we extol what is old, and are not interested

in the new (i.e., we extol the past and are indifferent to our own times) (Tacitus)

vetera semper in laude, presentia in fastidio: old things are always in good repute,

present things in disfavor (Tacitus)

vetus consuetudo naturæ vim obtinet: an ancient custom obtains force of nature


vetustas pro lege semper habetur: ancient custom is always held as law

via trita est tutissima: the beaten path is the safest one (Coke)

viam qui nescit qua deveniat ad mare, eum oportet amnem quærere comitem

sibi: the one who knows not his way to the sea should seek the river for his

companion (Plautus)

victor volentes per populos dat jura: the victor dictates his laws to a willing people

victores victosque numquam solida fide coalescere: victor and vanquished never

unite in substantial agreement (Tacitus)

victrix patientia duris: in difficulty, win by patience

vigilando, agundo, bene consulundo

virtute orta occidunt rarius

vigilando, agundo, bene consulundo prospera omnia cedunt: prosperity comes

through vigilance, energy, and wise counsel (Cato, as quoted by Sallust)

vigilandum est semper; multæ insidiæ sunt bonis: always be on your guard; there

are many snares for the good (Accius)

vigilantibus, non dormientibus, subveniunt jura (or, vigilantibus non

dormientibus servit lex): the laws assist those who watch, not those who sleep

vigor ætatis fluit ut flos veris: the vigor of youth passes away like a spring flower

vile latens virtus: virtue when concealed is a worthless thing (Claudian)

vilius argentum est auro, virtutibus aurum: as gold is worth more than silver, so is

virtue worth more than gold (Horace)

vim vi repellere omnia jura clamant: every right calls upon man to repel by force

vincit qui se vincit: he conquers who conquers himself

vincula de linguæ vel tibi linguæ dabit: bind your tongue or your tongue will have

you bound

vindicta nemo magis gaudet quam foemina: no one rejoices more in revenge than

woman (Juvenal)

vino diffugiunt mordaces curæ: wine diffuses the bite of cares (adapted from


violenta nemo imperia continuit diu; moderata durant: no one ever held power

long by violence; it lasts only when wielded with moderation (Seneca)

vir sapiens forti melior: a wise man is better than a strong one

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur: wise is the person who talks little

virgo formosa etsi sit oppido pauper, tamen abunde dotata est: a beautiful girl,

though she indeed be poor, is yet abundantly dowered (Apuleius)

viri infelicis procul amici: friends stay far away from an unfortunate person


viris fortibus non opus est moenibus: brave men have no need of walls

virtus auro præferenda: virtue is to be preferred to gold

virtus dabit, cura servabit: valor will give, care will keep

virtus est medium vitiorum et utrinque reductum: virtue is the middle between

two vices, and is equally removed from either extreme (Horace)

virtus est vitium fugere: to flee vice is the beginning of virtue (Horace)

virtus in astra tendit, in mortem timor: courage leads to heaven, fear, to death


virtus ipsa suis firmissima nititur armis: true virtue relies on its own arms

virtus laudatur et alget: virtue is praised and left out to freeze (Juvenal)

virtus, repulsæ nescia sordidæ, intaminatis fulget honoribus: that virtue which is

unconscious of a base repulse, shines with unstained honors (Horace)

virtute acquiritur honos: honor is the reward of virtue

virtute enim ipsa non tam multi præditi esse, quam videri volunt: fewer possess

virtue than those who wish us to believe that they possess it (Cicero)

virtute nulla possessio major: no possession is greater than virtue

virtute orta occidunt rarius: things sprung from virtue rarely perish virtutem doctrina paret, naturane vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille

virtutem doctrina paret, naturane donet?: does training produce virtue, or does

nature bestow it? (Horace)

virtutem incolumem odimus; sublatam ex oculis quærimus invidi: we hate virtue

when it is safe and flourishing; but when it is removed from our sight, even envy

itself regrets it (Horace)

virtutem videant intabescantque relicta: let them recognize virtue and rot for

having left it behind (Persius)

virtuti sis par, dispar fortunis patris: be like your father in virtue, unlike him in

fortune (Accius)

virtutibus obstat res angusta domi: straitened circumstances at home obstruct the

path of virtue (Juvenal)

virtutis enim laus omnis in actione consistit: the whole praise of virtue consists in

the practice of virtue (Cicero)

vis consilii expers mole ruit sua: strength (or force), lacking judgment, collapses by

its own weight (Horace)

vita brevis nulli superest, qui tempus in illa quærendæ sibi mortis habet: life is

so short, there is no time to seek for death (Lucan)

vita cedat, uti conviva satur: let him take leave of life, as a guest satisfied with his

entertainment (Horace)

vita enim mortuorum in memoria vivorum est posita: the life of the dead is

placed in the memory of the living (Cicero)

vita hominis sine litteris (or literis) mors est: the life of a man without literature is


vita, si scias uti, longa est: life, if you know how to use it, is long enough (Seneca)

vita sine proposito vaga est: a life without purpose is an aimless one (Seneca)

vitæ est avidus, quisquis non vult mundo secum pereunte mori: he is greedy of

life who is unwilling to die when the world around him is perishing (Seneca)

vitæ summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam: the short span of life forbids

us from entering into long hopes (Horace)

vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia: fortune, not wisdom, rules this life (Cicero)

vitanda est improba siren Desidia: you must avoid that wicked siren Sloth


vitaque mancipio, nulli datur, omnibus usu: and life is given to none to possess

fully, but for all to use (Lucretius)

vitavi denique culpam, non laudem merui: I have avoided what is censurable, not

merited what is commendable (Horace)

vitia nobis sub virtutum nomine obrepunt: vices steal upon us under the name of

virtues (Seneca)

vitia otii negotio discutienda sunt: the vices of sloth are only to be shaken off by

doing something (Seneca)

vitiant artus ægræ contagia mentis: when the mind is ill at ease, the body is in a

certain degree affected (Ovid)

vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille qui minimis urgetur: no one is born

without faults; he is the best who is plagued by the fewest (Horace)

vitiosum est ubique, quod nimium vulgo enim dicitur: jucundi acti

vitiosum est ubique, quod nimium est: too much of anything is in every case a

defect (Seneca)

vitium commune omnium est, quod nimium ad rem in senecta attenti sumus:

it is a fault that is common to all, that in old age we are too much attached to our

property and interests (Terence)

vitium fuit, nunc mos est, assentatio: flattery, which was formerly a vice, is now

grown into a custom (Publilius Syrus)

vitium impotens virtus vocatur: vice that is powerless is called virtue (Seneca)

vivas ut possis quando nec quis ut velis: live as you can since you cannot live as

your would (Cжcilius)

vive memor Lethi; fugit hora: live ever mindful of death; the hour flies (Persius)

vivit post funera virtus: virtue lives on after the grave (Emperor Tiberias)

vivite felices quibus est fortuna peracta jam sua!: may those be happy whose

fortunes are already completed! (Virgil)

vivite fortes, fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus: live as brave men, and

stand against adversity with stout hearts (Horace)

vix decimus quisque est, qui ipse sese noverit: hardly one man in ten knows

himself (Plautus)

vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel æquissimo sit potior: scarcely is there any

peace so unjust that it is better than even the fairest war (Erasmus)

volenti non fit injuria: no injury is done to the willing

voluntas habetur pro facto: the will is taken for the deed

voluntas non potest cogi: the will cannot be forced

voluptas vivere coepit, vita ipsa desiit: pleasure begins to live when life itself is

departing (Pliny the Elder)

voluptates commendat rarior usus: pleasures rarely used are greatly enjoyed


vos exemplaria Græca nocturna versate manu, versate diurna: by night and day

thumb through the pages of your Greek exemplars (Horace)

vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores: you keep to your own ways and

leave mine to me (Petrarch)

votis subscribunt fata secundis: destiny makes wishes come true

vox audita perit, litera scripta manet: the voice that is heard perishes, the letter

that is written remains

vox nihil aliud quam ictus aër: the voice is nothing but beaten air (Seneca)

vulgare amici nomen, sed rara est fides: the name of friend is common, but a

faithful friend is rare (Phжdrus)

vulgare Græciæ dictum, semper Africam aliquid novi afferre: a common Greek

saying: there is always something new being brought from Africa (Pliny the Elder)

vulgo dicitur multos modios salis simul edendos esse, ut amicitia munus

expletum sit: it is a common saying that many pecks of salt must be eaten before

the duties of friendship can be discharged (Cicero)

vulgo enim dicitur: jucundi acti labores: for it is commonly said: completed labors

are pleasant (Cicero)

vulgus amicitias utilitate probat vultus est index animi

vulgus amicitias utilitate probat: the common crowd seeks friendships for their


vulgus ex veritate pauca, ex opinione multa, æstimat: the masses judge of few

things by the truth, of most things by opinion (Cicero)

vulnera dum sanas, dolor est medicina doloris: when you are dressing a wound,

pain is pain’s medicine (Dionysius Cato)

vult plane virtus honorem, nec est virtutis ulla alia merces: virtue clearly desires

honor and has no other reward (Cicero)

vultus est index animi: the face is the index of the soul




a cane non magno sæpe tenetur aper: a boar is often held by a not-so-large dog


a facto ad jus non datur consequentia: the inference from the fact to the law is not


a fonte puro pura defluit aqua: from a pure spring pure water flows

a fronte præcipitium a tergo lupi: a precipice before (me), wolves behind (me) (i.e.,

caught between death and dismemberment)

a minimis quoque timendum: one ought to fear even the tiniest of creatures

a prima descendit origine mundi causarum series: even from the first beginnings

of the world descends a series of causes (Lucan)

a proximis quisque minime anteiri vult: no one likes to be surpassed by those of

his own level (Livy)

a verbis legis non est recedendum: from the words of the law there is no departure

ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia: (fig.) the abuse of a thing is no

argument against its use

ab actu ad posse valet illatio: it is possible to infer the future from the past

ab alio expectes, alteri quod feceris: what you do to others, you may expect

another to do to you (Laberius and Publilius Syrus)

ab alto speres alteri quod feceris: expect from Heaven what you have done to


ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa: from this and from this and from that (i.e., from here,

there, and everywhere; confusedly)

ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret: nothing deters a good man from what

honor requires of him (Seneca)

ab inopia ad virtutem obsepta est via: the way from poverty to virtue is an

obstructed one

ab uno disce omnes: from one learn all (i.e., from one sample we judge the rest)


abeunt studia in mores: pursuits become habits (Ovid)

abi in malam crucem: (fig.) to the devil with you!

abores serit diligens agricola, quarum adspiciet baccam ipse numquam: the

diligent farmer plants trees of which he himself will never see the fruit (Cicero)

absens hæres non erit: the absent one will not be the heir (i.e., out of sight, out of


absentem lædit cum ebrio qui litigat: to quarrel with a drunk is to dispute with a

man who is not there (Publilius Syrus)

absque argento omnia vana actus legis nulli facit injuriam

absque argento omnia vana: without money all is vain

abstineto a fabis: abstain from beans (i.e., have nothing to do with elections—the

ballot having been cast with beans)

absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit: it is absurd that he

should rule others who knows not how to rule himself

abundans cautela non nocet: abundant caution does no harm

abusus non tollit usum: abuse does not take away use

accensa domo proximi, tua quoque periclitatur: when your neighbor’s house is on

fire, yours is likewise in danger

acceptissima semper munera sunt, auctor quæ pretiosa facit: those gifts are

always the most acceptable that owe their value to the giver (Ovid)

accidit in puncto, et toto contingit in anno: it happens in a moment, and happens

all year long

accidit in puncto quod non contingit in anno: what does not occur in the whole

course of the year may happen in a moment

accipere quam facere præstat injuriam: it is better to receive than to do an injury


acclinus falsis animus meliora recusat: the mind attracted by what is false refuses

better things (Horace)

accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo: no one is bound to accuse himself unless

it be before God

acer et ad palmæ per se cursurus honores, si tamen horteris fortius ibit equus:

the spirited horse, which will of itself strive to win the race, will run still more

swiftly if encouraged (Ovid)

acer et vehemens bonus orator: a good orator is pointed and impassioned (Cicero)

acerrima proximorum odia: the hatred of those closest to us is the most bitter


acerrimus ex omnibus nostris sensibus est sensus videndi: the keenest of all our

senses is the sense of sight (Cicero)

acribus initiis, incurioso fine: alert (or energetic) at the beginning, careless (or

negligent) at the end (Tacitus)

acta deos nunquam mortalia fallunt: the deeds of men never escape the gods


acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta: external actions indicate internal secrets

acti labores jucundi: the remembrance of past labors is pleasant

actio personalis moritur cum persona: a personal action (or right) dies with the


actis ævum implet, non segnibus annis: his lifetime is full of deeds, not of indolent

years (Ovid)

actum ne agas: do not do what is done (i.e., leave well enough alone) (Terence and


actus Dei nemini facit injuriam: the act of God does injury to no one

actus Dei nemini nocet: the act of God brings harm to no one

actus legis nulli facit injuriam: the act of the law does injury to no one

actus me invito factus, non est meus adversus miseros … inhumanus est

actus me invito factus, non est meus actus: an act done against my will is not my


actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea: the act does not make the person guilty,

unless the mind be guilty

ad auctores redit sceleris coacti culpa: the guilt of enforced crimes lies on those

who impose them (Seneca)

ad calamitatem quilibet rumor valet: any rumor is sufficient against calamity (i.e.,

when a disaster happens, every report confirming it obtains ready credence)

ad damnum adderetur injuria: that would be adding insult to injury (Cicero)

ad Græcas kalendas soluturos: they will pay at the Greek calends (i.e., never; there

is no Greek calends) (Cжsar Augustus)

ad mala quisque animum referat sua: let each recall his own woes (Ovid)

ad nocendum potentes sumus: we all have power to do harm (Seneca)

ad perditam securim manubrium adjicere: to throw the handle after the hatchet

(i.e., to give up in despair)

ad perniciem solet agi sinceritas: honesty is often goaded to ruin (Phжdrus)

ad poenitendum properat, cito qui judicat: the one who judges in haste repents in

haste (Publilius Syrus)

ad præsens ova cras pullis sunt meliora: eggs today are better than chickens

tomorrow (i.e., a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush)

ad quæstionem legis respondent judices, ad quæstionem facti respondent

juratores: it is the judge’s business to answer to the question of law, the jury’s to

answer to the question of fact

ad tristem partem strenua est suspicio: one is quick to suspect where one has

suffered harm before (or, the losing side is full of suspicion) (Publilius Syrus)

ad vivendum velut ad natandum is melior qui onere liberior: he is better

equipped for life, as for swimming, who has the lesser to carry (Apuleius)

addecet honeste vivere: it much becomes us to live honorably

addere legi justitiam decus: it is to one’s honor to combine justice with law

adeo facilius est multa facere quam diu: it is much easier to try one’s hand at many

things than to concentrate one’s powers on one thing (Quintilian)

adeo in teneris consuescere multum est: so much depends upon habit in the

tender years (i.e., such are the advantages of an early education) (Virgil)

adhibenda est in jocando moderatio: moderation should be used in joking (Cicero)

adhuc tua messis in herba est: your crop is still in grass (Ovid)

adjuvat in bello pacatæ ramus olivæ: in war the olive branch of peace is of use (Ovid)

adolescentem verecundum esse decet: it becomes a young man to be modest


adsit regula, peccatis quæ poenas irroget æquas: have a rule apportioning to each

offense its appropriate penalty (Horace)

adversæ res admonent religionum: adversity reminds men of religion (Livy)

adversus miseros … inhumanus est jocus: jokes directed against the unfortunate

are inhumane (Quintilian)

adversus solem ne loquitor

aliena pericula, cautiones nostræ

adversus solem ne loquitor: neither speak against the sun (i.e., do not dispute with

what is obvious)

ædificatum solo, solo cedit: the thing built on the land goes with the land

ægrescit medendo: he grows worse with the treatment (i.e., the remedy is worse

than the disease) (adapted from Virgil)

ægroto, dum anima est, spes est: to the sick, while there is life there is hope


æmulatio æmulationem parit: emulation begets emulation

æqua lege necessitas, sortitur insignes et imos: necessity apportions impartiality

to the high and the low (Horace)

æqua tellus pauperi recluditur regumque pueris: the impartial earth opens alike

for the child of the pauper and that of the king (Horace)

æquabit nigras candida una dies: one single bright day will equal the black ones

æquari pavet alta minori: a lofty thing fears being made equal with a lower

æquo animo poenam, qui meruere, ferant: let those who have deserved their

punishment bear it patiently (Ovid)

æquum est peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus: the one who asks pardon

for faults should grant the same to others (Horace)

ære quandoque salutem redimendam: safety must sometimes be bought with


ærugo animi, rubigo ingenii: rusty mind, blighted genius (i.e., idleness is the blight

of genius)

æs debitorem leve, gravius inimicum facit: a slight debt produces a debtor, a large

one an enemy (Laberius)

æstimatio delicti præteriti ex post facto non crescit: the nature of a crime is not

altered by subsequent acts

ætatem non tegunt tempora: our temples do not conceal our age

ævo rarissima nostro simplicitas: simplicity is nowadays very rare (Ovid)

age officium tuum: act your office

agentes, et consentientes, pari poena puniendi: those acting and those consenting

ought to bear equal punishment

agite pro viribus: act according to your strength

alia res sceptrum, alia plectrum: ruling men is one thing, entertaining them is


aliæ nationes servitutem pati possunt, populi Romani est propria libertas:

other nations may be able to put up with slavery, but liberty is peculiar to the

Roman people (Cicero)

aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent: other people’s things are more pleasing to

us, and ours to other people (Publilius Syrus)

aliena opprobria sæpe absterrent vitiis: we are often deterred from crime by the

disgrace of others (Horace)

aliena optimum frui insania: it is best to profit by the madness of others

aliena pericula, cautiones nostræ: others’ dangers are our warnings aliena vitia in oculis habemus amabit sapiens, cupient cæteri

aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt: the vices of others we have

before our eyes, our own are behind our backs (Seneca)

alieno in loco haud stabile regnum est: the throne of another is not stable (i.e.,

sovereignty over a foreign land is insecure) (Seneca)

alienos agros irrigas tuis sitientibus: you water the fields of others while your own

are parched

alienum est omne quicquid optando evenit: what we obtain merely by asking is

not really our own (Publilius Syrus)

alii sementem faciunt, alii metentem: some do the planting, others the reaping

aliis lætus, sapiens sibi: cheerful for others, wise for himself

aliorum medicus, ipse ulceribus scates: a physician to others, while you yourself

are full of ulcers

aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus: sometimes even the good Homer nods off


aliquando et insanire jucundum est: it is pleasant at times to play the madman


aliquid mali propter vicinum malum: something bad from a bad neighbor (i.e., to

be harmed because of an evil neighbor)

aliquis malo sit usus ab illo: let us derive some use or benefit from that evil

aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa: no one should be a judge in his own


aliter catuli longe olent, aliter sues: puppies and pigs have a very different smell


alitur vitium vivitque tegendo: the taint is nourished and lives by being concealed

(i.e., vice lives and thrives by secrecy) (Virgil)

aliud est celare, aliud tacere: it is one thing to conceal, another to be silent

aliud legunt pueri, aliud viri, aliud senes: boys read books one way, men another,

old men another (Terence)

alium silere quod valeas (or voles), primus sile: to make another person hold his

tongue, be first silent (Seneca)

alius est amor, alius cupido: love is one thing, lust another (Lucius Afranius)

alius peccat, alius plectitur: one man sins, the other is punished

allegans contraria non est audiendus: no one is to be heard whose evidence is


alta sedent civilis vulnera dextræ: deep-seated are the wounds dealt out in civil

conflict (or civil wars) (Lucan)

alteri sic tibi: do to another as to yourself

alterum alterius auxilio eget: one thing needs the help of another

altissima quæque flumina minimo sono labuntur: the deepest rivers flow with the

least noise (i.e., still waters run deep) (Curtius)

ama et fac quod vis: love and do what you will (adapted from St. Augustine)

amabit sapiens, cupient cæteri: the wise man loves, the others are lecherous

(Lucius Afranius)

amans iratus multa mentitur amittit merito proprium

amans iratus multa mentitur: an angry lover tells himself many lies (Publilius


amantes amentes: in love, in delirium (Terence)

amantes sunt amentes: lovers are lunatics (Terence)

amantium iræ amoris redintegratio est: the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of

love (Terence)

amare et sapere vix deo conceditur: even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at

the same time (Publilius Syrus and Laberius)

amarus vitiorum fructus: the fruit of sin is bitter

amat victoria curam: victory and care are close friends

ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est: an ambiguous

contract is to be interpreted against the seller

amici probantur rebus adversis: friends are proved by adversity (Cicero)

amici vitium ni feras, prodis tuum: unless you bear with the faults of a friend, you

betray your own (Publilius Syrus)

amicitia fucata vitanda: feigned friendship [is] to be avoided

amicitia semper prodest, amor et nocet: friendship always benefits, love

sometimes injures (Seneca and Publilius Syrus)

amicitiæ immortales, mortales inimicitias debere esse: friendships should be

immortal, enmities should be mortal (Livy)

amico ficto nulla fit injuria: no injury is done to a feigned friend

amicorum esse communia omnia: friends’ goods are common property

amicos esse fures temporis: friends are thieves of time (Francis Bacon)

amicum ita habeas, posse ut fieri hunc inimicum scias: be on such terms with

your friend as if you knew that he might one day become your enemy (Laberius)

amicum perdere est damnorum maximum: to lose a friend is the greatest of all

losses (Publilius Syrus)

amicus certus in re incerta cernitur: a true friend is certain when certainty is

uncertain (i.e., a friend in need is a friend indeed) (Ennius)

amicus est unus animus in duobus corporibus: a friend is one soul in two bodies


amicus in necessitate probatur: a friend is proven in time of necessity (or, a friend

in need is a friend indeed)

amicus Plato, amicus Socrates, sed magis amica veritas: Plato is my friend,

Socrates is my friend, but truth is more my friend

amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas: Plato is my friend, but truth is more my friend

amicus verus rara avis: a true friend is a rare bird

amicus vitæ solatium: a friend is the solace of life

amittimus iisdem modis quibus acquirimus: we gain and lose by the same means

amittit famam qui se indignis comparat: he loses repute who compares himself

with unworthy people (Phжdrus)

amittit merito proprium, qui alienum appetit: the one who covets what is

another’s deservedly loses what is his own (Phжdrus) amor animi arbitrio sumitur appetitus rationi pareat

amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur: we choose to love, we do not chose to

cease loving (Publilius Syrus)

amor Dei et proximi summa beatitudo: the love of God and our neighbor is the

highest happiness

amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus: love has both honey and gall in

abundance (Plautus)

amor gignit amorem: love begets love

amor omnibus idem: love is the same in all (Virgil)

amor tussisque non celantur: love, and a cough, are not concealed (Ovid)

amoris vulnus idem sanat qui facit: love’s wounds are cured by love itself (Publilius


an nescis longas regibus esse manus?: do you not know that kings have long

hands? (Ovid)

an quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam cui licet, ut voluit?: is any man

free except the one who can pass his life as he pleases? (Persius)

anguillam cauda tenes: you hold an eel by the tail (i.e., you have caught a lion by

the tail)

anguis in herba latet: a snake concealed in the grass

animi cultus quasi quidam humanitatis cibus: cultivation is as necessary to the

soul as food is to the body (Cicero)

animi scrinium servitus: servitude [is] the cage of the soul

animo ægrotanti medicus est oratio: kind words are as a physician to an afflicted


animum rege, qui nisi paret imperat: rule your spirit well, for if it is not subject to

you, it will rule over you (Horace)

animus æquus optimum est ærumnæ condimentum: a patient mind is the best

remedy for trouble (Plautus)

animus est nobilitas: the soul is the nobility

animus hominis est anima scripti: the intention of the person is the intention of

the written instrument

animus tamen omnia vincit; ille etiam vires corpus habere facit: courage

conquers all things; it even gives strength to the body (Ovid)

annus inceptus habetur pro completo: a year begun we reckon as completed

ante victoriam ne canas triumphum: do not celebrate your triumph before you

have conquered

antiquissima quæque commenticia: all that is most ancient is a lie (or, a fiction)

antiquitas sæculi juventus mundi: ancient times were the youth of the world

(Francis Bacon)

aperit præcordia liber: wine opens the seals of the heart (Horace)

aperte mala cum est mulier, tum demum est bona: when a woman is openly bad,

she then is at the best (i.e., open dishonesty is preferable to concealed hypocrisy)

apex est autem senectutis auctoritas: the crown of old age is authority (Cicero)

appetitus rationi pareat: let your desires be governed by reason (Cicero)

aqua profunda est quieta attendite vobis

aqua profunda est quieta: still water runs deep

aquam a pumice nunc postulas: you are trying to get water from a stone (Plautus)

arbore dejecta quivis (or qui vult) ligna colligit: when the tree is thrown down,

anyone who wishes may gather the wood (i.e., even the lowliest will gather the

fruits of the fallen tyrant)

arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum aspiciet baccam ipse nunquam: the

industrious husbandman plants trees, not one berry of which he will ever see


arcanum demens detegit ebrietas: mad drunkenness discloses every secret (Virgil)

arcum intensio frangit, animum remissio: straining breaks the bow, and relaxation

the mind (Publilius Syrus)

ardua deturbans vis animosa quatit: the strength of courage shatters higher things

ardua enim res famam præcipitantem retrovertere: it is a hard thing to prop up a

falling reputation (Francis Bacon)

ardua res hæc est opibus non tradere mores: it is a hard thing not to surrender

morals for riches (Martial)

arma pacis fulcra: arms are the props (or buttresses) of peace

arma tenenti omnia dat, qui justa negat: the one who refuses what is just, gives up

everything to an enemy in arms (Lucan)

ars fit ubi a teneris crimen condiscitur annis: where crime is taught from early

years, it becomes a part of nature (Ovid)

ars prima regni posse te invidiam pati: the first art to be learned by a ruler is to

endure envy (Seneca)

ars varia vulpis, ast una echino maxima: the fox has many tricks, the hedgehog has

one, and it is the greatest of them

artes serviunt vitæ; sapientia imperat: the arts are the servants of life; wisdom its

master (Seneca)

asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher: as an ass is beautiful to an ass, so a pig is to a pig

asperæ facetiæ, ubi nimis ex vero traxere, acrem sui memoriam relinquunt: a

bitter jest, when it comes too near the truth, leaves a sharp sting behind it (Tacitus)

asperius nihil est humili cum surgit in altum: nothing is more harsh (or galling)

than a low man raised to a high position (Claudian)

aspirat primo Fortuna labori: Fortune smiles upon our first effort (Virgil)

assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem sæpe vincit: constant

practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill (Cicero)

at caret insidiis hominum, quia mitis, hirundo: the swallow is not ensnared by

men because of its gentle nature (Ovid)

at pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier: his est: it is pleasing to be pointed at

with the finger and to have it said: there he goes (Persius)

atria regum hominibus plena sunt, amicis vacua: the courts of kings are full of

men, empty of friends (Seneca)

atrocitatis mansuetudo est remedium: gentleness is the remedy for cruelty


attendite vobis: attend to yourselves auctor pretiosa facit barbaris ex fortuna pendet fides

auctor pretiosa facit: the giver makes the gift precious (adapted from Ovid)

audacter calumniare, semper aliquid hæret: hurl calumny boldly, some of it

always sticks (Francis Bacon)

audax ad omnia foemina, quæ vel amat vel odit: a woman, when she either loves

or hates, will dare anything

audendo magnus tegitur timor: great fear is concealed under daring (Lucan)

audi alteram partem: hear the other party (i.e., listen to both sides) (St. Augustine)

audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace: use your ears and eyes, but hold your tongue,

if you would live in peace

audiatur et altera pars: let the other side also have a hearing (Seneca)

audire est operæ pretium: it is worth your while to hear (Horace)

auri sacra fames quid non?: what does the accursed greed for gold not drive men to


auro loquente nihil pollet quævis ratio: when gold speaks, not even the least

reason avails

auro quæque janua panditur: a golden key opens any door

aurum omnes victa jam pietate colunt: all men now worship gold, all other types

of reverence being done away

auscultare disce, si nescis loqui: if you do not know how to talk, learn to listen

(Pomponius Bononiensis)

aut disce, aut discede; manet sors tertia, cædi: either learn, or depart; a third

course is open to you, and that is, submit to be flogged

aut non tentaris, aut perfice: either do not try it or go through with it (Ovid)

aut nunquam tentes aut perfice: either never attempt or accomplish (i.e., try not,

do!; after Ovid)

aut prodesse volunt aut delectare poëtæ: poets wish either to profit or to please


aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportere: a man ought to be born either a king or a

fool (Seneca)

auxilia humilia firma consensus facit: union gives strength to the humblest of aids

(Laberius and Publilius Syrus)

auxilium non leve vultus habet: a pleasing countenance is no small advantage


avarus, nisi cum moritur, nil recte facit: a miser does nothing right except when he



barbæ tenus sapientes: men are wise as far as their beards (referring to those who

pretend to have knowledge they do not in fact possess)

barbaris ex fortuna pendet fides: the fidelity of barbarians depends on fortune


bastardus nullius est filius

bis est gratum quod opus est, si ultro

bastardus nullius est filius, aut filius populi: a bastard is the son of no one, or the

son of the people

beati monoculi in regione cærcorum: blessed is the one-eyed person in the

country of the blind

beatus autem esse sine virtute nemo potest: no one can be happy without virtue


beatus enim nemo dici potest extra veritatem projectus: no one can be called

happy who is living a life of falsehood (Seneca)

bella gerant alii: leave war to others (Ovid)

bellum nec timendum nec provocandum: war ought neither to be dreaded nor

provoked (Pliny the Younger)

bene agendo nunquam defessus: never weary of doing good (after Galatians 6:9)

bene dormit, qui non sentit quod male dormiat: he sleeps well who is not

conscious that he sleeps ill

bene est cui Deus obtulit parca quod satis est manu: well for him to whom God

has given enough with a sparing hand

bene orasse est bene studuisse: to have prayed well is to have striven well (Ovid)

bene qui latuit bene vixit: well has he lived who has lived a retired life (i.e., he who

has lived in obscurity has lived in security) (Ovid)

bene qui pacifice: he lives well who lives peacefully

bene qui sedulo: he lives well who lives industriously

beneficia dare qui nescit, injuste petit: the one who knows not how to confer a

kindness has not the right to ask any for himself

beneficia plura recipit qui scit reddere: he receives the most favors who knows

how to return them (Publilius Syrus)

beneficium accipere libertatem vendere est: to accept a favor is to sell one’s

liberty (Publilius Syrus and Laberius)

beneficium dignis ubi des, omnes obliges: where you confer a benefit on those

worthy of it, you confer a favor on all (Publilius Syrus)

beneficium invito non datur: no benefit can be conferred upon one who will not

accept it

beneficium non est, cujus sine rubore meminisse non possum: a favor that a

person cannot recall without a blush is not a favor (Seneca)

beneficium non in eo quot fit aut datur consistit sed in ipso dantis aut facientis

animo: a benefit consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the

giver or doer (Seneca)

benignus etiam dandi causam cogitat: even the benevolent man reflects upon the

cause of giving

bibamus, moriendum est: let us drink, death is certain (Seneca the Elder)

bilingues cavendi: one should beware of the double-tongued

bis dat qui cito dat: he gives twice who gives quickly (Cervantes)

bis dat qui temptestive donat: he gives twice who gives on time

bis est gratum quod opus est, si ultro offeras: the kindness is doubled if what

must be given is given willingly

bis interimitur qui suis armis perit bos lassus fortius figit pedem

bis interimitur qui suis armis perit: he dies twice who perishes by his own weapons

(i.e., by his own devices) (Publilius Syrus)

bis peccare in bello non licet: it is not permitted to err twice in war

bis pueri senes: old men are twice children

bis repetita placent: that which pleases is twice repeated (Horace)

bis vincit qui se vincit: he conquers twice who conquers himself

bis vivit qui bene vivit: he lives twice who lives well

bona nemini hora est, ut non alicui sit mala: there is no hour good for one man

that is not bad for another (Publilius Syrus)

bonæ leges malis ex moribus proceantur: good laws grow out of evil acts


bonarum rerum consuetudo pessima est: nothing is worse than being accustomed

to good things (or good fortune) (Publilius Syrus)

boni judicis est lites dirimere: a good judge is one who prevents litigation

boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere: it is the duty of a good shepherd

to shear his sheep, not to flay them (Emperor Tiberius, in reference to taxation)

bonis a divitibus nihil timendum: good men ought to fear nothing from the rich

bonis nocet quisquis pepercerit malis: he hurts the good who spares the bad

(Publilius Syrus)

bonis quod bene fit (or benefit) haud perit: whatever good is done for good men

is never done in vain (Plautus)

bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem: it is not goodness to be better than the

worst (Seneca)

bonum ego quam beatum me esse nimio dici mavolo: I would rather be called

good than well off (Plautus)

bonum est fugienda aspicere in alieno malo: it is good to see in the misfortune of

another what we should shun ourselves (Publilius Syrus)

bonum est, pauxillum amare sane, insane non bonum est: it is good to be

moderately sane in love, but it is not good to be insanely in love (Plautus)

bonum magis carendo quam fruendo cernitur: that which is good is perceived

more strongly in its absence than in its enjoyment

bonum vinum lætificat cor hominis: good wine makes men’s hearts rejoice

bonum virum facile crederes, magnum libenter: you might believe a good man

easily, a great man with pleasure (Tacitus)

bonus animus in mala re dimidium est mali: good courage in a bad circumstance

is half of the evil overcome (Plautus)

bonus atque fidus judex honestum prætulit utili: a good and faithful judge ever

prefers the honorable to the expedient (Horace)

bonus dux bonum reddit militem: the good leader makes good soldiers

bonus judex damnat improbanda, non odit: the good judge condemns the crime,

but does not hate the criminal (Seneca)

bonus vir semper tiro: a good man is always learning

bos lassus fortius figit pedem: the tired ox plants its foot more firmly

brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit

casta ad virum matrona parendo

brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit longior (also, brevis ipsa vita est sed longior

malis): life itself is short but evils make it longer (Publilius Syrus)

brevis voluptas mox doloris est parens: short-lived pleasure is the parent of pain

brevissima ad divitias per contemptum divitiarum via est: the shortest way to

wealth lies in the contempt of wealth (Seneca)


cadit ira metu: fear causes anger to subside (Ovid)

cæca invidia est: envy is blind (Livy)

cæcus non judicat de colore: the blind do not judge of colors

cælum (or coelum) non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt: they change the

sky, not their soul, who run across the sea (Horace)

Cæsar non supra grammaticos: Cжsar has no authority over the grammarians

cæteris major qui melior: the one who is better than all others is greater

calamitosus est animus futuri anxius: dreadful is the state of that mind that is

anxious about the future (Seneca)

calumniam contra calumniatorem virtus repellit: virtue turns calumny back

against the calumniator

camelus desiderans cornua etiam aures perdidit: the camel, begging for horns,

was deprived of its ears as well

candida pax homines, trux decet ira feras: white-robed peace becomes men,

savage anger becomes wild beasts (Ovid)

candide secure: honesty is the best policy

canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet (pl. canes timidi vehementius

latrant quam mordent): a timid dog barks more violently than it bites (Curtius)

cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator: the empty-handed traveler sings before the

robber (i.e., the penniless man has nothing to lose) (Juvenal)

capiat qui capere possit: let him take who can (i.e., catch as catch can)

captantes capti sumus: we catchers have been caught (i.e., the biter is bitten)

cara Deo nihilo carent: God’s beloved are in want of nothing

caret periculo, qui etiam (cum est) tutus cavet: he is most free from danger, who,

even when safe, is on his guard (Publilius Syrus)

carior est illis homo quam sibi: man is dearer to them (the gods) than to himself


carpe diem, quam minimum (or minime) credula postero: seize the day, trusting

little in tomorrow (Horace)

carpent tua poma nepotes: your descendants will pick your fruit

caseus est sanus quem dat avara manus: cheese is healthy when given with a

sparing hand

casta ad virum matrona parendo imperat: a chaste wife acquires an influence over

her husband by obeying him (Laberius and Publilius Syrus) casus quem sæpe transit, aliquando cito maturum, cito putridum

casus quem sæpe transit, aliquando invenit: chance (or misfortune) will at some

time or another find the one whom it has often passed by (Publilius Syrus)

catus amat pisces, sed non vult tingere plantas: a cat likes fish, but it does not like

to wet its paws

causarum ignoratio in re nova mirationem facit: in extraordinary events

ignorance of their causes produces astonishment (Cicero)

cautionis is in re plus quam in persona: goods are better sureties than the debtor’s


cautis pericula prodesse aliorum solent: prudent people are ever ready to profit

from the experiences of others (Phжdrus)

cautus metuit foveam lupus: the cautious wolf fears the snare

cave ab homine unius libri: beware of the man of one book (adapted from St.

