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When you form an initial hypothesis, you are “solving the

problem at the first meeting.” If only it were that easy.

Unfortunately, although you may think you have the answer (who

knows—you actually might), you have to prove it. You will do so

through fact-based analysis.

In their first few years at the Firm, McKinsey-ites focus on

analysis as their primary task. In fact, among the criteria the Firm uses in entry-level recruiting, analytical ability stands at or near the

top. Even partners and directors are judged on their ability to make

value-added recommendations based on the analyses performed by

their teams.

There’s a saying among small-aircraft pilots, “There are two

types of pilots: those who’ve landed with their landing gear

retracted and those who will.” The same relationship holds for

decision making: sooner or later every executive has to make a

major decision based on gut instinct. In many organizations executives

make major strategic decisions based as much on gut instinct

as on fact-based analysis. Almost all the McKinsey alumni we

interviewed found this a radical change from their time at the Firm.

Not that this is necessarily bad. In many cases time and resource

constraints don’t allow for lots of analysis. Many successful managers

have developed highly accurate instincts that allow them to

reach good decisions quickly—that’s why they’re successful managers.

Still, if you are not that experienced or would just like to

have a second opinion (in addition to your gut), we recommend

that you avail yourself of as much fact-based analytical support for

your decisions as your situation allows. Who knows, sometime it

just might remind you to lower your landing gear.

Our discussion of analysis has two distinct parts. In this chapter,

we show you how to lay out the analytical tasks that you and

your team must perform to prove your initial hypothesis. In Chapter

4, we will show you how to interpret the results of those analyses

in ways that maximize their impact on your client or

organization. In between, in Chapter 3, we will discuss the fine art

of data gathering, since you have to have something to analyze in

the first place, before you can get results.

What we call designing the analysis is referred to within

McKinsey as “work planning.” Work planning is usually the job of

the engagement manager (EM) running the day-to-day operation

of the team. Early on in the engagement, generally right after the

team has taken a stab at an initial hypothesis, the EM will determine

what analyses need to be done and who will take responsibility

for them. She will discuss with each team member what that

person’s tasks are, where to look for the data needed to complete

them, and how the likely end product should look. Then the team

members go off in their separate directions to get the job done.

For most businesses everything needs to be done yesterday if

not sooner, and for free. Unfortunately, rigorous, fact-based analysis

takes time. As any executive who has hired McKinsey will tell

you, that time is expensive. The Firm, however, realizes that its

clients can pay just so much, so it has developed many techniques

to help a team move quickly from raw facts to value-added recommendations.

These techniques work just as well outside

McKinsey’s walls. We can’t promise that you’ll be able to work

miracles by the time you finish this chapter, but if you apply the

lessons we present, you should be able to plot a course that will

speed up your analysis and decision making.


The following guidelines help McKinsey-ites plot their analytical


Find the key drivers. The success of most businesses depends

on a number of factors, but some are more important than others.

When your time and resources are limited, you don’t have the

luxury of being able to examine every single factor in detail.

Instead, when planning your analyses, figure out which factors

most affect the problem, and focus on those. Drill down to the core

of the problem instead of picking apart each and every piece.

Look at the big picture. When you are trying to solve a difficult,

complex problem, you can easily lose sight of your goal amid

Designing the Analysis 33

the million and one demands on your time. When you’re feeling

swamped by it all, take a metaphorical step back, and figure out

what you’re trying to achieve. Ask yourself how the task you are

doing now fits into the big picture. Is it moving your team toward

its goal? If it isn’t, it’s a waste of time, and time is too precious to


Don’t boil the ocean.Work smarter, not harder. In today’s datasaturated

world, it’s easy to analyze every aspect of a problem six

ways to Sunday. But it’s a waste of time unless the analyses you’re

doing add significant value to the problem-solving process. Figure

out which analyses you need in order to prove (or disprove) your

point. Do them, then move on. Chances are you don’t have the luxury

to do more than just enough.

Sometimes you have to let the solution come to you. Every set

of rules has exceptions, and the McKinsey problem-solving process

is no different in this regard. Sometimes, for whatever reason, you

won’t be able to form an initial hypothesis. When that’s the case,

you have to rely on your analysis of the facts available to point

your way to an eventual solution.



In their post-McKinsey careers, most of our alumni have a lot less

time to devote to analysis than they did at the Firm. Still, they find

that the knowledge they gained about designing analysis plans has

helped them get the factual support they need to make decisions

in their new organizations. We’ve distilled their experiences into

four lessons that will help you speed up your decision-making


• Let your hypothesis determine your analysis.

• Get your analytical priorities straight.

• Forget about absolute precision.

• Triangulate around the tough problems.

Let your hypothesis determine your analysis. Once you start to

plan your analyses, you have to balance intuition against data. Historically,

the McKinsey problem-solving process left no place at

all for intuition, although there are indications that, in the New

Economy, even McKinsey has come to rely on gut instinct when

blazing completely new trails. In contrast, many decision makers

prefer to rely almost exclusively on their intuition, especially when

time is short. As one McKinsey alumnus noted, “People understand

that forming a hypothesis means being results oriented: figure

out where you want to go, and determine whether you’re on

the right track. Often, however, they don’t want to take the time to

do the little checkoffs to make sure they have the right solution.”

Although we understand why this is, we believe intuition and data

complement each other. You need at least some of each to have a

solid basis for your decisions.

