Part Three Following Up

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You did it! You got your ducks lined up using the Fundamentals in

Part One, and you executed a successful cold call in Part Two.

You are well and fairly started on the road to a sale. Now what?

Are we finally going to let you hammer the prospect into

submission with the old feature/benefit hard sell so you can close

this deal and make some money? Sorry, but no.

People don’t like to be “sold to” or “sold at.” Your job isn’t to

try to control the prospect, it’s to maintain control of the sales

process. That’s the kind of control that was important at the end

of your cold call. It remains important now.

In Part Three, we’ll take you through the next few steps and

offer some tools that will help you reap the fruit of the hard work

you put into this sale so far.

Knock Your Socks Off prospecting is not just about who can

get the appointments. It’s about who can maintain the momentum.

Following up after a successful cold call is like going on a first

date after you have talked on the phone—or to a job interview

with the hiring manager after you’ve made it through the prescreening

process. Both parties will be checking each other out


It comes back to controlling the steps of the sales process.

Do that, and you’ll probably win the sale. Here’s how.

You did it! You got your ducks lined up using the Fundamentals in

Part One, and you executed a successful cold call in Part Two.

You are well and fairly started on the road to a sale. Now what?

Are we finally going to let you hammer the prospect into

submission with the old feature/benefit hard sell so you can close

this deal and make some money? Sorry, but no.

People don’t like to be “sold to” or “sold at.” Your job isn’t to

try to control the prospect, it’s to maintain control of the sales

process. That’s the kind of control that was important at the end

of your cold call. It remains important now.

In Part Three, we’ll take you through the next few steps and

offer some tools that will help you reap the fruit of the hard work

you put into this sale so far.

Knock Your Socks Off prospecting is not just about who can

get the appointments. It’s about who can maintain the momentum.

Following up after a successful cold call is like going on a first

date after you have talked on the phone—or to a job interview

with the hiring manager after you’ve made it through the prescreening

process. Both parties will be checking each other out


It comes back to controlling the steps of the sales process.

Do that, and you’ll probably win the sale. Here’s how.