Thomas Aquinas)

cave ignoscas: take care not to overlook or forgive

cave ne cadas: take heed you do not fall (i.e., beware of falling from your high


cave ne quidquam incipias, quod post poeniteat: take care not to begin anything

of which you may repent (Publilius Syrus)

cave quid dicis, quando et cui: beware what you say, when, and to whom

cavendi nulla est dimittenda occasio: no occasion to be alert is to be overlooked

cavendum a meretricibus: one ought to beware of prostitutes

cedant arma togæ, concedant laurea laudi: let arms yield to the toga, laurels to

pжans (Cicero )

celsæ graviore casu decidunt turres: lofty towers fall with a heavier crash (Horace)

certa amittimus dum incerta petimus: we lose things certain in pursuing things

uncertain (Plautus)

certanti et resistenti victoria cedit: victory yields to the one who struggles and


certe ignoratio futurorum malorum utilius est quam scientia: it is more

advantageous not to know than to know the evils that are coming upon us (Cicero)

certis rebus certa signa præcurrunt: certain signs precede certain events (Cicero)

certum pete finem: aim at a certain end (i.e., aim at a sure thing)

certum voto pete finem: set a definite limit to your desire (Horace)

charitas non quærit quæ sua sunt: love does not seek things for itself

charta non erubescit: a document does not blush

cineri gloria sera est (or cineri gloria sera venit): glory paid to ashes (the dead)

comes too late (Martial)

citius venit periculum cum contemnitur: the danger we despise comes quickest

upon us (Publius Syrus and Laberius)

cito enim arescit lacrima, præsertim in alienis malis: for a tear is quickly dried,

especially when shed for the misfortunes of others (Cicero)

cito maturum, cito putridum: soon ripe, soon rotten

cito rumpes arcum consilio melius vinces quam

cito rumpes arcum, semper si tensum habueris, at si laxaris, quum voles, erit

utilis: a bow kept taut will quickly break, but kept loosely strung, it will serve you

when you need it (Phжdrus)

cito scribendo non fit, ut bene scribatur; bene scribendo fit, ut cito: write

quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly


claude os, aperi oculos: close your mouth, open your eyes

coelum (or cælum) non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt: those who cross

the sea change their climate, but not their character (Horace)

cogas amantem irasci, amare si velis: you must make a lover angry if you wish him

to love (Publilius Syrus)

cogenda mens est ut incipiat: the mind must be stimulated for it to make a

beginning (Seneca)

cogi qui potest nescit mori: the one who can be compelled knows not how to die


cogitationis poenam nemo meretur: no one deserves punishment for a thought

colossus magnitudinem suam servabit etiam si steterit in puteo: a giant will

keep his size even though he will have stood in a well (Seneca)

comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est: a pleasant companion on the road is as

good as a vehicle (Publilius Syrus)

commune naufragium omnibus est consolatio: a shipwreck that is common to all

is a consolation

commune periculum concordiam parit: a common danger begets unity

communia esse amicorum inter se omnia: all things are common among friends


communis error facit jus: sometimes common error makes law

compendia dispendia: short cuts are roundabouts

compendiaria res improbitas, virtusque tarda: wickedness takes the shorter road,

and virtue the longer

compesce mentem: control your temper (Horace)

concordia res parvæ crescunt, discordia maximæ dilabuntur: with concord small

things increase, with discord the greatest things go to ruin (Sallust)

conjunctio maris et foeminæ est de jure naturæ: the conjuction of man and

woman is of the law of nature

conscia mens recti famæ mendacia risit (or ridet): the mind conscious of integrity

scorns the lies of rumor (Ovid)

conscientia rectæ voluntatis maxima consolatio est rerum incommodarum: the

consciousness of good intention is the greatest solace of misfortunes (Cicero)

consilia res magis dant hominibus quam homines rebus: men’s plans should be

regulated by the circumstances, not circumstances by the plans (Livy)

consiliis nox apta ducum, lux aptior armis: night is the time for counsel, day for

arms (Caius Rabirius)

consilio melius vinces quam iracundia: you will conquer more surely by prudence

than by passion (Publilius Syrus) constans et lenis, ut res expostulet crimina qui cernunt aliorum

constans et lenis, ut res expostulet, esto: be firm or mild as the occasion may

require (Cato)

consuetudo manerii et loci est observanda: the custom of the manor and the place

is to be observed

contemni est gravius stultitiæ quam percuti: to be despised is more galling to a

foolish man than to be whipped

contemptum periculorum assiduitas periclitandi dabit: constant exposure to

dangers will breed contempt for them (Seneca)

contentum vero suis rebus esse, maximæ sunt certissimæque divitiæ: to be

content with what one has is the greatest and truest of riches (Cicero)

continua messe senescit ager: a field becomes exhausted by constant tillage (Ovid)

contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis: against the evil of death

there is no remedy in the garden

contraria contrariis curantur: opposite cures opposite

contumeliam si dicis, audies: if you utter abuse, you must expect to receive it (or, if

you speak insults you will hear them as well) (Plautus)

conventio privatorum non potest publico juri derogare: an agreement between

individuals cannot set aside public law

corpora lente augescunt, cito extinguuntur: bodies are slow in growth, rapid in

decay (Horace and Tacitus)

corpus non animæ domicilium sed diversum est: the body is not the abode of the

soul but its enemy

corpus onustum hesternis vitiis animum quoque prægravat una: the body,

loaded with yesterday’s excess, also bears down the mind (Horace)

corrumpunt mores bonos colloquia mala: bad company corrupts good morals (1

Corinthians 15:33)

corruptio optimi pessima: the corruption of the best is the worst

corruptissima (in) republica plurimæ leges: in the most corrupt state exist the

most laws (or, the more corrupt the state, the more the laws) (Terence and Tacitus)

crede mihi; miseros prudentia prima relinquit: believe me; it is prudence that first

forsakes the wretched (Ovid)

crede quod est quod vis: believe that that is which you wish to be (Ovid)

crede quod habes, et habes: believe that you have it, and you have it

crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crescit: the love of money increases as

wealth itself increases (Juvenal)

cressa ne careat pulchra dies nota: let not a day so fair be without its white mark


crimen quos inquinat, æquat: crime puts on an equal footing those whom it defiles

crimina qui cernunt aliorum, non sua cernunt; hi sapiunt aliis, desipiuntque

sibi: those who see the faults of others, but not their own, are wise for others and

fools for themselves

crimine ab uno disce omnes cum plus sunt potæ, plus potiuntur

crimine ab uno disce omnes: from the guilt (or crime) of one learn the nature of

them all (Virgil)

crudelem medicum intemperans æger facit: a disorderly patient makes the

physician cruel (Publilius Syrus)

crux est si metuas quod vincere nequeas: it is torture to fear what you cannot

overcome (Ausonius)

cucullus non facit monachum: the cowl does not make the monk

cui licitus est finis, etiam licent media: for whom the end is lawful, the means are

also lawful (i.e., the end justifies the means)

cui placet alterius, sua nimirum est odio sors: when a person envies another’s lot,

it is natural for him to be discontented with his own

cui placet obliviscitur, cui dolet meminit: we forget our pleasures, we remember

our pains (Cicero)

cui prodest scelus, is fecit: he has committed the crime who has derived the profit


cuilibet in arte sua perito credendum est: every skilled man is to be trusted in his

own art

cuisvis (or cujusvis) hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore

perseverare: any man is liable to err, [but] no one except a fool will persevere in

error (Cicero)

cujus est solum, ejus (est) usque ad coelum: the one who owns the soil owns

everything above it to the sky

cujus sit vita indecoris mortem fugere turpem haut convenit: one whose life has

been disgraceful is not entitled to escape a disgraceful death (Accius)

cujus vita fulgor, ejus verba tonitrua: his words are thunderbolts whose life is as


culpa sua damnum sentiens non intelligitur damnum pati: he who suffers by his

own fault is not deemed a sufferer

culpam poena premit comes: punishment presses hard upon the heels of crime


cum altera lux venit jam cras hesternum consumpsimus: when another day has

arrived, we will find that we have consumed our yesterday's tomorrow (Persius)

cum corpore mentem crescere sentimus pariterque senescere: we find that, as

the mind strengthens with the body, it decays with it in like manner (Lucretius)

cum fortuna manet, vultum servatis amici: while fortune lasts you will see your

friend’s face (Petronius)

cum frueris felix quæ sunt adversa caveto: when fortune is lavish of her favors

beware of adversity (Cato)

cum larvis non luctandum: one ought not to wrestle with ghosts

cum licet fugere, ne quære litem: do not seek the quarrel, or the suit, of which

there is an opportunity of escaping

cum odio sui coepit veritas: the first reaction to truth is hatred (Tertullian)

cum plus sunt potæ, plus potiuntur aquæ: the more they have been drinking, the

more water they drink (often said of the thirst for knowledge) cum quod datur spectabis, et dantem de duobus malis, minus est semper

cum quod datur spectabis, et dantem adspice: while you look at what is given,

look also at the giver (Seneca)

cum vitia prosint, peccat qui recte facit: if vices were profitable, the virtuous man

would be the sinner

cuncta complecti velle, stultum: it is foolish to wish to encompass all things

cupias non placuisse nimis: do not aim at too much popularity (Martial)

cupiditas ex homine, cupido ex stulto numquam tollitur: a man can be cured of

his lust, but never a fool of his greed (Lucilius)

cupido dominandi cunctis affectibus flagrantior est: the desire to rule is the most

ardent of all the affections of the mind (Tacitus)

cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus?: why should a tremor seize the limbs before

the trumpet sounds? (Virgil)

cur omnium fit culpa, paucorum scelus?: why should the wickedness of a few be

laid to the account of all?

cura facit canos: care brings grey hairs

cura ut valeas: take care that you keep well (Cicero)

curæ leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent: light griefs find utterance, great ones hold

silence (Seneca)

curis tabescimus omnes: we are all consumed by cares

cutis vulpina consuenda est cum cute leonis: the fox’s skin must be sewn to that of

the lion


da fidei quæ fidei sunt: give to faith that which belongs to faith (Francis Bacon)

da locum melioribus: give place to your betters (Terence)

da requiem; requietus ager bene credita reddit: take rest; a field that has rested

gives a bountiful crop (Ovid)

da spatium tenuemque moram; male cuncta ministrat impetus: allow time and

slight delay; haste and violence ruin everything (Statius)

damna minus consueta movent: losses to which we are accustomed affect us little


damnosa quid non imminuit dies?: what is there that corroding time does not

damage? (Horace)

damnum appellandum est cum mala fama lucrum: gain made at the expense of

reputation must be reckoned as loss

damnum sentit dominus: the master suffers the loss

damnum sine injuria esse potest: loss without injury is deemed possible

dat Deus immiti cornua curta bovi: God gives short horns to the cruel ox

de calceo sollicitus, at pedem nihil curans: anxious about the shoe, but careless

about the foot

de duobus malis, minus est semper eligendum: of two evils, always choose the

lesser (Thomas а Kempis)

de gustibus non est disputandum degeneranti genus opprobrium

de gustibus non est disputandum (or de gustibus non disputandum): there is no

disputing about tastes

de inimico non loquaris male sed cogites: do not speak ill of your enemy, but plan

it (Publilius Syrus)

de male quæsitis vix gaudet tertius hæres: a third heir seldom enjoys what is

dishonestly acquired (Juvenal)

de morte hominis nulla est cunctatio longa: no delay is long when it concerns the

death of a man

de mortuis nihil nisi bonum: of the dead say nothing but good (Chilon, one of the

Seven Sages of Greece)

de mortuis nil nisi bene: of the dead say nothing but what is favorable

de mortuis nil nisi verum: of the dead say nothing but what is true

de multis grandis acervus erit: out of many things a great heap will be formed


de parvis grandis acervus erit: small things will make a large pile

de paupertate tacentes plus poscente ferent: those who are silent about their

poverty fare better than those who beg (Horace)

de principiis non est disputandum: there is no disputing about principles

de similibus idem est judicium: in similar cases, the judgment is the same (i.e.,

follow precedent)

de te fabula narratur: the story relates to you (Horace)

de vita hominis nulla cunctatio longa est: when the life of a man is at stake, no

delay that is afforded can be too long

de vitiis nostris scalam nobis facimus, si vitia ipsa calcamus: we make a ladder

for ourselves of our vices, if we trample those same vices underfoot (St. Augustine)

debile fundamentum fallit opus: a weak foundation destroys the work upon which

it is built

decet patriam nobis cariorem esse quam nosmetipsos: our country ought to be

dearer to us than ourselves (Cicero)

decet verecundum esse adolescentem: it becomes a young man to be modest


decipimur specie recti: we are deceived by the appearance of rectitude (Horace)

decipit frons prima multos: the first appearance deceives many

decorum ab honesto non potest separari: propriety cannot be separated from

what is honorable (Cicero)

dedecet philosophum abjicere animum: it dishonors a philosopher to be

disheartened (Cicero)

dediscit animus sero quod didicit diu: the mind is slow in unlearning what it has

been long learning (Seneca)

defectio virium adolescentiæ vitiis efficitur sæpius quam senectutis: loss of

strength is more frequently due to faults of youth than old age (Cicero)

deficit omne quod nascitur: everything that is born passes away (Quintilian)

degeneranti genus opprobrium: to the degenerate man his good family is a


degeneres animos timor arguit det ille veniam facile, cui venia est

degeneres animos timor arguit: fear betrays ignoble souls (Virgil)

dei pherein ta ton theon: we must bear what the gods lay upon us (a Greek saying)

delegatus non potest delegare: a delegate cannot delegate

deliberando sæpe perit occasio: an opportunity (or occasion) is often lost through

deliberation (Publilius Syrus)

deliberandum est diu, quod statuendum semel: that should be considered at

length, which can be decided but once (Publilius Syrus)

deliberare utilia, mora est tutissima: to deliberate about useful things is the safest


delicta majorum immeritus lues: undeservedly you will atone for the sins of your

fathers (Horace)

deligas tantum quem diligas: choose only the one whom you love

delphinum natare doces: you are teaching a dolphin to swim (i.e., you are wasting

your time)

deme supercilio nubem: remove the clouds from your brow (i.e., come down from

your cloud)

demonstratio longe optima est experientia: the best proof by far is experience

(Francis Bacon)

denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque: not all men admire or love the

same things (Horace)

dente lupus, cornu taurus petit: the wolf attacks with its fang, the bull with its

horn (Horace)

Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor: when God gives,

envy injures us not, and when He does not give, labor avails not

deos fortioribus adesse: the gods are said to aid the stronger (Tacitus)

deos placatos pietas efficiet et sanctitas: piety and holiness of life will propitiate

the gods (Cicero)

deprendi miserum est: it is wretched to be found out (Horace)

derelicta fertilius revivescunt: fields left fallow recover their fertility (Pliny the


derelicto communis utilitatis contra naturam: the abandonment of what is for the

common good is a crime against nature

derivativa potestas non potest esse major primitiva: the power derived cannot be

greater than that from which it is derived

desidiam abjiciendam: idleness ought to be rejected

desine fata Deum flecti sperare precando: cease to hope that the decrees of

Heaven can bend to prayer (Virgil)

desubito famam tollunt si quam solam videre in via: the moment they see a

woman alone in the street, they cry scandal (Nжvius)

desunt inopiæ multa, avaritiæ omnia: poverty is in want of many things, avarice of

everything (Publilius Syrus)

det ille veniam facile, cui venia est opus: the one who needs pardon should readily

grant it (Seneca)

Deus scitur melius nesciendo

discipulus est prioris posterior dies

Deus scitur melius nesciendo: God is best known in not knowing him (St.


di irati laneos pedes habent: the gods, when angry, have their feet covered with


di nos quasi pilas homines habent: the gods treat us mortals like so many balls to

play with (Plautus)

dicere enim bene nemo potest, nisi qui prudenter intelligit: no one can speak

well, unless he thoroughly understands his subject (Cicero)

dicique beatus ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet: no one should be

called happy before he is dead and buried (Ovid)

dies adimit ægritudinem: time cures our griefs

difficile est crimen non prodere vultu: it is difficult not to betray guilt by the

countenance (Ovid)

difficile est longum subito deponere amorem: it is difficult to give up suddenly a

long love (Catullus)

difficile est plurimum virtutem revereri, qui semper secunda fortuna sit usus:

it is difficult for one who has enjoyed uninterrupted good fortune to have a due

reverence for virtue (Cicero)

difficile est proprie communia dicere: it is difficult to say what is common in a

distinct way (Horace)

difficile est tenere quæ acceperis nisi exerceas: it is difficult to retain what you

may have learned unless you should practice it (Pliny the Younger)

difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum: it is difficult to feign jocularity when one is

in a sad mood (Tibullus)

difficilem oportet aurem habere ad crimina: one should not lend an easy ear to

criminal charges (i.e., accusations should be taken with skepticism) (Publilius Syrus)

difficilia quæ pulchra: beauty is difficult to attain

difficilis in otio quies: tranquility is difficult if one has leisure

difficilius est sarcire concordiam quam rumpere: it is more difficult to restore

harmony than to sow dissension

dignus est decipi qui de recipiendo cogitavit cum daret: the man who gives,

thinking to receive, deserves to be deceived (Seneca)

dii laboribus omnia vendunt: the gods sell all things to hard labor

dilationes in lege sunt odiosæ: delays in the law are odious

diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium: diligence is a very great

help even to a mediocre intelligence (Seneca)

diligentia, qua una virtute omnes virtutes reliquæ continentur: diligence, the

one virtue that embraces in it all the rest (Cicero)

diligitur nemo, nisi cui fortuna secunda est: only he who is the favorite of fortune

is loved (Ovid)

dimidium facti qui (bene) coepit habet: sapere aude: what is well begun is already

half done: dare to be wise (Horace)

discipulus est prioris posterior dies: each day succeeding is the student of the one

preceding (Publilius Syrus)

discite justitiam moniti donec eris felix, multos numerabis

discite justitiam moniti: having been warned, learn justice

disputandi pruritas ecclesiarum scabies: an itch for disputation is the mange of the

Church (Henry Wotton, reputedly said of King Charles)

dissidia inter æqualies, pessima: dissensions among equals are the worst

distrahit animum librorum multitudo: a multitude of books distracts the mind

(i.e., his learning is wide but shallow) (Seneca)

dives aut iniquus est aut iniqui hæres: a rich man is either an unjust man or the

heir of one

dives est, cui tanta possessio est, ut nihil optet amplius: rich is the one who

wishes no more than he has (Cicero)

dives qui fieri vult, et cito vult fieri: the one who desires to become rich desires to

become rich quickly (Juvenal)

divitis servi maxime servi: servants to the rich are the most abject

dociles imitandis turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus: we are all easily taught to

imitate what is base and depraved (Juvenal)

docti rationem artis intelligunt, indocti voluptatem: the learned understand the

principles of art, the unlearned feel its pleasure (Quintilian)

doctos doctis obloqui nefas esse: it is a sacrilege for scholars to malign scholars

doctrina est ingenii naturale quoddam pabulum: learning is a kind of natural food

for the mind (Cicero)

doctrina sed vim promovet insitam rectique cultus pectora roborant: but

instruction improves the innate powers (of the mind), and good discipline

strengthens the heart (Horace)

dolendi modus, non est timendi: to suffering there is a limit, to being in fear there

is none (Pliny the Younger)

dolendi modus, timendi non autem: there is a limit to grief, but not to fear

(Francis Bacon, after Pliny the Younger)

doli non doli sunt, nisi astu colas: fraud is not fraud, unless craftily planned (Plautus)

dolium volvitur: an empty cask is easily rolled

dolosus versatur in generalibus: a deceiver deals in generalities

dolus versatur in generalibus: deceit deals in generalities

domi manere convenit felicibus: those who are happy at home should stay there

dominium a possessione coepisse dicitur: a right is said to have its beginning from


dominus videt plurimum in rebus suis: the master sees best in his own affairs


domus amica domus optima: the house of a friend is the best house

domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium: the safest place of refuge for everyone is

his own home (Coke)

dona præsentis cape lætus horæ, et linque severa: gladly enjoy the gifts of the

present hour, and banish serious thoughts (Horace)

donec eris felix, multos numerabis amicos; tempora si fuerint nubila, solus

eris: as long as you are lucky, you will have many friends; if cloudy times come, you

will be alone (Ovid)

dormit aliquando jus, moritur dumque punitur scelus, crescit

dormit aliquando jus, moritur nunquam: a right sometimes sleeps, but never dies

(i.e., sometimes in abeyance, but never abolished) (Coke)

dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriuntur: the laws sometimes sleep, but

never die

dos est magna parentum virtus: the virtue of parents is a great dowry (Horace)

dos est uxoria lites: strife is the dowry of a wife (Ovid)

dubiam salutem qui dat afflictis, negat: the one who offers the afflicted a doubtful

deliverance denies all hope (Seneca)

dubitando ad veritatem pervenimus: by way of doubting we arrive at the truth


ducis ingenium, res adversæ nudare solent, celare secundæ: disasters are wont to

reveal the abilities of a leader, good fortune to conceal them (Horace)

ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt: fate leads the willing and drags the

unwilling (Seneca, after Cleanthes)

dulce bellum inexpertis: war is delightful to the inexperienced (Erasmus)

dulce est desipere in loco: it is sweet to be silly in places (i.e., to unwind upon

occasion) (Horace)

dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris: it is a comfort to the wretched to have

companions in misfortune

dulce et decorum est pro patria mori: sweet and seemly it is to die for one’s

country (Horace)

dulcia quandoque amara fieri: sometimes sweet things become bitter

dulcibus est verbis alliciendus amor: love is to be won by affectionate words

dulcibus est verbis mollis alendus amor: with soft words must love be fostered


dulcis inexpertis cultura potentis amici; expertus metuit: the cultivation of

friendship with the powerful is pleasant to the inexperienced, but he who has

experienced it dreads it (Horace)

dum fata fugimus, fata stulti incurrimus: while we flee from our fate, we like fools

run into it (Buchanan)

dum in dubio est animus, paulo momento huc illuc impellitur: while the mind is

in doubt, a very little sways it one way or the other (Terence)

dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem: so long as we live among men,

let us cherish humanity (Seneca)

dum lego, assentior: whilst I read, I give assent (Cicero)

dum loquor, hora fugit: while I am speaking, time flies (Ovid)

dum potes vive: live while you can

dum singuli pugnant, universi vincuntur: so long as they fight separately, the

whole are conquered (Tacitus)

dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt: while fools try to avoid one error,

they fall into its opposite (Horace)

dummodo morata recte veniat, dotata est satis: provided she comes with virtuous

principles, a woman brings dowry enough (Plautus)

dumque punitur scelus, crescit: while crime is punished it yet increases (Seneca)

duo quum faciunt idem non est eheu!, quam brevibus pereunt

duo quum faciunt idem non est idem: when two do the same thing, it is not the

same thing (Terence)

duos qui sequitur lepores neutrum capit: the one who follows two hares is sure to

catch neither

dura lex, sed lex: the law is hard, but it is the law

dura usu molliora: difficult things become easier with practice

durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis: carry on and preserve yourselves for

better times (Virgil)

durum et durum non faciunt murum: hard and hard do not make a wall (i.e., brick

against brick, without mortar)


e flamma cibum petere: to fetch food from the flames (i.e., to live by desperate

means) (Terence)

e labore dulcedo: pleasure arises out of labor

e multis paleis paulum fructus collegi: from much chaff I have gathered little


e tardegradis asinis equus non prodiit: the horse is not the progeny of the slowpaced


e tenui casa sæpe vir magnus exit: a great man often steps forth from a humble


ea libertas est qui pectus purum et firmum gestitat; aliæ res obnoxiosæ nocte in

obscura latent: liberty is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and

hidden darkness (Ennius)

ea molestissime ferre homines debent quæ ipsorum culpa ferenda sunt: men

ought to be most annoyed by the sufferings that come from their own faults


eamus quo ducit gula: let us go where our appetite prompts us (Virgil)

effodiuntur opes, irritamenta malorum: riches, the incentives to evil, are dug out

of the earth (Ovid)

effugere non potes necessitates, potes vincere: you cannot escape necessity, but

you can overcome it (Seneca)

effugit mortem, quisquis contempserit; timidissimum quemque consequitur:

whoever despises death escapes it, while it overtakes the one who is afraid of it


ego apros occido, alter fruitur pulpamento: I kill the boars, another enjoys their


ego mihimet sum semper proximus: I am ever my nearest neighbor (or, I am

always my own best friend)

eheu!, fugaces labuntur anni: alas!, the years glide swiftly away (Horace)

eheu!, quam brevibus pereunt ingentia causis (or fatis): alas!, by what slight

means are great affairs brought to destruction (Claudian)

ei, qui semel sua prodegerit, aliena est aliquid fatale malum per verba

ei, qui semel sua prodegerit, aliena credi non oportere: he who has once

squandered his own ought not to be trusted with another’s

elati animi comprimendi sunt: minds that are too much elated ought to be kept in


elige eum cujus tibi placuit et vita et oratio: choose the one who recommends

himself to you by his life as well as by his speech (Seneca)

elucet maxime animi excellentia magnitudoque in despiciendis opibus:

excellence and greatness of soul are most conspicuously displayed in contempt of


emas non quod opus est, sed quod necesse est; quod non opus est, asse carum

est: buy not what you want, but what you need; what you do not want is costly at a

penny (Cato the Elder)

emendatio pars studiorum longe utilissima: correction and revision of what we

write is by far the most useful part of our studies (Quintilian)

emere malo quam rogare: I had rather buy than beg

emitur sola virtute potestas: virtue alone can purchase power (Claudian)

empta dolore docet experientia: experience bought with pain teaches

enim vero di nos quasi pilas homines habent: truly the gods use us men as

footballs (Plautus)

eodem animo beneficium debetur, quo datur: a benefit is estimated according to

the mind of the giver (Seneca)

epistola … non erubescit: a letter … does not blush (Cicero)

equi et poëtæ alendi, non saginandi: horses and poets should be fed, not pampered

(Charles IX of France)

equo frænato est auris in ore: the ear of the bridled horse is in the mouth (Horace)

ergo hoc proprium est animi bene constituti, et lætari bonis rebus, et dolere

contrariis: this is a proof of a well-constituted mind, to rejoice in what is good and

to grieve at the opposite (Cicero)

eripe te moræ: tear yourself from all that detains you (Horace)

eripere vitam nemo non homini potest; at nemo mortem; mille ad hanc aditus

patent: anyone may take life from man, but no one death; a thousand gates stand

open to it (Seneca)

eripit interdum, modo dat medicina salutem: medicine sometimes destroys

health, sometimes restores it (Ovid)

errantem in viam reductio: lead back the wanderer into the right way

error qui non resistitur approbatur: an error that is not resisted is approved

esse bonum facile est, ubi quod vetet esse remotum est: it is easy to be good

when all that prevents it is far removed (Ovid)

esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas: you should eat to live, not live to eat


esse quam videri malim: I should wish to be rather than to seem

est aliquid fatale malum per verba levare: it is some alleviation of an incurable

disease to speak of it to others (Ovid) est aliquid valida sceptra tenere est quoque cunctarum novitas

est aliquid valida sceptra tenere manu: it is something to hold the scepter with a

firm hand (Ovid)

est ars etiam male dicendi: there is even an art of maligning

est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor: avarice is rich, while modesty is poor


est (enim) demum vera felicitas, felicitate dignum videri: true happiness consists

in being considered deserving of it (Pliny the Younger)

est deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo: there is a god in us, who, when he stirs,

sets us all aglow (Ovid)

est deus in nobis, et sunt commercia coeli: there is a god within us, and we hold

commerce with heaven (Ovid)

est etiam miseris pietas, et in hoste probatur: regard for the wretched is a duty,

and deserving of praise even in an enemy (Ovid)

est etiam quiete et pure et eleganter actæ ætatis placida ac lenis senectus: a life

of peace, purity, and refinement leads to a calm and untroubled old age (Cicero)

est etiam, ubi profecto damnum præstet facere, quam lucrum: there are

occasions when it is certainly better to lose than to gain (Plautus)

est genus hominum qui esse primos se omnium rerum volunt, nec sunt: there

is a class of men who wish to be first in everything, and are not (Terence)

est in aqua dulci non invidiosa voluptas: there is no small pleasure in sweet water


est ipsa cupiditati tarda celeritas: to passion, even haste is slow (Publilius Syrus)

est miserorum, ut malevolentes sint atque invideant bonis: it is the tendency of

the wretched to be ill-disposed toward and to envy the fortunate (Plautus)

est modus in rebus: there is a mean (or method) in all things (Horace)

est natura hominim novitatis avida: it is human nature to hunt for novelty (Pliny

the Elder)

est nobis voluisse satis: to have willed suffices us (Tibullus)

est pater ille quem nuptiæ demonstrant: he is the father whom marriage points to

as such

est pii Deum et patriam diligere: it is part of a good man to love God and country

est procax natura multorum in alienis miseriis: there are many who are only too

ready to take advantage of the misfortunes of others (Pliny the Elder)

est profecto animi medicina, philosophia: philosophy is the true medicine of the

mind (Cicero)

est proprium stultitiæ aliorum cernere vitia, oblivisci suorum: it is characteristic

of folly to judge the faults of others and to forget its own (Cicero)

est quædam flere voluptas; expletur lacrymis egeriturque dolor: there is a

certain pleasure in weeping; pain is soothed and alleviated by tears (Ovid)

est quoque cunctarum novitas carissima rerum: in all things, novelty is what we

prize most (Ovid)

est unusquisque faber ipsæ suæ etiam illud quod scies nesciveris

est unusquisque faber ipsæ suæ fortunæ: every man is the maker of his own

fortune (or fate) (Appius Claudius)

esto prudens ut serpens et simplex scut columba: be as wise as the serpent and

gentle as the dove (after St. Matthew 10:16)

esto, ut nunc multi, dives tibi, pauper amicis: be, as many now are, rich to

yourself, poor to your friends (Juvenal)

estque pati poenas quam meruisse minus: it is less to suffer punishment than to

deserve it (Ovid)

esurienti ne occurras: do not throw yourself in the way of a hungry man

et credis cineres curare sepultos?: and do you think that the ashes of the dead

concern themselves with our affairs? (Virgil)

et genus et formam regina pecunia donat: money, like a queen, bestows both rank

and beauty (Horace)

et genus et proavos, et quæ non fecimus ipsi, vix ea nostra voco: we can scarcely

call birth and ancestry, and what we have not ourselves done, our own

et genus et virtus, nisi cum re, vilior alga est: without money, both birth and

virtue are as worthless as seaweed (Horace)

et mala sunt vicina bonis: there are bad qualities near akin to good (Ovid)

et male tornatos incudi reddere versus: and take ill-formed verses back to the

anvil (Horace)

et minimæ vires frangere quassa valent: a little force will break that which has

been cracked already (Ovid)

et monere, et moneri, proprium est veræ amicitiæ: to give counsel, as well as to

take it, is a feature of true friendship (Cicero)

et qui nolunt occidere quenquam posse volunt: even those who have no wish to

kill anyone, would like to have the power (Juvenal)

et quiescenti agendum est, et agenti quiescendum est: the active should

occasionally rest, and the inactive should occasionally labor (Seneca)

et sanguis et spiritus pecunia mortalibus: money is both blood and life to mortal


et sceleratis sol oritur: the sun shines even on the wicked (Seneca)

et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum: and a word once uttered flies abroad

never to be recalled (Horace)

eternitatem cogita: think on eternity

etiam capillus unus habet umbram: even one hair has a shadow (Publilius Syrus)

etiam celeritas in desiderio mora est: in desire, swiftness itself is delay (Publilius


etiam fera animalia, si clausa teneas, virtutis obliviscuntur: even wild animals, if

you keep them in confinement, forget their fierceness

etiam ferocissimos domari: even the fiercest are overcome

etiam fortes viros subitis terreri: even brave men are alarmed by sudden terrors


etiam illud quod scies nesciveris; ne videris quod videris: know not what you

know, and see not what you see (Plautus)

etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor exceptio probat regulam

etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor: pain makes even the innocent man a liar

(Publilius Syrus)

etiam oblivisci qui (or quid) sis interdum expedit: it is sometimes expedient to

forget who (or what) you are (Publilius Syrus)

etiam oblivisci quod scis interdum expedit: it is sometimes expedient to forget

what you know (Publilius Syrus)

etiam quod esse videris: be what you seem to be

etiam sapientibus cupido gloriæ novissima exuitur: even for the wise, the desire

for glory is the last of all passions to be laid aside (Tacitus)

eum ausculta, cui quatuor sunt aures: listen to the one who has four ears (i.e., one

who is readier to hear than to speak)

eventus stultorum magister (est): experience is the teacher of fools (Livy)

ex abusu non arguitur ad usum: no argument can be drawn from the abuse of a

thing against its use

ex abusu non argumentum ad desuetudinem: the abuse of a thing is no argument

for its disuse

ex Africa semper aliquid novi: out of Africa there is always something new (Pliny

the Elder)

ex damno alterius, alterius utilitas: one man’s loss is another man’s gain

ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia: it is from disuse that rights are lost

ex factis non ex dictis amici pensandi: friends are to be estimated from deeds, not

words (Livy)

ex facto jus oritur: the law goes into effect after the fact

ex falsis, ut ab ipsis didicimus, verum effici non potest: from the false, as they

have themselves taught us, we can obtain nothing true (Cicero)

ex granis fit acervus: many grains make a heap

ex inimico cogita posse fieri amicum: think that you may make a friend of an

enemy (Seneca)

ex ipso ore procedit benedictio et maledictio: out of the same mouth comes

blessing and cursing (St. James 3:10)

ex magno certamine magnas excitari ferme iras: it is when great issues are at

stake that men’s passions are more easily roused (Livy)

ex malis eligere minima: of evils to choose the least (Cicero)

ex malis moribus bonæ leges natæ sunt: from bad manners (or morals) good laws

have sprung (Coke)

ex ore parvulorum veritas: out of the mouth of little children comes truth

ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus: our leisure gives us more to do

than our business

ex parvis sæpe magnarum momenta rerum pendent: events of great consequence

often spring from trifling circumstances (Livy)

ex vitio alterius sapiens emendat suum: from the faults of another a wise man will

correct his own (Laberius)

exceptio probat regulam: the exception proves the rule (i.e., gives greater


excessus in jure reprobatur

extrema primo nemo tentavit loco

excessus in jure reprobatur: all excess is condemned by the law

excusatio non petita fit accusatio manifesta: an excuse not called for betrays the

guilt of him who makes it

exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus: we live more by example than by reason

exemplumque dei quisque est in imagine parva: each person is the image of God

in miniature (or, everyone is in a small way the image of God) (Manilius)

exercitatio optimus est magister: practice is the best teacher

exercitato artem parat (or, exercitatio artem parat): exercise gives skill (i.e.,

practice makes perfect)

exhæreditare filium non potest pater, nisi: the father may not disinherit the son,

never (Justinian)

exigua pars est vitæ quam nos vivimus: the part of life that we really live is short


exiguum est ad legem bonum esse: it is but a small matter to be good in the eye of

the law (Seneca)

exitus acta probat: the ending proves the deeds (i.e., all’s well that ends well)

expedit esse deos, et, ut expedit esse putemus: it is expedient that gods exist, and,

given it is expedient, let us believe it (Ovid)

experientia docet stultos: experience teaches fools

experto crede (or experto credite): believe one who has had experience (i.e., trust

the expert) (Virgil)

expertus dico, nemo est in amore fidelis: I say as an expert, no one is faithful in

love (Propertius)

expetendæ opes ut dignis largiamur: we should seek riches so that we may give to

the deserving

expetuntur divitiæ ad perficiendas voluptates: riches are desired to bring about

our pleasures

explorant adversa viros: adversity tries men

expressa nocent, non expressa non nocent: what is expressed may be hurtful, what

is not expressed cannot do any injury (a principle of legal contracts)

expressio unius est exclusio alterius: the naming of one is the exclusion of the


expressum facit cessare tacitum: a matter expressed causes that to cease which

otherwise would have been implied

exstinctus (or extinctus) amabitur idem: [though hated in life,] the same man will

be loved after he is dead (Horace)

extant recte factis præmia: the rewards of good deeds endure

extra lutum pedes habes: you have got your feet out of the mud

extrema gaudii luctus occupat: grief treads on the confines of gladness

extrema manus nondum operibus ejus imposita est: the finishing hand has not

yet been put to his works

extrema primo nemo tentavit loco: no one tries extreme remedies at first (Seneca)

fabas indulcet fames fama malum quo non aliud velocius


fabas indulcet fames: hunger sweetens beans (i.e., hunger makes everything taste


faber (est) quisque fortunæ suæ: each person is the architect of his own fortune

(Sallust, Appius Claudius, and Francis Bacon)

fabricando fabri fimus: we become workmen by working

fac tibi consuescat. Nil adsuetudine majus: accustom her to your companionship.