The key to striking the balance is quality over quantity. In the

words of James G. Whelan at L, G, & E Energy, “Focused analysis

is more important than volume, and this stems from good initial

problem framing.” As we stated in Chapter 1, if you have correctly

designed your issue tree, then you should already know what

analyses you need to perform. You should have broken down the

problem into issues and the issues into subissues. At some point—

it may be two levels down the tree or maybe a dozen—the issues

will have resolved themselves into a set of questions that can be

answered yes or no (e.g., Will the product make money? Do we have the skills to implement the new program? Is it legal?). You

will have formed initial hypotheses as to what the answers are;

now you must support or refute those hypotheses with fact-based


Another way to focus your analysis is, as Jeff Sakaguchi at

Accenture recommends, starting with the end in mind:

The process that we go through of issue, subissue, hypothesis,

analysis, data collection, end product makes you understand

what the end product is likely to look like. It keeps you

from doing a bunch of analysis that is interesting, intellectually

stimulating, but not very relevant. If you start doing

that, you can get beat up in a hurry.

Jeff points out a real danger for those of us who actually enjoy

analysis: getting caught up in analysis for its own sake. There’s a

lot of data out there, and it can be a lot of fun to play around with

it in all sorts of new and different ways. Unfortunately, if these

analyses aren’t working to prove or disprove your hypothesis, then

they are just that: playing around.

Get your analytical priorities straight. When you have limited

time to reach a conclusion and limited resources to attack the

problem, you have to figure out which analyses are indispensable

and which are simply gravy. As one of your first steps in designing

your analysis, you should therefore figure out what not to do.

This is the corollary of letting your hypothesis determine your

analysis: avoiding analyses that don’t relate to your hypothesis.

This holds especially true for small businesses with limited

resources. They can’t afford to boil the ocean, as Bob Buchsbaum,

CEO of art supplies retailer Dick Blick Holdings, attests in describing

his decision-making process:

Look for the path of least resistance by being hypothesis driven;

make assumptions and get answers that are “directionally correct.” We had a saying, “There is never enough data

or enough time,” which I always interpreted as, “Take

action earlier rather than later.” With a small business—$90

million in revenue—I can’t let myself or my staff violate these

lessons. Over and over, I find myself stopping people from

building the “unifying theory” of the business.

As we discussed in the previous section, analytically minded

people face a great temptation to do analyses that are interesting,

rather than relevant. In designing your analysis plan, it is your

responsibility to curtail this tendency in your team and, most especially,

in yourself.

As your next step, you should figure out which analyses are

quick wins—easy to complete and likely to make a major contribution

to proving or refuting the initial hypothesis. In other words,

as we say in Chapter 7, pluck the low-hanging fruit. As an example

of how to think about this, Chacko Sonny of Savage Entertainment

describes how his team attacks debugging, a crucial step

in the development of any software product:

Quality assurance for software in the early stages of testing

is definitely centered on this principle. While we have to be

exhaustive when searching for bugs in our software, and we

can’t afford to have 20 percent of the bugs slip through into

a released product, the 80/20 rule* does apply when searching

for the cause of a bug. In many cases, the same error in

the code will cause a number of different symptoms. Rather

than tracking down every single incarnation of the error, we

will uncover 80 percent of the effects of a major bug. This

will offer clues as to the cause of the errors. We can address

a large problem in the code without having enumerated

every single effect of the bug. Early on, we try to catch the

critical bugs with widespread implications for the product.

Toward the end of the process, we catch the remaining 20

percent of issues, which allows us to tweak the product into

releasable form.

By avoiding unnecessary analyses and focusing first on the easy

wins, you put yourself in a position to get a lot done in a short


Forget about absolute precision. Because we stress the importance

of fact-based analyses in making business decisions, you

might think we’re contradicting ourselves to say that you don’t

need precise answers from your analyses. The truth is, however,

that business, for the most part, is not an exact discipline like

physics or math. Deciding whether to open a new factory requires

a different level of precision than discovering a new subatomic particle.

In fact, in most situations, achieving a scientific level of exactitude

for your management decisions is counterproductive. You

will spend an inordinate amount of time and effort getting from

mostly right to, in all likelihood, precisely wrong. Bear this in mind

when determining the analysis tasks for your problem.

This is especially true with forward-looking analysis. It’s one

thing to assemble historical data to answer a question such as

“How large is the widget market?” It’s quite another to answer a

question like “What is the likely return over the next 10 years if we

build a new widget plant in Upper Sandusky?” The answer to that

question depends on a great many variables, the values of which

it is impossible to know: future widget demand, arrival of new

competitors, changing consumer tastes, etc. Any number that you

can come up with will most likely be wrong. Therefore, you should

just try to get an answer that is in the “comfort zone”—directionally

correct and of the right order of magnitude. Often you can reach an answer of that level of precision very quickly, while

attaining spurious precision would take much longer.

Also, if you can achieve some sort of satisfactory answer in a

short time, then you are much more likely to attempt the analysis

than you would if you had to get an answer to four decimal places.

As one of our alumni puts it:

I find back-of-the-envelope analysis incredibly valuable

because it lets you know if you’re in the ballpark. A lot of the

time, all I want to know is whether, say, a new product idea

is going to be worth $5 million, $50 million, or $500 million.