There is nothing more powerful than custom (Ovid)

facies qualis mens talis: as is the face so is the mind

facies tua computat annos: your years are counted on your face (Juvenal)

facile est imperium in bonis: it is easy to rule over the good (Plautus)

facile est inventis addere: it is easy to add to what has already been invented

facile largiri de alieno: it is easy to be generous with what is another’s

facilis descensus Averno (est) (or, facilis [est] descensus Averni): the descent to

hell is easy (Virgil)

facilius crescit dignitas quam incipit: dignity increases more easily than it begins


facilius crescit quam inchoatur dignitas: it is easier to increase dignity than to

acquire it in the first place (Laberius)

facilius est se a certamine abstinere quam abducere: it is easier to keep out of a

quarrel than to get out of one (Seneca)

facilius in amore finem impetres quam modum: love is more easily quenched

than moderated (Seneca the Elder)

facinus audax incipit, qui cum opulento pauper homine coepit rem habere aut

negotium: the poor man who enters into partnership with a rich man makes a

risky venture (Plautus)

facinus quos inquinat æquat: crime levels all whom it defiles (i.e., puts all on equal

terms) (Lucan)

facit indignatio versum: indignation gives inspiration to verse (Juvenal)

facit occasio furem (or, occasio furem facit): opportunity makes the thief

facito aliquid operis, ut semper te diabolus inveniat occupatum: be sure to keep

busy, so that the devil may always find you occupied (St. Jerome)

factum abiit; monumenta manent: the event is past; the memorial remains (Ovid)

factum est illud; fieri infectum non potest: it is done; it cannot be undone


facundia difficilis: eloquence is difficult

fallaces sunt rerum species: the appearances of things are deceptive (Seneca)

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus: false in one thing, false in everything

fama crescit eundo: rumor grows as it goes (Virgil)

fama fert: rumor runs away

fama malum quo non aliud velocius ullum: there is no evil swifter than a rumor


fama nihil est celerius

fere fit malum malo aptissimum

fama nihil est celerius: nothing is swifter than rumor (Livy)

famæ damna majora (sunt), quam quæ æstimari possint: the damage done to

reputation is greater than can be possibly estimated (Livy)

famæ laboranti non facile succurritur: it is not easy to repair a damaged reputation

famæ quidem ac fidei damna majora esse quam quæ æstimari possent: it is

impossible to estimate the injury that may be done to us by an attack on our credit

and our reputation (Livy)

fames et more bilem in nasum conciunt: hunger and delay stir up one’s bile in the


fames optimum condimentum: hunger is the best of seasonings

fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies: famine, pestilence, and war are the

destruction of a people

familiare est hominibus omnia sibi ignoscere: it is common to man to pardon all

his own faults

fas est (et) ab hoste doceri: it is permitted to learn even from an enemy (Ovid)

fas est præteritos semper amare viros: our reverence is ever due to those who have

passed on (Propertius)

fastidientis est stomachi multa degustare: it proves a dainty stomach to taste of

many things (Seneca)

Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt: the Fates lead the willing and drag the


fatetur facinus (is) qui judicium fugit: the one who flees the law confesses his guilt

(Publilius Syrus)

fatigatis humus cubile est: to the weary, the bare ground is a bed (Curtius)

fatuis levia committito: entrust trifles to fools

fecundi calices quem non fecere disertum?: whom have flowing cups not made

eloquent? (Horace)

felicitas multos habet amicos: happiness (or prosperity) has many friends

felicitas nutrix est iracundiæ: prosperity is the nurse of an angry disposition

felicitate corrumpimur: we are corrupted by good fortune (Tacitus)

feliciter is sapit, qui periculo alieno sapit: he is happily wise who is wise at the

expense of another (Plautus)

felis demulcta mitis: the stroked cat is meek

felix ille tamen corvo quoque rarior albo: a lucky man is rarer than a white crow


felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum!: happy are they who can learn caution

from the danger of others!

felix qui nihil debet: happy is the one who owes nothing

felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas: happy is the one who understands the

causes of all things (Virgil)

felix qui quod amat, defendere fortiter andet: happy is the one who dares

courageously to defend what he loves (Ovid)

fere fit malum malo aptissimum: one misfortune is generally followed closely by

another (Livy)

feriis caret necessitas flagiti principium est nudare inter

feriis caret necessitas: necessity knows no holiday

ferme fugiendo in media fata ruitur: how often it happens that men fall into the

very evils they are striving to avoid (Livy)

ferreus assiduo consumitur annulus usu: by constant use an iron ring is worn

away (Ovid)

ferto, fereris: forgive and you will be forgiven

fervet olla, vivit amicitia: as long as the pot boils, friendship lasts

festinatio tarda est: haste is late (or, haste is slow)

ficta voluptatis causa sit proxima veris: fictions meant to please should have as

much resemblance as possible to truth (Horace)

fide abrogata, omnis humana societas tollitur: if good faith be abolished, all

human society is dissolved (Livy)

fide sed cui vide: trust but see in whom you are trusting

fideli certa merces: the faithful are certain of their reward

fidelius rident tiguria: the laughter of the cottage is more hearty and sincere than

that of the court

fidem qui perdit perdere ultra nil potest: the one who loses his honor has nothing

else he can lose (Publilius Syrus)

fides probata coronat: faith approved confers a crown

fides ut anima, unde abiit, eo nunquam redit: honor, like life, when once it is lost,

is never recovered (Publilius Syrus)

filii non plus possessionum quam morborum hæredes sumus: we sons are heirs

no less to diseases than to estates

finis finem litibus imponit: the end put an end to litigation

finis unius diei est principium alterius: the end of one day is the beginning of


finiunt pariter renovantque labores: they finish at the same time and renew their


firmissima convelli non posse: what stands firmest cannot be overthrown

firmum in vita nihil: nothing in life is permanent

fit cito per multas præda petita manus: the spoil that is sought by many hands

quickly accumulates (Ovid)

fit erranti medicina confessio: confession is as healing medicine to the one who has


fit fabricando faber: a smith becomes a smith by working at the forge

fit fastidium copia: from abundance comes disgust (or boredom) (Livy)

fit in dominatu servitus, in servitute dominatus: in masterhood is servanthood, in

servanthood masterhood (also, in the master there is the servant, in the servant

there is the master) (Cicero)

fit scelus indulgens per nubila sæcula virtus: in times of trouble leniency becomes


flagiti principium est nudare inter cives corpora: the beginning of shame is

baring the body in public (Ennius)

flamma fumo est proxima

fortiter in re

flamma fumo est proxima: flame is close to smoke (i.e., where there is smoke, there

is fire) (Plautus)

flamma per incensas citius sedatur aristas: the flames are sooner to be

extinguished when once spread amongst the standing corn (a reference to the rapid

spread of destructive views) (Propertius)

flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo: if I cannot bend heaven then I

shall move (or stir up) Acheron (i.e., hell) (Virgil)

flectimur non frangimur undis: we are bent but not broken by waves

flectimur obsequio non viribus: we bend out of compliance and not because of


foecundi calices quem non fecere disertum?: whom has not the inspiring chalice

[of wine] made elegant? (Horace)

foedum inceptu, foedum exitu: foul in the beginning, foul in the end

foenum habet in cornu: he carries hay upon his horn (i.e., he shows signs of


fontes ipsi sitiunt: even the fountains complain of thirst

forma bonum fragile est: beauty is a fragile good (i.e., a transitory blessing) (Ovid)

forma viros neglecta decet: neglect of appearance becomes men (Ovid)

formidabilior cervorum exercitus, duce leone, quam leonum cervo: an army of

deer would be more formidable commanded by a lion than one of lions

commanded by a deer

formosa facies muta commendatio est: a handsome face is a silent recommendation

(Liberius; also attributed to Publilius Syrus)

forte scutum, salus ducum: a strong shield is the safety of leaders

fortem facit vicina libertas senem: the approach of liberty makes even an old man

brave (Seneca)

fortem posce animum: pray for a strong will (Juvenal)

fortes creantur fortibus et bonis: brave sons spring from the steadfast and good


fortes semper monstrant misericordiam: the brave always show mercy

forti et fideli nihil (or nil) difficile: to the brave and faithful, nothing is difficult

fortia facere et pati Romanum est: to do brave deeds and to suffer is Roman

fortior et potentior est dispositio legis quam hominis: the disposition of the law

is stronger and more potent than that of man

fortis cadere, cedere non potest: the brave may fall, but they cannot yield

fortis et constantis animi est, non perturbari in rebus asperis: it shows a brave

and resolute spirit not to be agitated in exciting circumstances (Cicero)

fortis sub forte fatiscet: the brave man will yield to a braver man

fortissima minimis interdum cedunt: the strongest sometimes yield to the smallest

fortiter ferendo vincitur malum quod evitari non potest: by bravely enduring it,

an evil that cannot be avoided is overcome

fortiter in re, (et) suaviter in modo: firmly in the matter (and) gently in the

manner (or, resolute in the deed, but gentle in the approach) fortuna cæca est fulgente trahit constrictos gloria

fortuna cæca est: fortune is blind

fortuna magna magna domino est servitus: a great fortune is a great slavery to its

owner (Publilius Syrus)

fortuna miserrima tuta est: the most wretched fortune is safe (Ovid)

fortuna multis dat nimium, nulli satis: to many fortune gives too much, to none

does it give enough (Martial and Publilius Syrus)

Fortuna, nimium quem fovet, stultum facit: Fortune, when she caresses a man too

much, makes him a fool (Publilius Syrus)

fortuna non mutat genus: fortune does not change nature (Horace)

fortuna obesse nulli contenta est semel: fortune is not content to do someone an

ill turn only once (Publilius Syrus)

fortuna opes auferre, non animum potest: fortune may steal our wealth, but it

cannot take away our courage (Seneca)

fortuna parvis momentis magnas rerum commutationes efficit: fortune in brief

moments works great changes in our affairs

fortuna vitrea est, tum cum splendet frangitur: fortune is like glass; when it

sparkles, it is broken (Publilius Syrus)

fortunam citius reperias quam retineas: it is easier to find fortune than to keep

hold of it (Publilius Syrus)

fortunam debet quisque manere suam: everyone ought to live within his means (Ovid)

fortunato omne solum patria est: to the fortunate, every land is his country

fortunatus et ille deos qui novit agrestes: happy the person who knows the rural

gods (Virgil)

fragrat post funera virtus: virtue smells sweet after death

fraudare eos qui sciunt et consentiunt nemo videtur: a fraud upon those who are

aware of and consent to it is not deemed a fraud

fraus est celare fraudem: it is fraud to conceal fraud

fraus meretur fraudem: deceit deserves deceit

frigidam aquam effundere: to throw cold water on a business

fructu non foliis arborem æstima: judge a tree by its fruit, not by its leaves


frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per pauciora: that is idly done by many,

which may be done by a few

frustra Herculi: it is vain to speak against Hercules

frustra laborat qui omnibus placere studet: he labors in vain who tries to please


fugere est triumphus: to flee [evil] is a triumph

fugiendo in media sæpe ruitur fata: by fleeing, men often meet the very fate they

seek to avoid (Livy)

fugientes afflictio sequitur: suffering follows those who flee

fuimus Troës; fuit Ilium: we have been Trojans; Troy was (Virgil)

fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru, non minus ignotos generosis: glory

draws all bound to her shining carriage, low-born and high-born alike (Horace)

fundamentum justitiæ est fides

gratus animus est una virtus non

fundamentum justitiæ est fides: the fountain of justice is good faith (Cicero)

furiosi solo furore punitur: a madman is to be punished by his madness alone

furiosus absentis loco est: a madman is like a man who is absent (Coke, adapted

from Justinian)

furiosus furore suo punitur: a madman is punished by his madness

furor fit læsa sæpius patientia: patience, when too often offended, is turned into


furor iraque mentem præcipitant: rage and anger hurry on the mind (Virgil)

futurum invisibile: the future is inscrutable


galeatum sero duelli poenitet: after donning the helmet, it is too late to repent of

war (Juvenal)

gallus in sterquilinio suo plurimum potest: the cock is proudest on his own

dungheap (Seneca)

gaudeamus igitur (juvenes dum sumus): let us be joyful, therefore (while we are


gaudent magni viri rebus adversis non aliter, quam fortes milites bellis: great

men rejoice in adversity just as brave soldiers triumph in war (Seneca)

gaudium est miseris socios habere poenarum: it is joy to the unhappy to have

companions in misfortune (i.e., misery loves company) (Dominicus de Gravina)

genus est mortis male vivere: to live an evil life is a type of death (Ovid)

gladiator in arena consilium capit: the gladiator takes counsel in the arena (i.e., he

asks for advice after it is too late to heed it)

gloria virtutem tanquam umbra sequitur: glory follows virtue as if it were its

shadow (Cicero)

gloriæ et famæ jactura facienda est, publicæ utilitatis causa: a surrender of glory

and fame must be made for the public advantage (Cicero)

gloriam qui spreverit, veram habet: the one who despises glory will have true glory


grata superveniet quæ non sperabitur hora: the hour of happiness will come, the

more welcome when it is not expected (Horace)

gratia atque honos opportuniora interdum non cupientibus: fame and honor

sometimes fall more fitly on those who do not desire them (Livy)

gratia pro rebus merito debetur inemtis: thanks are justly due for things we do

not pay for (Ovid)

gratior et pulchro veniens in corpore virtus: virtue is all the fairer when it comes

in a beautiful body (Virgil)

gratus animus est una virtus non solum maxima, sed etiam mater virtutum

omnium reliquarum: a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the

parent of all the other virtues (Cicero)

grave nihil est homini quod fert hæredis fletus sub persona risus est

grave nihil est homini quod fert necessitas: no burden is really heavy to a man

that necessity lays on him

grave paupertas malum est, et intolerabile, quæ magnum domat populum: the

poverty that oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil

grave senectus est hominibus pondus: old age is a heavy burden to man

gravior multo poena videtur, quæ a miti viro constituitur: a punishment always

appears far more severe when it is inflicted by a merciful man (Seneca)

graviora quæ patiantur videntur jam hominibus quam quæ metuant: present

sufferings seem far greater to men than those they merely dread (Livy)

graviora quædam sunt remedia periculis: some remedies are worse than the

disease (Publilius Syrus)

gravis ira regum (est) semper: the wrath of kings is always severe (Seneca)

gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis: the power of custom is most weighty

(Publilius Syrus)

grex totus in agris unius scabie cadit: the entire flock in the fields dies of the

disease introduced by one (Juvenal)

gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed sæpe cadendo: the drop hollows the stone, not by

force but by constant dripping (Ovid)

gutta fortunæ præ dolio sapientiæ: a drop of good fortune rather than a cask of



habent insidias hominis blanditiæ mali: under the fair words of a bad man there

lurks some treachery (Phжdrus)

habeo senectuti magnam gratiam, quæ mihi sermonis aviditatem auxit: I owe it

to old age, that my desire for conversation is so increased (Cicero)

habere non potest Deum patrem qui ecclesiam non habet matrem: one cannot

have God for a father who does not have the Church for a mother (St. Cyprian)

habet et bellum suas leges: even war has its laws

habet et musca splenem: even a fly gets angry

hac urget lupus, hac canis: on one side a wolf besets you, on the other a dog


hæ nugæ in seria ducent mala: these trifles will lead to serious evils (Horace)

hæc a te non multum abludit imago: this picture bears no resemblance to yourself


hæc brevis est nostrorum summa malorum: such is the short sum of our evils


hæc olim meminisse juvabit: it will be a pleasure to remember these things

hereafter (Virgil)

hæredis fletus sub persona risus est: the weeping of an heir is laughter under a

mask (i.e., in disguise) (Publilius Syrus)

hæreditas nunquam ascendit

hoc tempore obsequium amicos

hæreditas nunquam ascendit: the right of inheritance never ascends

hæres legitimus est quem nuptiæ demonstrant: he is the lawful heir whom

marriage points out as such

haud æquum facit, qui quod didicit, id dediscit: he does not do right who

unlearns what he has learned (Plautus)

haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco: not unfamiliar with misfortune myself,

I have learned to aid the wretched (Virgil)

haud semper errat fama; aliquando et elegit: fame does not always err; sometimes

it chooses well (Tacitus)

haud sidit inane: it does not sink when empty

hei mihi!, quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis: ah me!, love cannot be cured

by herbs (Ovid)

heu!, nihil invitis fas quenquam fidere divis!: alas!, it is not well for anyone to feel

confident when the gods are adverse! (Virgil)

heu!, quam difficile est crimen non prodere vultu!: alas!, how difficult it is not to

betray guilt by our looks! (Ovid)

heu!, quam difficilis gloriæ custodia est!: alas!, how difficult is the custody of

glory! (Publilius Syrus)

heu!, quam miserum est ab eo lædi, de quo non ausis queri!: alas!, how galling it

is to be injured by one against whom you dare not make a complaint! (Publilius


hi sunt inimici pessumi fronte hilaro corde tristi: your worst enemies are those

whose faces are cheerful while their hearts are bitter (Cжcilius)

hic est aut nusquam quod quærimus: what we seek is either here or nowhere


hic funis nihil attraxit: this line has taken no fish (i.e., this scheme has failed)

hilarisque tamen cum pondere virtus: virtue may be happy, but with dignity


his nunc præmium est, qui recta prava faciunt: nowadays those are rewarded who

make right appear wrong (Terence)

historia quo quomodo scripta delectat: history, however written, is always a

pleasure to us (Pliny the Younger)

hoc erat in more majorum: this was in the custom (or manner) of our ancestors

hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui: it is to live twice, when you can enjoy

recalling your former life (Martial)

hoc habeo quodcunque dedi: whatever I have given, I still possess (Caius Rabirius)

hoc maxime officii est, ut quisquis maxime opus indigeat, ita ei potissimum

opitulari: it is our prime duty to aid him first who most stands in need of our

assistance (Cicero)

hoc pretium ob stultitiam fero: this reward I gain for my folly (Terence)

hoc sustinete, majus ne veniat malum: endure this evil lest a greater come upon

you (Phжdrus)

hoc tempore obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit: these days flattery wins

friends, truth begets hatred (Terence)

hodie vivendum, amissa homo multi consilii et optimi

hodie vivendum, amissa (or omissa) præteritorum cura: let us live today,

forgetting the cares that are past (an Epicurean maxim)

hominem improbum non accusari tutius est quam absolvi: it is safer that a bad

man should not be accused, than that he should be acquitted (Livy)

hominem non odi sed ejus vitia: I do not hate the man, but his vices (Martial)

homines amplius oculis quam auribus credunt: men are readier to believe their

eyes than their ears (Seneca)

homines dum docent discunt: even while they teach, men learn (Seneca)

homines (enim) ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus

dando: in nothing are men more like gods than when they save (or heal) their

fellow men (Cicero)

homines nihil agendo discunt male agere: men, by doing nothing, learn to do ill


homines plus in alieno negotio videre, quam in suo: men see better into other

people’s business than into their own (Seneca)

homines proniores sunt ad voluptatem, quam ad virtutem: men are more prone

to pleasure than to virtue (Cicero)

homines, quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora: the more men have, the more

they want (Justinian)

homines voluptatibus transformantur: men are transformed by pleasures

homini ne fidas nisi cum quo modium salis absumpseres: trust no man till you

have eaten a peck of salt with him (i.e., have known him for a long time)

homini plurima ex homine sunt mala: most of man’s misfortunes are due to man

(Pliny the Elder)

homini potentiam quærenti egentissumus quisque opportunissumus: to

someone seeking power, the poorest man is the most useful (Sallust)

hominibus plenum, amicis vacuum: full of men, vacant of friends (Seneca)

hominis est errare, insipientis (vero) perseverare: to be human is to err, but it is

(truly) the fool who perseveres in error

hominum immortalis est infamia; etiam tum vivit, cum esse credas mortuam:

disgrace is immortal, and it lives even when one thinks it dead (Plautus)

hominum sententia fallax: the opinions of men are fallible (Ovid)

homo doctus in se semper divitias habet: a learned person always has wealth (or

riches) within (Phжdrus)

homo extra est corpus suum cum irascitur: a man, when angry, is beside himself

(Syrus Publilius)

homo fervidus et diligens ad omnia paratur: the man who is earnest and diligent

is prepared for all things (Thomas а Kempis)

homo homini aut Deus aut lupus: man is to man either a God or a wolf (Erasmus)

homo homini deus est si suum officium sciat: man is to man a god when he

recognizes his duty (Cжcilius)

homo multi consilii et optimi: a man always ready to give advice, and that the most


homo proponit, sed Deus disponit

humiles laborant ubi potentes

homo proponit, sed Deus disponit: man proposes, but God disposes (Thomas а


homo solus aut Deus aut Dæmon: man alone is either a God or a Demon


homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto: I am a man; nothing that relates to

man do I consider foreign to me (Terence)

homo totiens moritur quotiens amittit suos: a man dies as often as his friends (or

loved ones) die (Publilius Syrus)

homo vitæ commodatus non donatus: a man is lent, not given, to life (Publilius Syrus)

homunculi quanti sunt!, cum recogito: how insignificant men are!, when I think

of it (Plautus)

honesta mors turpi vita potior: an honorable death is better than a dishonorable

life (Tacitus)

honesta quædam scelera successus facit: success makes some crimes honorable


honestum non est semper quod licet: what is lawful is not always respectable

honora medicum propter necessitatem: honor physicians for the sake of necessity

honos alit artes, omnesque incenduntur ad studia gloria: honors encourage the

arts, for all are incited toward studies by glory (or fame) (Cicero)

honos habet onus: honor has its burdens (i.e., honor carries responsibility)

horæ momento, cita mors venit aut victoria læta: in a moment comes either

sudden death or joyful victory (Horace)

horrea formicæ tendunt ad inania nunquam; nullus ad amissas ibit amicus

opes: just as ants never bend their way to visit empty storehouses, so no friend will

visit departed wealth (Ovid)

horrent commota moveri: what has been disturbed shrinks from being stirred up


hos ego versiculos feci, tulit alter honores: I wrote these lines, another has taken

the credit (Virgil)

hosti etiam servanda fides: faith must be kept even to the enemy

hostis est uxor invita quæ ad virum nuptum datur: the wife who is given in

marriage to a man against her will becomes his enemy (Plautus)

hostis honori invidia: envy is the foe of honor

humanitati qui se non accommodat, plerumque poenas oppetit superbiæ: the

one who does not conform to courtesy generally pays the penalty for his

haughtiness (Phжdrus)

humanius est deridere vitam quam deplorare: it is better for a man to laugh at life

than to lament over it (Seneca)

humanum amare est, humanum autem ignoscere est: it is human to love, and it

is also human to forgive (Plautus)

humanum genus est avidum nimis auricularum: man suffers from the plague of

itching ears (Lucretius)

humiles laborant ubi potentes dissident: the humble are in danger when the

powerful disagree (Phжdrus)

hunc laborem sumas laudem qui tibi ignorantia juris non excusat

hunc laborem sumas laudem qui tibi ac fructum ferat: accept tasks that bring you

praise as well as profit (Lucilius)

hypocritæ progenies viperarum: hypocrites are the offspring of vipers


ibit eo quo vis, qui zonam perdidit: the one who has lost his girdle (i.e., wallet or

purse), will go wherever you wish (Horace)

id agas tuo te merito ne quis oderit: take care that no one hates you justly

(Publilius Syrus)

id arbitror adprime in vita esse utile, ne quid nimis: this I consider to be a

valuable principle in life, not to do anything in excess (Terence)

id cinerem, aut manes credis curare sepultos?: do you think that spirits or ashes

of the dead care for such things? (Virgil)

id commune malum; semel insanivimus omnes: it is a common calamity; we have

all been mad once (Mantuanus)

id demum est homini turpe, quod meruit pati: that only brings disgrace on a man

which he has deserved to suffer (Phжdrus)

id facere laus est quod decet, non quod licet: he is deserving of praise who

considers not what he may do, but what it becomes him to do (Seneca)

id maxime quemque decet, quod est cujusque suum maxime: the best becomes

every person, which is more peculiarly his own (Cicero)

id nobis maxime nocet, quod non ad rationis lumen sed ad similitudinem

aliorum vivimus: this is especially ruinous to us, that we shape our lives not by the

light of reason, but after the fashion of others (Seneca)

id quoque, quod vivam, munus habere Dei: this also, that I live, I consider a gift

of God (Ovid)

idem est ergo beate vivere et secundum naturam: to live happily is the same

thing as to live in accordance with nature’s laws (Seneca)

idem velle atque idem nolle, ea demum firma amicitia est: to have the same likes

and dislikes, this, after all, is what defines a solid friendship (Sallust)

idque petit corpus, mens unde est saucia amore: the body seeks that which has

wounded the mind with love (Lucretius)

ignavis precibus Fortuna repugnat: Fortune spurns the prayers of cowards (Ovid)

ignavis semper feriæ sunt: to the indolent every day is a holiday

ignem ne gladio fodito: do not stir the fire with a sword

ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros: fire tests gold, adversity brave men


ignis gladio non fodiendus: the fire should not be stirred by the sword

ignis, quo clarior fulsit, citius exstinguitur: the more brightly the fire has burnt,

the sooner it is extinguished (Seneca)

ignorantia juris non excusat: ignorance of the law does not excuse

ignorantia legis neminem excusat

imperia dura tolle

ignorantia legis neminem excusat: ignorance of the law excuses no one

ignorantia non excusat legem: ignorance does not excuse the law

ignoratione rerum bonarum et malarum, maxime hominum vita vexatur:

through ignorance of the distinction between good and bad, the life of men is

greatly vexed (Cicero)

ignoscas aliis multa, nil tibi: you should forgive many things in others, but nothing

in yourself (Ausonius)

ignoscito sæpe alteri nunquam tibi: forgive others often, yourself never

ignoti nulla cupido: there is no desire for what is unknown (i.e., ignorance is bliss)

illa dolet vere quæ sine teste dolet: one grieves sincerely who grieves unseen (Martial)

ille crucem sceleris pretium tulit, hic diadema: that one man found a cross the

reward of his guilt, this one, a diadem (Juvenal)

ille sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum, abit: unus utrique error, sed variis illudit

partibus: one wanders to the left, another to the right: both are equally wrong, but

in different directions (Horace)

ille terrarum mihi præter omnis angulus ridet: that corner of the world smiles for

me more than anywhere else (Horace)

illi mors gravis incubat, qui, notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi: death

presses heavily on that man who, being but too well known to others, dies in

ignorance of himself (Seneca)

illic apposito narrabis multa Lyæo: there, with the wine of Bacchus in front of you,

you will tell many a tale (Ovid)

illicitum non sperandum: what is unlawful should not be hoped for

ima permutat brevis hora summis: but one short hour will change the lot of the

highest and of the lowest (Seneca)

imago animi sermo est: speech is the mirror of the mind (Seneca)

immensum gloria calcar habet: the love of glory gives an immense stimulus (Ovid)

immersabilis est vera virtus: true virtue cannot be overwhelmed

immortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum quæ rapit hora diem: not to hope

for things to last forever is what the year teaches, and even the hour that speeds the

pleasant day (Horace)

impedit ira animum, ne possit cernere verum: anger so clouds the mind that it

cannot perceive the truth (Dionysius Cato)

impendendus homo est, deus esse ut possit in ipso: man must be so weighed as

though there were a god within him (Manilius)

impensa monumenti supervacua est; memoria nostra durabit si vita meruimus:

a monument is an unnecessary expense; our memory will endure if we have earned

it by our life (Pliny the Younger)

imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique: money is either our master or our

slave (Horace)

imperator … intra ecclesiam, non supra ecclesiam est: the emperor is in the

Church, not above the Church (St. Ambrose)

imperia dura tolle, quid virtus erit?: remove severe restraints and what will

become of virtue? (Seneca)

imperium cupientibus in candore decus

imperium cupientibus nihil medium inter summa et præcipitia: in the struggle

between those seeking power there is no middle course (Tacitus)

imperium facile iis artibus retinetur, quibus initio partum est: power is easily

retained by those arts by which it was at first acquired (Sallust)

imperium, flagitio acquisitum, nemo unquam bonis artibus exercuit: the power

that was acquired by disgraceful means has never been directed to any good

purpose (Tacitus)

impetrare oportet, quia æquum postulas: you ought to obtain what you ask, as

you only ask for what is fair (Plautus)

impia sub dulci melle venena latent: deadly poisons are concealed under sweet

honey (Ovid)

implacabiles plerumque læsæ mulieres: women, when offended, are generally


importunitas evitanda: importunity (or insolence) should be avoided

impossibilium nulla obligatio est: there is no legal obligation to perform

impossibilities (Celsus)

impotentia excusat legem: impotency excuses law (i.e., laws that do not apply to the

disabled or infirm)

imprimis venerare deos: before all things reverence the gods (Virgil)

imprimisque hominis est propria veri inquisitio atque investigatio: the first duty

of man is seeking after and investigating the truth (Cicero)

improbe Neptunum accusat, qui naufragium iterum facit: the one who suffers

shipwreck twice is unjust to blame Neptune (Publilius Syrus)

improbi hominis est mendacio fallere: it is the act of a bad man to deceive by

falsehood (Cicero)

improbis aliena virtus semper formidolosa est: to wicked men the virtue of others

is always a matter of dread (Sallust)

improbus a nullo flectitur obsequio: the wicked are not swayed by obsequiousness

impunitas ferociæ parens: impunity is the parent of ferocity

impunitas semper ad deteriora invitat: impunity is always an invitation to a greater

crime (Coke)

in alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides: you see a louse on someone else, but

not a tick on yourself (Petronius)

in angustis amici boni apparent: good friends appear in difficulties

in animo perturbato, sicut in corpore, sanitas esse non potest: in a disturbed

mind, as in a body in the same state, health cannot exist (Cicero)

in annulo Dei figuram ne gestato: do not wear the image of God in a ring (i.e., do

not be frivolous in your use of God’s name)

in audaces non est audacia tuta: against the daring, daring is unsafe (Ovid)

in beato omnia beata: with the blessed, all things are blessed (Horace)

in calamitoso risus etiam injuria est: even to smile at the unfortunate is to do them

injury (Publilius Syrus)

in candore decus: there is honor in sincerity

in casu extremæ necessitatis omnia

in omni adversitate fortunæ

in casu extremæ necessitatis omnia sunt communia: in a case of extreme

emergency all things are common

in causa facili, cuivis licet esse diserto: in an easy cause, any person may be eloquent


in civitate libera linguam mentemque liberas esse debere (jactabat): in a free

state there should be freedom of speech and thought (Tiberias, as quoted by


in coelo nunquam spectatum impune cometam: a comet is never seen in the sky

without indicating disaster (Claudian)

in contingentibus et liberis tota ratio facti stat in voluntate facientis: in

contingent and free things, all the reason of the fact lies in the will of the doer

in cute curanda plus æquo operata juventus: youth unduly busy with pampering

the outer man (Horace)

in dubiis benigniora semper sunt præferenda: in doubtful cases we must always

prefer the mildest sentence

in eadem re, utilitas et turpitudo esse non potest: usefulness and baseness cannot

exist in the same thing (Cicero)

in fuga foeda mors est; in victoria gloriosa: in flight death is disgraceful; in victory,

glorious (Cicero)

in generalibus latet dolus: in generalities lurks deception

in generalibus latet error: in generalities lurks error

in judicando criminosa est celeritas: in pronouncing judgment, haste is criminal

in magnis et voluisse sat est: in great things, it is enough even to have willed


in malis sperare bonum, nisi innocens, nemo potest: in adversity, only the

virtuous can entertain hope

in maxima fortuna minima licentia est: in the greatest fortune lies the least liberty


in maxima potentia minima licentia (est): in the greatest power lies the least


in medio tutissimus ibis: safety is in going the middle course (Ovid)

in morte alterius spem tu tibi ponere noli: beware of placing your hopes in the

death of others (Cato)

in nocte consilium: in the night is counsel (i.e., sleep on it)

in nomine Domini incipit omne malum: in the name of the Lord every evil begins

in nullum avarus bonus est, in se pessimus: the avaricious man is kind to no

person, but most unkind to himself

in omni adversitate fortunæ infelicissimum est genus infortunii fuisse felicem:

in every kind of adversity, the bitterest part of a person’s affliction is to remember

that he was once happy (Boлthius)

in omni re vincit imitationem incertum est quo te loco mors

in omni re vincit imitationem veritas: in everything, truth surpasses its imitation


in omnibus fere minori ætati succurritur: in all cases, relief is afforded to persons

under age

in omnibus quidem, maxime tamen in jure, æquitas est: in all things, but

particularly in law, regard is to be given to equity

in pace leones, in prælio cervi: in peace they are lions, in battle they are deer

in pace ut sapiens aptarit idonea bello: in peace, like the wise man, make

preparations for war (Horace)

in pertusum ingerimus dicta dolium, operam ludimus: we are pouring our words

into a perforated cask, and lose our labor (Plautus)

in poenam sectatur et umbra: for punishment even a shadow is pursued

in proverbium cessit, sapientiam vino adumbrari: it has passed into a proverb,

that wisdom is overshadowed by wine (Pliny the Elder)

in re dubia melius est verbis edicti serviri: in uncertain cases it is best to follow


in rebus prosperis, superbiam, fastidium arrogantiamque magno opere

fugiamus: in prosperity let us most carefully avoid pride, disdain, and arrogance


in se magna ruunt: great things are apt to rush against each other (i.e., to clash) (Lucan)

in tanta inconstantia turbaque rerum nihil nisi quod preteriit certum est: in

the great inconstancy and crowd of events, nothing is certain except the past


in toto et pars continetur: in the whole, the part is also contained

in turbas et discordias pessimo cuique plurima vis: in seasons of tumult and

discord, the worst men have the greatest power (Tacitus)

in unoquoque virorum bonorum habitat Deus: God has his dwelling within every

good man (Seneca)

in vindicando, criminosa est celeritas: in revenge, haste is criminal

in virtute posita est vera felicitas: true happiness is centered in virtue (Seneca)

in virtute sunt multi ascensus: in the ascent to virtue there are many steps (i.e.,

there are many degrees of excellence) (Cicero)

in vitium ducit culpæ fuga: in fleeing one vice we are sometimes caught by another


in vota miseros ultimus cogit timor: fear of death drives the wretched to prayer


incendit omnem feminæ zelus domum: the jealousy of a woman sets a whole

house aflame

incerta pro nullis habetur: what is uncertain is to be treated as non-existent

incerti sunt exitus belli: the results of war are uncertain (Cicero)

incertum est quo te loco mors expectet; itaque in omni loco illam expecta: it is

uncertain in what place death awaits you; therefore, be ready for it in every place


incipe quidquid agas: pro toto est

inhumanitas omni ætate molesta est

incipe quidquid agas: pro toto est prima operis pars: begin whatever you have to

do: the beginning of a work stands for the whole (Ausonius)

incitantur enim homines ad agnoscenda quæ differuntur: our inquisitive

disposition is excited by having its gratification deferred (Pliny the Younger)

inclusio unius est exclusio alterius: the mention by name of the one is the

exclusion of the other

inde datæ leges ne fortior omnia posset: laws have been ordained so that the

stronger may not have everything their own way

index animi sermo est: speech is an indicator of thought

indigna digna habenda sunt hæres quæ facit: things unbecoming are to be held

becoming if the master does them (Plautus)

indigne vivit per quem non vivit alter: he by whom another does not live does not

deserve to live

indulgentia parentum, filiorum pernicies: the indulgence of parents is the bane of


ingenii largitor venter: the belly is the giver of genius (i.e., poverty inspires genius)


ingenio experior funera digna meo: I suffer ruin worthy of mine own invention

ingenio facies conciliante placet: when the disposition wins us, the features please


ingenio non ætate adipiscitur sapientia: wisdom is a gift of nature, not of years

ingenio stat sine morte decus: the honor accorded to genius is immortal


ingenio stimulos subdere fama solet: the love of fame usually spurs on the mind


ingeniorum cos æmulatio: rivalry is the whetstone of talent

ingenita levitas et erudita vanitas: levity is inborn, but vanity is instilled (Cicero)

ingenium mala sæpe movent: misfortunes often stir up genius (Ovid)

ingenium res adversæ nudare solent, celare secundæ: as a rule, adversity reveals

genius and prosperity conceals it (Horace)

ingens telum necessitas: necessity is a powerful weapon (Seneca)

ingentia marmora findet caprificus: the fig tree splits huge blocks of marble

ingenuas didicisse fideliter artes emollit mores, nec sinit esse feros: a faithful

study of the liberal arts refines the manners and corrects their harshness (Ovid)

ingratis servire nefas: to serve the ungrateful is an offense to the gods

ingrato homine terra pejus nil creat: the earth does not produce anything worse

than an ungrateful man (Ausonius)

ingratum si dixeris, omnia dicis: if you pronounce a man ungrateful, you say all

that can be said against him

ingratus est qui remotis testibus agit gratiam: he is an ungrateful man who is

unwilling to acknowledge his obligation before others (Seneca)

ingratus unus miseris omnibus nocet: one ungrateful man does an injury to all

who are wretched (Publilius Syrus)

inhumanitas omni ætate molesta est: inhumanity is harmful in every age (Cicero) inhumanum verbum est ultio insanus omnis furere credit cæteros

inhumanum verbum est ultio: revenge is an inhuman word (Seneca)

inimicorum dona, infausta: gifts of enemies are unlucky

inimicus et invidus vicinorum oculus: an enemy and an envious man is an eye over

his neighbor (i.e., carefully watches his neighbor)

iniqua nunquam regna perpetua manent: authority, founded on injustice, does not

remain perpetual (Seneca)

iniquissimam pacem justissimo bello antefero: I prefer the most unjust peace to

the most just war (Cicero)

iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem: it is unjust that anyone should be the

judge in his own cause (Coke)

iniquum est collapsis manum non porrigere: commune hoc jus generis humani

est: it is no sin to stretch out your hand to the fallen: that is a common law of the

human race (Seneca the Elder)

initia magistratuum nostrorum meliora ferme, et finis inclinat: our magistrates

discharge their duties best at the beginning and fall off toward the end (Tacitus)

initium est salutis, notitia peccati: the first step toward salvation is the recognition

of sin (Seneca)

initium sapientiæ est timor Domini: the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the

Lord (also, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of domini, the master)

injuria non excusat injuriam: one wrong does not justify another

injuriæ spretæ exolescunt, si irascaris agnitæ videntur: injuries that are slighted

and unnoticed are soon forgotten; if you are angry, they are seen to be


injuriam qui facturus est jam facit: the one who is bent on doing an injury has

already done it (Seneca)

injuriarum remedium est oblivio: the best remedy for injuries is to forget them

(Publilius Syrus)

injuriis infirmitas subjecta: weakness is subject to injuries (or wrongs)

injusta ab justis impetrare non decet; justa autem ab injustis petere, insipientia

est: to ask what is unreasonable from the reasonable is not right; to ask what is

reasonable from the unreasonable is folly (Plautus)

inopi beneficium bis dat, qui dat celeriter: the one who gives quickly gives a

double benefit to the needy (Publilius Syrus and Seneca)

inopiæ desunt multa, avaritiæ omnia: poverty is the lack of many things, but

avarice is the lack of all things (Publilius Syrus)

inops, potentem dum vult imitari, perit: it is destruction to the weak man to

attempt to imitate the powerful (Phжdrus)

inquinat egregios adjuncta superbia mores: the best manners are stained by the

addition of pride (Claudian)

insania scire se non potest, non magis quam cæcitas se videre: insanity cannot

recognize itself any more than blindness can see itself (Apuleius)

insanus omnis furere credit cæteros: every madman thinks all others insane

(Publilius Syrus)

insipientis est dicere, non putarem

intra fortunam quisque debet

insipientis est dicere, non putarem: it is the part of a fool to say, I should not have

thought so

insita hominibus libidine alendi de industria rumores: innate to all persons is a

natural desire to spread rumors

insita hominibus natura violentiæ resistere: it is natural to man to resist violence


insita mortalibus natura, propere sequi quæ piget inchoare: people are naturally

ready enough to follow in matters in which they are disinclined to take the lead


insperata accidunt magis sæpe quam quæ speres: what you do not expect happens

more frequently than what you do (Plautus)

inspicere tanquam in speculum in vitas omnium jubeo, atque ex aliis sumere

exemplum sibi: the lives of other men should be regarded as a mirror from which

we may take an example and a rule of conduct for ourselves (Terence)

integra mens augustissima possessio: a sound and vigorous mind is the highest


intelligenti pauca: to the understanding, few words suffice

intemperans adolescentia effoetum corpus tradit senectuti: an intemperate youth

transfers to old age a worn-out body (Cicero)

intentio cæca mala: a hidden intention is an evil one

inter amicos omnium rerum communitas: among friends all things are common


inter arma leges silent: in time of war, the laws are silent (Circero)

inter delicias semper aliquid sævi nos strangulat: in the midst of our enjoyments

there is always some wrong to torture us

inter nos sanctissima divitiarum majestas: among us the most sacred majesty is

that of riches (Juvenal)

inter sylvas Academi quærere verum: amid the woods of the Academy to seek for

truth (Horace)

inter utrumque tene: keep between both extremes (Ovid)

intera fortunam quisque debet manere suam: every man should stay within his

own fortune (Ovid)

interdum lacrimæ pondera vocis habent: even tears at times have the weight of

speech (Ovid)

interdum requiescendum: sometimes we must rest

interdum stultus bene loquitur: sometimes a fool speaks well

interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat: sometimes the common people see

what is right, at other times they err (Horace)

intererit multum Davusne loquatur an heros: there is a great difference when the

servant Davus is speaking and when a hero speaks (Horace)

intolerabilius nihil est quam foemina dives: there is nothing more insufferable

than a rich woman (Juvenal)

intra fortunam quisque debet manere suam: everyone should confine himself

within the bounds of his own fortune (Ovid)

intret amicitiæ nomine tectus amor is demum miser est, cujus nobilitas

intret amicitiæ nomine tectus amor: love will enter cloaked in friendship’s name


intus si recte, ne labora: if inwardly right, don’t worry

intuta quæ indecora: what is unseemly is unsafe (Tacitus)

invidiam ferre aut fortis aut felix potest: only the brave or the fortunate are able

to endure envy (Publilius Syrus)

invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta?: are you trying to appease envy by the

abandonment of virtue?

invidiam, tanquam ignem, summa petere: envy, like fire, always makes for the

highest points (Livy)

invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis: the envious man grows lean at the

prosperity of another (Horace)

invisa numquam imperia retinentur diu: hated governments never last long


invitat culpam qui peccatum præterit: the one who overlooks one sin (or crime)

invites the commission of another (Publilius Syrus)

invitum fortuna fovet: fortune helps a man even against his will

invitum qui servat idem facit occidenti: the one who saves a man against his will

does the same as if he killed him (Horace)

involuta veritas in alto latet: truth lies wrapped up and hidden in the depths


ipsa quidem virtus pretium sibi: virtue is indeed its own reward (Claudian)

ipsa scientia potestas est: knowledge itself is power (Francis Bacon)

ipsa se fraus, etiamsi initio cautior fuerit, detegit: treachery, though at first very

cautious, betrays itself in the end (Livy)

ipse decor, recti facti si præmia desint, non movet: men do not value a good deed

unless it brings a reward (Ovid)

ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos: He (God) made us, and not we ourselves (after

Psalm 100:3)

ipse Jupiter, neque pluens omnibus placet, neque abstinens: even Jupiter

himself cannot please all, whether he sends rain or fair weather

ira furor brevis est: anger is a brief madness (Horace)

ira quæ tegitur nocet; professa perdunt odia vindictæ locum: resentment that is

concealed is dangerous; hatred avowed loses its opportunity of vengeance (Seneca)

iram qui vincit, hostem superat maximum: the one who subdues his anger

conquers his greatest enemy

iratus cum ad se redit, sibi tum irascitur: when an angry man returns to himself,

he is angry with himself (Publilius Syrus)

is demum miser est, cujus nobilitas miserias nobilitat: wretched, indeed, is the

man whose fame makes his misfortunes famous (Accius)

is maxime divitiis fruetur

jucundiorem autem faciet libertatem

is maxime divitiis fruetur (or utitur), qui minime divitiis indiget: he most enjoys

wealth who least desires wealth (Seneca)

is plurimum habebit qui minimum desiderabit: he will have most who desires

least (Ausonius)

is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; stultus pugnat in adversis ire

natator aquis: he is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool

struggles like a swimmer against the stream

ista parentum est vita vilis liberis, ubi malunt metui quam vereri se ab suis:

children hold cheap the life of parents who would rather be feared than respected

(Lucius Afranius)

isthuc est sapere non quod ante pedes modo est videre, sed etiam illa quæ

futura sunt prospicere: true wisdom consists not in seeing that which is

immediately before our eyes, but in the foresight of that which may happen


istuc est sapere, qui, ubicunque opus sit, animum possis flectere: you are a wise

man if you can easily direct your attention to whatever may require it (Terence)

ita comparatam esse naturam omnium, aliena ut melius videant et dijudicent,

quam sua: the nature of all men is so formed that they see and discriminate in the

affairs of others much better than in their own (Terence)

ita cuique comparatum est in ætate hominum; ita divis est placitum, voluptatem

ut mæror comes consequatur: it is our human lot, it is heaven’s will, for sorrow to

come after joy (Plautus)

ita finitima sunt falsa veris, ut in præcipitem locum non debeat se sapiens

committere: falsehood often borders so nearly on the truth that a wise man should

not trust himself to the precipice (Cicero)

itidemque ut sæpe jam in multis locis, plus insciens quis fecit quam prodens

boni: and so it happens oft in many instances; more good is done without our

knowledge than is intended by us (Plautus)

Iuppiter ex alto perjuria ridet amantum: Jupiter from on high laughs at the lies of

lovers (Ovid)


jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit: a hungry stomach rarely despises

common fare (also translated: the stomach that is rarely hungry despises common

fare) (Horace)

jocos et dii amant: even the gods love jokes (Plato)

jucunda est memoria præteritorum malorum: the recollection of past miseries is

pleasant (Cicero)

jucunda oblivia vitæ: it is pleasant to forget [the calamities of] life

jucundi acti labores: past labors are pleasant (Cicero)

jucundiorem autem faciet libertatem servitutis recordatio: liberty is made even

more precious by the recollection of servitude (Cicero)

jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor justitia est constans et perpetua

jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor amicum: a wife who has no children makes

a dear and delightful friend (to her husband’s heirs) (Juvenal)

jucundum nihil est, nisi quod reficit varietas: nothing is pleasant to which variety

does not give relish

judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur: the judge is condemned when the guilty is

acquitted (Publilius Syrus)

judex non potest esse testis in propria causa: a judge cannot be a witness in his

own cause (Coke)

judicandum est legibus, non exempli: the judgment must be pronounced from law,

not from precedent

judicata res pro veritate accipitur: a matter that has been adjudged is accepted as a


judicia Dei sunt ita recondita ut quis illa scrutari nullatenus possit: the

purposes of God are so abstruse that no one can possibly scrutinize them (Cicero)

judicis est innocentiæ subvenire: it is the duty of the judge to support innocence


judicis est judicare secundum allegata et probata: it is the judge’s duty to decide

in accordance with what is alleged and proved

judicis est jus dicere non dare: it is the judge’s duty to enunciate the law, not to

make it

judicis officium est, ut res, ita tempora rerum quærere: it is the judge’s duty to

inquire into not only the facts, but the circumstances (Ovid)

judicium a non suo judice datum nullus est momenti: judgment given by a judge

in a matter outside his jurisdiction is of no legal force

Jupiter est quodcumque vides, quocumque moveris: Jupiter is whatever you see,

whichever way you move (Lucan)

jura inventa metu injusti fateare necesse est, tempora si fastosque velis

evolvere mundi: if you examine the history of the world you will have to admit

that fear of injustice brought justice into being (Horace)

jurare est Deum in testem vocare: to swear is to call God to witness

jurgia præcipue vino stimulata caveto: above all, avoid quarrels excited by wine


jus civile neque inflecti gratia, neque perfringi potentia, neque adulterari

pecunia debet: the law ought neither to be warped by favor, nor shattered by

power, nor corrupted by money (Cicero)

jus est ars boni et æqui: law is the art of the good and the just

jus summum sæpe summa malitia est: extreme law (or justice) is often extreme

wrong (Terence)

justæ causæ facilis est defensio: the defense of a just cause is easy

justitia erga Deum religio dicitur, erga parentes pietas: the discharge of our duty

toward God is called religion, toward our parents, piety (Cicero)

justitia est constans et perpetua voluntas jus suum cuique tribuens (or

tribuendi): justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to everyone his due


justitia est obtemperatio scriptis laudari a viro laudato maxima est

justitia est obtemperatio scriptis legibus: justice is conformity to the written laws


justitia nihil expetit præmii: justice seeks no reward (Cicero)

justitia suum cuique distribuit: justice renders to every one his due (Cicero)

justitia virtutum regina: justice is the queen of virtues

justitiæ partes sunt, non violare homines verecundiæ non offendere: it is the

office of justice to injure no one, of property, to offend none (Cicero)

justo geminantur anni: the years are doubled for the just

juvant aspera probum: misfortunes benefit the good man

juvenile vitium regere non posse impetum: it is the fault of youth that it cannot

govern its own impulses (Seneca)


labitur occulte, fallitque volubilis ætas: time rolls on steadily and eludes us as it

steals past (Ovid)

labor est etiam ipsa voluptas: even pleasure itself is a toil (Manilius)

labor improbus omnia vincit (or, labor omnia vincit improbus): great labor

overcomes everything

labor ipse voluptas: work is itself a pleasure (i.e., labor is its own reward)

labor optimos citat: work summons forth the best men (Seneca)

lacrimæ nobis deerunt antequam causæ dolendi: our tears will fail before we

cease to have cause for grief (Seneca)

lactuca innatat acri post vinum stomacho: lettuce after wine floats on the acrid

stomach (Horace)

lætus sorte tua vives sapienter: you will live wisely if you live contented with

your lot

lætus sum laudari a laudato viro: I am pleased to be praised by a man of such praise


lapis qui volvitur algam non generat: a rolling stone gathers no moss

largitio fundum non habet: giving has no bottom

latere semper patere, quod latuit diu: leave in concealment what has long been

concealed (Seneca)

laterem laves: you wash a brick (i.e., you may as well wash a clay brick white)


latet anguis in herba: a snake lies hid in the grass (Virgil)

lathe biosas: remain hidden in life (Epicurus, from the Greek)

latrante uno, latrat statim et alter canis: when one dog barks, another

immediately begins to bark as well

laudari a viro laudato maxima est laus: to be praised by a man himself deserving of

praise is the greatest possible praise

laudat venales qui vult extrudere leves homines futuri sunt improvidi

laudat venales qui vult extrudere merces: he praises his wares who wishes to palm

them off upon another (Horace)

laudato ingentia rura, exiguum colito: praise a large estate, but cultivate a small

one (Virgil)

laus est facere quod decet, non quod licet: it is doing what we ought to do, and

not merely doing what we may do, that is the ground of praise

laus in ore proprio vilescit: the praise one bestows upon oneself is of little value

laus in proprio ore sordescit: self-praise is offensive

laus magna natis obsequi parentibus: great praise is the reward of children who

respect the wishes of their parents (Phжdrus)

laus propria sordet: self-praise is base

laus vera et humili sæpe contingit viro; non nisi potenti falsa: true praise is often

the lot of him who is humble; false praise reaches none but the powerful (Seneca)

lege totum si vis scire totum: read the whole if you wish to know the whole

legem brevem esse oportet quo facilius ab imperitis teneatur: a law ought to be

short, that it may be the more easily understood by the unlearned (Seneca)

leges ad civium salutem, civitatumque incolumitatem conditæ sunt: laws were

framed for the welfare of the citizens and the security of states (Cicero)

leges arma tenent sanctas: arms cause laws to be respected

leges bonæ ex malis moribus procreantur: from bad morals good laws are

produced (Macrobius)

leges mori serviunt: laws are subservient to custom (Plautus)

leges neminem in paupertate vivere neque in anxietate mori permittunt: it is

never the intention of the law that anyone shall live in poverty or die in anguish


leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant: later laws repeal prior contrary


leges sunt inventæ quæ cum omnibus semper una atque eadem voce

loquerentur: laws are so devised that they may always speak with one and the same

voice to all (Cicero)

legis constructio non facit injuriam: the construction of the law does injury to no


lenior et melior fis, accedente senecta: you become milder and better as old age

advances (Horace)

leonem larva terres: you frighten a lion with a mask

leonum ora a magistris impune tractantur: the mouths of lions are handled by

their keepers with impunity (Seneca)

leve æs alienum debitorem facit, grave inimicum: a small debt makes a man your

debtor, a large one your enemy (Seneca)

leve fit quod bene fertur onus: light is the load that is cheerfully borne (Ovid)

leve incommodum tolerandum est: a slight inconvenience must be endured

leves homines futuri sunt improvidi: light-minded men are improvident of the

future (Tacitus)

levia perpessi sumus, si flenda

lingua mali loquax malæ mentis est

levia perpessi sumus, si flenda patimur: we have suffered lightly, if we have

suffered what we should weep for (Seneca)

leviores sunt injuriæ, quæ repentino aliquo motu accidunt, quam eæ quæ

meditate præparata inferuntur: the injuries that befall us unexpectedly are less

severe than those that we are deliberately anticipating (Cicero)

levis est consolatio ex miseria aliorum: the comfort derived from the misery of

others is slight (Cicero)

levis est dolor qui capere consilium potest: light is the grief that can take counsel


levius fit patientia quicquid corrigere est nefas: patience makes more tolerable

that which it is impossible to correct (Horace)

levius solet timere qui propius timet: he fears less who fears what is nearer to him


lex aliquando sequitur æquitatem: law is sometimes according to equity

lex citius tolerare vult privatum damnum quam publicum malum: the law will

sooner tolerate a private loss than a public evil (Coke)

lex neminem cogit ad impossibilia: the law compels no one to do what is


lex prospicit non respicit: the law is prospective, not retrospective

lex universa est quæ jubet nasci et mori: there is a universal law that commands

that we shall be born and we shall die (Publilius Syrus)

libenter homines id quod volunt credunt: men willingly believe that which they

wish for (Julius Cжsar)

libera te metu mortis: deliver yourself from the fear of death (Seneca)

liberæ sunt enim nostræ cogitationes: our thoughts are free (Cicero)

liberatem natura etiam mutis animalibus datam: liberty is given by nature even to

mute animals (Tacitus)

libertas est potestas faciendi id quod jure licet: liberty consists in the power of

doing what the law permits (Cicero)

libertas inæstimabile res est: liberty is a thing of inestimable value (Justinian)

libidinosa et intemperans adolescentia effoetum corpus tradit senectuti: a

sensual and intemperate youth transfers to old age a worn-out body (Cicero)

libido effrenata effrenatam appententiam efficit: unbridled gratification produces

unbridled desire

libra justa justitiam servat: a just balance preserves justice

licentiam retroena: abstain from license

licet superbus ambules pecunia, Fortuna non mutat genus: though you walk

proud of your money, yet Fortune has not changed your birth (Horace)

licuit semperque licebit parcere personis, dicere de vitiis: it has been, and ever

will be, lawful to spare the individual and to attack the vice

limæ labor et mora: the labor and delay of the file (i.e., the tedious revising of a

literary work before publication) (Horace)

lingua mali loquax malæ mentis est indicium: an evil tongue is the proof of an evil

mind (Publilius Syrus)

lingua mali pars pessima servi lusus animo debent aliquando dari

lingua mali pars pessima servi: the tongue is the worst part of a bad servant


linguam compescere, virtus non minima est: to restrain the tongue is not the least

of the virtues

litem parit lis, noxa item noxam parit: strife engenders strife, and injury likewise

engenders injury

litem quod lite resolvit: resolving one controversy by creating another (Horace)

litera scripta manet, verbum ut inane perit: the written word remains, what is

spoken perishes

littera enim occidit, spiritus autem vivificat (or, littera occidit, spiritus vivicat):

for the letter kills, but the spirit breathes life (2 Corinthians 3:6)

littore quot conchæ, tot sunt in amore dolores: there are as many pangs in love as

shells on the seashore (Ovid)

litus ama; altum alii teneant: keep close to the shore; let others venture into the

deep (Virgil)

locus est et pluribus umbris: there is room for even more guests at the feast


longa mora est nobis omnis, quæ gaudia differt: every delay that postpones our

joys is long (Ovid)

longissimus dies cito conditur: the longest day soon comes to an end (Pliny the

Younge r)

longum iter est per præcepta, breve et efficax per exempla: teaching by precept

is a long road, but brief and beneficial is the way by example (Seneca)

loquendum ut vulgus, sentiendum ut docti: we should speak as the populace,

think as the learned (Coke)

lubrici sunt fortunæ gressus: the footsteps of fortune are slippery

lubricum linguæ non facile in poenam est trahendum: a slip of the tongue ought

not to be rashly punished

lucri bonus (est) odor ex re qualibet: money smells good no matter its source

(Emperor Vespasian, in reference to his tax on public latrines)

lucrum malum æquale dispendio: an evil gain equals a loss (Publilius Syrus)

lucrum sine damno alterius fieri non potest: there is no profit without another’s

loss (Publilius Syrus)

lupo ovem commisisti: you have entrusted the wolf with the sheep (Terence)

lupum auribus tenere: to hold a wolf by its ears

lupus est homo homini: man is a wolf to his fellow man

lupus non curat numerum ovum: the wolf is not scared by the number of the sheep

lupus pilum mutat, non mentem: the wolf changes its coat, not its disposition

lusus animo debent aliquando dari, ad cogitandum melior ut redeat sibi: the

mind ought sometimes to be amused, that it may the better return to thought and

to itself (Phжdrus)

luxuriæ desunt multa, avaritiæ

magni est ingenii revocare mentem

luxuriæ desunt multa, avaritiæ omnia: luxury is in want of many things, avarice of

everything (Publilius Syrus)


macte virtute diligentiaque esto: persevere in virtue and diligence (Livy)

magis gauderes quod habueras, quam moereres quod amiseras: better to have

loved and lost, than not to have loved at all (Seneca)

magis gaudet quam qui senectam exuit: he rejoices more than an old man who has

put off old age (i.e., has become young again)

magis magni clerici non sunt magis sapientes: the greatest scholars are not the

wisest men

magister alius casus: misfortune is a second master (Pliny the Elder)

magistratum legem esse loquentem, legem autem mutum magistratum: a judge

is a speaking law, law a silent judge (Cicero)

magistratus indicat virum: the office shows the man

magna civitas, magna solitudo: great city, great solitude

magna di curant, parva neglegunt: the gods care about great matters, but they

neglect small ones (Cicero)

magna est vis consuetudinis; hæc ferre laborem, contemnere vulnus et dolorem

docet: great is the force of habit, teaching us as it does to bear fatigue and to

despise wounds and pain (Cicero)

magna inter molles concordia: there is great unanimity among the dissolute


magna pars hominum est, quæ non peccatis irascitur sed peccantibus: the

greater part of mankind is angry with the sinner and not with the sin (Seneca)

magna pars vulgi levis odit scelus spectatque: most of the giddy rabble hate the

evil deed they come to see (Seneca)

magna servitus est magna fortuna: a great fortune is a great slavery (Seneca)

magnæ felicitates multum caliginis mentibus humanis objiciunt: great and

sudden prosperity has a deadening effect on the human mind (Seneca)

magnæ fortunæ comes adest adulatio: adulation is ever the attendant on great


magnam fortunam magnus animus decet: a great mind becomes a great fortune


magni animi est injurias despicere: it is the mark of a great mind to despise

injuries (Seneca)

magni animi est magna contemnere, ac mediocria malle quam nimia: it is a sign

of a great mind to despise greatness, and to prefer things in measure to things in

excess (Seneca)

magni est ingenii revocare mentem a sensibus, et cogitationem a consuetudine

abducere: it is a proof of great talents to call back the mind from the senses, and

separate thought from habit (Cicero)

magni pectoris est inter secunda mala gallina, malum ovum

magni pectoris est inter secunda moderatio: moderation is the mark of a great

heart (Seneca the Elder)

magni refert quibuscum vixeris: it matters a great deal with whom you live (i.e.,

the company you keep betrays your character)

magno cum periculo custoditur, quod multis placet: that is guarded at great risk

which is coveted by many (Publilius Syrus)

magnos homines virtute metimur, non fortuna: we measure great men by their

virtue, not their fortune (Cornelius Nepos)

magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum: it speaks volumes for a

man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same

spirit of moderation

magnum hoc vitium vino est, pedes captat primum; luctator dolosu ’st: this is

the great fault of wine, it first trips up the feet; it is a cunning wrestler (Plautus)

magnum pauperies opprobrium jubet quidvis aut facere aut pati: poverty, that

deep disgrace, bids us do or suffer anything (Horace)

magnum vectigal est parsimonia: economy (or thrift) is a great revenue (Cicero)

magnus animus remissius loquitur et securius: the talk of a great soul is at once

more quiet and confident than that of other men (Seneca)

magnus sibi ipse non facit finem dolor: great grief does not of itself put an end to

itself (Seneca)

magnus sine viribus ignis incassum furit: a great fire, unless you feed it, spends its

rage in vain (Virgil)

majestatem res data dantis habet: the gift derives its value from the rank of the

giver (Ovid)

major e longinquo reverentia: respect is greater at a distance (Tacitus)

major erat natu; non omnia possumus omnes: he was older; there are some things

we cannot all do (Lucilius)

major famæ sitis est quam virtutis; quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam,

præmia si tollas?: the thirst of fame is greater than that of virtue; for who would

embrace virtue itself, if you take away its rewards? (Juvenal)

major hæreditas venit unicuique nostrum a jure et legibus, quam a parentibus:

a greater inheritance comes to each of us from our rights and laws than from our

parents (Cicero)

major ignotarum rerum est terror: greater is the terror of something unknown


majore tumultu planguntur nummi quam funera: money is bewailed with a

greater tumult than death (Juvenal)

majores fertilissium is agro oculum domini esse dixerunt: our fathers used to say

that the master’s eye was the best fertilizer (Pliny the Elder)

majus et minus non variant speciem: greater and less do not change the nature of

a thing

mala causa silenda est: it is best to be silent in a bad cause (Ovid)

mala gallina, malum ovum: bad hen, bad egg

mala grammatica non vitiat

malum (est) consilium quod mutari

mala grammatica non vitiat chartam: bad grammar does not vitiate a contract (or


mala mens, malus animus: bad mind, bad designs; bad mind, bad heart (Terence)

mala ultro adsunt: misfortunes come unsought

male cuncta ministrat impetus: anger manages everything badly (Statius)

male facere qui vult numquam non causam invenit: those who would do evil

never fail to find a reason (Publilius Syrus)

male imperando summum imperium amittitur: the greatest empire may be lost

by the misrule of its governors (Syrus Publilius)

male irato ferrum committitur: do not trust an angry man with a sword (Seneca)

male parta male dilabuntur: ill-gotten, ill-spent (i.e., easy come, easy go) (Cicero)

male partum male disperit: property ill got is property ill spent (i.e., easy come,

easy go) (Plautus)

male secum agit æger, medicum qui hæredem facit: a sick man acts foolishly for

himself who makes his doctor his heir

male verum examinat omnis corruptus judex: a corrupt judge does not carefully

search for the truth (Horace)

male vivunt qui se semper victuros putant: they live ill who think they will live

forever (Publilius Syrus)

maledicus a malefico non distat nisi occasione: an evil-speaker differs from an

evil-doer in nothing but want of opportunity (Quintilian)

malevolus animus abditos dentes habet: the malevolent have hidden teeth

(Publilius Syrus)

malim inquietam libertatem quam quietum servitium: I would rather have a

restless liberty than a quiet slavery

maliuolum solacii genus est turba miserorum: A crowd of fellow sufferers is a

miserable kind of comfort (Seneca)

malo benefacere tantumdem est periculum quantum bono malefacere: to do

good to the bad is a danger just as great as to do bad to the good (Plautus)

malo in consilio feminæ vincunt viros: women surpass men at scheming evil

(Publilius Syrus)

malo indisertam prudentiam, quam loquacem stultitiam: I prefer silent prudence

to loquacious folly (Cicero)

malo mihi male quam molliter esse: I would rather be ill than idle (Seneca)

malo mori quam foedari: I would rather die than be dishonored (i.e., better death

than dishonor)

malo nodo malus quærendus cuneus: for a hard knot a hard tool must be sought

malo undique clades: disaster awaits the wicked on every side

malorum facinorum ministri quasi exprobrantes aspiciuntur: accomplices in evil

actions are always regarded as reproaching the deed (Tacitus)

malum consilium consultori pessimum: bad advice is often fatal to the adviser

(Verrius Flaccus)

malum (est) consilium quod mutari non potest: bad is the plan that is incapable of

change (Publilius Syrus)

malum nascens facile opprimitur medici, causa morbi inventa

malum nascens facile opprimitur; inveteratum fit pleurumque robustius: an

evil habit is easily subdued in the beginning, but when it becomes inveterate it

gains strength (Cicero)

malum vas non frangitur: a worthless vessel is seldom broken (i.e., cheap things are

secure from harm)

malus bonum ubi se simulat, tunc est pessimus: a bad man, when he pretends to

be a good man, is the worst man of all (Publilius Syrus)

malus usus abolendus est: a bad custom is to be abolished

manet insontem gravis exitus: a grim end awaits the innocent

manus justa nardus: the just hand is as precious ointment

marcet sine adversario virtus: valor becomes feeble without an opponent (Seneca)

Mars gravior sub pace latet: a more severe war lurks under the guise of peace


mater artium necessitas: necessity is the mother of the arts (i.e., of invention)

materiam (or materiem) superabat opus: the workmanship surpassed the material


matre pulchra filia pulchrior: a daughter more beautiful than her beautiful mother


matrem timidi flere non solere: the mother of a timid man seldom has reason to

weep (Cornelius Nepos)

maturas coelo non cadit ante diem: he who is ripe for heaven falls not before his day

mature fieri senem, si diu velis esse senex: you must become an old man soon if

you would be an old man long (Cicero)

maxima debetur puero reverentia (or, maxima reverentia pueris debetur): the

greatest respect is due to a child (Juvenal)

maxima illecebra est peccandi impunitatis spes: the greatest incitement to guilt is

the hope of sinning with impunity (Cicero)

maxima quæque domus servis est plena superbis: every great house is full of

haughty servants (Juvenal)

maximæ cuique Fortunæ minime credendum est: it is when Fortune is most

propitious that she is least to be trusted (Livy)

maximas virtutes jacere omnes necesse est, voluptate dominante: where

pleasure prevails, all the greatest virtues must lie dormant (or, lose their power)


maximeque admirantur eum, qui pecunia non movetur: above all is he admired

who is not moved by money (Cicero)

maximum ornamentum amicitiæ tollit, qui ex ea tollit verecudiam: he takes the

greatest ornament from friendship, who takes modesty from it (Cicero)

maximum remedium iræ mora est (or dilatio est): the best remedy for anger is

delay (Seneca)

maximus novator tempus: time is the greatest innovator

medici, causa morbi inventa, curationem inventam putant: physicians, when they

have found out the cause of a disease, believe they have found out the cure (Cicero)

medici graviores morbos asperis

mercenarius fugit a grege

medici graviores morbos asperis remediis curant: doctors cure the more serious

diseases with harsh remedies (Curtius)

medio maxima turba mari est: the roughest seas are far from land (Propertius)

medio tutissimus ibis: the middle way is the safest for you to go (Ovid)

mediocribus utere partis: make moderate use of possessions

medium tenuere beati: blessed are they who have kept a middle course

mega biblion mega kakon: a great book is a great evil (Callimachus, from the


melior est conditio possidentis: better is the condition of the one in possession

(i.e., possession is nine-tenths of the law)

melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: better and safer is the

certainty of peace than the hope of victory (Livy)

meliora sunt ea quæ natura, quam quæ arte perfecta sunt: the things that are

perfect by nature are better than those that are perfect by art (Cicero)

melius est cavere semper quam pati semel: it is better to be always on our guard

than to suffer once

melius est pati semel, quam cavere semper: it is better to suffer once than always

to be cautious (Julius Cжsar)

melius est peccata cavere quam mortem fugere: it is better to avoid sin than to

flee from death (Thomas а Kempis)

melius in malis sapimus, secunda rectum auferunt: we become wiser by

adversity; prosperity destroys our appreciation of the right (Seneca)

mellitum venenum, blanda oratio: flattering speech is honey-sweetened poison

meminerunt omnia amantes: lovers remember everything (Ovid)

memorem immemorem facit, qui monet quod memor meminit: the one who

reminds someone of what he already remembers makes him forget (Plautus)

memoria est thesaurus omnium rerum e custos: memory is the treasury and

guardian of all things (Cicero)

memoria minuitur, nisi eam exerceas: your power of memory will diminish unless

you exercise it (Cicero)

mendacem memorem esse oportet (or oportere): a liar should have a good

memory (Quintilian)

mendaci homini, ne verum quidem dicenti credere solemus: we give no credit to

a liar, even when he speaks the truth (Cicero)

mendico ne parentes quidem amici sunt: to a beggar not even his own parents

show affection

mens bona regnum possidet: a good mind possesses a kingdom (Seneca)

mens cujusque is est quisque: the mind is the true self (Cicero)

mens sine pondere ludit: the mind is playful when unburdened

mens sola loco non exsulat: the mind alone cannot be exiled (Ovid)

mensque pati durum sustinet ægra nihil: a mind diseased cannot bear anything

harsh (Ovid)

mercenarius fugit a grege: the hired hand flees from the flock merces virtutis laus est misera est servitus ubi jus est aut

merces virtutis laus est: applause is the reward of virtue

meret qui laborat: he is deserving who is industrious

meritus augentur honores: honors are enhanced by merit

merx ultronea putret: proffered service stinks (i.e., it is despised)

messe tenus propria vive: live within the harvest (i.e., live within your means)

metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede verum est: it is right that every man

should measure himself by his own model and standard (Horace)

metus autem non est, ubi nullus irascitur: there is no fear where none is angry


militat omnis amans: every lover is engaged in a war (Ovid)

militiæ species amor est: love is a kind of warfare (Ovid)

mille animos excipe mille modis: treat a thousand dispositions in a thousand ways


mille mali species, mille salutis erunt: there are a thousand forms of evil; there

will be a thousand remedies (Ovid)

minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus: he threatens the innocent who spares

the guilty (Coke)

minimæ vires frangere quassa valent: very little avails to break a bruised thing


minime sibi quisque notus est, et difficilime de se quisque sentit: every one is

least known to himself, and it is very difficult for a man to know himself (Cicero)

minimum decet libere cui multum licet: he who has great power should use it

lightly (Seneca)

minor est quam servus, dominus qui servos timet: a master who fears his servants

is lower than a servant

minuentur atræ carmine curæ: black care will be soothed by song (Horace)

minuit præsentia famam: presence diminishes fame (Claudian)

minus afficit sensus fatigatio quam cogitatio: bodily fatigue affects the mind less

than intense thought (Quintilian)

minus (or minor) in parvis Fortuna furit, leviusque ferit leviora Deus: the rage

of Fortune is less directed against the humble, and God strikes more lightly upon

the low (Seneca)

minuti semper et infirmi est animi exiguique voluptas ultio: revenge is ever the

delight of a stinted and weak and petty mind (Juvenal)

mira quædam in cognoscendo suavitas et delectatio: there is a certain wonderful

sweetness and delight in gaining knowledge

miramur ex intervallo fallentia: we admire at a distance the things that deceive us

misce stultitiam consiliis brevem; dulce est desipere in loco: mix a little

foolishness with your serious plans; it is sweet to be silly in places (Horace)

misera est magni custodia census: the custody of a large fortune is a wretched

business (Juvenal)

misera est servitus ubi jus est aut vagum aut incognitum: obedience to the law is

a hardship where law is either unsettled or unknown

miseram pacem vel bello bene

morborum in vitio facilis medicina

miseram pacem vel bello bene mutari: an unhappy peace may be profitably

exchanged for war (Tacitus)

miseranda vita, qui se metui, quam amari malunt: pitiable is the life of those who

prefer being feared to being loved (Cornelius Nepos)

miserias properant suas audire miseri: the wretched hasten to hear of their own

miseries (Seneca)

misero datur quodcunque, fortunæ datæ: whatever we give to the wretched, we

lend to fortune (Seneca)

miseros prudentia prima relinquit: prudence is the first thing to forsake the

wretched (Ovid)

miserrima est fortuna quæ inimico caret: most wretched is the fortune of him

who has no enemy (i.e., who is not envied) (Publilius Syrus)

miserum est aliorum incumbere famæ: it is a wretched thing to lean upon the

fame of others (Juvenal)

miserum est opus, igitur demum fodere puteum, ubi sitis fauces tedet: it is a

wretched business to be digging a well just as thirst is mastering you (Plautus)

miserum est tacere cogi, quod cupias loqui: you are in a pitiable condition when

you have to conceal what you wish to tell (Publilius Syrus)

mitte hanc de pectore curam: dismiss these anxieties from your heart (Virgil)

mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum sera moretur: stop looking for the place where a

late rose may yet linger (Horace)

mobile mutatur semper cum principe vulgus: the fickle populace always changes

with the prince (Claudian)

mobilis et varia est ferme natura malorum: misfortunes generally are of a variable

and changeable nature (Juvenal)

moderari animo et orationi, cum sis iratus, non mediocris ingenii est: to be

able to temper your indignation and language when you are angry is evidence of a

chastened disposition (Cicero)

modestia famæ neque summis mortalibus spernenda est: fame, modestly

courted, is not to be despised by persons of the highest character (Tacitus)

modica voluptas laxat animos et temperat: moderate pleasure relaxes the spirit

and moderates it (Seneca)

modo, et modo, non habebent modum: by-and-by has no end (St. Augustine)

modus omnibus in rebus, soror, optimum est habitu; nimia omnia nimium

exhibent negotium hominibus ex se: in everything the middle course is best; all

things in excess bring trouble to men (Plautus)

mollis educatio nervos omnes et mentis et corporis frangit: an easy education

weakens all powers both of mind and body (Quintilian)

mora omnis odio est, sed facit sapientiam: all delay is hateful, but it produces

wisdom (Publilius Syrus)

morbi perniciores pluresque animi quam corporis: the diseases of the mind are

more and more destructive than those of the body (Cicero)

morborum in vitio facilis medicina recenti: the cure is easy if the malady be recent

(Gratius Faliscus)

mores amici noveris, non oderis multæ hominibus at malitam viæ

mores amici noveris, non oderis: know well, but take no offense at the manners of

a friend

mori est felicis antequam mortem invocet: happy is the one who dies before he

must call on death (Publilius Syrus)

moribus et forma conciliandus amor: pleasing manners and a handsome form

conciliate love (Ovid)

mors et fugacem persequitur virum: death pursues the man even as he flees from

it (Horace)

mors ipsa refugit sæpe virum: death itself often takes flight at the presence of a

man (Lucan)

mors laborum ac miseriarum quies est: death is repose from all our toils and

miseries (Cicero)

mors sola fatetur quantula sint hominum corpuscula: death alone reveals how

small are men’s bodies (Juvenal)

mors ultima linea rerum est: death is the last boundary of things (Horace)

mortalia acta nunquam deos fallunt: the deeds of mortals can never be hid from

the gods

mortem effugere nemo potest: no one can escape death

mortem misericors sæpe pro vita dabit: mercy often inflicts death (Seneca)

mortui non mordant: the dead do not bite (i.e., dead men tell no tales)

mortuo leoni et lepores insultant: even hares strike (or insult) a dead lion

motus in fine velocior: motion drawing to its end is swifter

mulier quæ sola cogitat male cogitat: the thoughts of a woman when alone tend

toward mischief

mulier recte olet ubi nihil olet: a woman smells sweetest when she smells not at all


multa cadunt inter calicem supremaque labra: many things fall between the cup

and the lip (Laberius)

multa ceciderunt ut altius surgerent: many things have fallen only to rise higher


multa docet fames: hunger teaches many things

multa fidem promissa levant: many promises weaken faith (Ovid)

multa magis quam multorum lectione formanda mens: the mind is formed by

reading deep rather than reading wide (Quintilian)

multa novit vulpis, sed felis unum magnum: the fox knows many devices, the cat

only one great one (i.e., to run up a tree)

multa petentibus desunt multa: those who long for much are in want of much


multa senem circumveniunt incommoda: many are the discomforts that gather

around old age (Horace)

multa trepidus solet detegere vultus: the fearful face usually betrays great guilt


multæ hominibus at malitam viæ sunt: many are the ways of malice in men


multæ manus onus levius faciunt

murus æneus conscientia sana

multæ manus onus levius faciunt: many hands make work light

multæ regum aures et oculi: kings have many ears and eyes

multæ terricolis linguæ coelestibus una: the inhabitants of earth have many

tongues, those of heaven have one

multas amicitias silentium diremit: silence (or neglect) dissolves many friendships

multi adorantur in ara qui cremantur in igne: many are worshipped at the altar

who are burning in flames (St. Augustine)

multi multa, nemo omnia novit: many know many things, no one everything


multi nil rectum nisi quod placuit sibi ducunt: many deem nothing right but what

suits their own conceit (Horace)

multi quidem facilius se abstinent ut non utantur, quam temperent ut bene

utantur: to many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation (St.


multi sunt vocati, pauci vero electi: many are called but few are chosen (St.