And some people find it very difficult to get comfortable

with that. They think, “Oh, I’m going to say $50

million; what if it’s really $75 million?” I don’t care! “But it’s

50 percent off!” they say. I respond that it’s so much more

valuable than not putting together a number at all.

Just as some people want to do every analysis under the sun,

there are people who just have to get their answers correct to four

significant figures. Naras Eechambadi, founder and CEO of

Quaero, Inc., an information-based marketing consultancy, knows

all about that from the inside:

I hire a lot of Ph.D.s and advanced-degree holders, and I

almost have to force them not to look at every error pattern

in the data. All that stuff your professors taught you is great

if you’re talking about health care and you have to worry

about people dying. But this is marketing; we’re just trying

to make a buck. Let’s get the show on the road and stop worrying

about all the nuances.

You can spend a lot of time improving the precision of

your models, but eventually you reach the point of diminishing

returns or you lose time to market. We don’t need to have the perfect model. We just need to have something

that’s better than what we have today. Let’s go out and make

some money, and then we can continue to make it better

over time.

Once again, it is up to you to resist the impulse to get lost in the

data, whether in yourself or your team, because it will cost you

time and money.

Triangulate around the tough problems. In surveying and

mapmaking, triangulation is the method of determining the precise

location of an unknown point by taking measurements from two

known points. You can use an analogous technique to form a

hypothesis when you have very little information about the problem

at hand—a very common occurrence in business. At some

point you will come up against a question that appears unanswerable.

Either the data are proprietary to your fiercest competitor,

or you’re breaking entirely new ground in your industry, or for

whatever reason the question is just too tough to crack. If that’s the

case, don’t despair. Chances are you can come up with some analyses

that will at least allow you to scope out the likely limits of the

answer, even if they won’t get you particularly close. Once again, if

you’re directionally correct and in the right order of magnitude,

chances are that’s enough to make a decision.

To illustrate how this might be done, we’d like to present an

example from our alumnus at GlaxoSmithKline, Paul Kenny. He

had to determine the potential market size for a drug that had yet

to be developed and that treats a condition most doctors don’t even

recognize. His strategy gives an insight into how you might tackle

a similar situation:

We’re looking into a condition called hypoactive sexual

desire disorder (HSDD), which is an abnormally low level of

sexual desire, primarily in women. At this point, it’s not really an accepted disease. It’s been defined by psychiatrists

but is very rarely diagnosed; GPs have probably never even

heard of it. From a pharmaceutical point of view, it opens up

the opportunity for some sort of female Viagra. At this point,

there’s no information on it.

Undaunted by this difficult scenario, Paul looked for analogous

situations that might shed light on his problem:

We’ve tried to draw some parallels with Viagra for men as an

obvious link. Mainly, however, we’re looking for analogies

both with other sexual disorders and with what one might

call lifestyle issues—obesity, say, or other diseases. We may

be able to use these analogies to justify the business case.

Once Paul found some useful analogies, he looked for insights

from them:

One of the links we’re hypothesizing is resistance—reluctance

among patients to admit they have this condition.

How many patients are actually going to talk to their doctor

about it? At the moment, none of them do, so you can’t

use their history as an example. Of course, pre-Viagra, far

fewer men talked to their doctor about ED [erectile dysfunction].

Whether women have the same attitude as men

toward this remains an open question. On the mental side

we’re looking at obesity—patients have cravings, or they eat

because it is a habit, or they think they want to, so that’s

more of a mental phenomenon—and the extent to which

people admit they have obesity as a mental disease. There are

all sorts of analogies that we’re using to triangulate what sort

of numbers we might be looking at. Even if, at the end of

the day, we’ll never know precisely, we hope to be able to

come up with something in the ballpark.

As you can see, Paul’s not in the least concerned that he will

never reach “the answer.” Rather, he’s merely trying to establish

upper and lower bounds for the size of this particular market,

because that range will be enough for him to decide whether to

pursue this project.


When designing your analysis, you have a specific end product in

mind: your work plan. A comprehensive work plan begins with

all the issues and subissues you identified during the framing of

your initial hypothesis. For each issue or subissue, you should list

the following elements:

• Your initial hypothesis as to the answer

• The analyses that must be done to prove or disprove that

hypothesis, in order of priority

• The data necessary to perform the analysis

• The likely sources of the data (e.g., Census data, focus

groups, interviews)

• A brief description of the likely end product of each analysis

• The person responsible for each end product (you or a

member of your team)

• The due date for each end product

It doesn’t need to be fancy or formal. Hand-drawn is fine, as

long as it’s legible.

As an example, let’s return once more to Acme Widgets. When

we left your team there in the last chapter, you had just finished

your issue tree. We spent some time expanding one of the branches

of that tree—the issue of “Can we implement the necessary

changes?”—by dividing that issue into subissues expressed as

yes/no questions. Table 2-1 shows how you could lay out the work

plan for one of those subissues.

Issue/Hypothesis Analyses Data Sources End Product Responsibility Due Date

Can we implement the

necessary changes to the

production process? Yes

Does the new process require Technical Articles, interviews Chart Tom 3-Jun

special facilties? No Specifications

List of facilities Facilities management, List Tom 5-Jun

that meet new interviews


If it does require special Map of “facilities Facilities management, Chart Belinda 7-Jun

facilities, can we acquire gap” thrum-mat line superthem?