Matthew 22:14)

multi te oderint, si teipsum ames: many will hate you if you love yourself

multis minatur, qui uni facit injuriam: the person who injures one threatens many

(Publilius Syrus)

multis terribilis caveto multos: if you are a terror to many, then beware of many


multitudinem decem faciunt: ten constitute a crowd (Coke)

multo enim multoque seipsum quam hostem superare operosius est: it is

harder, much harder, to conquer yourself than it is to conquer your enemy

(Valerius Maximus)

multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros: many more die of excess than of


multos in summa pericula misit venturi timor ipse mali: the mere apprehension

of coming evil has driven many into positions of great peril

multos ingratos invenimus, plures facimus: we come upon many ungrateful men

and, by being kind, we make more (said of benefactors)

multum sapit qui non diu desipit: he is very wise who does not long persist in folly

munditiis capimur: we are captivated by neatness (Ovid)

mundus est Dei viva statua: the world is the living image of God (Campanella)

mundus est ingens deorum omnium templum: the world is the mighty temple of

the gods (Seneca)

mundus universus exercet histrioniam (or, totus mundus agit histrionem): all

humanity practices the art of acting (Petronius)

mundus vult decipi; ergo decipiatur: the world wishes to be deceived; therefore let

it be deceived

murus æneus conscientia sana: a sound conscience is a wall of bronze

mus non uni fidit antro nam tua res agitur, paries cum

mus non uni fidit antro: a mouse does not rely on just one hole (Plautus)

mutata forma interimitur prope substantia rei: the form being changed, the

substance of the thing is destroyed

mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur: change but the name, and the tale is told of

you (Horace)

mutum est pictura poëma: a picture is a silent poem


næ amicum castigare ob meritam noxiam immune est facinus: truly, it is a

thankless office to censure a friend for a fault when he deserved it (Plautus)

nam dives qui fieri vult, et cito vult fieri: for the one who wishes to become rich

wishes to become rich quickly (Juvenal)

nam et ipsa scientia potesta(s) est: for knowledge is itself power (Francis Bacon)

nam genus et proavos et quæ non fecimus ipsi vix ea nostra voco: for birth and

ancestry, and that which we have not ourselves achieved, we can scarcely call our

own (Ovid)

nam homo proponit, sed Deus disponit: for man proposes, but God disposes

(Thomas а Kempis)

nam inimici famam non ita ut nata est ferunt: enemies carry a report in a form

different from the original (Plautus)

nam non solum scire aliquid, artis est, sed quædam ars etiam docendi: not only

is there an art in knowing a thing, but also a certain art in teaching it (Cicero)

nam nunc mores nihil faciunt quod licet, nisi quod lubet: nowadays it is the

fashion to make nothing of what is proper, but only what is pleasant (Plautus)

nam quum magna malæ superest audacia causæ, creditur a multis fiducia: when

great impudence comes to the help of a bad cause, it is taken by many for honest

confidence (Juvenal)

nam risu inepto res ineptior nulla est: for there is nothing sillier than a silly laugh


nam scelus intra se tacitum qui cogitat ullum facti crimen habet: the one who

secretly meditates a crime has all the guilt of the deed (Juvenal)

nam sera nunquam est ad bonos mores via: quem pænitet peccasse, pæne est

innocens: it is never too late to turn from the errors of our ways: the one who

repents of his sins is almost innocent (Seneca)

nam si violandum est jus, regnandi gratia violandum est: aliis rebus pietatem

colas: if you must break the law, do it only to seize power: in all other cases,

observe it (Julius Cжsar)

nam tanto brevius omne, quanto felicius tempus: the happier the moments, the

shorter the time (Pliny the Younger)

nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet: you too are in danger when your

neighbor’s house is on fire (Horace)

nam ut quisque est vir optimus

nec amor nec tussis celatur

nam ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur:

the more virtuous any man is, the less easily does he suspect others of being wicked


nam vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille est qui minimis urgetur: for no one

is born without faults, and the best is the one who has the fewest (Horace)

nam(que) inscitia est adversum stimulum calces: it is ignorance to struggle

against the spur (or goad) (Terence)

nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet: we are born but to die, the end

hangs from the beginning (Manilius)

nascimur poëtæ, fimus oratores: we are born poets, we become orators (Cicero)

natura hominum novitatis avida: human nature is greedy of novelty (Pliny the


natura inest in mentibus nostris insatiabilis quædam cupiditas veri videndi:

nature has planted in our minds an insatiable desire to seek the truth (Cicero)

natura semina scientiæ nobis dedit, scientiam non dedit: nature has given us the

seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself (Seneca)

natura vero nihil hominibus brevitate vitæ præstitit melius: nature has granted

man no better gift than the brevity of life (Pliny the Elder)

naturæ enim non imperatur, nisi parendo: we cannot command nature except by

obeying her (Francis Bacon)

naturæ vis maxima: the greatest force is that of nature

naturalia non sunt turpia: natural things are without shame

naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret: you may drive out nature with a

pitchfork, but she will keep coming back (Horace)

ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito: yield not to misfortunes, but rather go

more boldly to meet them (Virgil)

ne depugnes in alieno negotio: do not fight in another man’s affairs

ne discedas a statione: do not desert your post

ne e quovis ligno Mercurius fiat: not every wood is fit for a statue of Mercury


ne puero gladium: do not entrust a sword to a boy

ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat: take care to protect the republic from harm

ne quid nimis: nothing too much (i.e., avoid excess) (Terence)

ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello: do not pursue, with a weighty

scourge, the person who deserves only a slight whip (Horace)

ne sutor supra crepidam (judicaret) (also, ne sutor ultra crepidam): let not the

shoemaker judge beyond his last (i.e., speak of things he does not know) (Pliny the


ne te quæsiveris extra: seek not yourself from outside yourself

ne tempora perde precando: do not lose time by praying (Ovid)

ne tentes, aut perfice: attempt not, or accomplish (i.e., do not attempt what you do

not intend to accomplish)

nec amor nec tussis celatur: neither love nor a cough can be hidden nec cui de te plusquam tibi credas nec vixit male qui natus moriensque

nec cui de te plusquam tibi credas: do not believe any man more than yourself

about yourself

nec deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus: nor let a god intervene, unless the

knot be worthy of such an intervention (Horace)

nec domo dominus, sed domino domus honestanda est: the master should not be

graced by the mansion, but the mansion by the master (Cicero)

nec est ad astra mollis e terris via: the way from the earth to the stars is no easy

one (Seneca)

nec grata est facies cui gelasinus abest: unpleasing is the face that does not smile


nec lex est æquior ulla, quam necis artifices arte perire sua: nor is there any law

more just than that the one seeking to harm should perish by his own devices (Ovid)

nec lusisse pudet, sed non incidere ludum: there is no shame in having sported,

but in not having broken off play (Horace)

nec quicquam acrius quam pecuniæ damnum stimulat: nothing stings more

deeply than the loss of money (Livy)

nec rationem patitur, nec æquitate mitigatur nec ulla prece flectitur, populus

esuriens: a hungry populace listens not to reason, nor cares for justice, nor is bent

by any prayers (Seneca)

nec scire fas est omnia: neither is it permitted to know all things (Horace)

nec semper feriet quodcunque minabitur arcus: the arrow will not always hit the

object that it threatens

nec si non obstatur propterea etiam permittitur: that an act is not prohibited, it

does not follow that it is permitted (Cicero)

nec sibi, sed toti genitum se credere mundo: to think that he was born not for

himself alone, but for the whole world (Lucan)

nec sidera pacem semper habent: nor is heaven always at peace (Claudian)

nec te quæsiveris extra: do not seek out the opinion of another beside yourself


nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te: neither can I live with you nor without you


nec ulla major poena nequitiæ est, quam quod sibi et suis displicet: there is no

greater punishment of wickedness than that it is dissatisfied with itself and its deeds


nec verbo, nec facto, quenquam lædendum: neither in word nor in deed should

anyone be injured (or, harm no one, neither by word nor by deed)

nec vero superstitione tollenda religio tollitur: we do not destroy religion by

destroying superstition (Cicero)

nec vitia nostra nec remedia pati possumus: neither can we endure our vices nor

the remedies for them (Livy)

nec vixit male qui natus moriensque fefellit: neither has he lived ill whose birth

and death has passed unnoticed by the world (Horace)

nec vultu destrue dicta tuo nemo dat quod non habet

nec vultu destrue dicta tuo: do not discredit your words by the expression on your

face (Ovid)

necesse est cum insanientibus furere, nisi solus relinqueris: it is necessary to be

mad with the insane, unless you wish to be left quite alone (Petronius)

necesse est facere sumptum, qui quærit lucrum: it is necessary that the one who

seeks gain should incur expense (Plautus)

necesse est in immensum exeat cupiditas quæ naturalem modum transiliit:

when once ambition has passed its natural bounds, its progress is sure to be

immense (Seneca)

necesse est multos timeat quem multi timent: he must fear many, whom many

fear (Laberius, alluding to Julius Cжsar)

necessitas dat legem non ipsa accipit: necessity gives law without itself accepting

one (Publilius Syrus)

necessitas fortiter ferre docet, consuetudo facile: necessity teaches us to bear

misfortunes bravely, habit to bear them easily (Seneca)

necessitas ultimum et maximum telum est: necessity is the last and strongest

weapon (Livy)

necessitudinis et libertatis infinita est æstimatio: necessity and liberty require the

greatest consideration

nefas nocere vel malo fratri puta: you should esteem it a crime to hurt even an evil

brother (Seneca)

nega, si fecisti (also, si fecisti, nega): if you did it, deny it

neglecta solent incendia sumere vires: a fire, if neglected, always gathers in

strength (Horace)

neglecta virescunt: neglected things flourish

negligentia semper habet infortuniam comitem: negligence always has

misfortune for a companion

negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum arrogantis est, sed etiam

omnino dissoluti: to be careless of what others think of us not only indicates an

arrogant, but an altogether dissolute, character (Cicero)

neminem id agere, ut ex alterius prædetur nescitia: no one should so act as to

take advantage of another’s folly (Cicero)

nemini fidas, nisi cum quo prius multos modios salis absumpseris: trust no one

unless you have eaten much salt with him (Cicero)

nemo agit in se ipsum: no one sues himself

nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audiendus est: no one testifying to his own

baseness ought to be heard (i.e., do not trust the words of the debased)

nemo autem regere potest, nisi qui et regi: no one can rule who cannot also

submit to authority (Seneca)

nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto: no one is punished twice for the same crime

nemo dat quod non habet: no one can give what he does not have nemo debet bis puniri pro uno nemo potest nudo vestimenta

nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto: no one shall be punished twice for the

same offense (i.e., the principle of double jeopardy)

nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa: no one shall be harassed twice for

the same cause

nemo debet esse judex in propria causa: no one ought to be judge in his own


nemo debet ex aliena jactura lucrari: no one ought to gain by another person’s loss

nemo doctus mutationem consilii inconstantiam dixit esse: no sensible person

ever charged someone with inconstancy who had merely changed his opinion


nemo (enim) est tam senex qui se annum non putet posse vivere: no one is so

old that he does not think it possible to live another year (Cicero)

nemo (enim) potest personam diu ferre fictam: no one can wear a mask for very

long (Seneca)

nemo est hæres viventis: no one is heir of the living

nemo est tam fortis quin rei novitate perturbetur: no one is so courageous as not

to be upset by an unexpected turn of events (Julius Cжsar)

nemo ex proprio dolo consequitur actionem: no one can bring suit for his own


nemo facile cum fortunæ suæ conditione concordat: no one is perfectly satisfied

with what fortune allots him

nemo fit fato nocens: no one becomes guilty by fate (Seneca)

nemo impetrare potest a papa bullam nunquam moriendi: no one can ever

obtain from the pope a dispensation from death (Thomas а Kempis)

nemo in amore videt: no one in love sees (Propertius)

nemo in sese tentat descendere: nemo!: no one is able to descend into his own

bosom [to examine his faults]: no one! (Persius)

nemo ita pauper vivit, quam pauper natus est: no one is so poor in life as he was

poor at birth (after Seneca)

nemo læditur nisi a seipso: no one is harmed but by himself

nemo liber est qui corpori servit: no one is free who is a slave to the body (Seneca)

nemo malus felix: no evil person is happy (Juvenal)

nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit: no one is wise at all times (Pliny the Elder)

nemo patriam in qua natus est exuere nec ligeantiæ debitum ejurare possit: no

one can cast off his native country or abjure his allegiance to his sovereign

nemo plus juris in alium transferre potest quam ipse habet: no one can transfer

to others rights more extensive than those that he possesses

nemo potest duobus dominis servire: no one can serve two masters (St. Matthew


nemo potest mutare consilium suum in alterius injuriam: no one can change

what he proposes to enact to the injury of another

nemo potest nudo vestimenta detrahere: you cannot strip the garment off a naked


nemo præsumitur alienam

neque mala vel bona quæ vulgus

nemo præsumitur alienam posteritatem suæ prætulisse: no one is presumed to

have preferred another’s offspring to his own

nemo punitur pro alieno delicto: let no one be punished for the fault of another

nemo repente fuit (or fit) turpissimus: no one ever became suddenly base (i.e.,

became evil all at once) (Juvenal)

nemo risum præbuit qui ex se coepit: no one becomes a laughingstock who eagerly

laughs at himself (Seneca)

nemo sibi nascitur: no one is born for himself

nemo solus satis sapit: no one alone is sufficiently wise (or, no one is wise enough

by himself) (Plautus)

nemo sua sorte contentus: no one is satisfied with his lot

nemo tam pauper vivit quam natus est: no one is so poor in life as he was at birth


nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare: no one is bound to accuse himself

nemo timendo ad summum pervenit locum: no one reaches a high position

without daring (Publilius Syrus)

nemo umquam neque poëta neque orator fuit, qui quemquam meliorem quam

se arbitraretur: no poet or orator has ever existed who thought there was another

better than himself (Cicero)

nemo unquam sapiens proditori credendum putavit: no wise man ever thought

that a traitor should be trusted (Cicero)

nemo unquam sine magna spe immortalitatis se pro patria offerret ad mortem:

no one could ever meet death for his country without the hope of immortality


nemo vir magnus sine aliquo afflatu divino unquam fuit: no man was ever great

without some divine inspiration (Cicero)

neque cæcum ducem neque amentem consultorem: do not take either a blind

guide or a weak advisor (from Aristophanes)

neque cuiquam mortalium injuriæ suæ parvæ videntur; multi eas gravius æquo

habuere: no one underestimates the wrongs he suffers; many take them more

seriously than they ought (Julius Cжsar, as quoted by Sallust)

neque culpa neque lauda teipsum: neither blame nor applaud yourself

neque enim est quisquam tam malus, ut videri velit: no one is wicked enough to

wish to appear wicked (Quintilian)

neque enim lex est æquior ulla, quam necis artifices arte perire sua: nor is there

any law more just than that he who has plotted death shall perish by his own plot


neque foemina, amissa pudicitia, alia abnuerit: when a woman has lost her

chastity, she will not shrink from any other crime (Tacitus)

neque laus in copia neque culpa in penuria consistit: it is no credit to be rich and

no disgrace to be poor (Apuleius)

neque mala vel bona quæ vulgus putet: the views of the multitude are neither bad

nor good (also, things are not to be viewed either good or bad merely because the

public thinks so) (Tacitus) neque opinione sed natura nihil esse præcipue cuiquam

neque opinione sed natura constitutum est jus: not in opinion, but in nature, is

law founded (Cicero)

neque (enim) quies gentium sine armis: the quiet of nations cannot be maintained

without arms, nor can arms be maintained without pay, nor pay without taxation


nequicquam sapit qui sibi non sapit: he is wise to no purpose who is not wise

regarding himself

nervos belli, pecuniam infinitam (also, nervi belli, pecunia infinita): the sinews

of war: unlimited money (Cicero)

nescia mens hominum fati sortisque futuræ, et servare modum, rebus sublata

secundis: the mind of man is ignorant of fate and future destiny, and cannot keep

within due bounds when elated by prosperity (Virgil)

nescio quid curtæ semper abest rei: something is always wanting to our imperfect

fortune (Horace)

nescire quædam magna pars sapientiæ est: ignorance of certain subjects is a great

part of wisdom (Hugo de Groot, 1670)

nescis tu quam meticulosa res sit ire ad judicem: you do not know what a

frightful thing it is to go to court (Plautus)

nescit vox missa reverti: a word once spoken can never be recalled (Horace)

neutiquam officium liberi esse hominis puto, cum is nihil promereat, postulare

id gratiæ apponi sibi: a man of liberal sentiments will not stoop to ask that as a

favor, which he cannot claim as a reward (Terence)

nihil a Deo vacat; opus suum ipse implet: nothing is void of God; his work

everywhere is filled with himself (Seneca)

nihil aliud est ebrietas quam voluntaria insania: drunkenness is nothing but

voluntary madness (Seneca)

nihil aliud necessarium ut sis miser, quam ut te miserum credas: nothing else is

necessary to make you wretched than to believe you are so

nihil amanti durum: nothing is hard for one who loves

nihil amori injuriam est: there is no wrong that love will not forgive

nihil cum fidibus graculo: jackdaws have nothing to do with a lute (Aulus Gellius)

nihil dat qui non habet: a person gives nothing who has nothing

nihil dictum quod non dictum prius: nothing can be said that has not been said


nihil difficile amanti: nothing is difficult for the lover (Cicero)

nihil enim æque gratum est adeptis, quam concupiscentibus: an object in

possession seldom retains the same charms that it had when it was longed for (Pliny

the Younger)

nihil enim lacryma citius arescit: nothing dries sooner than a tear (Cicero)

nihil eripit Fortuna nisi quod et dedit: Fortune takes nothing away but what she

also gave (Publilius Syrus)

nihil esse præcipue cuiquam dolendum in eo, quod accidat universis: no one

has the right to be sorry for himself for a misfortune that strikes everyone (Cicero)

nihil est ab omni parte beatum

nihil tam absurdum dici potest ut

nihil est ab omni parte beatum: there is nothing that is blessed in every respect

(i.e., there are no unmixed blessings) (Horace)

nihil est aliud falsitas nisi veritatis imitatio: falsehood is nothing but an imitation

of truth (Justinian)

nihil est aliud magnum quam multa minuta: every great thing is composed of

many things that are small

nihil est annis velocius!: nothing is swifter than the years! (Ovid)

nihil est autem tam voluere: nothing is so swift as calumny (Cicero)

nihil est enim tam miserabile quam ex beato miser: nothing is more deserving of

pity than a poor man who has seen better days (Cicero)

nihil est miserum, nisi cum putes: nothing is lamentable unless you think it so


nihil est quod credere de se non possit: there is nothing of which it (power)

cannot believe itself capable (Juvenal)

nihil est quod Deus efficere non possit: there is nothing that God cannot do


nihil est tam utile, quod in transitu prosit: nothing is so useful as to be of profit

after only a hasty study of it (Seneca)

nihil hic nisi carmina desunt: nothing is wanting here except a song (Virgil)

nihil honestum esse potest, quod justitia vacat: nothing can be honorable where

justice is absent (Cicero)

nihil inimicius quam sibi ipse: man is his own worst enemy (Cicero)

nihil ita sublime est, supraque pericula tendit non sit ut inferius

suppositumque Deo: nothing is so high and above all danger that is not below

and in the power of God (Ovid)

nihil magis consentaneum est quam ut iisdem modis res dissolvatur, quibus

constituitur: nothing is more equitable than that everything should be dissolved

by the same means by which it was first constituted

nihil morosius hominum judiciis: there is nothing so peevish as men’s judgments of

one another (Erasmus)

nihil non aggressuros homines, si magna conatis magna præmia proponantur:

there is nothing men will not attempt when great enterprises hold out the promise

of great rewards (Livy)

nihil potest rex nisi quod de jure potest: the king can do nothing but what the law


nihil quod est inconveniens est licitum: nothing that is inconvenient is lawful

nihil scire est vita jucundissima: to know nothing at all is the happiest life (i.e.,

ignorance is bliss)

nihil simul inventum est et perfectum: nothing is invented and brought to

perfection all at once (Coke)

nihil sub sole novum (or, nihil sub sole novi, or, nil novi sub sole): there is

nothing new under the sun (after Ecclesiastes 1:9)

nihil tam absurdum dici potest ut non dicatur a philosopho: there is nothing so

absurd but it may be said by a philosopher (Cicero) nihil tam firmum est, cui periculum nil temere novandum

nihil tam firmum est, cui periculum non sit etiam ab invalido: nothing is so

steadfast as to be free of danger from even the weakest person (Curtius)

nihil tam incertum nec tam inæstimabile est quam animi multitudinis: nothing

is so uncertain or so inestimable as the disposition of a crowd (Livy)

nihil tam munitum est, quod non expugnari pecunia possit: nothing is so

strongly fortified that it cannot be taken by money (Cicero)

nihil volitum quin præcognitum: nothing can be said to be desired that is not first


nil actum reputa si quid superest agendum: do not consider that anything has

been done if anything is left to be done (Lucan)

nil agit exemplum litem quod lite resolvit: that example does nothing, which, in

removing one difficulty, introduces another (Horace)

nil dictum quod non dictum prius: there can be nothing said now that has not

been said before

nil enim prodest, quod lædere non possit idem: nothing can be of advantage that

is not also convertible to purposes of injury (Ovid)

nil est amore veritatis celsus: nothing is loftier than the love of truth (Prudentius)

nil feret ad manes divitis umbra suos: the spirit of the rich man will carry nothing

to the shades below (Ovid)

nil habet infelix paupertas durius in se, quam quod ridiculos homines facit: the

misfortunes of poverty carry with them nothing harder to bear than that it exposes

men to ridicule (Juvenal)

nil homine terra pejus ingrato creat: earth produces nothing worse than an

ungrateful man (Ausonius)

nil homini certum est: there is nothing assured to men (Ovid)

nil magnum nisi bonum: nothing is great unless it is good

nil mortalibus arduum est; coelum ipsum petimus stultitia: nothing is too

difficult for mortals; in our folly we strive to reach heaven itself (Horace)

nil peccant oculi, si oculis animus imperet: the eyes do not err if the mind

governs them (Publilius Syrus)

nil posse creari de nilo: nothing can be created of nothing (Lucretius)

nil proprium ducas quod mutari potest: never deem anything your own that can

be transferred (Publilius Syrus)

nil similius insano quam ebrius: nothing is more like a madman than a man who is


nil sine magno vita labore debit mortalibus: life has given nothing great to

mortals without labor (Horace)

nil spernat auris, nec tamen credat statim: let the ear despise nothing, nor yet be

too ready to believe (Phжdrus)

nil tam difficile est quod non solertia vincat: there is nothing so difficult that skill

will not overcome it

nil tam inæstimabile est quam animi multitudinis: nothing is so valueless as the

sentiments of the mob (Seneca)

nil temere novandum: make no rash innovations

nil unquam longum est, quod sine non ætate verum ingenio adipiscitur

nil unquam longum est, quod sine fine placet: nothing is ever long that never

ceases to please

nimia cura deterit magis quam emendat: too much concern may injure rather

than improve your work

nimia est miseria nimis pulchrum esse hominem: it is a great affliction to be too

handsome a man (Plautus)

nimia est voluptas, si diu abfueris a domo domum si redieris, si tibi nulla est

ægritudo animo obviam: it is a very great pleasure if, on your return home after a

long absence, you are not confronted with anything to vex you (Plautus)

nimia familiaritas parit contemptum: familiarity breeds contempt (Publilius Syrus)

nimis uncis naribus indulges: you indulge too much in turning up the nose

nimium altercando veritas amittitur: in too much disputing, truth is apt to be lost

(Publilius Syrus)

nimium (enim) risus pretium est, si probitatis impendio constat: we pay too

much for a laugh if it is at the expense of our honesty (Quintilian)

nimium ne crede colori: trust not too much in a beautiful complexion (i.e., trust not

too much to appearances) (Virgil)

nimium ne lætare secundis: do not rejoice too much in prosperity

nimium rebus ne fide secundis: do not trust prosperity too much

nisi caste, saltem caute: if not chastely, then at least cautiously

nisi pariter, non pugnant: there is no battle unless there be two (Seneca)

nisi utile est quod facias, stulta est gloria: unless what we do is useful, our pride is

foolish (Phжdrus)

nitamur semper ad optima: let us always strive for the best

nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata: we are ever striving after what is

forbidden, and coveting what is denied us (Ovid)

nobilitatis virtus non stemma character: virtue, not pedigree, is the mark of


nocet empta dolore voluptas: pleasure bought by pain is injurious (Horace)

nodum in scirpo quærere: to look for a knot in the rushes (i.e., to look for difficulty

where none exists) (Terence)

noli altum sapere: do not aim at lofty things

noli barbam vellere mortuo leoni: do not pluck the beard of a dead lion (Juvenal)

noli tuba canere Eleemosynam: do not trumpet your almsgiving

nolite dare sanctum canibus: do not give that which is sacred to dogs (St. Matthew 7:6)

nolite deficere bene facientes: do not cease to do good (2 Thessalonians 3:13)

nolite judicare ut non judicemini: judge not that you be not judged (St. Matthew 7:1)

nomen amicitia est; nomen inane fides: friendship is but a name; fidelity but an

empty name (Ovid)

nomina stultorum parietibus hærent: fools’ names stick to the walls (i.e., fools’

names and fools’ faces are always found in public places)

non ætate verum ingenio adipiscitur sapientia: wisdom is not attained with years,

but by ability (Plautus)

non aliunder pendere non ex verbo verbum sed ad sensu

non aliunder pendere: do not rely on others

non bene conveniunt, nec in una sede morantur majestas et amor: majesty and

love do not consort well together, nor do they dwell in the same place (Ovid)

non bene imperat, nisi qui paruerit imperio: no one makes a good commander

except the one who has been trained to obey commands

non bene olet, qui bene semper olet: (fig.) the one who uses perfume has good

reasons for using it (Martial)

non cuicunque datum est habere nasum: not everyone is gifted with a nose (i.e.,

has the powers of discernment) (Martial)

non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum: it is not every man that can go to

Corinth (i.e., not everyone possesses the same opportunities) (Horace)

non damnatio sed causa hominem turpem facit: it is not the condemnation but

the crime that disgraces a man (Seneca)

non decipitur qui scit se decipi: no one is deceived who is knowingly deceived

non deest generoso in pectore virtus: there is no lack of courage in a noble heart

non defendi homines sine vituperatione fortasse posse, neglegenter defendi

sine scelere non posse: it might be pardonable to refuse to defend some men, but

to defend them negligently is nothing short of criminal (Cicero)

non enim potest quæstus consistere, si eum sumptus superat: there can be no

profit if the expense exceeds it (Plautus)

non enim tam auctoritatis in disputando, quam rationis momenta quærenda

sunt: in every disputation, we should look more to the weight of reason than to the

weight of authorities (Cicero)

non est ab homine nunquam sobrio postulanda prudentia: prudence must not be

expected from a man who is never sober (Cicero)

non est alius ingenio alius animo color: genius does not have one form (or

appearance) and courage another (Seneca)

non est ars quæ ad effectum casu venit: that which achieves its effect by accident

is not art (Seneca)

non est bonum ludere cum diis: it is not good to trifle with the gods

non est discipulus super magistrum nec servus super dominum suum: the

student is not above the teacher, nor is the servant above his master (St. Matthew


non est ejusdem et multa et opportuna dicere: the same person will not both talk

much and to the purpose

non est jocus esse malignum: there is no joke in being malignant (Horace)

non est princeps super leges, sed leges supra principem: The prince is not above

the laws, but the laws above the prince (Pliny the Younger)

non est sine pulvere palma: the palm (honor) is not obtained without toil

non est vivere, sed valere, vita (est): life is not mere living but the enjoyment of

health (Martial)

non ex verbo verbum sed ad sensu curabis reddere fidus interpres: as a faithful

translator, be careful not to render (or translate) word for word but the meaning

non exercitus, neque thesauri non opus est verbis, credite rebus

non exercitus, neque thesauri, præsidia regni sunt, verum amici: the safety of a

kingdom does not depend so much upon its armies, or its treasures, as on its

alliances (Sallust)

non exiguum temporis habemus; sed multa perdidimus: it is not that we have so

little time, but that we have lost so much (Seneca)

non facile solus serves quod multis placet: it is not easy to keep to yourself what

many desire (Publilius Syrus)

non facit nobilem atrium plenum fumosis imaginibus: it is not a hallway filled

with dusty portraits that makes a man a nobleman (Seneca)

non faciunt meliorem equum aurei freni: a gilded bit does not make for a better

horse (Seneca)

non generant aquilæ columbas: eagles do not beget doves

non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum: not

that which is great is beautiful, but that which is beautiful is great

non in caro nidore voluptas summa, sed in teipso est, tu pulmentaria quære

sundando: the pleasure [of eating] does not lie in the costly flavor, but in yourself;

seek the relish, therefore, from hard exercise (Horace)

non intelligitur quando obrepit senectus: we do not perceive old age, seeing it

creeps on apace (Cicero)

non intelligunt homines quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia: men do not

understand what a great revenue is thrift (Cicero)

non licet in bello bis peccare: in war, it is not permitted to err twice

non licet omnibus adire Corinthum: not everyone is permitted to go to Corinth

(i.e., we cannot all be wealthy or have the same opportunities) (after Horace)

non metuit mortem, qui scit contemnere vitam: he fears not death who has

learned to despise life (Dionysius Cato)

non mihi sapit qui sermone, sed qui factis sapit: not the one who is wise in

speech, but the one who is wise in deeds, is wise for me (Gregory of Agrigentum)

non missura cutem, nisi plena cruoris hirudo: a leech that will not leave the skin

until it is gorged with blood (Horace)

non omne quod licet honestum est (also, non omne licitum honestum): what is

permissible is not always honorable (Justinian)

non omnem molitor quæ fluit unda videt: the miller does not see everything that

floats by his mill (i.e., no one can be expected to see everything that might pass his


non omnes eadem mirantur amantque: all men do not admire and love the same

things (Horace)

non omnes qui habent citharam sunt citharoedi: not all who own a lyre are lyreplayers


non omnia possumus omnes: we cannot all do all things (Virgil)

non omnibus ægris eadem auxilia conveniunt: the same remedies do not suit

every patient (Celsus)

non omnis error stultitia est dicendus: not every error is to be called folly

non opus est verbis, credite rebus: there is no need of words; believe facts (Ovid) non parcit populis regnum breve non vixit male, qui natus

non parcit populis regnum breve: a short reign brings no respite to the masses


non parvum est seipsum noscere: it is not a little thing to know oneself

non posse bene geri rempublican multorum imperiis: a republic cannot be well

conducted under the command of many (Cornelius Nepos)

non potest severus esse in judicando, qui alios in se severos esse judices non

vult: he cannot be strict in judging who does not wish others to be strict judges of

himself (Cicero)

non progredi est regredi: not to go forward is to go backward

non propter vitam faciunt patrimonia quidam, sed vitio cæci propter

patrimonia vivunt: some men do not get estates for the purpose of enjoying life,

but, blinded by error, live only for their estates (Juvenal)

non purgat peccata qui negat: the one who denies his sins does not atone for them

non quam diu, sed quam bene vixeris refert: not how long, but how well you have

lived, is the main thing (Seneca)

non quam multis placeas, sed qualibus stude: do not care how many you please,

but whom (Publilius Syrus)

non qui parum habet, sed qui plus cupit, pauper est: it is not the one who has

little, but the one who craves more, who is the poor man (Seneca)

non satis est puris versum perscribere verbis: it is not enough to write your verse

in plain words (Horace)

non scholæ, sed vitæ discimus: we learn not at school, but in life; or, we learn not for

school, but for life (modified version of Seneca’s non vitæ, sed scholæ discimus)

non scribit, cujus carmina nemo legit: no man writes whose verses no one reads


non semper erit æstas: it will not always be summer (Hesiod)

non semper erunt Saturnalia: it will not always be Saturnalia (i.e., the carnival will

not last forever)

non semper temeritas est felix: rashness is not always fortunate (Livy)

non sentire mala sua non est hominis et non ferre non est viri: not to feel one’s

misfortunes is not human, not to bear them is not manly (Seneca)

non sentiunt viri fortes in acie vulnera: in the stress of battle brave men do not

feel their wounds (Cicero)

non si male nunc et olim sic erit: if matters go on badly at present, they may take a

better turn in the hereafter (Horace)

non tua te moveant, sed publica vota: let not your own, but the public wishes,

motivate you

non uti libet, sed uti licet, sic vivamus: we must live not as we like, but as we can

non vi sed virtute, non armis sed arte paritur victoria: not by force but by virtue,

not with arms but with art is victory won

non vitæ, sed scholæ discimus: in school, we learn not the lessons of life, but of

school (Seneca)

non vixit male, qui natus moriensque fefellit: he has not lived ill whose birth and

death have passed unnoticed by the world (Horace)

nondum omnium dierum sol occidit

 nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque

nondum omnium dierum sol occidit: the sun of all days has not yet set

nondum victoria, jam discordia erat: not yet victory, and there was already

dissension (Tacitus)

nonum(que) prematur in annum: let it (your first draft) be kept back from

publication until the ninth year (Horace)

nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati: we are a mere cipher, and born to

consume the fruits of the earth (Horace)

noscitur a sociis ejusdem generis: one is known by his companions of the same

type (i.e., it takes one to know one)

nosse omnia hæc salus est adolescentulis: it is salutary for young men to know all

these things (Terence)

nosse volunt omnes, mercedem solvere nemo: all wish to know, but no one

wishes to pay the fee (Terence)

nostra nos sine comparatione delectant; nunquam erit felix quem torquebit

felicior: what we have pleases us if we do not compare it with what others have; no

person will be happy to whom a happier person is a torture (Seneca)

notatio naturæ, et animadversio peperit artem: art is born of the observation and

investigation of nature (Cicero)

notissimum quodque malum, maxime tolerabile: the best known evils are the

easiest to bear (Livy)

novos amicos dum paras, veteres cole: while you seek new friendships, take care to

cultivate the old ones (Hermes)

noxiæ poena par esto: let the punishment equal the crime (Cicero)

nudus amor formæ non amat artificem: naked love loves not the beauty that is due

to art (Propertius)

nulla aconita bibuntur fictilibus: no poison is drunk out of earthenware (i.e., the

poor and powerless need not fear being poisoned) (Juvenal)

nulla ætas ad perdiscendum est: there is no time of life past learning something

(St. Ambrose)

nulla dies mærore caret: there is no day without sorrow (Seneca)

nulla (enim) res tantum ad dicendum proficit, quantum scriptio: nothing so

much assists learning as writing down what we wish to remember (Cicero)

nulla est igitur excusatio peccati, si amici causa peccaveris: it is certainly no

excuse for sin if we have sinned for the sake of a friend (Cicero)

nulla est sicera voluptas; sollicitumque aliquid lætis intervenit: no joy comes

unmixed; and something of anxiety intervenes with every pleasure (Ovid)

nulla falsa doctrina est, quæ non permisceat aliquid veritatis: there is no

doctrine so false that it does not contain some mixture of truth

nulla fere causa est, in qua non foemina litem moverit: there is hardly a [bad]

cause in which a woman has not been a prime mover (Juvenal)

nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque potestas impatiens consortis erit: there is no

trust among colleagues in power, and all power will be impatient of a colleague


nulla fides umquam miseros elegit nullum magnum malum quod

nulla fides umquam miseros elegit amicos: loyalty never chose the unfortunate as

friends (Lucan)

nulla lex satis commoda omnibus est: no law is sufficiently convenient to all (Livy)

nulla placere diu nec vivere carmina possunt quæ scribuntur aquæ potoribus:

no song can give pleasure for long, nor can it last, that is written by drinkers of

water (Horace)

nulla res carius constat quam quæ precibus empta est: nothing costs so much as

what is bought by prayers (Seneca)

nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scripto: nothing so much assists

learning as writing down what we wish to remember

nulla unquam de vita hominis cunctatio longa est: no delay is too long when the

life of a man is at stake (Juvenal)

nulli est homini perpetuum bonum: no man has perpetual good fortune (Plautus)

nulli jactantius moerent, quam qui maxime lætantur: none mourn with more

affection of sorrow than those who inwardly rejoice (Tacitus)

nulli sapere casu obtigit: no one was ever wise by chance (Seneca)

nulli te facias nimis sodalem, gaudebis minus et minus dolebis: be on too

intimate terms with no one; if your joy be less, so will your grief (Martial)

nullis amor est medicabilis herbis: love is not to be cured by medicinal herbs


nullius boni sine socio jucunda possessio (est): without friends to share it, no

good we possess is truly enjoyable (Seneca)

nullum ad nocendum tempus angustum est malis: no time is too short for the

wicked to injure their neighbors

nullum caruit exemplo nefas: no crime has been without a precedent (Seneca)

nullum cum victis certamen et æthere cassis: brave men never warred with the

dead and conquered (Virgil)

nullum enim officium referenda gratia magis necessarium est: there is no duty

more obligatory than the repayment of a kindness (Cicero)

nullum est jam (or nunc) dictum quod non sit dictum prius: nothing is said now

that has not been said before (Terence)

nullum est malum majus, quam non posse ferre malum: there is no greater

misfortune than not to be able to endure misfortune

nullum est sine nomine saxum: no stone without a name (or, without a tale to tell)

(Lucan, said of the fate of Troy)

nullum imperium tutum, nisi benevolentia munitum: no government is safe

unless it be fortified by good will (Cornelius Nepos)

nullum iniquum in jure præsumendum est: nothing unjust is to be presumed in

the law

nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiæ fuit: there has not been any

great genius without an element of madness (Seneca)

nullum magnum malum quod extremum est: no evil is great which is the last (i.e.,

people have endured all manner of ills believing that there was no more to come)