Yes visors, interviews

Sources of required Operations, trade List Belinda 7-Jun

facilities/equipment publications

Costs to fill gaps Operations, contractors, Table Belinda 10-Jun


Effect on project Finance department, Spreadsheet Terry 12-Jun

rate of return prior analysis

Table 2-1. Work Plan for Issue in Acme Widgets Issue Tree

Following the preceding list of elements in the analysis design,

we start by noting the issue to be analyzed and our hypothesis as to

the answer. We like to append our answer directly to the question,

although you could just as easily put it in a separate column. The

top-line issue goes (no surprise here) at the top. Beneath that,

indent and list the subissues, then do the same with sub-subissues

(not to mention sub-sub-subissues). Thus, the question “If it does

require special facilities, can we acquire them?” comes underneath

the question “Does the new process require special facilities?”

Next comes the list of analyses to be performed. In this example,

there aren’t many, but there could have been. For instance, it

might be useful to have a schematic diagram to go along with the

technical requirements for the new production process. Useful, yes,

even interesting, but not ultimately necessary, and someone would

have to take the time to put it together—time they wouldn’t spend

on actually proving or disproving the hypothesis. Therefore, doing

a schematic didn’t make the final cut, nor did a number of other

analyses that you might devise.

We’ll touch only briefly on the data and their sources, since

we will be covering that topic in detail in Chapter 3. Listing data

and sources helps you and your team cover all the bases so you will

be less likely to miss a rich source of information. Speaking of rich

sources of information, have you noticed how often interviews

come up? You’ll see a lot more about them in Chapter 3.

The description of the likely end product should be brief, as

in the example. These descriptions really serve as a departure point

for discussions within the team. At McKinsey, the EM takes each

team member through her part of the work plan and discusses her

expectations as to the end product. Sometimes, the EM will sketch

out a “ghost pack,” showing templates for each end product,

which can help guide the analytical process, especially for lessexperienced


Responsibility is mostly self-evident. After all, someone has to

take charge of each analysis, or it won’t get done. We’ll cover the

question of how you assign the right people to the right tasks (and

get them on your team in the first place) in Chapter 6, “Managing

Your Team.” Usually, it makes sense to parcel out responsibility

for discrete chunks of the analysis (e.g., for each subissue) to

one person, but it’s not a requirement. Thus, in our example, Tom

is in charge of answering the question “Does the new process

require special facilities?” Belinda is on the hook for finding out

whether we can acquire any special facilities that we might need,

but one piece of that analysis goes to Terry. Why? As it happens,

Terry is our financial expert and is building an overall financial

model for the project, so it makes sense for Terry to analyze the

rate of return.

Due date, once again, is self-explanatory. Being specific about

dates helps the members of your team understand what is expected

of them and allows you to visualize the overall flow of the project

from start to finish. Some people like to track their due dates in

more detail with Gantt charts or other project management tools.

That’s up to you.

In our example, one analysis more or less dovetails neatly with

the next. Bear in mind, however, that sometimes the results of one

analysis will make a whole range of subsequent analyses redundant,

thus saving you the trouble of actually performing them. For

instance, if the analyses prove our initial hypothesis that we don’t

need special facilities, then the question of whether we can acquire

them—and all the attendant analyses—falls away. Thus, if you can,

you should schedule your analyses to let you answer these “dominant”

questions first. Of course, sometimes you don’t have the luxury

to wait for the results of one analysis before you start the next.

Still, make the most of opportunities to prune your analysis plan


Beyond laying out your life for the next several weeks and setting

expectations for your team, a good work plan has another feature:

it helps you structure your thinking. As you go through your

work plan, write down all the analyses, and prioritize and prune

them, you’ll quickly see whether there are holes in your initial

hypothesis that didn’t show up during the framing stage. One of

our alumni put it this way:

One of the most important things I’ve learned is that he who

puts it on paper first wins. And the corollary is that if you

can’t put it down on paper, then either you don’t have it clear

in your head or it’s not a good idea. There are a lot of people

who say, “Oh, I had this idea in my head, I just haven’t

put it down, but I really know exactly what I want to do.” I

say, put it on paper.

Sometimes, just the process of work planning will lead you to

revisit and possibly restructure your analysis. We will examine the

iterative relationship between hypothesis and analysis more in

Chapter 4. In the meantime, bear in mind that your initial hypothesis

is a living document, and it feeds off your analysis.


• In Chapter 1, we laid out part of the Acme Widgets issue

tree regarding the question “Can we implement the necessary

changes to utilize the new process?” In this chapter,

we laid out a work plan for the subissue “Does it require

special facilities that we don’t have?” Do the same for the

other subissue in that discussion, “Does it require special

skills that we don’t have?” Remember that if the answer is

yes, you have to answer an additional question.


When it comes time to prove your initial hypothesis, efficient

analysis design will help you hit the ground running. You and your

team will know what you have to do, where to get the information

to do it, and when to get it done. The work-planning process

also serves as a useful reality check to the sometimes intellectualized

pursuit of the initial hypothesis. To some, it may seem a

slightly anal-retentive exercise, but we recommend it highly, and

our alumni can attest to its utility.

Once you’ve designed your work plan, it’s time to start filling

in the blanks. You can only do that with facts, so it’s time to start

gathering data. In the next chapter, we’ll take you through the

strategies and techniques you need to get the data for your


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When you form an initial hypothesis, you are “solving the

problem at the first meeting.” If only it were that easy.