(Cornelius Nepos)

nullum majus boni imperii

nunquam minus solus quam cum

nullum majus boni imperii instrumentum quam bonos amicos esse: there can

be no more effectual instrument of good government than good friends (Tacitus)

nullum numen abest, si sit prudentia: where there is prudence, a protecting deity

is not far away

nullum sæculum magnis ingeniis clausum est: no era is closed to great intellects


nullum scelus rationem habet: no crime has a reason (i.e., no crime can be

defended on rational grounds) (Livy)

nullum simile quatuor pedibus currit: no simile runs on all fours (i.e., applicable in

every case)

nullum tempus occurrit regi: no lapse of time bars the rights of the king

nullus argento color est avaris abdito terris: silver has no shine while it is hidden

in the miserly earth (Horace)

nullus argento color est, nisi temperato splendeat usu: silver has no splendor of

its own unless it shines by temperate use (Horace)

nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria: no one can take

advantage of a wrong committed by himself

nullus dolor est quem non longinquitas temporis minuat ac molliat: there is no

pain that length of time will not diminish and soothe (Cicero)

nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit: there is no book so bad that

it is not profitable in some part (attributed to Pliny the Elder)

nullus est locus domestica sede jucundior: there is no place more delightful than

one’s own domestic space (Cicero)

nullus tantus quæstus, quam quod habes parcere: there is no gain so certain as that

which arises from sparing what you have (i.e., economy is a more certain road to wealth)

numero omnia impare gaudet: odd numbers bring luck (Virgil)

nunc vino pellite curas!: now drive away your cares with wine! (Horace)

nunquam acquiescere: never acquiesce

nunquam ad liquidum fama perducitur: fame (or rumor) never reports things in

their true light

nunquam ædepol temere tinniit tintinnabulum; nisi quis illud tractat aut

movet, mutum est, tacet: the bell never rings of itself; unless someone handles or

moves it, it is silent (Plautus)

nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapientia dicit: nature never says one thing and

wisdom another (Juvenal)

nunquam erit alienis gravis, qui suis se concinnat levem: he will never be

disagreeable to others who makes himself agreeable to his own relations (Plautus)

nunquam est fidelis cum potente societas: never trust an alliance with the

powerful (Phrжdrus)

nunquam imperator ita paci credit, ut non se præparet bello: no ruler can be so

confident of peace as not to prepare for war (Seneca)

nunquam libertas gratior extat quam sub rege pio: liberty is never more

enjoyable than under a pious king (Claudian)

nunquam minus solus quam cum solus: never less alone than when alone (Cicero)

nunquam nimis dicitur, quod officium natura docet

nunquam nimis dicitur, quod nunquam satis discitur: that is never too often

repeated that is never sufficiently learned (Seneca)

nunquam potest non esse virtuti locus: there must ever be a place for virtue


nunquam procrastinandum: one ought never to procrastinate

nunquam scelus scelere vincendum est: it is unlawful to overcome crime by crime


nunquam vera species ab utilitate dividitur: the truly beautiful is never separated

from the useful (Quintilian)

nunquam vir æquus dives evasit cito: no just man ever became rich quickly


nusquam est qui ubique est: the man who is everywhere is never anywhere


nusquam tuta fides: nowhere is trust safe; or, nowhere is there true fidelity (or

honor) (Virgil)


oblatam occasionem tene: seize the opportunity that is offered

obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit: obsequiousness brings us friends, the

truth brings forth enemies (Terence)

occasio ægre offertur, facile amittitur: a good opportunity is seldom presented,

and is easily lost (Publilius Syrus)

occasio furem facit (or, facit occasio furem): opportunity makes the thief

oculi sunt in amore duces: in love the eyes are our leaders (Propertius)

oculi tanquam speculatores altissimum locum obtinent: the eyes, like sentinels,

occupy the highest place in the body (Cicero)

oculis magis habenda fides quam auribus: it is better to trust our eyes than our


oculus domini saginat equum: the master’s eye makes the horse fat

oderunt di homines injuros: the gods hate unjust men (Nжvius)

oderunt hilarem tristes, tristemque jocosi: the sad detest the cheerful, and the

cheerful the sad (Horace)

oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore: good men hate to sin out of their love of

virtue (Horace)

odia qui nimium timet, regnare nescit: the one who dreads hostility too much is

unfit to rule (Seneca)

odit verus amor, nec patitur, moras: true love hates, and does not suffer, delay


officii fructus sit ipsum officium: let the reward of duty be duty itself (Cicero)

officium natura docet: nature teaches one duty

oi pleiones kakoi

omnia cum amico delibera, sed de

oi pleiones kakoi: the greater part of humankind is bad (Bias, one of the Seven

Greek Sages, from the Greek)

olim meminisse juvabit: it will delight us to recall these things (i.e., some day we

will look back at this and laugh) (Virgil)

omina sunt aliquid: there is something in omens (Ovid)

omne actum ab agentis intentione (est) judicandum: every act is to be judged by

the intention of the agent

omne ævum curæ: cunctis sua displicet ætas: every age has its own care: each one

thinks his own time of life is disagreeable (Ausonius)

omne animal seipsum diligit: every animal loves itself (Cicero)

omne animi vitium tanto conspectius in se crimen habet, quanto major qui

peccat habetur: every vice of the mind makes its guilt the more conspicuous in

proportion to the rank of the offender (Juvenal)

omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ægerrume desinere: war is always easy to

start, but very hard to end (Sallust)

omne homini natale solum: the whole world is a man’s birthplace (Statius)

omne ignotum pro magnifico (est): everything unknown is thought to be

magnificent (Tacitus)

omne in præcipiti vitium stetit: every vice ever stands on a precipice (Juvenal)

omne malum nascens facile opprimitur; inveteratum fit plerumque robustius:

every evil is easily crushed at its birth; when grown old, it generally becomes more

obstinate (Cicero)

omne nimium vertitur in vitium: every excess develops into a vice

omne quod dulce est cito satiat: all sweet things quickly bring satiety (or

satisfaction) (Macrobius)

omne supervacuum pleno de pectore manat: everything that is superfluous

overflows from the full bosom (Horace)

omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum: believe that each day that shines on

you is your last (Horace)

omnes pari sorte nascimur: sola virtute distinguimur: men are equal by birth:

merit alone makes the difference

omnes sapientes decet conferre et fabulari: all wise people ought to confer and

hold converse with each other (Plautus)

omnes sibi malle melius esse, quam alteri: it is human nature that every individual

should wish for his own advantage in preference to that of others (Terence)

omnes sub regno graviore regnum est: every monarch is subject to a mightier one


omnes una manet nox, et calcanda semel via lethi: one night awaits us all, and the

path of death must be trodden once (Horace)

omni ætati mors est communis: death is common to every age (Cicero)

omnia conando docilis solertia vincit: by application a docile shrewdness conquers

every difficulty (Manilius)

omnia cum amico delibera, sed de (te) ipso prius: consult your friend on

everything, but particularly on what concerns yourself (Seneca) omnia enim plerumque quæ absunt omnis amans amens

omnia enim plerumque quæ absunt vehementius hominum mentes

perturbant: as a rule, men’s minds are more deeply disturbed by what they do not

see (Julius Cжsar)

omnia fert ætas, animum quoque: age carries everything away, even the mind


omnia inconsulti impetus coepta, initiis valida, spatio languescunt: all

enterprises that are entered into with hasty zeal may be pursued with great vigor at

first, but are sure to languish in the end (Tacitus)

omnia mala exempla ex rebus bonis orta sunt (also, omnia mala exempla orta

sunt ex bonis initiis): every bad precedent originated as a justifiable measure


omnia mors æquat: death levels all things (Claudian and Cicero)

omnia mors poscit. Lex est, non poena, perire: death claims all things. It is law,

not punishment, to die (Seneca)

omnia munda mundis: to the pure all things are pure

omnia mutantur, nihil interit: all things merely change, nothing perishes (Ovid)

omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis: all things change, and we ourselves

change with them (Borbonius)

omnia non pariter rerum sunt omnibus apta: all things are not equally fit for all

men (Propertius)

omnia non properanti clara certaque erunt; festinatio improvida est, et cæca:

all things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry; haste is blind

and improvident (Livy)

omnia orta occidunt, et aucta senescunt: everything that rises sets, and everything

that grows grows old (Sallust)

omnia perversas possunt corrumpere mentes: all things tend to corrupt perverted

minds (Ovid)

omnia præclara rara: all excellent things are rare (Cicero)

omnia præsumuntur rite et solenniter esse acta: all things are presumed to have

been done duly and in the usual manner

omnia prius experiri, quam armis, sapientem decet: it becomes a wise man to try

all methods before having recourse to arms (Terence)

omnia rerum principia parva sunt: all beginnings are small (Cicero)

omnia Romæ cum pretio: all things at Rome may be bought for a price (Juvenal)

omnia sunt hominum tenui pendentia filo; et subito casu, quæ valuere, ruunt:

all things human hang by a slender thread; and that which seemed to stand strong

of a sudden falls and sinks in ruins (Ovid)

omnia vincit amor, nos et cedamus amori: love conquers all things, let us also

yield to love (Virgil)

omnibus bonis expedit rempublicam esse salvam: it is for the interest of every

good man that the republic shall be safe (Cicero)

omnibus in rebus voluptatibus maximis fastidium finitimum est: the greatest

pleasures are only narrowly separated from disgust (Cicero)

omnis amans amens: every lover is demented

omnis ars imitatio est naturæ

optimum obsonium labor

omnis ars imitatio est naturæ: all art is an imitation of nature (Seneca)

omnis commoditas sua fert incommoda secum: every convenience brings its own

inconveniences along with it

omnis homines … qui de rebus dubiis consultant, ab odio, amicitia, ira atque

misericordia vacuos esse decet: those who deliberate on controversial matters

should be free from hatred, friendship, anger, and pity (Julius Cжsar, as quoted by


omnis mutatio loci jucunda fiet: every change of place becomes a delight (Seneca)

omnis nimium longa properanti mora est: every delay is too long to one who is in

a hurry (Seneca)

omnis poena corporalis, quamvis minima, major est omni poena pecuniaria,

quamvis maxima: the slightest corporal punishment falls more heavily than the

largest pecuniary penalty

omnis sors ferendo superanda est: every fate is to be overcome by enduring

omnis stultitia laborat fastidio sui: all folly is afflicted with a disdain of itself


omnium consensu capax imperii, nisi imperasset: he would have been universally

deemed fit for empire, if he had never reigned (Tacitus, said of Emperor Galba)

omnium rerum, heus, vicissitudo est: there are changes, mark you, in all things


omnium rerum principia parva sunt: the beginnings of all things are small (Cicero)

onus segni impone asello: lay the burden on the lazy ass

operæ pretium est: there is a reward for work (i.e., it is worth doing) (Terence)

operæ pretium non est: it is work not worthy of doing (i.e., it is not worthwhile)

opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum: in a long work it is allowable for sleep to

steal upon us (or, upon the writer) (Horace)

opes regum, corda subditorum: the wealth of kings is in the affections of their


opinionem quidem et famam eo loco habeamus, tamquam non ducere sed

sequi debeat: as for rumor and reputation, let us consider them as matters that

must follow, not guide, our actions (Seneca)

opinionum commenta delet dies, naturæ judicia confirmat: time erases the

comments of opinion, but it confirms the judgments of nature (Cicero)

optanda mors est, sine metu mortis mori: to die without fear of death is

something to be desired (Seneca)

optat ephippia bos piger optat arare caballus: the lazy ox covets the horse’s saddle,

the slow horse would rather plough (Horace)

optima mors Parca quæ venit apta die: the best death is that which comes on the

day that Fate determines (Propertius)

optimi consiliarii mortui: the best counselors are the dead

optimum custodem ovium quem dicunt esse lupum!: what a fine shepherd a wolf

must be!

optimum obsonium labor: work is the best of relishes (or, work is the best means to


optimus est portus poenitenti mutatio pares cum paribus ut est in veteri

optimus est portus poenitenti mutatio consilii: the safest haven for the penitent is

a change in conduct (Cicero)

optimus est qui optime facit: the best is he who does the best

opulentia tyranni, paupertas subjectorum: the wealth of a tyrant is the poverty of

his subjects

opus artificem probat: the work proves the craftsman (i.e., the worker is known by

his work)

orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano: we should pray for a sound mind

in a sound body (Juvenal)

orare est laborare, laborare est orare: to pray is to work, to work is to pray

orationis summa virtus est perspicuitas: the greatest virtue of speech is perspicuity


orator improbus leges subvertit: a morally corrupt orator subverts the law

ostendite modo bellum, pacem habebitis: you need only a show of war to have

peace (Livy)

otia dant vitia: leisure begets vices

otia si tollas, periere Cupidinis arcus: remove leisure, and the bow of Cupid will

lose its effect (Ovid)

otiosi semper egentes: the idle are always needy

otiosis nullus adsistit deus: no god assists the idle

otium sine litteris mors est et hominis vivi sepultura: leisure without literature is

death, or rather the burial of a living man (Seneca)

otium sortem exspectat: idleness awaits its destiny (i.e., hopes for good fortune)


pacem hominibus habe, bellum cum vitiis: maintain peace with men, war with their


pactum non pactum est; non pactum pactum est, quod vobis lubet: an

agreement is not an agreement; no agreement is an agreement, as it pleases you


palam mutire plebeio piaculum est: for a common man to mutter what he thinks is

a risky venture

par in parem imperium non habet: an equal has no authority over an equal

paratæ lacrimæ insidias non fletum indicant: ready tears are a sign of treachery,

not of grief (Publilius Syrus)

parcite paucarum diffundere crimen in omnes: refrain from laying the guilt of the

few upon the many (Ovid)

parem delinquentis et suasoris culpam esse: the fault belongs alike to the wrongdoer

and to the persuader

pares cum paribus ut est in veteri proverbio facillime congregantur: as in the

old proverb, like associates more easily with like (Cicero)

paritur pax bello

paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur

paritur pax bello: peace is produced by war (Cornelius Nepos)

pars beneficii est quod petitur si belle neges: to refuse graciously is to confer a

favor (Publilius Syrus)

pars beneficii est quod petitur si cito neges: to refuse a favor quickly is to grant

one (Publilius Syrus)

pars minima est ipsa puella sui: the girl herself is the least part of herself (Ovid)

pars sanitatis velle sanari fuit: it is a step to the cure to be willing to be cured


parsimonia est magnum vectigal: thrift is a great revenue (Cicero)

parta tueri: defend what you have won

parva leves capiunt animas (or animos): little minds are caught (or captured) by

little things (Ovid)

parvam culinam duobus ganeonibus non sufficere: a small kitchen does not

suffice for two gluttons

parvi enim sunt foris arma, nisi est consilium domi: an army abroad is of little

use unless there are prudent counsels at home (Cicero)

parvula scintilla sæpe magnum suscitavit incendium: a very small spark has often

kindled a great conflagration

parvum parva decent: small things become the small (Horace)

pati necesse est multa mortales mala: mortals must bear many ills (Nжvius)

patientia casus exsuperat omnes: patience masters all chances

patientia læsa fit furor: patience abused becomes fury

patria cuique chara: each person’s homeland is dear to him

patriæ fumus igne alieno luculentior: the smoke of one’s own country is brighter

than any fire in a foreign land

patriæ quis exsul se quoque fugit?: what fugitive from his homeland can flee from

himself? (Horace)

patriæ solum omnibus carum est: the soil of their native land is dear to the hearts

of all (Cicero)

pauci dignoscere possunt vera bona, atque illis multum diversa: few men can

distinguish the truly good from the reverse (Juvenal)

pauci libertatem, pars magna justos dominos volunt: few men desire liberty; the

majority are satisfied with a just master (Sallust)

paucis carior fides quam pecunia fuit: there were few who preferred honor to

money (Sallust)

paullum (or paulum) sepultæ distat inertiæ celata virtus: virtue (or excellence)

when concealed, differs but little from buried idleness (Horace)

pauper enim non est, cui rerum suppetit usus: that man is not poor who has a

sufficiency for all his wants (Horace)

pauper ubique jacet: everywhere the poor man is despised (Ovid)

paupertas est, non quæ pauca possidet, sed quæ multa non possidet: poverty is

not possessing few things, but lacking many things (Seneca)

paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur orbe: poverty is shunned and treated as a

crime throughout the world (Lucan)

paupertatem summis ingeniis obesse periculum in mora

paupertatem summis ingeniis obesse, ne provehantur: poverty hinders the

greatest talents from advancing

paupertatis onus patienter ferre memento: patiently bear the burden of poverty

(Dionysius Cato)

pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at poenam semper ob oculos versari

putant qui peccarunt: the innocent are free from fear; but the guilty have always

the dread of punishment before their eyes

pax paritur bello: peace is produced by war (Cornelius Nepos)

pax potior bello: peace is preferable to war

peccare licet nemini: no one has license to sin (Cicero)

peccare pauci nolunt, nulli nesciunt: few are unwilling to sin, all know how

(Publilius Syrus)

pectus est quod disertos facit: it is the heart that makes one eloquent (Quintillan)

pecunia obediunt omnia: all things are obedient to money

pecunia regimen est rerum omnium: money controls all things (Publilius Syrus)

pecuniam in loco negligere interdum maximum est lucrum: to despise money

on occasion sometimes leads to very great gain (Terence)

pecuniam perdidisti; fortasse illa te perderet manens: you have lost your money;

perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you

pejor est bello timor ipse belli: the dread of war is worse than war itself (Seneca)

per difficile est, cum prestare cæteris concupieris, servare æquitatem: it is very

difficult to preserve equity aiming to surpass others (Cicero)

per multum risum, poteris cognoscere stultum: by his redundant laughter, you

can always distinguish a fool

per scelera semper sceleribus certum est iter: the way to wickedness is always

through wickedness (Seneca)

percunctatorem fugito; nam garrulus idem est: avoid the inquisitive person, for

he is sure to be a talker (i.e., secrets entrusted to idle gossips are no longer secrets)


perdidit arma, locum virtutis deseruit, qui semper in augenda festinat et

obruitur re: he has lost his weapons and deserted the cause of virtue who is ever

eager and engrossed in increasing his wealth (Horace)

pereant amici, dum una inimici intercidant: let our friends perish, provided our

enemies fall along with them (a Greek proverb in Latin, condemned by Cicero)

pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt: may they perish who said our good things

before us (said humorously of ideas borrowed from predecessors)

perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim: bear and endure to the end; one

day this pain will be useful to you (Ovid)

perfer et obdura; multo graviora tulisti: bear and endure to the end; you have

borne much heavier misfortunes than these (Ovid)

periculosior casus ab alto: even more dangerous is a fall from high

periculosum est credere et non credere: it is equally dangerous to believe and to

disbelieve (Phжdrus)

periculum in mora: there is danger in delay

perimus licitis

pluris est oculatus testis unus quam

perimus licitis: we come to ruin by permitted things (i.e., we died for a good cause)

perit omnis in illo nobilitas, cujus laus est in origine sola: he loses all nobility

whose only merit is noble birth (Saleius Bassus)

perituræ parcite chartæ: spare the paper that is fated to perish (adapted from


perjuria ridet amantum Juppiter: Jupiter laughs at lovers’ deceits

perjurii poena divina exitium, humana dedecus: the punishment of perjury at the

hands of the gods is perdition; at the hands of man, it is disgrace (from The Twelve


pessimum genus inimicorum, laudantes: the worst kind of enemies: flatterers

(Tacitus and Publilius Syrus)

philosophia simulari potest, eloquentia non potest: philosophy can be feigned,

eloquence cannot (Quintilian)

phobou to geras, ou gar erchetai monon: fear old age, for it does not come alone

(a Greek proverb)

pigmæi gigantum humeris impositi plusquam ipsi gigantes vident: pygmies on a

giant’s back see more than the giant himself (Didacus Stella)

pinguis venter non gignit sensum tenuem: a fat belly does not produce fine sense

(St. Jerome)

placeat homini quicquid (or quidquid) Deo placuit: whatever is God’s pleasure

should be man’s pleasure (Seneca)

plebeia ingenia magis exemplis quam ratione capiuntur: vulgar minds are more

impressed by examples than by reasons (Macrobius)

plerumque gratæ divitibus vices: changes are generally agreeable to the wealthy


plerumque modestus occupat obscuri speciem, taciturnus acerbi: usually, the

modest man passes for a reserved man, the silent for a sullen one (Horace)

ploratur lacrimis amissa pecunia veris: the loss of money is bewailed with true

tears (Juvenal)

plura consilio quam vi perficimus: we accomplish more by prudence than by force


plura faciunt homines e consuetudine quam e ratione: men do more things from

habit than from reason

plures adorant solem orientem quam occidentem: more do homage to the rising

sun than to the setting one

plures crapula quam gladius: drunkenness kills more than the sword

plures tegit Fortuna quam tutos facit: Fortune shields more than it makes safe

(Publilius Syrus)

pluribus intentus minor est ad singula sensus: a person engaged in various

pursuits minds none of them well

plurima sunt quæ non audent homines pertusa dicere læna: there are very many

things that men, when their cloaks have holes in them, dare not say (Juvenal)

pluris est oculatus testis unus quam auriti decem: one eyewitness is better than

ten who have heard (Plautus)

plus aloës quam mellis habet post epulas stabis vel passus mille

plus aloës quam mellis habet: she has more of aloes than of honey (i.e., the bitter

outweighs the sweet) (Juvenal)

plus animi est inferenti periculum, quam propulsanti: there is always more spirit

in attack than in defense (Livy)

plus apud me (or nos) tamen vera ratio valebit quam vulgi opinio: sound

argument will have more weight with me (or us) than popular opinion (Cicero)

plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est: the one who

grieves before it is necessary grieves more than necessary (Seneca)

plus exemplo quam peccato nocent: they do more mischief by the example than by

the sin

plus impetus, majorem constantiam, penes miseros: we find more violence and

greater perseverance among the wretched (Tacitus)

plus in amicitia valet similitudo morum quam affinitas: similarity of manners is

more conducive to friendship than affinity by marriage (Cornelius Nepos)

plus in posse quam in actu: more in possibility than in actuality

plus potest qui plus valet: the stronger always succeeds (Plautus)

plus ratio quam vis cæca valere solet: reason can generally effect more than blind

force (Cornelius Gallus)

plus salis quam sumptus: more of good taste than expense (also, more relish than

meat) (Cornelius Nepos)

plus scire satius est, quam loqui: it is well for one to know more than he says


plus vetustis nam favet invidia mordax, quam bonis præsentibus: biting envy is

more merciful to good things that are old than such that are new (Phжdrus)

poësis est vinum dæmonum: poetry is the wine of demons

poëta nascitur, non fit: a poet is born, not made

pompa mortis magis terret quam mors ipsa: the solemnity associated with death

awes us more than death itself (Seneca, as quoted by Bacon)

ponderanda sunt testimonia, non numeranda: testimonies are to be weighed, not


populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo: the people boo me, but I applaud myself


populus vult decipi; (ergo) decipiatur: the people wish to be deceived; (therefore)

let them be deceived

poscunt fidem secunda, at adversa exigunt: prosperity asks for fidelity; adversity

exacts it (Seneca)

post amara dulcia: sweet things come after bitter things

post amicitiam credendum est, ante amicitiam judicandum: after friendship, you

should render implicit belief; before friendship, you should exercise judgment


post cineres gloria sera venit: glory comes too late after one has died (Martial)

post coitum omne animal triste: after sexual intercourse, every animal is sad

post epulas stabis vel passus mille meabis: after eating, you should either stand or

walk a mile (variation of Schola Salern)

post factum nullum consilium

prima caritas incipit a seipso

post factum nullum consilium: counsel is of no effect after the fact

post malam segetem serendum est: after a bad crop, immediately begin to sow


post mortem nulla voluptas: after death no pleasure remains

post prandium stabis, post coenem ambulabis: after lunch rest a while, after

supper walk a mile (Schola Salern)

posteriores cogitationes sapientiores solent esse: second thoughts are generally

wiser thoughts (Cicero)

posthac occasio calva: later, opportunity is bald (i.e., has passed)

postremo nemo ægrotus quidquam somniat tam infandum, quod non aliquis

dicat philosophus: in short, no sick man ever dreamed of anything so absurd that

one or another philosopher has not said it (Varro)

potentiam cautis quam acribus consiliis tutius haberi: power is more safely

retained by cautious than by severe counsels (Tacitus)

potentissimus est, qui se habet in potestate: he is the most powerful who has

himself in his power (Seneca)

potest ex casa magnus vir exire: a great man can come from a hut (Seneca)

potest melior vincere, non potest non pejor esse qui vicerit: the better man may

win, but he cannot fail to be the worse for his victory (Seneca)

potius ignoratio juris litigiosa est quam scientia: the litigious spirit is more often

found with ignorance than with knowledge of law (Cicero)

potuit fortasse minoria piscator quam piscis emi: the fisherman could perhaps be

bought for less than the fish (Juvenal)

præcedentibus insta: follow close on those who go before (or precede)

præcepta ducunt, at exempla trahunt: precepts guide, but examples drag along

præceptores suos adulescens veneratur et suspicit: a young man respects and

looks up to his teachers (Seneca)

præcipue autem lignum, sive virga, versus superiorem partem curva est: every

staff of empire is truly crooked at the top (Francis Bacon)

præcocia non diuturna: precocious things do not last long

præferre patriam liberis regem decet: a king should prefer his country to his

children (Seneca)

præmium virtutis honor (pl. præmia virtutis honores): honor is the reward of


præsis ut prosis: be first, that you may be of service

præstatur laus virtuti, sed multo ocius verno gelu tabescit: praise is bestowed on

virtue but vanishes more quickly than frost in the Spring (Livius Andronicus)

prævalent illicita: things forbidden have a secret charm (Tacitus)

presto maturo, presto marcio: soon ripe, soon rotten

pretio parata vincitur pretio fides: fidelity bought with money is overcome by

money (Seneca)

pretiosum quod utile: what is useful is valuable

prima caritas incipit a seipso: charity begins at home prima enim sequentem, honestum promissio boni viri fit obligatio

prima enim sequentem, honestum est in secundis, tertiisque consistere: when

you are aspiring to the highest place, it is honorable to stand in the second or even

the third rank (Cicero)

prima est hæc ultio, quod se judice nemo nocens absolvitur: this is the first of

punishments, that no guilty man is acquitted if judged by himself (Juvenal)

prima et maxima peccantium est poena peccasse: the first and greatest

punishment of sinners is the conscience of sin (Seneca)

prima quæ vitam dedit hora, carpit: the hour that gives us life begins to take it

away (Seneca)

prima societas in ipso conjugio est; proxima in liberis; deinde una domus,

communia omnia: the first bond of society is marriage; the next, our children;

then the whole family and all things in common (Cicero)

primus in orbe deos fecit timor: it was fear that first produced gods in the world

(Petronius and Statius)

primus sapientiæ gradus est falsa intelligere: the first step toward wisdom is to

distinguish what is false

princeps qui delatores non castigat, irritat: the prince who does not punish

informers encourages them (Domitian, as quoted by Suetonius)

principes mortales, rempublicam æternam: princes are mortal, the republic is

eternal (Tacitus)

principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est: to have won the approval of

important people is not the last degree of praise (Horace)

principis est virtus maxima nosse suos: it is the greatest merit of a prince to know

his subjects (Martial)

prius quam (or priusquam) incipias consulto, et ubi consulueris mature facto

opus est: before you begin, consider; but having considered, use dispatch (Sallust)

privatorum convento juri publico non derogat: no bargain between individuals

derogates from a law

privilegium est quasi privata lex: privilege is, as it were, private law

probæ etsi in segetem sunt deteriorem datæ fruges, tamen ipsæ suaptæ natura

enitent: a good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own

nature (Accius)

probis probatum potius quam multis fore: the praise of the honorable is worth

more than that of the multitude (Accius)

probitas laudatur et alget: honesty is praised and is left out to freeze (Juvenal)

probitas verus honor (or honos): honesty (or integrity) is true honor

probum non poenitet: the honest man does not repent

procellæ quanto plus habent virium tanto minus temporis: the more violent the

storms are, the sooner they are over (Seneca)

proditor pro hoste habendus: we must take the traitor for an enemy (attributed to


prohibetur ne quis faciat in suo, quod nocere possit (or potest) in alieno: no

one is allowed to do on his own property what may injure that of a neighbor

promissio boni viri fit obligatio: the promise of an honest man is a bond

propra vivere et singulos dies

quæ amissa salva

propra vivere et singulos dies singulas vitas puta: make haste to live, and consider

each day a life (Seneca)

proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem læseris: it is a weakness of human

nature to hate those whom one has wronged (Tacitus)

prosperum et felix scelus virtus vocatur: crime, when it succeeds, is called virtue


proximorum incuriosi longinqua sectamur: uninterested in things near, we pursue

those that are at a distance (Pliny)

proximus a tectis ignis defenditur ægre: a fire is difficult to ward off when the

neighboring house is in flames (Ovid)

prudens interrogatio quasi dimidium sapientiæ: prudent questioning is, as it

were, the half of knowledge

prudens quæstio dimidium scientiæ: half of science is putting forth the right

questions (Francis Bacon)

prudens qui patiens: he is prudent who has patience

prudentes vino abstinent: prudent men abstain from wine

prudentis est mutare consilium; stultus sicut luna mutatur: a prudent man may,

on occasion, change his opinion; but a fool changes as often as the moon

publicum bonum privato est præferendum: the public good is to be preferred to

private advantage

pudor doceri non potest, nasci potest: modesty is inborn, it cannot be learned

(Publilius Syrus)

pulchra mulier nuda erit quam purpurata pulchrior: a beautiful woman is more

beautiful undressed than dressed in fine purple (Plautus)

pulchrum est accusari ab accusandis: it is an honorable circumstance to be accused

by those who are themselves deserving of accusation

pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier, hic est: it is pleasant to be pointed at

with the finger and to have it said, there he is (Persius)

pulvis et umbra sumus, fruges consumere nati: we are but dust and shadows,

born to consume the fruits of the earth (Horace)

punitis ingeniis gliscit auctoritas: when men of talents are punished, authority is

strengthened (Tacitus)

puras Deus non plenas adspicit manus: God looks to pure hands, not to full ones

(Publilius Syrus)

purgamenta hujus mundi sunt tria: pestis, bellum, et frateria: this world is

purified by three means: by plague, by war, and by monastic seclusion


qua dii vocant, eundum: where the gods call, there one must go

qua flumen placidum est, forsan latet altius unda: where the river flows calmly,

there perchance is it the deepest (Dionysius Cato)

quæ amissa salva: things lost are safe

quæ e longinquo magis placent quam multa injusta ac prava fiunt

quæ e longinquo magis placent: things are more pleasant from a distance

quæ fuerant vitia mores sunt: what were once vices are now customs (Seneca)

quæ fuit durum pati meminisse dulce est: what was hard to suffer is sweet to

remember (Seneca)

quæ in terris gignuntur omnia ad usum hominum creantur: the produce of the

earth was all created for humanity’s use (Cicero)

quæ nimis apparent retia, vitat avis: if the net be spread too openly, the bird avoids

the snare (Ovid)

quæ nocent docent: that which hurts, teaches

quæ peccamus juvenes ea luimus senes: we pay when old for the excesses of our


quæ serata secura: things locked up are safe

quæ virtus et quanta, boni, sit vivere parvo!: how great, my friends, is the virtue

of living upon a little! (Horace)

quæ volumus et credimus libenter, et quæ sentimus ipsi, reliquos sentire

speramus: what we desire we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we

expect the rest to think (Julius Cжsar)

quædam non jura scripta sed omnibus scriptis certiora sunt: some laws are

unwritten, but they are better established than all written ones (Seneca the Elder)

quære adolescens, utere senex: youth seek, the old use

quærit, et inventis miser abstinet, ac timet uti: the miser is ever on the search, yet

fears to use what he has acquired (Horace)

quæsitam meritis sume superbiam: assume the honors that are justly due to your

merits (Horace)

quæstio fit de legibus, non de personis: the question must refer to the laws, not to


quævis terra alit artificem: every land supports the artisan

qualem commendes etiam atque etiam aspice, ne mox incutiant aliena tibi

peccata pudorem: study carefully the character of the one you recommend, lest

his misdeeds bring you shame (Horace)

quales sunt summi civitatis viri talis est civitas: a community is as those who rule

it (Cicero)

qualis ab incepto processerit et sibi constet: let him proceed as he began, and be

consistent with himself (Horace)

qualis avis, talis cantus; qualis vir, talis oratio: as is the bird, so is its song; as is the

man, so is his manner of speech

quam angusta innocentia est, ad legem bonum esse: what narrow innocence it is

for one to be good only according to the law (Seneca)

quam continuis et quantis longa senectus plena malis!: how incessant and great

are the ills with which a prolonged old age is replete! (Juvenal)

quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia!: what a wonderful revenue lies in thrift!


quam multa injusta ac prava fiunt moribus!: how many unjust and improper

things are authorized by custom! (Terence)

quam multum interest quid a quo

quem metuunt oderunt; quem

quam multum interest quid a quo fiat!: what a difference it makes by whom the

deed is done! (Pliny the Younger)

quam parva sapientia regitur mundus!: with how little wisdom the world is


quam prope ad crimen sine crimine!: how near to guilt a man may approach

without being guilty!

quam quisque novit artem, in hac se exerceat: let a man practice the profession

he best knows (Cicero)

quam sæpe forte temere eveniunt, quæ non audeas optare: how often things

occur by mere chance, for which we dared not even to hope (Terence)

quam temere in nosmet legem sancimus iniquam!: how rashly do we sanction an

unjust law against ourselves! (Horace)

quam veterrimus homini optimus est amicus: a man’s oldest friend is his best


quamlibet infirmas adjuvat ira manus: anger assists hands however weak (Ovid)

quamvis tegatur proditur vultu furor: anger, though concealed, is betrayed by the

countenance (Seneca)

quando aliquid prohibetur, prohibetur et omne per quod devenitur ad illud:

when anything is forbidden, whatever leads to it is at the same time forbidden

quanti est sapere!: what a great thing it is to be wise! (Terence)

quanto quisque sibi plura negaverit, a dis plura feret: the more a person denies

himself, the more will he receive from the gods (Horace)

quantum caliginis mentibus nostris objicit magna felicitas!: how much does

great prosperity overspread the mind with darkness! (Seneca)

quantum est in rebus inane!: what emptiness there is in things! (i.e., in human

affairs) (Persius)

quantum instar in ipso est: none but himself can be his parallel (Virgil)

quantum quisque sua nummorum servat in arca tantum habet et fidei: the faith

(or credit) of every person is in proportion to the number of coins he keeps in his

chest (Juvenal)

quantum religio potuit suadere malorum!: to how many evils does not religion

persuade! (Lucretius)

quas dederis, solus semper habebis opes: the wealth which you give away will ever

be your own (Martial)

quem di diligunt, adolescens moritur, dum valet, sentit, sapit: the one whom the

gods love dies young, while he has strength and senses and wits (Plautus)

quem dies vidit veniens superbum, hunc dies vidit fugiens jacentem: the man

whom the new day sees in his pride is by its close seen prostrate

quem Juppiter vult perdere, prius dementat: whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he

first dements

quem metuit quisque, perisse cupit: every one wishes that the man whom he fears

would perish (Ovid)

quem metuunt oderunt; quem quisque odit periise expetit: whom men fear,

they hate; whom a man hates he wishes dead (Ennius)

quem poenitet peccasse pene est qui finem quæris amoris, cedet amor

quem poenitet peccasse pene est innocens: the one who repents of having sinned

is almost innocent (Seneca)

quem res plus nimio delectavere secundæ, mutatæ quatient: whom prosperity

has charmed too much, adversity will shatter (Horace)

quemcunque miserum videris, hominem scias: whenever you see a fellow

creature in distress, remember that he is a man (Seneca)

qui a nuce nucleum esse vult, frangat nucem: the one who wishes to eat the

kernel must crack the nut (Plautus)

qui alta contemplantur, cadere: those who contemplate the heights, fall

qui alterum incusat probri eum ipsum se intueri oportet: the one who accuses

another of improper conduct ought to look to himself (Plautus)

qui amat, tamen hercle si esurit, nullum esurit: a man in love, though he is

hungry, is not hungry (Plautus)

qui bene amat bene castigat: the one who loves well chastises well

qui bene conjiciet, hunc vatem perhibeto optimum: hold him the best prophet

who forms the best conjectures

qui bene imperat, paruerit aliquando necesse est: the one who is good at

commanding must have at some time been good at obeying (Cicero)

qui capit, ille facit: the one who takes it, the same makes it (i.e., if the shoe fits, let

the cobbler wear it)

qui de contemnenda gloria libros scribunt, nomen suum inscribunt: those who

write books condemning fame inscribe their own names on the cover (i.e., they

wish for the very fame they condemn)

qui dedit beneficium taceat; narrat qui accepit: let him who has given a favor be

silent; let he who has received it tell it (Seneca)

qui dedit hoc hodie, cras, si volet, auferet: the one who has given today may, if he

so please, take away tomorrow (Horace)

qui desiderat pacem, præparet bellum: the one who wishes for peace must prepare

for war (Vegetius)

qui docet discit: the one who teaches, learns

qui e nuce nucleum esse vult, frangat nucem: the one who wishes to eat the

kernel must crack the nut (Plautus)

qui ex errore imperitæ multitudinis pendet, hic in magnis viris non est

habendus: the one who hangs on the errors of the ignorant multitude must not be

counted among great men (Cicero)

qui facit per alium est perinde ac si faciat per seipsum: the one who acts through

an agent is responsible as though he acted himself (Pope Boniface VIII)

qui facit per alium facit per se: the one who does a thing by another does it himself


qui fert malis auxilium, post tempus dolet: the one who aids the wicked suffers in

the end (Phжdrus)

qui finem quæris amoris, cedet amor rebus; res age tutus eris: you who seek an

end of love, love will yield to business; be busy, and you will be safe (Ovid)

qui fugiebat, rursus proeliabitur

qui non libere veritatem pronunciat

qui fugiebat, rursus proeliabitur: the one who flees will fight again (Tertullian,

citing a Greek proverb)

qui genus jactat suum aliena laudat: the one who boasts of his descent boasts of

what he owes to others (Seneca)

qui gratus futurus est statim dum accipit de reddendo cogitet: let the man who

would be grateful think of repaying a kindness even while receiving it (Seneca)

qui homo mature quæsivit pecuniam, nisi eam mature parcit, mature esurit:

the one who has acquired wealth in time, unless he saves it in time, will in time

come to starvation (Plautus)

qui honeste fortiter: he who acts honestly acts bravely

qui in amore præcipitavit pejus perit, quam si saxo saliat: he who falls in love

meets a worse fate than he who leaps from a rock (Plautus)

qui invidet minor est: the one who envies is inferior

qui ipse si sapiens prodesse non quit, nequiquam sapit: a wise man whose

wisdom does not serve him is wise in vain (Ennius)

qui jacet in terra non habet unde cadat: the one who lies upon the ground cannot

fall (Allain de Lille)

qui jure suo utitur, neminem lædit: the one who enjoys his own right injures no


qui lingua jurat, mentem non injuratam gerit: the one who swears with his

tongue carries a mind unsworn

qui male agit, odit lucem: the one who commits evil shuns the light

qui medice vivit, misere vivit: the one who lives by medical prescription lives a

miserable life

qui mentiri aut fallere insuevit patrem, tanto magis is audebit cæteros: the one

who has made it a practice to lie or to deceive his father, the more daring will he be

in deceiving others (Terence)

qui modeste paret, videtur qui aliquando imperet dignus esse: the one who

obeys with modesty appears worthy of being some day a commander (Cicero)

qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare: the one who knows not how to dissemble

knows not how to rule (Louis XI)

qui nescit dissimulare, nescit vivere: the one who knows not how to dissemble,

knows not how to live

qui nil potest sperare, desperet nihil: the one who can hope for nothing should

despair of nothing (Seneca)

qui nimium probat, nihil probat: he who proves too much proves nothing

qui nolet fieri desidiosus, amet: he who would not be idle, let him fall in love (Ovid)

qui non est hodie, cras minus aptus erit: the one who is not prepared today will be

less prepared tomorrow (Ovid)

qui non improbat, approbat: the one who does not disapprove, approves

qui non laborat, non manducet: the one who does no work shall not eat

(2 Thessalonians 3:10)

qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est veritatis: the one who does not

speak the truth freely is a betrayer of the truth

qui non moderabitur iræ infectum qui tacet, non utique fatetur, sed

qui non moderabitur iræ infectum volet esse, dolor quod suaserit et mens: the

one who does not restrain his anger will wish that undone that his irritation and

temper prompted him to do (Horace)

qui non proficit, deficit: the one who does not make progress loses ground

qui non prohibet quod prohibere potest assentire videtur: the one who does not

prevent what he can prevent is seen to consent

qui non vetat peccare cum possit, jubet: the one who does not prevent a crime

when he can encourages it (Seneca)

qui peccat ebrius luat sobrius: let the one who sins when drunk be punished when


qui per alium facit seipsum facere videtur: the one who has a thing done by

another does it himself

qui per virtutem peritat, non interit: the one who dies for virtue does not perish


qui prægravat artes, infra se positas, extinctus amabitur idem: the one whose

excellence causes envy in his lifetime shall be revered when he is dead


qui proficit in literis et deficit in moribus, plus deficit quam proficit: the one

who is proficient in learning and deficient in morals is more deficient than


qui pulchra affectat ardua perferat: he who strives after beauty, let him endure the


qui quæ vult dicit, quod non vult audiet: the one who says what he likes will hear

what he does not like (Terence)

qui scribit bis legit: the one who writes reads twice

qui se exaltat, humiliabitur: the one who exalts himself will be humbled

qui sentit commodum, sentire debet et onus: the one who derives the advantage

should endure the burden

qui sibi amicus est, scito hunc amicum omnibus esse: you may be sure that the

one who is a friend to himself is a friend to all (Seneca)

qui socius est in malo, consors erit in supplicio: a partner in evil will also be a

partner in punishment

qui spe aluntur, pendent, non vivunt: those who feed on hope, they hang on, but

they do not live

qui stat, caveat ne cadat: let the one who stands be careful lest he fall (1

Corinthians 10:12)

qui stultus videri eruditi volunt stulti eruditis videntur: those who wish to

appear learned to fools will appear fools to the learned (Quintilian)

qui sustinet hamos, novit, quæ multo pisce natentur aquæ: the one who holds

the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming (Ovid)

qui tacet consentire videtur: the one who is silent is seen to consent (Pope

Boniface VIII)

qui tacet, non utique fatetur, sed tamen verum est eum non negare: though

silence is not necessarily an admission, neither it is a denial (Justinian)

qui terret plus ipse timet quid est turpius quam senex vivere

qui terret plus ipse timet: the one who terrifies others is himself more afraid


qui timide rogat, docet negare: the one who asks timidly courts denial (Seneca)

qui uti scit, ei bona: he should possess wealth who knows how to use it (Terence)

qui vicit non est victor nisi victus fatetur: the victor is not truly victor unless the

vanquished admits it (Ennius)

qui vivens lædit morte medetur: he who hurts in life heals in death

qui vult decipi, decipiatur: the one who wants to be deceived, let him be deceived

quicquid agas, prudenter agas, et respice finem: whatever you do, do it with

intelligence, and keep the end in view (Thomas а Kempis)

quicquid coepit, et desinit: whatever begins also ends (Seneca)

quicquid crescit in cinere perit: whatever grows perishes in ashes

quicquid erit, superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est: whatever the event many be,

we must subdue our fortune by bearing it (Virgil)

quicquid excessit modum pendet instabili loco: whatever has overstepped its due

bounds is always in a state of instability (Seneca)

quicquid præcipies, esto brevis: whatever precepts you give, be brief (Horace)

quicquid servatur, cupimus magis: we covet what is guarded (Ovid)

quicunque turpi fraude semel innotuit, etiamsi verum dicit, amittit fidem:

whoever has once become known for a shameful fraud is not believed, even if he

speaks the truth (Phжdrus)

quid æternis minorem consiliis animum fatigas?: why weary with eternal

purposes a mind too weak to grasp them? (Horace)

quid cæco cum speculo?: what has a blind man to do with a mirror?

quid clarius astris?: what is brighter than the stars?

quid crastina volveret ætas scire nefas homini: it is not permitted to man to know

what tomorrow may bring forth (Statius)

quid datur a divis felici optatius hora?: what thing more to be wished do the gods

bestow than a happy hour? (i.e., a golden opportunity) (Catullus)

quid de quoque viro, et cui dicas, sæpe caveto: take special care what you say of

any person, and to whom it is said (Horace)

quid domini facient, audent quum (or cum) talia fures?: what would the masters

do when their own servants dare such things? (Virgil)

quid enim ratione timemus aut cupimus?: what do we fear or desire with reason?