Unfortunately, although you may think you have the answer (who

knows—you actually might), you have to prove it. You will do so

through fact-based analysis.

In their first few years at the Firm, McKinsey-ites focus on

analysis as their primary task. In fact, among the criteria the Firm uses in entry-level recruiting, analytical ability stands at or near the

top. Even partners and directors are judged on their ability to make

value-added recommendations based on the analyses performed by

their teams.

There’s a saying among small-aircraft pilots, “There are two

types of pilots: those who’ve landed with their landing gear

retracted and those who will.” The same relationship holds for

decision making: sooner or later every executive has to make a

major decision based on gut instinct. In many organizations executives

make major strategic decisions based as much on gut instinct

as on fact-based analysis. Almost all the McKinsey alumni we

interviewed found this a radical change from their time at the Firm.

Not that this is necessarily bad. In many cases time and resource

constraints don’t allow for lots of analysis. Many successful managers

have developed highly accurate instincts that allow them to

reach good decisions quickly—that’s why they’re successful managers.

Still, if you are not that experienced or would just like to

have a second opinion (in addition to your gut), we recommend

that you avail yourself of as much fact-based analytical support for

your decisions as your situation allows. Who knows, sometime it

just might remind you to lower your landing gear.

Our discussion of analysis has two distinct parts. In this chapter,

we show you how to lay out the analytical tasks that you and

your team must perform to prove your initial hypothesis. In Chapter

4, we will show you how to interpret the results of those analyses

in ways that maximize their impact on your client or

organization. In between, in Chapter 3, we will discuss the fine art

of data gathering, since you have to have something to analyze in

the first place, before you can get results.

What we call designing the analysis is referred to within

McKinsey as “work planning.” Work planning is usually the job of

the engagement manager (EM) running the day-to-day operation

of the team. Early on in the engagement, generally right after the

team has taken a stab at an initial hypothesis, the EM will determine

what analyses need to be done and who will take responsibility

for them. She will discuss with each team member what that

person’s tasks are, where to look for the data needed to complete

them, and how the likely end product should look. Then the team

members go off in their separate directions to get the job done.

For most businesses everything needs to be done yesterday if

not sooner, and for free. Unfortunately, rigorous, fact-based analysis

takes time. As any executive who has hired McKinsey will tell

you, that time is expensive. The Firm, however, realizes that its

clients can pay just so much, so it has developed many techniques

to help a team move quickly from raw facts to value-added recommendations.

These techniques work just as well outside

McKinsey’s walls. We can’t promise that you’ll be able to work

miracles by the time you finish this chapter, but if you apply the

lessons we present, you should be able to plot a course that will

speed up your analysis and decision making.


The following guidelines help McKinsey-ites plot their analytical


Find the key drivers. The success of most businesses depends

on a number of factors, but some are more important than others.

When your time and resources are limited, you don’t have the

luxury of being able to examine every single factor in detail.

Instead, when planning your analyses, figure out which factors

most affect the problem, and focus on those. Drill down to the core

of the problem instead of picking apart each and every piece.

Look at the big picture. When you are trying to solve a difficult,

complex problem, you can easily lose sight of your goal amid

Designing the Analysis 33

the million and one demands on your time. When you’re feeling

swamped by it all, take a metaphorical step back, and figure out

what you’re trying to achieve. Ask yourself how the task you are

doing now fits into the big picture. Is it moving your team toward

its goal? If it isn’t, it’s a waste of time, and time is too precious to


Don’t boil the ocean.Work smarter, not harder. In today’s datasaturated

world, it’s easy to analyze every aspect of a problem six

ways to Sunday. But it’s a waste of time unless the analyses you’re

doing add significant value to the problem-solving process. Figure

out which analyses you need in order to prove (or disprove) your

point. Do them, then move on. Chances are you don’t have the luxury

to do more than just enough.

Sometimes you have to let the solution come to you. Every set

of rules has exceptions, and the McKinsey problem-solving process

is no different in this regard. Sometimes, for whatever reason, you

won’t be able to form an initial hypothesis. When that’s the case,

you have to rely on your analysis of the facts available to point

your way to an eventual solution.



In their post-McKinsey careers, most of our alumni have a lot less

time to devote to analysis than they did at the Firm. Still, they find

that the knowledge they gained about designing analysis plans has

helped them get the factual support they need to make decisions

in their new organizations. We’ve distilled their experiences into

four lessons that will help you speed up your decision-making


• Let your hypothesis determine your analysis.

• Get your analytical priorities straight.

• Forget about absolute precision.

• Triangulate around the tough problems.

Let your hypothesis determine your analysis. Once you start to

plan your analyses, you have to balance intuition against data. Historically,

the McKinsey problem-solving process left no place at

all for intuition, although there are indications that, in the New

Economy, even McKinsey has come to rely on gut instinct when

blazing completely new trails. In contrast, many decision makers

prefer to rely almost exclusively on their intuition, especially when

time is short. As one McKinsey alumnus noted, “People understand

that forming a hypothesis means being results oriented: figure

out where you want to go, and determine whether you’re on

the right track. Often, however, they don’t want to take the time to

do the little checkoffs to make sure they have the right solution.”

Although we understand why this is, we believe intuition and data

complement each other. You need at least some of each to have a

solid basis for your decisions.

The key to striking the balance is quality over quantity. In the

words of James G. Whelan at L, G, & E Energy, “Focused analysis

is more important than volume, and this stems from good initial

problem framing.” As we stated in Chapter 1, if you have correctly

designed your issue tree, then you should already know what

analyses you need to perform. You should have broken down the

problem into issues and the issues into subissues. At some point—

it may be two levels down the tree or maybe a dozen—the issues

will have resolved themselves into a set of questions that can be

answered yes or no (e.g., Will the product make money? Do we have the skills to implement the new program? Is it legal?). You

will have formed initial hypotheses as to what the answers are;

now you must support or refute those hypotheses with fact-based


Another way to focus your analysis is, as Jeff Sakaguchi at

Accenture recommends, starting with the end in mind:

The process that we go through of issue, subissue, hypothesis,

analysis, data collection, end product makes you understand

what the end product is likely to look like. It keeps you

from doing a bunch of analysis that is interesting, intellectually

stimulating, but not very relevant. If you start doing

that, you can get beat up in a hurry.

Jeff points out a real danger for those of us who actually enjoy

analysis: getting caught up in analysis for its own sake. There’s a

lot of data out there, and it can be a lot of fun to play around with

it in all sorts of new and different ways. Unfortunately, if these

analyses aren’t working to prove or disprove your hypothesis, then

they are just that: playing around.

Get your analytical priorities straight. When you have limited

time to reach a conclusion and limited resources to attack the

problem, you have to figure out which analyses are indispensable

and which are simply gravy. As one of your first steps in designing

your analysis, you should therefore figure out what not to do.

This is the corollary of letting your hypothesis determine your

analysis: avoiding analyses that don’t relate to your hypothesis.

This holds especially true for small businesses with limited

resources. They can’t afford to boil the ocean, as Bob Buchsbaum,

CEO of art supplies retailer Dick Blick Holdings, attests in describing

his decision-making process:

Look for the path of least resistance by being hypothesis driven;

make assumptions and get answers that are “directionally correct.” We had a saying, “There is never enough data

or enough time,” which I always interpreted as, “Take

action earlier rather than later.” With a small business—$90

million in revenue—I can’t let myself or my staff violate these

lessons. Over and over, I find myself stopping people from

building the “unifying theory” of the business.

As we discussed in the previous section, analytically minded

people face a great temptation to do analyses that are interesting,

rather than relevant. In designing your analysis plan, it is your

responsibility to curtail this tendency in your team and, most especially,

in yourself.

As your next step, you should figure out which analyses are

quick wins—easy to complete and likely to make a major contribution

to proving or refuting the initial hypothesis. In other words,

as we say in Chapter 7, pluck the low-hanging fruit. As an example

of how to think about this, Chacko Sonny of Savage Entertainment

describes how his team attacks debugging, a crucial step

in the development of any software product:

Quality assurance for software in the early stages of testing

is definitely centered on this principle. While we have to be

exhaustive when searching for bugs in our software, and we

can’t afford to have 20 percent of the bugs slip through into

a released product, the 80/20 rule* does apply when searching

for the cause of a bug. In many cases, the same error in

the code will cause a number of different symptoms. Rather

than tracking down every single incarnation of the error, we

will uncover 80 percent of the effects of a major bug. This

will offer clues as to the cause of the errors. We can address

a large problem in the code without having enumerated

every single effect of the bug. Early on, we try to catch the

critical bugs with widespread implications for the product.

Toward the end of the process, we catch the remaining 20

percent of issues, which allows us to tweak the product into

releasable form.

By avoiding unnecessary analyses and focusing first on the easy

wins, you put yourself in a position to get a lot done in a short


Forget about absolute precision. Because we stress the importance

of fact-based analyses in making business decisions, you

might think we’re contradicting ourselves to say that you don’t

need precise answers from your analyses. The truth is, however,

that business, for the most part, is not an exact discipline like

physics or math. Deciding whether to open a new factory requires

a different level of precision than discovering a new subatomic particle.

In fact, in most situations, achieving a scientific level of exactitude

for your management decisions is counterproductive. You

will spend an inordinate amount of time and effort getting from

mostly right to, in all likelihood, precisely wrong. Bear this in mind

when determining the analysis tasks for your problem.

This is especially true with forward-looking analysis. It’s one

thing to assemble historical data to answer a question such as

“How large is the widget market?” It’s quite another to answer a

question like “What is the likely return over the next 10 years if we

build a new widget plant in Upper Sandusky?” The answer to that

question depends on a great many variables, the values of which

it is impossible to know: future widget demand, arrival of new

competitors, changing consumer tastes, etc. Any number that you

can come up with will most likely be wrong. Therefore, you should

just try to get an answer that is in the “comfort zone”—directionally

correct and of the right order of magnitude. Often you can reach an answer of that level of precision very quickly, while

attaining spurious precision would take much longer.

Also, if you can achieve some sort of satisfactory answer in a

short time, then you are much more likely to attempt the analysis

than you would if you had to get an answer to four decimal places.

As one of our alumni puts it:

I find back-of-the-envelope analysis incredibly valuable

because it lets you know if you’re in the ballpark. A lot of the

time, all I want to know is whether, say, a new product idea

is going to be worth $5 million, $50 million, or $500 million.