(i.e., how void of reason are our hopes and fears) (Juvenal)

quid enim salvis infamia nummis?: what does disgrace matter when the money is

safe? (Juvenal)

quid est enim novi, hominem mori, cujus tota vita nihil aliud quam ad mortem

iter est?: what new thing is it then for a man to die, whose whole life is nothing

else but a journey to death? (Seneca)

quid est somnus gelidæ nisi mortis imago?: what is sleep but the image of cold

death? (Ovid)

quid est turpius quam senex vivere incipiens?: what is more disgraceful than an

old man just beginning to live? (Seneca)

quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et

quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat?: what power has law where only

money rules? (Petronius)

quid faciunt pauci contra tot millia fortes?: what can a few brave men do against

so many thousand? (Ovid)

quid furor est census corpore ferre suo!: what madness it is to carry one’s fortune

on one’s back! (Ovid)

quid leges sine moribus vanæ proficiunt?: what good are laws when there are no

morals? (Horace)

quid leone fortius?: what is braver than a lion?

quid non dedit Fortuna non eripit: Fortune cannot take away what she did not

give (Seneca)

quid non mortalia pectora cogis, auri sacra fames?: to what lust do you not drive

mortal hearts, you accursed hunger for gold? (Virgil)

quid obseratis auribus fundis preces?: why do you pour prayers into ears that are

stopped? (Horace)

quid opus est verbis?: what need is there for words?

quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautem est in horas: man never takes

sufficient and hourly care against that which he ought to avoid (Horace)

quid sit futurum cras fuge quærere, et quem Fors dierum cunque dabit, lucro

appone: avoid asking what the future will bring, and every day that Fortune shall

grant you, set down as gain (Horace)

quid tam ridiculum quam appetere mortem, cum vitam tibi inquietam feceris

metu mortis?: what can be so ridiculous as to seek for death, when it is merely the

fear of death that makes your life so restless? (Seneca)

quid te exempta juvat spinis de pluribus una?: what pleasure does it give to be rid

of one thorn out of many? (Horace)

quid terras alio calente, sole mutamus?: why do we change for soils warmed only

by another sun? (Horace)

quid tibi cum pelago? Terra contenta fuisses: what have you to do with the sea?

You should have been content with the land (Ovid)

quid tristes querimoniæ si non supplicio culpa reciditur?: what do sad

complaints avail if the offense is not cut down by punishment? (Horace)

quid turpius quam sapientis vitam ex insipientis sermone pendere?: what is

more contemptible than to estimate the life of a wise man from the talk of a fool?

quid vesper ferat, incertum est?: who knows what the evening may bring us?


quid violentius aure tyranni?: what is more violent than the ear of a tyrant?


quidquid agas, prudenter agas, et respice finem: whatever you do, do prudently,

and look to the result

quidquid erit, superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est: our fate, whatever it be, is to

be overcome by our patience under it (Virgil)

quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes: whatever it is, I fear the Greeks

even when they bring gifts with them (Virgil)

quidquid in altum fortuna tulit quocirca vivite fortes fortiaque

quidquid in altum fortuna tulit, ruitura levat: whatever fortune has raised to a

height, it has raised only that it might fall (Seneca)

quidquid multis peccatur inultum est: the guilt that is committed by many must

pass unpunished (Lucan)

quidquid præcipies, esto brevis: whatever you teach, be brief (Horace)

quieta non movere: do not disturb things at rest (i.e., let sleeping dogs lie)

quiete et pure atque eleganter actæ ætatis placida et lenis recordatio: placid

and soothing is the remembrance of a life passed with quietness, innocence, and

elegance (Cicero)

quietem nemo impune lacesset: though I am peaceful, no one will attack me with


quin etiam leges latronum esse dicuntur, quibus pareant, quas observent: even

thieves are said to have laws that they obey, that they observe (Cicero)

quis … bene celat amorem?: who can successfully conceal love? (Ovid)

quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: who shall guard the guards themselves? (Juvenal)

quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus tam cari (or chari) capitis?: what shame or

measure can there be in our grief for one so dear? (Horace)

quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam, præmia si tollas?: for who would embrace

virtue itself if you took away the reward? (Juvenal)

quis fallere possit amantem?: who can deceive a lover? (Virgil)

quis memorabitur tui post mortem?: who will remember you after you are dead?

(Thomas а Kempis)

quis scit an adjiciant hodiernæ crastina summæ tempora di superi?: who knows

whether the gods above will add tomorrow’s hours to the sum of today?


quis vitia odit, homines odit: the one who hates vice, hates humanity (Pliny the

Younge r)

quisnam igitur liber? Sapiens qui sibi imperiosus: who then is free? The one who

is wisely in command of himself (Horace)

quisnam igitur sanus? Qui non stultus: who then is sane? The one who is not a

fool (Horace)

quisque sibi proximus: everyone is nearest to himself

quisque suos patimur manes: [in the nether world,] each one suffers his own spirit’s

doom (also rendered, each one suffers from the spirits of his own past) (Virgil)

quo Fata trahunt retrahuntque, sequamur: let us follow the Fates wherever they

may lead us, or divert our steps (Virgil)

quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit: in the eddies where you least expect it,

there will be a fish (Ovid)

quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem testa diu: the jar will long retain

the odor of that with which it was once filled (Horace)

quo spinosior fragrantior: the more thorns, the greater the fragrance

quocirca vivite fortes fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus: wherefore live

as brave men, and face adversity with stout hearts quocunque trahunt Fata, sequamur quod non legitur non creditur

quocunque trahunt Fata, sequamur: wherever the Fates direct us, let us follow


quod ab initio non valet, tractu temporis convalescere non potest: that which

has no force in the beginning, can gain no strength from the lapse of time

quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim aut fraudem petatur, malum et

injustum est: what otherwise is good and just, if it be aimed at by violence or

fraud, becomes evil and unjust

quod antecedit tempus, maxima venturi supplicii pars est: the time that precedes

punishment is the severest part of it (Seneca)

quod certaminibus ortum ultra metam durat: that which arises from struggle

often goes beyond the mark (Velleius Paterculus)

quod cito fit, cito perit: what is done quickly, perishes quickly

quod commune cum alio est, desinit esse proprium: what we share with another

ceases to be our own (Quintilian)

quod decet honestum est et quod honestum est decet: what is becoming is

honorable, and what is honorable is becoming (Cicero)

quod dubitas, ne feceris: which you doubt, then neither do (Pliny the Younger)

quod enim mavult homo verum esse, id potius credit: for what a man would like

to be true, that he more readily believes (Francis Bacon)

quod enim munus reipublicæ afferre majus, meliusve possumus, quam si

docemus atque erudimus juventutem?: what greater or better gift can we offer

the republic than to teach and instruct our youth? (Cicero)

quod est ante pedes nemo spectat; coeli scrutantur plagas: no one sees what is

before his feet; they scan the tracks of heaven (Ennius and Cicero)

quod est inconveniens et contra rationem non est permissum in lege: whatever

is inconvenient and contrary to reason is not permitted in law

quod est violentum, non est durabile: what is violent is not durable

quod exemplo fit, id etiam jure fieri putant: men think they may justly do that for

which they have a precedent (Cicero)

quod fors dedit, hoc capit usus: what fortune gives, habit soon makes its own


quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur: what is asserted without reason (or proof),

may be denied without reason (or proof)

quod in te est, prome: bring forth what is in you

quod latet ignotum est; ignoti nulla cupido: what is hid is unknown; for what is

unknown there is no desire (Ovid)

quod licet ingratum est, quod non licet acrius urit: what is lawful is less desirable,

what is unlawful is more keenly desired (Ovid)

quod male fers, assuesce; feres bene: accustom yourself to that which you bear ill,

and you will bear it well (Seneca)

quod nimis miseri volunt, hoc facile credunt: whatever the wretched anxiously

wish for, this they readily believe (Seneca)

quod non legitur non creditur: what is not read is not believed

quod non opus est, asse carum est

quos Deus vult perdere prius

quod non opus est, asse carum est: what you do not need is costly at a penny

(Cato the Elder, as quoted by Seneca)

quod non potest, vult posse, qui nimium potest: the one who is all powerful still

aims at possessing greater power (Seneca)

quod non vetat lex, hoc vetat fieri pudor: modesty (or shame) forbids what the law

does not (Seneca)

quod nunc ratio est, impertus ante fuit: what is now reason was formerly impulse


quod optanti divum promittere nemo auderet, volvenda dies, en!, attulit ultro:

what none of the gods could have promised to your prayers, lo!, the turning of time

has supplied (Virgil)

quod petis id sane invisum est acidumque duobus: what you seek is disagreeable

and distasteful to two others (i.e., there is no compromise among three)


quod quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas: man is never

sufficiently aware of the dangers that await him hourly (Horace)

quod ratio nequiit (or non quit), sæpe sanavit mora: what reason could not avoid

has often been cured by delay (Seneca)

quod sapit, nutrit: what pleases, nourishes

quod satis est cui contingit, nihil amplius optet: the one who has enough for his

share should wish for nothing more (Horace)

quod sis esse velis, nihilque malis: summum nec metuas diem, nec optes: be

content to be what you are, and prefer nothing to it; neither fear nor wish for your

last day (Martial)

quod sors (or fors) feret, feremus æquo animo: whatever fate (or fortune) shall

bring, let us bear with a firm and equal mind (Terence)

quod volumus bonum; quod placet sanctum: what we wish is good; what we

please is sacred (Austin)

quod vos jus cogit, id voluntate impetret: what the law insists upon, let your

adversary obtain from your own free will (Terence)

quod vult habet qui velle quod satis est potest: he has what he desires who can

limit his desires to what is enough (Publilius Syrus)

quondam etiam victis redit in præcordia virtus: valor sometimes returns even into

the bosom of the conquered (Virgil)

quoniam diu vixesse denegatur, aliquid faciamus quo possimus ostendere nos

vixisse: as length of life is denied to us, we should at least do something to show

that we have lived (Cicero)

quoniam dociles imitandis turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus: we are all too prone

to imitate whatever is base and depraved (Juvenal)

quoniam id fieri quod vis non potest, velis id quod possit: as that which you wish

cannot be effected, you should wish for that which may be obtained (Terence)

quos amor verus tenuit tenebit: those whom true love has held it will go on

holding (Seneca)

quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat: whom God would ruin he first deprives

of reason (after Euripides)

quos læserunt et oderunt rebus in angustis facile est

quos læserunt et oderunt: whom they have injured they also hate (Seneca)

quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum millia: there are as many thousands of

pursuits as there are individuals

quot homines, tot sententiæ: suus cuique mos: so many men, so many

sentiments: each has his own way (Terence)

quum Romæ fueris, Romano vivite more: when you are at Rome, live after the

Roman fashion


rabiem livoris acerbi nulla potest placare quies: nothing can allay the rage of

biting envy (Claudian)

radix (enim) omnium malorum est cupiditas: the love of money is a root to all

kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10)

rapiamus, amici, occasionem de die: let us, my friends, snatch our opportunity

from the passing day (Horace)

rara est adeo concordia formæ atque pudicitiæ: so rare is the union of beauty with

modesty (Juvenal)

rara fides pietasque viris qui castra sequuntur: faith and piety are rare among the

men who follow the camp (whether political or military) (Lucan)

raram facit misturam cum sapientia forma: rarely are beauty and wisdom found


raro antecedentem scelestum deseruit pede poena claudo: rarely does

punishment, even at a slow pace, fail to overtake the criminal in his flight (Horace)

raro simul hominibus bonam fortunam bonamque mentem dari: men are

seldom given good fortune and good sense at the same time (Livy)

rarus concubitus corpus excitat, frequens solvit: the body is excited by infrequent

coitus, by frequent it relaxes (Celsus)

rarus enim ferme sensus communis in illa fortuna: common sense is generally

rare in that condition (i.e., in those of high position) (Juvenal)

ratio est legis anima: reason is the spirit and soul of the law

ratio et auctoritas, duo clarissima mundi lumina: reason and authority, the two

brightest luminaries of the world (Coke)

ratio et consilium propriæ ducis artes: judgment and deliberation are the proper

qualities of a leader (Tacitus)

ratio quasi quædam lux lumenque vitæ: reason is, as it were, the guide and light of

life (Cicero)

re opitulandum non verbis: we should assist by deeds, not by words

rebus cunctis inest quidam velut orbis: in all things there is a kind of law of cycles


rebus in angustis facile est contemnere vitam; fortiter ille facit qui miser esse

potest: it is easy in misfortune to despise life; but he does bravely who can endure

misery (Martial)

rebus secundis etiam egregios duces res sunt humanæ flebile ludibrium

rebus secundis etiam egregios duces insolescere: in the hour of prosperity even

the best leaders become haughty and insolent (Tacitus)

recedant vetera: let old things recede

recepto dulce mihi furere est amico: it is delightful to indulge in extravagance on

the return of a friend (Horace)

recte quod honeste: that is rightly done which is honestly done

regia, crede mihi, res est, succurrere lapsis: it is a regal act, believe me, to succor

the fallen (Ovid)

regula ex jure, non jus ex regula, sumitur: we draw this rule from the law, and not

the law from the practice

religentem esse oportet, religiosum nefas: a man should be religious, not

superstitious (quoted by Aulus Gellius)

rem, facias rem recte, si possis; si non, quocunque modo rem: fortune, make a

fortune by honest means, if you can; if not, by any means make a fortune (Horace)

rem tibi quam nosces aptam dimittere noli; fronte capillata, post est occasio

calva: let nothing pass that will give you advantage; though hairy in front,

opportunity is bald behind (Dionysius Cato)

rem tu strenuus auge: labor vigorously to increase your property (Horace)

remedia in arduo, mala in prono esse: there are benefits in what is difficult, evils

in what is easy

remissio animum frangit; arcum intensio: much bending breaks the bow; much

unbending, the mind (Publilius Syrus)

rempublicam duabus rebus contineri dixit, præmio et poena: a state is regulated

by two things, reward and punishment (Cicero, attributed to Solon)

repente dives nemo factus est bonus: no good person ever became suddenly rich

(Publilius Syrus)

repente nemo fit turpissimus: no one becomes extremely wicked all at once

reperit Deus nocentem: God finds out the guilty

repetitio est mater studiorum: repetition is the mother of study

rerum cognitio vera, e rebus ipsis est: the true knowledge of things is from the

things themselves (Scaliger)

res age, tute eris: be busy and you will be safe (Ovid)

res amicos invenit: fortune finds us friends (Plautus)

res est ingeniosa dare: giving requires good sense (Ovid)

res est sacra miser: the afflicted person is sacred (or, a person in misery is a sacred

matter) (Ovid)

res est solliciti plena timoris amor: love is a thing full of anxious fears (Ovid)

res humanæ in summo declinant: at their summit, human affairs decline

res nolunt diu male administrari: things refuse to be mismanaged long

res non posse creari de nilo: it is not possible to create matter from nothing

res perit suo domino: the loss falls upon its owner

res sunt humanæ flebile ludibrium: human affairs are a jest to be wept over respondeat superior sæpe ingenia calamitate intercidunt

respondeat superior: let the superior answer (i.e., let the principal answer for the

actions of his agent)

rex est major singulis, minor universis: the king is greater than each singly, but

less than all universally (Bracton)

rex est qui metuit nihil; rex est qui cupit nihil: a king is one who fears nothing; a

king is one who desires nothing (Seneca)

rex non potest fallere nec falli: the king cannot deceive or be deceived

rex non potest peccare: the king can do no wrong

rex regnat sed non gubernat: the king reigns but does not govern

rhinoceros nunquam victus ab hoste cedit: the rhinoceros never turns away

defeated from the enemy

rident stolidi verba Latina: fools laugh at the Latin language (Ovid)

ridentem dicere verum quid vetat?: what forbids a person, when laughing, from

speaking the truth? (Horace)

ridetur chorda qui semper oberrat eadem: that person makes himself ridiculous

who is ever harping on one string (Horace)

ridiculum acri fortius ac melius magnas plerumque secat res: ridicule often

settles matters of importance better and with more effect than severity (Horace)

ridiculus æque nullus est, quam quando esurit: no one is so ridiculous as when he

is hungry (Plautus)

risu inepto res ineptior nulla est: there is nothing more foolish than a foolish

laugh (Catullus)

risus abundat in ore stultorum: laughter abounds in the mouth of fools

rivalem patienter habe: bear patiently with a rival (Ovid)


sæpe creat molles aspera spina rosas: often the prickly thorn produces tender

roses (Ovid)

sæpe decipimur specie recti: we are often misled by the appearance of truth


sæpe est etiam sub palliolo sordido sapientia: wisdom is often found even under a

tattered coat

sæpe ignavavit fortem ex spe expectatio: expectation based on hope has often

disappointed the courageous (Accius)

sæpe in conjugiis fit noxia, cum nimia est dos: quarrels often arise in marriages

when the dowry is excessive (Ausonius)

sæpe in magistrum scelera redierunt sua: crime often falls back upon its author’s

head (Seneca)

sæpe ingenia calamitate intercidunt: genius often goes to waste through

misfortune (Phжdrus)

sæpe intereunt aliis meditantes sapientia prima est, stultitia caruisse

sæpe intereunt aliis meditantes necem: those who plot the destruction of others

very often fall themselves the victims

sæpe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit: often it is not even advantageous

to know what will be (Cicero)

sæpe nihil inimicus homini quam sibi ipse: often a man is his own worst enemy


sæpe premente deo, fert deus alter opem: often when we are oppressed by one

god, another comes to our help

sæpe satius fuit dissimulare quam ulcisci: it is often better not to see an insult

than to avenge it (Seneca)

sæpe stylum vertas: turn the stylus often (i.e., correct freely, if you want to write

anything of merit)

sæpe summa ingenia in occulto latent: the greatest talents often lie buried out of

sight (Plautus)

sæpe tacens vocem verbaque vultus habet: often a silent face has a voice and

speaks (i.e., has expression) (Ovid)

sæpe venit magno foenore tardus amor: love that comes late in life bears great

interest (Propertius)

sæpe via obliqua præstat quam tendere recta: it is often better to go the circuitous

way than the direct one

sæpius in auro bibitur venenum: poison is more often drunk from a gold cup

sævis inter se convenit ursis: even savage bears agree among themselves (Juvenal)

sal sapit omnia: salt seasons everything

salus ubi multi consiliarii: there is safety in many advisors

sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et prohibens contraria: a just decree, commanding

what is honorable and forbidding the contrary (Bracton)

sanctum est vetus omne poëma: every old poem is sacred (Horace)

sapere aude, incipe: dare to be wise, begin at once

sapere isthac ætate oportet, qui sunt capite candido: those who have white hair

are old enough to be wise (Plautus)

sapiens nihil facit invitus, nihil dolens, nihil coactus: a wise man does nothing

against his will, nothing from sorrow, nothing under coercion (Cicero)

sapiens qui prospicit: the one who is wise looks ahead

sapiens qui vigilat: he is wise who watches

sapiens virtuti honorem præmium, haud prædam petit: the wise man seeks

honor, not profit, as the reward of virtue (Cicero)

sapientem locupletat ipsa Natura: Nature herself makes the wise man wealthy


sapientes pacis causa bellum gerunt, laborem spe otii sustentant: the wise wage

war for the sake of peace, and endure toil in the hope of leisure (Sallust)

sapientes principes sapientum congressu: princes become wise by associating with

the wise (i.e., from the council of wise advisors) (after Plato)

sapientia prima est, stultitia caruisse: the first step toward wisdom is by being

exempt from folly (Horace)

sapimus animo, fruimur anima; sine secrete amicos admone, lauda

sapimus animo, fruimur anima; sine animo anima est debilis: we discern with

the mind, enjoy with the heart; without the mind, the heart is feeble (Accius)

satis eloquentiæ, sapientiæ parum: enough eloquence, not enough wisdom (i.e.,

those who speak well do not always think well) (Sallust)

satis est superare inimicum, nimium est perdere: it is enough to defeat an enemy,

too much to destroy him (Publilius Syrus)

satis quod sufficit: what suffices is enough

satius est recurrere, quam currere male: it is better to run back than to run on the

wrong way

scandala removenda sunt: things causing offense must be removed

scelere velandum est scelus: one crime is to be concealed by another (i.e., a crime

committed to mask a greater crime) (Seneca)

scelus intra se tacitum qui cogitat ullum, facti crimen habet: the one who

meditates upon a crime possesses all the guilt of the crime (Juvenal)

scientia nihil aliud est quam veritatis imago: science is but an image of the truth

(Francis Bacon)

scientia quæ est remota a justitia, calliditas potius quam sapientia est

appellanda: knowledge that is divorced from justice may be called cunning rather

than wisdom (Cicero)

scientia ultima stat pretio ultime: ultimate knowledge costs the ultimate price

scilicet expectes, ut tradet mater honestos atque alios mores, quam quos

habet?: can you expect that the mother will teach good morals or ones other than

her own? (Juvenal)

scilicet insano nemo in amore videt: certainly everyone is blind when maddened

by love (Propertius)

scilicet, ut fulvum spectatur in ignibus aurum, tempore sic duro est inspicienda

fides: as the yellow gold is tested in the fire, so the faith of friendship can only be

known in the time of adversity (Ovid)

scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus: the uncertain multitude is divided

by contrary opinions (Virgil)

scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter: it is nothing for you to know a

thing unless another knows that you know it (Persius)

scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est: to

know where you can find a thing is the chief part of learning

scire volunt omnes, mercedem solvere nemo: everyone wishes to know, but no

one is willing to pay the price (Juvenal)

scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons: knowledge is the foundation and

source of good writing (Horace)

scribere est agere: to write is to act

scribimus indocti, doctique: learned and unlearned, we all write (Horace)

scribit in marmore læsus: the injured man writes in marble

scripta non temere edenda: writings should not be published readily

secrete amicos admone, lauda palam: admonish your friends secretly, but praise

them openly (Publilius Syrus)

secunda felices, adversa magnos semper et infirmi est animi exiguique

secunda felices, adversa magnos probent: prosperity proves the fortunate,

adversity the great (Pliny the Younger)

secundas fortunas decent superbiæ: pride is the fitting companion of fortune


securior quo paratior: the better prepared, the more secure

sed fugit interea, fugit inreparabile (or irreparabile) tempus: but meanwhile it is

flying, irretrievable time is flying (Virgil)

sed jam serpentum major concordia: but nowadays there is more agreement

among snakes (than among men) (Juvenal)

sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua:

but what a woman says to her lover it is best to write in the wind and in the swiftly

flowing water (Catullus)

sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: but who will guard the guardians themselves?


sed tacitus pasci si posset corvus, haberet plus dapis, et rixæ multo minus

invidiæque: if the crow had been satisfied to eat his prey in silence, he would have

had more meat and less quarreling and envy (Horace)

sedit qui timuit ne non succederet: the one who feared he would not succeed sat

still (Horace)

seditio civium hostium est occasio: the dissatisfaction of the citizenry gives

occasion to the enemy

seditiosissimus quisque ignavus: the most seditious is the most cowardly (Tacitus)

segnius homines bona quam mala sentire (or sentiunt): men are slower to

recognize blessings than misfortunes (Livy)

segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem, quam quæ sunt oculis subjecta

fidelibus: what we learn merely through the ear makes less impression upon our

minds than what is presented to the trustworthy eye (Horace)

semel in anno licet insanire: it is allowed once in the year to be mad

semel insanivimus omnes: we have all at one time been insane

semel malus, semper præsumitur esse malus: once bad is to be presumed always


semita certe tranquillæ per virtutem patet unica vitæ: only one path in this life

leads to tranquility, the path of virtue (Juvenal)

semper ad eventum festinat: he always hastens to the issue (or the crisis) (Horace)

semper aliquid novi Africam affere: there is always something new out of Africa

(Pliny the Elder)

semper autem in fide quid senseris, non quid dixeris, cogitandum: a promise

must be kept not merely in the letter, but in the spirit (Cicero)

semper avarus eget; certum voto pete finem: the miser is ever in want; let your

desire aim at a fixed limit (Horace)

semper bonus homo tiro: a good man is always a learner (Martial)

semper et infirmi est animi exiguique voluptas ultio: revenge is always the weak

pleasure of a little and narrow mind (Juvenal) semper in dubiis benigniora sero venientibus ossa

semper in dubiis benigniora præferenda sunt: in doubtful cases, the more liberal

interpretation must always be preferred (Justinian)

semper in fide quid senseris, non quid dixeris, cogitandum: in an honorable

dealing you should consider what you intended, not what you said or thought


semper inops, quicunque cupit: always poor is the one who desires more


semper nocuit differre paratis: delay has always been injurious to those who are

prepared (Lucan)

semper pluris feci ego potioremque habui libertatem quam pecuniam: I have

always valued freedom more highly than money, and preferred it (Nжvius)

semper præsto esse infortunia: misfortunes are always at hand

semper tibi pendeat hamus; quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit: have your

hook always baited; in the pool where you least think it, there will be a fish (Ovid)

semper timidum scelus: crime is always fearful

senectus insanabilis morbus est: old age is an incurable disease (Seneca)

senectus ipsa morbus est: old age is itself a sickness (or disease) (Terence)

senex bis puer: an old man is twice a boy

septem convivium, novem convitium: seven is a banquet, nine a brawl

septem horas dormisse sat est juvenique, senique: seven hours of sleep is

enough, both for young and old

sepulchri mitte supervacuos honores: discard the superfluous honors at the grave


sequitur superbos ultor a tergo deus: the avenging god follows in the steps of the

proud (Seneca)

sequiturque patrem non passibus æquis: he follows his father, but not with equal

steps (Virgil)

sera in fundo parsimonia: thrift is too late when you are at the bottom of your

purse (Seneca)

serit arbores quæ alteri sæclo prosint: he plants trees to benefit another

generation (Statius)

serius aut citius sedem properamus ad unam: sooner or later we hasten to one

home (Ovid)

sermo animi est imago; qualis vir, talis et oratio est: conversation is the image of

the mind; as the man, so is his speech (Publilius Syrus)

sermo datur cunctis, animi sapientia paucis: speech is given to all, wisdom to few

(Dionysius Cato)

sermo hominum mores et celat et indicat idem: the same words conceal and

declare the thoughts of men (Dionysius Cato)

sero clypeum post vulnera sumo: I am too late in taking my shield after being


sero venientibus ossa: bones for those who come late (i.e., first come, first served)

serpens ni edat serpentem, draco non si mortuorum aliquis miseretur, et

serpens ni edat serpentem, draco non fiet: unless a serpent devour a serpent, it

will not become a dragon (i.e., unless one power absorb another, it will not become

a great power) (Erasmus)

serum auxilium post prælium: help comes too late when the fight is over

serum est cavendi tempus in mediis malis: the time for caution is too late when

we are in the midst of evils (Seneca)

servare cives, major est virtus patriæ patri: to preserve the lives of citizens is the

greatest virtue in the father of his country (Seneca)

servetur ad imum qualis ab incepto processerit, et sibi constet: let the character

be kept up to the very end, just as it began, and so be consistent (Horace)

serviet æternum, quia parvo nescit uti: he will always be a slave because he knows

not how to live upon little (Horace)

servus curru portatur eodem: the slave rides in the same chariot

si ad naturam vivas, nunquam eris pauper; si ad opinionem, nunquam dives: if

you live according to nature, you will never be poor; if according to the notions of

men, you will never be rich (Seneca)

si animus est æquus tibi satis habes, qui bene vitam colas: if you are content, you

have enough to live comfortably (Plautus)

si cadere necesse est, occurrendum discrimini: if one must fall, let him meet the

hazard head on (Tacitus)

si cæcus cæco ducatum prebet, ambo in foveam cadent: if the blind leads the

blind, they will both fall into the ditch

si caput dolet omnia membra languent: if the head aches, all the members


si claudio cohabites, subclaudicare disces: if you live with a lame man, you will

learn to limp

si Deus pro nobis, quis contra nos?: if God is for us, who is against us? (Romans


si dixeris, æstuo, sudat: if you say that you are warm, he sweats (said of a sycophant)

si duo dicunt idem, non est idem: if two [languages] say the same thing, it is not

the same thing

si fecisti, nega (or, nega, si fecisti): if you did it, deny it

si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit: if the end is good, all will be good

si fortuna juvat, caveto tolli; si fortuna tonat, caveto mergi: if fortune favors you,

do not be elated; if fortune frowns, do not sink in despair (Ausonius)

si gravis, brevis; si longus, levis: if severe, short; if long, light

si judicas, cognosce; si regnas, jube: if you judge, inquire; if you reign, command


si libenter crucem portas portabit te: if you willingly bear the cross, it will bear

you (Thomas а Kempis)

si mens non læva fuisset: if the mind had not been on the left side (i.e., had not

been unlucky) (Virgil)

si mortuorum aliquis miseretur, et non natorum misereatur: if anyone pities the

dead, he must also pity those who have not been born (Seneca) si natura negat, facit indignatio sic multa quæ honesta natura

si natura negat, facit indignatio versum: even if nature denies power, indignation

makes verse (Juvenal)

si possis recte, si non, quocumque modo rem: uprightly if possible, if not, then

make money somehow (Horace)

si possis suaviter, si non, quocunque modo: gently if you can, if not, then by some

means or another

si post fata venit gloria, non propero: if glory comes after death, then I am in no

hurry (Martial)

si qua voles apte nubere, nube pari: if you wish to marry suitably, marry your

equal (in years) (Ovid)

si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti; si non, his utere mecum: if you

know anything better than these maxims, frankly impart them to me; if not, then

use them like me (Horace)

si quidem potest vi et metu extortum honorarium nominari?: if it is extorted by

force or by fear, how can we call it an honorarium? (Cicero)

si Romæ fueris, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi: if you are at

Rome, live as they do at Rome; if elsewhere, live as they do there (St. Ambrose)

si sine amore jocisque nil est jucundum, vivas in amore jocisque: if nothing

appears to you delightful without love and sports, then live in love and sports


si tibi deficiant medici, medici tibi fiant hæc tria; mens hilaris, requies,

moderata diæta: if you stand in need of medical advice, let these three things be

your physician: a cheerful mind, rest, and a moderate diet (Schola Salern)

si tibi vis omnia subjicere, te subjice rationi: if you wish to subject everything to

yourself, subject yourself to reason (Seneca)

si vir es, suspice, etiam si decidunt, magna conantes: if you are a man, admire

those who attempt great things, even though they fail (Seneca)

si vis ad summum progredi ab infimo ordire: if you wish to reach the highest,

begin at the lowest (Publilius Syrus)

si vis amari, ama: if you want to be loved, then love (Seneca)

si vis incolumem, si vis te reddere sanum, curas tolle graves, irasci crede

profanum: if you wish to preserve yourself in health and safety, avoid all serious

cares, and believe wrathful passions as something profane

si vis pacem, para bellum: if you wish for peace, prepare for war

si vultis nihil timere, cogitate omnia esse timenda: if you wish to fear nothing,

think that everything is to be feared (Seneca)

sibi servire gravissima est servitus: the most severe slavery is to be a slave to

oneself (Seneca)

sibimet merces industria: industry is a recompense to itself (i.e., work is its own reward)

sic fac omnia … tanquam spectat aliquis: do everything as in the eye of another


sic multa quæ honesta natura videntur esse, temporibus fiunt non honesta:

thus many things that seem honorable by their nature are rendered dishonorable

by circumstances (Cicero)

sic omnia fatis in pejus ruere et retro

solem enim e mundo tollere videntur

sic omnia fatis in pejus ruere et retro sublapsa referri: thus all things are fated to

change for the worse and to retrograde (Virgil)

sic præsentibus utaris voluptatibus, ut futuris non noceas: enjoy your present

pleasures so as not to injure those which are to come (Seneca)

sic utere tuo ut alienum non lædas: make use of your own property in such a

manner as not to injure that of another

sic vive cum hominibus, tamquam Deus videat; sic loquere cum Deo, tamquam

homines audiant: live among men as if God were watching; speak with God as if

men were listening (Seneca)

sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas: thus I wish, thus I order, my will

stands in place of reason (Juvenal)

sic vos non vobis: thus do you, but not for you (i.e., you do the work, another takes

the credit) (Virgil)

signum pacis amor: love is the token of peace

sile et philosophus esto: be silent and you will pass for a philosopher

silent leges inter arma (or, silent enim leges inter arma): the laws are silent in

time of war (Cicero)

simia quam similis turpissima bestia nobis!: the monkey, so base a creature, how

like ourselves! (Ennius and Cicero)

sincerum est nisi vas, quodcumque infundis acescit: unless the vessel is clean,

everything you pour into it turns sour (Horace)

sine amicitia vitam esse nullam: there is no life without friendship (Cicero)

sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago: without learning, life is but the image of

death (Dionysius Cato)

sine virtute esse amicitia nullo pacto potest: there cannot be friendship without

virtue (Sallust)

singula de nobis anni prædantur euntes: as the years pass, they rob us of one thing

after another (Horace)

sis pacem, para bellum: if you want peace, then prepare for war

sit jus liceatque perire poëtis: leave poets free to perish as they will (Horace)

sit piger ad poenas princeps, ad præmia velox: a prince should be slow to punish

and swift to reward (Ovid)

societatis vinculum est ratio et oratio: reason and speech are the bond of society


socius fidelis anchora tuta est: a faithful companion is a sure anchor

sol crescentes decedens duplicat umbras: the setting sun doubles the increasing

shadows (Virgil)

sol non occidat super iracundiam vestram: let not the sun set on your anger

(Ephesians 4:26)

sola bona que honesta: only those things are good that are honest

solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris: it is a comfort to the wretched to have

others to share their sorrow (i.e., misery loves company) (Virgil)

solem enim e mundo tollere videntur qui amicitiam e vita tollunt: robbing life

of friendship is like robbing the world of the sun (Cicero) solem quis dicere falsum stultitiam simulare loco prudentia

solem quis dicere falsum audeat?: who would dare to call the sun a liar? (Virgil)

solent mendaces luere poenas malefici: the liar will pay the penalty for his crime


sollicitæ mentes speque metuque pavent: minds that are ill at ease are agitated

both with hope and fear (Ovid)

solo cedit, quicquid solo plantatur: whatever is planted in the soil goes with it

solum ut inter ista certum sit nihil esse certi: in these matters the only certainty

is that there is nothing certain (Pliny the Elder)

solvitur ambulando: it is solved by walking (i.e., a theory is tested by practice)

somnus est imago mortis: sleep is the image of death (Cicero)

sorex suo perit indicio: the mouse perishes by betraying itself

sperate miseri, cavete felices: let the wretched live in hope and the happy be on

their guard

sperate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis: live in hope and reserve yourselves for

more prosperous circumstances (Virgil)

sperne voluptates: nocet empta dolore voluptas: despise pleasure: pleasure

bought by pain is injurious (Horace)

spes sibi quisque: let each be a hope unto himself (i.e., each must rely on himself alone)

spiritus durissima coquit: a noble mind digests even the most painful injuries

spiritus promtus (est), caro autem infirma: the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak

(St. Matthew 26:41)

stat fortuna domus virtute: the fortune of the household stands by its virtue

stat nulla diu mortalibus usquam fortuna titubante, fides: not long will man’s

faith endure when fortune is tottering (Silius Italicus)

stateræ ordo non transiliendus: the balance should not be overladen with weight


stemmata quid faciunt?: of what use are pedigrees? (Juvenal)

stillicidi casus lapidem cavat: a constant drip hollows a stone

stipendia enim peccati mors (also, stipendium peccati mors est): for the wages of

sin is death (Romans 6:23)

strenuorum immortale nomen: the fame of men of action is immortal

struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat: when a woman weeps, she is setting

traps with her tears (Dionysius Cato)

studiis invigilandum: one must pay attention to studies

studio sapientia crescit: wisdom grows by study

stulti sunt innumerabiles: fools are without number (Erasmus)

stultitia est timore mortis mori: it is folly to die of the fear of death (Seneca)

stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate: there is no concealing folly

except by silence

stultitiam patiuntur opes: riches allow one to be foolish (Horace)

stultitiam simulare loco prudentia summa est: it is sometimes prudent to feign

stupidity (Dionysius Cato)

stultitiam simulare loco sapientia sublato fundamento cadit opus

stultitiam simulare loco sapientia summa est: to feign stupidity is, in certain

situations, the highest wisdom (Horace)

stulto intellegens quid interest!: what a difference between a wise man and a fool!


stultorum eventus magister est: experience is the teacher of fools (Livy)

stultorum incurata malus pudor ulcera celat: the false shame of fools makes them

hide their uncured sores (Horace)

stultorum plenea sunt omnia: all places are filled with fools (Cicero)

stultorum quanto status sublimior, tanto manifestior turpitudo: the higher the

status of fools, the more manifest is their baseness

stultum est dicere, putabam: it is foolish to say, I did not think

stultum est in luctu capillum sibi evellere, quasi calvito mæror levaretur: it is

foolish to pluck out one’s hair for sorrow, as if grief could be assuaged by baldness


stultum est timere quod vitare non potes (or non potest): it is foolish to fear

what you cannot avoid (or what cannot be avoided) (Publilius Syrus)

stultum facit Fortuna quam vult perdere: Fortune makes a fool of him whom she

would ruin (Publilius Syrus)

stultus es, rem actam agis: you are a fool, doing what has already been done


stultus labor est ineptiarum: foolish is the labor that is bestowed on foolish things


stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat: the fool thinks nothing well done

except what he does

stultus semper incipit vivere: the fool is always beginning to live

stultus, qui, patre occiso, liberos relinquat: the one who kills the father and leaves

the children is a fool

sua cuique deus fit dira cupido: each one makes his own dire passion a god (Virgil)

sua cuique quum sit animi cogitatio, colorque proprius: each person has his own

way of thinking, and a peculiar disposition (Phжdrus)

sua cuique sunt vitia: everyone has his or her own vices

sua cuique vita obscura est: everyone’s life is dark to himself

sua munera mittit cum hamo: he sends his gift with a hook attached

sua quisque exempla debet æquo animo pati: everyone ought to bear patiently

with what is done after his own example (Phжdrus)

suave est ex magno tollere acervo: it is pleasant to take from a great heap (Horace,

said of the miser)

suavis laborum est præteritorum memoria: sweet is the memory of past labor (or

trouble) (Cicero, citing a Greek proverb)

subditus fidelis regis et salus regni: a subject faithful to his king is the safety of the


sublata causa, tollitur effectus: when the cause is removed, the effect ceases

sublato fundamento cadit opus: remove the foundation and the structure falls sufficit ad id, natura quod poscit surdo fabulam narras

sufficit ad id, natura quod poscit: we have a sufficiency, when we have what nature

requires (Seneca)

sufficit unum lumen in tenebris: a single light suffices in the darkness

suffundere malis hominis sanguinem, quam offundere: seek rather to make a

man blush for his guilt than to shed his blood (Terence)

sui cuique fingunt fortunam: one’s character fashions his fate (Cornelius Nepos)

sui cuique mores fingunt fortunam: each one’s fortune is shaped for him by his

own mores (Cornelius Nepos)

sume superbiam quæsitam meritis: assume the proud place your merits have won


sumite materiam vestris qui scribitis æquam viribus: let those who write fix on a

subject to which their force is equal (Horace)

summa bona putas, aliena vivere quadra: you think it the chief good to live on

another’s crumbs (Juvenal)

summa petit livor: envy aims very high (i.e., it attacks the highest things) (Ovid)

summa sedes non capit duos: the highest seat does not hold two

summæ opes inopia cupiditatum: he is richest who is poorest in his desires


summum crede nefas animam præferre pudori, et propter vitam vivendi

perdere causas: count it the greatest sin to prefer your existence to your honor,

and for the sake of life to lose every reason for living (Juvenal)

summum jus sæpe summa injuria est: the highest justice is often the greatest

injustice (Cicero)

summum (or summam) nec metuas diem, nec optes: neither fear nor wish for

your last day (Martial)

sumptus censum ne superet: let not your spending exceed your income

sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis: good is mixed with evil, and evil is

mixed with good (a definition of human existence)

sunt et belli sicut pacis jura: the same laws hold for peace as for war (Livy)

sunt lacrimæ rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt: tears are the nature of things

and the mind touched by human mortality (Virgil)

sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant: children are children, and children

occupy themselves with childish things (also, boys are boys, …)

sunt superis sua jura: even the gods above are subject to law (Ovid)

superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est: every misfortune is to be subdued by

patience (Virgil)

superstitio mentes occupavit: superstition has taken hold of their minds

superstitione tollenda religio non tollitur: religion is not abolished by abolishing

superstition (Cicero)

suppressio veri suggestio falsi: suppression of the truth is the suggestion of


surdo fabulam narras: you are telling your story to a deaf man

suspectum semper invisumque tantum de medio sumptis accedit

suspectum semper invisumque dominantibus, qui proximus destinaretur: those

in supreme power always suspect and hate their next heir (Tacitus)

sutor, ne supra crepidam: cobbler, stick to your last (i.e., mind your own business)

suum cuique decus posteritas rependit: posterity gives to everyone what is his due


suum cuique pulchrum: to each his own beauty

suum cuique tribuere, ea demum summa justitia est: to give everyone his due,

that is supreme justice (Cicero)

suus cuique mos (est): to each his own custom (i.e., different strokes for different

folks) (Terence and Horace)


tacere multis discitur vitæ malis: silence is learned by the many misfortunes of life


tacita bona est mulier semper quam loquens: it more becomes a woman to be

silent than to talk (Plautus)

tacitæ magis et occultæ inimicitiæ sunt, quam indictæ et opertæ: enmities

unavowed and concealed are more to be feared than when open and declared


talis hominibus fuit oratio qualis vita: as was his speech so was his life (Seneca)

tam deest avaro quod habet, quam quod non habet: the miser is as much in want

of that which he has, as of that which he has not (Publilius Syrus)

tam diu discendum est, quum diu nescias, et, si proverbio credimus, quam diu

vivas: you must continue learning as long as you do not know, and, if we believe

the proverb, as long as you live (Seneca)

tamquam scopulum, sic fugias inauditum atque insolens verbum: avoid a

strange and unfamiliar word as you would a dangerous reef (Julius Cжsar)

tantæne animis cælestibus (or coelestibus) iræ?: can wrath so great dwell in

heavenly minds? (Virgil)

tanti eris aliis, quanti tibi fueris: you will be of as much value to others as you have

been to yourself (Cicero)

tanto brevius omne, quanto felicius tempus: the happier the moments, the

shorter the time (Pliny the Younger)

tanto est accusare quam defendere, quanto facere quam sanare vulnere,

facilius: it is just so much easier to accuse than to defend, as it is easier to inflict

than to heal a wound (Quintilian)

tanto major famæ sitis est quam virtutis; quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam

præmia si tollas?: the thirst for fame is much greater than that for virtue; for who

would embrace virtue itself if you take away its rewards? (Juvenal)

tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris: so much of honor is due to subjects

taken from what is common place (Horace) tantum series juncturaque pollet tempus fugit

tantum series juncturaque pollet: of so much force are system and connection


tantus amor laudum, tantæ est victoria curæ: as great the love of praise, so great

the anxiety for victory (Virgil)

tarda solet magnis rebus inesse fides: men are slow to rest their confidence in

undertakings of magnitude (Ovid)

tarde venientibus ossa: to those who come late the bones

tarde, quæ credita lædunt, credimus: we are slow to believe that which, if believed,

would work us harm (Ovid)

tardiora sunt remedia quam mala: remedies are slower in their operation than

diseases (Tacitus)

tarditas et procrastinatio odiosa est: delay and procrastination is hateful (Cicero)

taurum tollet qui vitulum sustulerit: the one who has carried the calf will be able,

eventually, to carry the ox

te digna sequere: follow what is worthy of you

te hominem esse memento: remember that you are a man

tecum habita; noris quam sit tibi curta supellex: live with yourself; get to know

how poorly furnished you are (Persius)

temeritas est damnare quod nescias: it is rash to condemn what you do not know


temeritas est (videlicet) florentis ætatis, prudentia senescentis: rashness is

(clearly) a characteristic of youth, prudence of old age (Cicero)

tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis: times change, and we change with

them (attributed to Emperor Lothar I)

tempora si fuerit nubila, solus eris: if the stormy season should arrive, you will be

alone (i.e., adversity finds few companions) (Ovid)

tempore cuncta mitiora: everything becomes mellower with time

tempore difficiles veniunt ad aratra juvenci; tempore lenta pati frena docentur

equi: in time the unmanageable young oxen come to the plow; in time the horses

are taught to endure the restraining bit (Ovid)

tempore ducetur longo fortasse cicatrix; horrent admotas vulnera cruda

manus: a wound may, perhaps, through time be closed; but, when fresh, it shrinks

from the touch (Ovid)

tempore felici multi numerantur amici; si fortuna perit, nullus amicus erit: in

happy times we reckon many friends; but if fortune fails, we will have no friends (Ovid)

tempore ruricolæ patiens fit taurus aratri: in time the bull is brought to wear the

yoke (Ovid)

tempori parendum: one must move with the times

temporibus mores sapiens sine crimine mutat: the wise man does no wrong in

changing his habits with the times (Dionysius Cato)

temporis ars medicina fere est: time is the best of the healing arts (Ovid)

tempus erit quo vos speculum vidisse pigebit: the time will come when it will

disgust you to look in a mirror (Ovid)

tempus fugit: time flies

tenere lupum auribus trahit sua quemque voluptas

tenere lupum auribus: to hold a wolf by the ears (i.e., to hold danger in your hands;

also, to take the bull by the horns)

teneros animos aliena opprobria sæpe absterrent vitiis: the disgrace of others

often deters tender minds from vice (Horace)

tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoëthes, et ægro in corde senescit: many

have an incurable itch for writing that takes full possession of their disordered

faculties (Juvenal)

terra es, terram ibis: you are earth, and to the earth you will return (Genesis 3:19)

terra malos homines nunc educat, atque pusillos: the earth now supports many

bad and weak men (Juvenal)

tibi seris, tibi metis: you sow for yourself, you reap for yourself (i.e., as you sow, so

shall you reap) (Cicero)

timendi causa est nescire: ignorance is the cause of fear (Seneca)

timidi est optare necem: to wish for death is a coward’s part (Ovid)

timidi mater non flet: the mother of the coward has no occasion to weep

timidus se vocat cautum, parcum sordidus: the coward calls himself cautious, the

miser thrifty (Publilius Syrus)

timor mortis morte pejor: the fear of death is worse than death

timor non est diuturnus magister officii: fear is not a lasting teacher of duty


tolle jocos; non est jocus esse malignum: away with such jests; there is no joking

where there is ill will

tolle moras—semper nocuit differre paratis: away with all delays—it is ever

injurious to postpone, when you are in readiness (Lucan)

tolle periclum, jam vaga prosiliet frænis natura remotis: take away the danger,

remove the restraint, and vagrant nature bounds forth free (Horace)

tolluntur in altum, ut lapsu graviore ruant: they are raised to a great height, that

they may tumble with a heavier fall (Claudian)

torrens dicendi copia multis et sua mortifera est facundia: to many, a torrent

flow of speech and their own eloquence is fatal (Juvenal)

tota hujus mundi concordia ex discordibus constat: the complete harmony of this

world consists in discords (Seneca)

tota in minimis existit natura: the whole of nature exists in the very smallest things

(quoted by Emerson)

tota vita nihil aliud quam ad mortem iter est: the whole of life is nothing but a

journey to death (Seneca)

totus mundus agit histrionem (or, mundus universus exercet histrioniam): all

the world plays the comedian (or actor) (Petronius)

trahimur omnes laudis studio, et optimus quisque maxime gloria ducitur: we

are all drawn by our eagerness for praise, and the noblest are most influenced by

glory (Cicero)

trahit sua quemque voluptas: each one is drawn by his own delight (Virgil) tranquillas etiam naufragus horret turpe est viro, id in quo quotidie

tranquillas etiam naufragus horret aquas: the man who has suffered shipwreck

shudders even at a calm sea (Ovid)

translata proficit arbos: a tree makes progress when transplanted

tristia mæstum vultum verba decent; severum, seria dictu: sorrowful words

become the sorrowful; serious words suit the grave (Horace)

tristis eris si solus eris: you will be sad if you are alone (i.e., if you keep company

with only yourself) (Ovid)

tritissima quæque via et celeberrima maxime decipit: we most often go astray on

a well-beaten path and a much traveled road (Seneca)

tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito quam tua te fortuna sinet: do not

surrender to evil but go boldly against it, as your fortune shall permit you (Virgil)

tu ne quæsieris, scire nefas: do not inquire, for it is not permitted to know such

things (Horace)

tu pol si sapis, quod scis nescis: you, if you are wise, will not know what you do

know (Terence)

tu recte vivis, si curas esse quod audis: you live a true life if you make it your care

to be what you seem (Horace)

tu si animum vicisti, potius quam animus te, est quod gaudeas: if you have

conquered your inclination, rather than your inclination you, you have something

to rejoice at (Plautus)

tu si hic sis, aliter sentias: if you were in my place, you would think differently


tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet: your property is in danger when the

neighboring wall (house) is on fire (Horace)

tui animi compote es, ne quid fraudis stuprique ferocia pariat: be master of your

soul, lest your untamed nature bring forth deceit and disgrace (Appius Claudius)

tum denique homines nostra intellegimus bona, quom quæ in potestate

habuimus, ea amisimus: we men only realize the value of our blessings when we

have lost them (Plautus)

tunc tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet: then your property is in danger

when the neighboring wall (house) is on fire

turpe est aliud loqui, aliud sentire; quanto turpius aliud scribere, aliud

sentire!: it is base to say one thing and to think another; how much more base to

write one thing and think another! (Seneca)

turpe est in patria peregrinari, et in eis (or iis) rebus quæ ad patriam pertinent

hospitem esse: it is disgraceful to live as a stranger in one’s country, and to be

uninformed of its interests and affairs (Manutius)

turpe est laudari ab illaudatis: it is degrading to be commended by those who are

not themselves worthy of praise

turpe est odisse quam laudes: it is disgraceful to hate the one whom you praise

turpe est viro, id in quo quotidie versatur ignorare: it is shameful that a person

should be ignorant of that in which he is everyday employed

turpe quid ausurus, te sine teste time

ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas

turpe quid ausurus, te sine teste time: when about to commit a base deed, respect

yourself, even though there is no witness (Ausonius)

turpis autem fuga mortis omni est morte pejor: a dishonorable flight from death

is worse than any death (Cicero)

turpiter obticuit, sublato jure nocendi: he was shamefully silent when he had lost

the power to injure

turpius ejicitur quam non admittitur hospes: it is more disgraceful to turn a guest

out than not to admit one (Ovid)

tuta scelera esse possunt, non secura: wickedness may be safe, but not secure



ubi amici ibidem opus: (fig.) friends are sometimes troublesome (Plautus)

ubi amici, ibi opes: where there are friends, there is wealth (Plautus)

ubi amor condimentum inerit cuivis placiturum credo: where love enters to

season a dish, I believe it will please anyone (Plautus)

ubi desinit philosophus, ibi incipit medicus: where the philosopher ends, there

the physician begins (after Aristotle)

ubi est autem dignitas, nisi ubi honestas?: where is dignity unless there is

honesty? (Cicero)

ubi idem et maximus et honestissimus amor est, aliquando præstat morte jungi

quam vita distrahi: where there exists the greatest and most honorable love, it is

sometimes better to be joined in death than separated in life (Valerius Maximus)

ubi innocens damnatur, pars patriæ exsulat: when an innocent man is condemned,

part of his country is exiled (Publilius Syrus)

ubi jus, ibi remedium: where there is law, there is remedy

ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum: where the law is uncertain, there is no law

ubi major pars est, ibi est totum: where the greater part is, there [by law] is the


ubi nihil erit quod scribas, id ipsum scribito: where you have nothing to write,

write and say so (Cicero)

ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant: where they create a desolation they call

it peace (Tacitus)

ubi timor adest, sapientia adesse nequit: where fear is present, wisdom cannot be


ubi velis nolunt, ubi nolis cupiunt ultro: where you are willing, they are

disinclined, where you are averse, they are willing (Terence)

ubi vinci necesse est, expedit cedere: where defeat is inevitable, it is expedient to

yield (Quintilian)

ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur: wherever art is displayed, truth

seems to be wanting ubique Mors est; optime hoc cavit usque adeone scire tuum nihil est

ubique Mors est; optime hoc cavit Deus: Death is everywhere; God has provided

well for that

ulterius ne tende odiis: do not go forward in your hatred (Virgil)

ultimum malorum e vivorum numero exire, antequam moriaris: there is no

more dire misfortune than to quit the ranks of the living before you are dead


ultra posse nemo obligatur: no one is obligated to do more than he or she is able

una dies aperit, conficit una dies: in one day it opens its blossoms, in one day it

decays (Ausonius, said of the rose)

una salus victis nullam sperare salutem: the only salvation (or safety) for the

vanquished is not to hope for salvation (Virgil)

unde fames homini vetitorum tanta ciborum est?: why does man hunger so much

after forbidden fruit? (Ovid)

unde habeas quærit nemo; sed oportet habere: no man inquires how you

obtained your wealth; but it is necessary to possess it (Juvenal)

unde tibi frontem libertatemque parentis, cum facias pejora senex?: how do you

derive your privilege as a parent when you, as an adult, do worse things? (Juvenal)

undique enim ad inferos tantundem viæ est: from all sides there is equally a way

to the lower world (i.e., to hell) (Cicero, after Anaxagoras)

undique mors est: death is everywhere

unicumque homo est, ibi beneficio locus est: wherever there is a human being,

there is an opportunity for a kindness (Seneca)

unius compendium, alterius dispendium: the gain of the one is the loss of the


unius dementia dementes efficit multos: the madness of one makes many mad

universus hic mundus sit una civitas communis deorum atque hominum

existimanda: we must conceive of this whole universe as one community of which

both gods and men are citizens (Cicero)

universus mundus exercet histrioniam: all the world practices the art of acting

unum bonum est, quod beatæ vitæ causa et firmamentum est, sibi fidere: there

is only one good, which is the cause and support of a blessed life: to trust (or

believe) in yourself (Seneca)

unum nihil, duos plurimum posse: one man can do nothing, two can do much

unus utrique error; sed variis illudit partibus: the same error belongs to each, but

it mocks them in different ways (Horace)

urbes constituit ætas: hora dissolvit: it takes an age to build a city, an hour to ruin

it (Seneca)

urticæ proxima sæpe rosa est: the stinging nettle is often next to the rose (Ovid)

usque adeo nulli sincera voluptas, solicitique aliquid lætis intervenit: no one

possesses unalloyed pleasure; there is some anxiety mingled with the joy (Ovid)

usque adeone mori miserum est?: is it then so very wretched a thing to die?


usque adeone scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter?: is then your

knowledge to pass for nothing unless others know of that knowledge? (Persius)

usus est optimum magister

ut sementem feceris ita

usus est optimum magister: use is the best teacher

usus libri, non lectio prudentes facit: the use, not the reading, of a book makes

men wise

usus promptos facit (also, usus promptum facit): use (or practice) makes one

ready (i.e., practice makes perfect)

ut acerbum est, pro benefactis quum mali messem metas: it is a bitter thing to

have sown good deeds and to reap a harvest of evils (Plautus)

ut adversas res, secundas immoderate ferre, levitatis est: it shows a weak mind

not to bear prosperity as well as adversity with moderation (Cicero)

ut ager, quamvis fertilis, sine cultura fructuosus esse non potest, sic sine

doctrina animus: as a field, however fertile, can yield no fruit without cultivation,

so neither can the mind without education (Seneca)

ut ameris, amabilis esto: to be loved, be lovable (Ovid)

ut amnis vita labitur: like a brook, life flows away

ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas: though strength may be lacking, yet

the will is to be praised (Ovid)

ut enim non omne vinum, sic non omnis ætas vetustate coacescit: neither every

wine, nor every life, turns to vinegar with age (Cicero)

ut fragilis glacies interit ira mora: like fragile ice, anger passes away in time (Ovid)

ut homines sunt, ita morem geras; vita quam sit brevis, simul cogita: as men

are, so must you humor them; think, at the same time, how short life is (Plautus)

ut homo est, ita morem geras: as a man is, so must you humor him (i.e., conduct

yourself) (Terence)

ut metus ad omnes, poena ad paucos perveniret: that fear may reach all, punish

but a few

ut placeas, debes immemor esse tui: that you may please others you must be

forgetful of yourself (Ovid)

ut plerique solent, naso suspendis adunco ignotos: as is the way with most

people, you turn up your nose at men of obscure origin (Horace)

ut quimus, quando ut volumus non licet: when we cannot act as we wish, we must

act as we can (Terence)

ut quisque contemtissimus et ludibrio est, ita solutæ linguæ est: the more

despicable and ridiculous a man is, the readier he is with his tongue (Seneca)

ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur: the

better the man is, the harder it is for him to suspect dishonesty in others (Cicero)

ut quisque suum vult esse, ita est: as everyone wishes his offspring to be, so it is


ut ridentibus arrident, ita flentibus adflent, humani vultus: human

countenances, as they smile on those who smile, so they weep with those that weep


ut sæpe summa ingenia in occulto latent!: how often does it happen that great

genius is hidden in obscurity! (Plautus)

ut sementem feceris ita (et) metes: as you have sown, so (also) shall you reap


ut sit mens sana in corpore sano vel capillus habet umbram suam

ut sit mens sana in corpore sano: may we have a sound mind in a sound body


ut sunt humana, nihil est perpetuum: as human affairs go, nothing is everlasting


ut sunt molles in calamitate mortalium animi!: how weak are the hearts of

mortals under calamity! (Tacitus)

ut tibi sic alteri: as to yourself so to another (i.e., do unto others as you would have

others do unto you)

ut vera laus ornat, ita falsa castigat: true praise is an honor, false praise a rebuke

(Sidonius Apollinaris)

utatur motu animi, qui uti ratione non potest: let the one be guided by his

passions, who can make no sense of his reason

utendum est ætate; cito pede labitur ætas: use the occasion, for it passes swiftly by


utilem pete finem: seek a useful end

utilis interdum est ipsis injuria passis: sometimes those who suffer injury find it

beneficial (Ovid)

utitur in re non dubia testibus non necessariis: he uses unnecessary proofs on an

indisputable point (Cicero)

utque in corporibus, sic in imperio, gravissimus est morbus qui a capite

diffunditur: and as in men’s bodies, so in government, that disease is most serious

which proceeds from the head (Pliny the Younger)

utrum horum mavis accipe: take whichever you prefer

utrumque vitium est, et omnibus credere et nulli: it is equally an error to trust

(or confide) in all and in none (Seneca)


vacuus cantat coram latrone viator: the traveler who has nothing sings before the

robber (Juvenal)

validius est naturæ testimonium quam doctrinæ argumentum: the testimony of

nature is weightier than the arguments of the learned (St. Ambrose)

vanitas est longam vitam optare, et de bona vita parum curare: it is vanity to

desire a long life, and to care little whether that life be well spent (Thomas а


varia vita est: life is changeable (Plautus)

varietas delectat: variety is delighting (Phжdrus)

varii hominum sensus: various are the opinions of men

varium et mutabile semper foemina: woman is ever fickle and changeable (Virgil)

vectigalia nervos esse rei publicæ: taxes are the sinews of the republic (i.e.,

essential to its strength) (Cicero)

vel capillus habet umbram suam: even a hair has its shadow (Publilius Syrus)

velis quod possis

veritas premitur non opprimitur

velis quod possis: aim at what you can accomplish

velle suum cuique, nec voto vivitur uno: each person has his own wish, the

inclinations of all cannot be the same (Persius)

velocitas juxta formidinem, cunctatio propior constantiæ est: (fig.) haste is next

door to panic, delay is nearer to firm courage (Tacitus)

velox consilium sequitur poenitentia: hasty counsels are followed by repentance

(Laberius and Publilius Syrus)

venalis populus venalis curia patrum: the people are venal, and the senate is

equally venal (i.e., everyone has his or her price)

venenum in auro bibitur: poison is drunk from a gold cup (Seneca)

venia necessitati datur: pardon is conceded to necessity (i.e., necessity knows no

law) (Cicero)

venienti occurrite morbo: confront disease at its onset (i.e., prevention is better

than cure) (Persius)

venter, pluma, Venus, laudem fugiunt: the belly, featherbed, and Venus run away

from praise (i.e., gluttony, sloth, and lust shun fame)

ventum seminabant et turbinem metent: they were sowing the wind, and they

shall reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)

verba dat omnis amans: every lover makes fair speeches (Ovid)

verba facit mortuo: he is talking to a dead man (i.e., he is wasting his words)


verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes: words bind men, cords the horns

of a bull

verba volant, scripta manent: spoken words fly, written words remain

verbaque provisam rem non invita sequentur: words will not fail when the matter

is well considered (Horace)

verbum Dei manet in æternum: the word of God endures through eternity

verbum emissum non est revocabile: a word once spoken cannot be recalled

verbum sat sapienti: a word to the wise is sufficient

verbum verbo reddere, fidus interpres: as a faithful interpreter, render (or

translate) word for word (after Horace; a variation of the negative form, nec

verbum verbo curabis reddere fidus interpres)

vere magnum habere in se fragilitatem hominis ac securitatem Dei: it is true

greatness to have in one’s self the frailty of a man and the security of a God

veritas, a quocunque dicitur, a Deo est: truth, by whomever it is spoken, comes

from God

veritas jam attributa vino est: truth is indeed an attribute of wine (Pliny the Elder)

veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi: truth fears nothing but concealment

veritas nimium altercando amittitur: truth is lost through too much altercation

veritas non recipit magis ac minus: truth admits not of greater or lesser (Wilkins)

veritas odit moras: truth hates delays (Seneca)

veritas odium parit: truth begets hatred

veritas premitur non opprimitur: truth may be kept down, but not crushed

veritas vel mendacio corrumpitur vel victrix patientia duris

veritas vel mendacio corrumpitur vel silentio: truth is violated by falsehood or by

silence (Cicero)

veritas visu et mora, falsa festinatione et incertis valescunt: truth is established

by inspection and delay; falsehood thrives by haste and uncertainty (Tacitus)

veritatem dies aperit: time reveals the truth (Seneca)

veritatem laborare nimis sæpe, aiunt, exstingui nunquam: it is said that truth is

often eclipsed but never extinguished (Livy)

veritatis simplex oratio est: the language of truth is simple (Seneca)

versate diu, quid ferre recusent, quid valeant humeri: often try what weight you

can bear, and what your shoulders cannot support (Horace)

versibus exponi tragicis res comica non vult: a comic matter cannot be expressed

in tragic verse (Horace)

verum est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor: but greed is rich and modesty poor


verum illud est, vulgo quod dici solet, omnes sibi malle melius esse quam

alteri: the common assertion is certainly true, that we all wish matters to be better

with ourselves than others (Terence)

verum opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum: but in a long work it is allowable

that sleep may creep on (Horace)

verum putas haud ægre, quod valde expetas: you believe that easily, which you

hope for earnestly

verus amicus est is qui est tanquam alter idem: a true friend is the one who is, as

it were, a second self (Cicero)

verus amor nullum novit habere modum: true love knows no limits (i.e., knows

not moderation) (Propertius)

vestibulum domus ornamentum est: the hall is the ornament of a house (i.e., the

first impression makes a lasting impression)

vestigia nulla retrorsum: footprints do not go backwards

vetera extollimus, recentium incuriosi: we extol what is old, and are not interested

in the new (i.e., we extol the past and are indifferent to our own times) (Tacitus)

vetera semper in laude, presentia in fastidio: old things are always in good repute,

present things in disfavor (Tacitus)

vetus consuetudo naturæ vim obtinet: an ancient custom obtains force of nature


vetustas pro lege semper habetur: ancient custom is always held as law

via trita est tutissima: the beaten path is the safest one (Coke)

viam qui nescit qua deveniat ad mare, eum oportet amnem quærere comitem

sibi: the one who knows not his way to the sea should seek the river for his

companion (Plautus)

victor volentes per populos dat jura: the victor dictates his laws to a willing people

victores victosque numquam solida fide coalescere: victor and vanquished never

unite in substantial agreement (Tacitus)

victrix patientia duris: in difficulty, win by patience

vigilando, agundo, bene consulundo

virtute orta occidunt rarius

vigilando, agundo, bene consulundo prospera omnia cedunt: prosperity comes

through vigilance, energy, and wise counsel (Cato, as quoted by Sallust)

vigilandum est semper; multæ insidiæ sunt bonis: always be on your guard; there

are many snares for the good (Accius)

vigilantibus, non dormientibus, subveniunt jura (or, vigilantibus non

dormientibus servit lex): the laws assist those who watch, not those who sleep

vigor ætatis fluit ut flos veris: the vigor of youth passes away like a spring flower

vile latens virtus: virtue when concealed is a worthless thing (Claudian)

vilius argentum est auro, virtutibus aurum: as gold is worth more than silver, so is

virtue worth more than gold (Horace)

vim vi repellere omnia jura clamant: every right calls upon man to repel by force

vincit qui se vincit: he conquers who conquers himself

vincula de linguæ vel tibi linguæ dabit: bind your tongue or your tongue will have

you bound

vindicta nemo magis gaudet quam foemina: no one rejoices more in revenge than

woman (Juvenal)

vino diffugiunt mordaces curæ: wine diffuses the bite of cares (adapted from


violenta nemo imperia continuit diu; moderata durant: no one ever held power

long by violence; it lasts only when wielded with moderation (Seneca)

vir sapiens forti melior: a wise man is better than a strong one

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur: wise is the person who talks little

virgo formosa etsi sit oppido pauper, tamen abunde dotata est: a beautiful girl,

though she indeed be poor, is yet abundantly dowered (Apuleius)

viri infelicis procul amici: friends stay far away from an unfortunate person


viris fortibus non opus est moenibus: brave men have no need of walls

virtus auro præferenda: virtue is to be preferred to gold

virtus dabit, cura servabit: valor will give, care will keep

virtus est medium vitiorum et utrinque reductum: virtue is the middle between

two vices, and is equally removed from either extreme (Horace)

virtus est vitium fugere: to flee vice is the beginning of virtue (Horace)

virtus in astra tendit, in mortem timor: courage leads to heaven, fear, to death


virtus ipsa suis firmissima nititur armis: true virtue relies on its own arms

virtus laudatur et alget: virtue is praised and left out to freeze (Juvenal)

virtus, repulsæ nescia sordidæ, intaminatis fulget honoribus: that virtue which is

unconscious of a base repulse, shines with unstained honors (Horace)

virtute acquiritur honos: honor is the reward of virtue

virtute enim ipsa non tam multi præditi esse, quam videri volunt: fewer possess

virtue than those who wish us to believe that they possess it (Cicero)

virtute nulla possessio major: no possession is greater than virtue

virtute orta occidunt rarius: things sprung from virtue rarely perish virtutem doctrina paret, naturane vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille

virtutem doctrina paret, naturane donet?: does training produce virtue, or does

nature bestow it? (Horace)

virtutem incolumem odimus; sublatam ex oculis quærimus invidi: we hate virtue

when it is safe and flourishing; but when it is removed from our sight, even envy

itself regrets it (Horace)

virtutem videant intabescantque relicta: let them recognize virtue and rot for

having left it behind (Persius)

virtuti sis par, dispar fortunis patris: be like your father in virtue, unlike him in

fortune (Accius)

virtutibus obstat res angusta domi: straitened circumstances at home obstruct the

path of virtue (Juvenal)

virtutis enim laus omnis in actione consistit: the whole praise of virtue consists in

the practice of virtue (Cicero)

vis consilii expers mole ruit sua: strength (or force), lacking judgment, collapses by

its own weight (Horace)

vita brevis nulli superest, qui tempus in illa quærendæ sibi mortis habet: life is

so short, there is no time to seek for death (Lucan)

vita cedat, uti conviva satur: let him take leave of life, as a guest satisfied with his

entertainment (Horace)

vita enim mortuorum in memoria vivorum est posita: the life of the dead is

placed in the memory of the living (Cicero)

vita hominis sine litteris (or literis) mors est: the life of a man without literature is


vita, si scias uti, longa est: life, if you know how to use it, is long enough (Seneca)

vita sine proposito vaga est: a life without purpose is an aimless one (Seneca)

vitæ est avidus, quisquis non vult mundo secum pereunte mori: he is greedy of

life who is unwilling to die when the world around him is perishing (Seneca)

vitæ summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam: the short span of life forbids

us from entering into long hopes (Horace)

vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia: fortune, not wisdom, rules this life (Cicero)

vitanda est improba siren Desidia: you must avoid that wicked siren Sloth


vitaque mancipio, nulli datur, omnibus usu: and life is given to none to possess

fully, but for all to use (Lucretius)

vitavi denique culpam, non laudem merui: I have avoided what is censurable, not

merited what is commendable (Horace)

vitia nobis sub virtutum nomine obrepunt: vices steal upon us under the name of

virtues (Seneca)

vitia otii negotio discutienda sunt: the vices of sloth are only to be shaken off by

doing something (Seneca)

vitiant artus ægræ contagia mentis: when the mind is ill at ease, the body is in a

certain degree affected (Ovid)

vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille qui minimis urgetur: no one is born

without faults; he is the best who is plagued by the fewest (Horace)

vitiosum est ubique, quod nimium vulgo enim dicitur: jucundi acti

vitiosum est ubique, quod nimium est: too much of anything is in every case a

defect (Seneca)

vitium commune omnium est, quod nimium ad rem in senecta attenti sumus:

it is a fault that is common to all, that in old age we are too much attached to our

property and interests (Terence)

vitium fuit, nunc mos est, assentatio: flattery, which was formerly a vice, is now

grown into a custom (Publilius Syrus)

vitium impotens virtus vocatur: vice that is powerless is called virtue (Seneca)

vivas ut possis quando nec quis ut velis: live as you can since you cannot live as

your would (Cжcilius)

vive memor Lethi; fugit hora: live ever mindful of death; the hour flies (Persius)

vivit post funera virtus: virtue lives on after the grave (Emperor Tiberias)

vivite felices quibus est fortuna peracta jam sua!: may those be happy whose

fortunes are already completed! (Virgil)

vivite fortes, fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus: live as brave men, and

stand against adversity with stout hearts (Horace)

vix decimus quisque est, qui ipse sese noverit: hardly one man in ten knows

himself (Plautus)

vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel æquissimo sit potior: scarcely is there any

peace so unjust that it is better than even the fairest war (Erasmus)

volenti non fit injuria: no injury is done to the willing

voluntas habetur pro facto: the will is taken for the deed

voluntas non potest cogi: the will cannot be forced

voluptas vivere coepit, vita ipsa desiit: pleasure begins to live when life itself is

departing (Pliny the Elder)

voluptates commendat rarior usus: pleasures rarely used are greatly enjoyed


vos exemplaria Græca nocturna versate manu, versate diurna: by night and day

thumb through the pages of your Greek exemplars (Horace)

vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores: you keep to your own ways and

leave mine to me (Petrarch)

votis subscribunt fata secundis: destiny makes wishes come true

vox audita perit, litera scripta manet: the voice that is heard perishes, the letter

that is written remains

vox nihil aliud quam ictus aër: the voice is nothing but beaten air (Seneca)

vulgare amici nomen, sed rara est fides: the name of friend is common, but a

faithful friend is rare (Phжdrus)

vulgare Græciæ dictum, semper Africam aliquid novi afferre: a common Greek

saying: there is always something new being brought from Africa (Pliny the Elder)

vulgo dicitur multos modios salis simul edendos esse, ut amicitia munus

expletum sit: it is a common saying that many pecks of salt must be eaten before

the duties of friendship can be discharged (Cicero)

vulgo enim dicitur: jucundi acti labores: for it is commonly said: completed labors

are pleasant (Cicero)

vulgus amicitias utilitate probat vultus est index animi

vulgus amicitias utilitate probat: the common crowd seeks friendships for their


vulgus ex veritate pauca, ex opinione multa, æstimat: the masses judge of few

things by the truth, of most things by opinion (Cicero)

vulnera dum sanas, dolor est medicina doloris: when you are dressing a wound,

pain is pain’s medicine (Dionysius Cato)

vult plane virtus honorem, nec est virtutis ulla alia merces: virtue clearly desires

honor and has no other reward (Cicero)

vultus est index animi: the face is the index of the soul