And some people find it very difficult to get comfortable

with that. They think, “Oh, I’m going to say $50

million; what if it’s really $75 million?” I don’t care! “But it’s

50 percent off!” they say. I respond that it’s so much more

valuable than not putting together a number at all.

Just as some people want to do every analysis under the sun,

there are people who just have to get their answers correct to four

significant figures. Naras Eechambadi, founder and CEO of

Quaero, Inc., an information-based marketing consultancy, knows

all about that from the inside:

I hire a lot of Ph.D.s and advanced-degree holders, and I

almost have to force them not to look at every error pattern

in the data. All that stuff your professors taught you is great

if you’re talking about health care and you have to worry

about people dying. But this is marketing; we’re just trying

to make a buck. Let’s get the show on the road and stop worrying

about all the nuances.

You can spend a lot of time improving the precision of

your models, but eventually you reach the point of diminishing

returns or you lose time to market. We don’t need to have the perfect model. We just need to have something

that’s better than what we have today. Let’s go out and make

some money, and then we can continue to make it better

over time.

Once again, it is up to you to resist the impulse to get lost in the

data, whether in yourself or your team, because it will cost you

time and money.

Triangulate around the tough problems. In surveying and

mapmaking, triangulation is the method of determining the precise

location of an unknown point by taking measurements from two

known points. You can use an analogous technique to form a

hypothesis when you have very little information about the problem

at hand—a very common occurrence in business. At some

point you will come up against a question that appears unanswerable.

Either the data are proprietary to your fiercest competitor,

or you’re breaking entirely new ground in your industry, or for

whatever reason the question is just too tough to crack. If that’s the

case, don’t despair. Chances are you can come up with some analyses

that will at least allow you to scope out the likely limits of the

answer, even if they won’t get you particularly close. Once again, if

you’re directionally correct and in the right order of magnitude,

chances are that’s enough to make a decision.

To illustrate how this might be done, we’d like to present an

example from our alumnus at GlaxoSmithKline, Paul Kenny. He

had to determine the potential market size for a drug that had yet

to be developed and that treats a condition most doctors don’t even

recognize. His strategy gives an insight into how you might tackle

a similar situation:

We’re looking into a condition called hypoactive sexual

desire disorder (HSDD), which is an abnormally low level of

sexual desire, primarily in women. At this point, it’s not really an accepted disease. It’s been defined by psychiatrists

but is very rarely diagnosed; GPs have probably never even

heard of it. From a pharmaceutical point of view, it opens up

the opportunity for some sort of female Viagra. At this point,

there’s no information on it.

Undaunted by this difficult scenario, Paul looked for analogous

situations that might shed light on his problem:

We’ve tried to draw some parallels with Viagra for men as an

obvious link. Mainly, however, we’re looking for analogies

both with other sexual disorders and with what one might

call lifestyle issues—obesity, say, or other diseases. We may

be able to use these analogies to justify the business case.

Once Paul found some useful analogies, he looked for insights

from them:

One of the links we’re hypothesizing is resistance—reluctance

among patients to admit they have this condition.

How many patients are actually going to talk to their doctor

about it? At the moment, none of them do, so you can’t

use their history as an example. Of course, pre-Viagra, far

fewer men talked to their doctor about ED [erectile dysfunction].

Whether women have the same attitude as men

toward this remains an open question. On the mental side

we’re looking at obesity—patients have cravings, or they eat

because it is a habit, or they think they want to, so that’s

more of a mental phenomenon—and the extent to which

people admit they have obesity as a mental disease. There are

all sorts of analogies that we’re using to triangulate what sort

of numbers we might be looking at. Even if, at the end of

the day, we’ll never know precisely, we hope to be able to

come up with something in the ballpark.

As you can see, Paul’s not in the least concerned that he will

never reach “the answer.” Rather, he’s merely trying to establish

upper and lower bounds for the size of this particular market,

because that range will be enough for him to decide whether to

pursue this project.


When designing your analysis, you have a specific end product in

mind: your work plan. A comprehensive work plan begins with

all the issues and subissues you identified during the framing of

your initial hypothesis. For each issue or subissue, you should list

the following elements:

• Your initial hypothesis as to the answer

• The analyses that must be done to prove or disprove that

hypothesis, in order of priority

• The data necessary to perform the analysis

• The likely sources of the data (e.g., Census data, focus

groups, interviews)

• A brief description of the likely end product of each analysis

• The person responsible for each end product (you or a

member of your team)

• The due date for each end product

It doesn’t need to be fancy or formal. Hand-drawn is fine, as

long as it’s legible.

As an example, let’s return once more to Acme Widgets. When

we left your team there in the last chapter, you had just finished

your issue tree. We spent some time expanding one of the branches

of that tree—the issue of “Can we implement the necessary

changes?”—by dividing that issue into subissues expressed as

yes/no questions. Table 2-1 shows how you could lay out the work

plan for one of those subissues.

Issue/Hypothesis Analyses Data Sources End Product Responsibility Due Date

Can we implement the

necessary changes to the

production process? Yes

Does the new process require Technical Articles, interviews Chart Tom 3-Jun

special facilties? No Specifications

List of facilities Facilities management, List Tom 5-Jun

that meet new interviews


If it does require special Map of “facilities Facilities management, Chart Belinda 7-Jun

facilities, can we acquire gap” thrum-mat line superthem?

Yes visors, interviews

Sources of required Operations, trade List Belinda 7-Jun

facilities/equipment publications

Costs to fill gaps Operations, contractors, Table Belinda 10-Jun


Effect on project Finance department, Spreadsheet Terry 12-Jun

rate of return prior analysis

Table 2-1. Work Plan for Issue in Acme Widgets Issue Tree

Following the preceding list of elements in the analysis design,

we start by noting the issue to be analyzed and our hypothesis as to

the answer. We like to append our answer directly to the question,

although you could just as easily put it in a separate column. The

top-line issue goes (no surprise here) at the top. Beneath that,

indent and list the subissues, then do the same with sub-subissues

(not to mention sub-sub-subissues). Thus, the question “If it does

require special facilities, can we acquire them?” comes underneath

the question “Does the new process require special facilities?”

Next comes the list of analyses to be performed. In this example,

there aren’t many, but there could have been. For instance, it

might be useful to have a schematic diagram to go along with the

technical requirements for the new production process. Useful, yes,

even interesting, but not ultimately necessary, and someone would

have to take the time to put it together—time they wouldn’t spend

on actually proving or disproving the hypothesis. Therefore, doing

a schematic didn’t make the final cut, nor did a number of other

analyses that you might devise.

We’ll touch only briefly on the data and their sources, since

we will be covering that topic in detail in Chapter 3. Listing data

and sources helps you and your team cover all the bases so you will

be less likely to miss a rich source of information. Speaking of rich

sources of information, have you noticed how often interviews

come up? You’ll see a lot more about them in Chapter 3.

The description of the likely end product should be brief, as

in the example. These descriptions really serve as a departure point

for discussions within the team. At McKinsey, the EM takes each

team member through her part of the work plan and discusses her

expectations as to the end product. Sometimes, the EM will sketch

out a “ghost pack,” showing templates for each end product,

which can help guide the analytical process, especially for lessexperienced


Responsibility is mostly self-evident. After all, someone has to

take charge of each analysis, or it won’t get done. We’ll cover the

question of how you assign the right people to the right tasks (and

get them on your team in the first place) in Chapter 6, “Managing

Your Team.” Usually, it makes sense to parcel out responsibility

for discrete chunks of the analysis (e.g., for each subissue) to

one person, but it’s not a requirement. Thus, in our example, Tom

is in charge of answering the question “Does the new process

require special facilities?” Belinda is on the hook for finding out

whether we can acquire any special facilities that we might need,

but one piece of that analysis goes to Terry. Why? As it happens,

Terry is our financial expert and is building an overall financial

model for the project, so it makes sense for Terry to analyze the

rate of return.

Due date, once again, is self-explanatory. Being specific about

dates helps the members of your team understand what is expected

of them and allows you to visualize the overall flow of the project

from start to finish. Some people like to track their due dates in

more detail with Gantt charts or other project management tools.

That’s up to you.

In our example, one analysis more or less dovetails neatly with

the next. Bear in mind, however, that sometimes the results of one

analysis will make a whole range of subsequent analyses redundant,

thus saving you the trouble of actually performing them. For

instance, if the analyses prove our initial hypothesis that we don’t

need special facilities, then the question of whether we can acquire

them—and all the attendant analyses—falls away. Thus, if you can,

you should schedule your analyses to let you answer these “dominant”

questions first. Of course, sometimes you don’t have the luxury

to wait for the results of one analysis before you start the next.

Still, make the most of opportunities to prune your analysis plan


Beyond laying out your life for the next several weeks and setting

expectations for your team, a good work plan has another feature:

it helps you structure your thinking. As you go through your

work plan, write down all the analyses, and prioritize and prune

them, you’ll quickly see whether there are holes in your initial

hypothesis that didn’t show up during the framing stage. One of

our alumni put it this way:

One of the most important things I’ve learned is that he who

puts it on paper first wins. And the corollary is that if you

can’t put it down on paper, then either you don’t have it clear

in your head or it’s not a good idea. There are a lot of people

who say, “Oh, I had this idea in my head, I just haven’t

put it down, but I really know exactly what I want to do.” I

say, put it on paper.

Sometimes, just the process of work planning will lead you to

revisit and possibly restructure your analysis. We will examine the

iterative relationship between hypothesis and analysis more in

Chapter 4. In the meantime, bear in mind that your initial hypothesis

is a living document, and it feeds off your analysis.


• In Chapter 1, we laid out part of the Acme Widgets issue

tree regarding the question “Can we implement the necessary

changes to utilize the new process?” In this chapter,

we laid out a work plan for the subissue “Does it require

special facilities that we don’t have?” Do the same for the

other subissue in that discussion, “Does it require special

skills that we don’t have?” Remember that if the answer is

yes, you have to answer an additional question.


When it comes time to prove your initial hypothesis, efficient

analysis design will help you hit the ground running. You and your

team will know what you have to do, where to get the information

to do it, and when to get it done. The work-planning process

also serves as a useful reality check to the sometimes intellectualized

pursuit of the initial hypothesis. To some, it may seem a

slightly anal-retentive exercise, but we recommend it highly, and

our alumni can attest to its utility.

Once you’ve designed your work plan, it’s time to start filling

in the blanks. You can only do that with facts, so it’s time to start

gathering data. In the next chapter, we’ll take you through the

strategies and techniques you need to get the data for your


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