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action, value and, 56–57

actionability in cold calling, 154

activities, in proactive equation,


agenda, in second thirty-second

speech, 140

aggressiveness, 8–9, 153–156

agreement, in thirty-second

speech, 84

brand, value of, 56

bridge question, 124, 127

buying process

buyer’s steps in, 100–101

controlling call in, 101–102,


creating action in, 102

time and, 115–120, see also

time; time entries

transfer of ownership in, 101,


CART rules for cold calling,


CEOs, language of, 49


resistance to, fighting,


selling, 65–68

cold calls/calling, 1–2

beginning of, 75–98, see also

thirty-second speech

buying process in, 99–120, see

also buying process

CART rules of, 154–155

converting into warm calls,


converting maybes into orders

in, 31–32

end of, 121–128

fear of, overcoming, 4–5

to low-level prospects, 29–30

middle of, 99–120, see also

buying process

as numbers game, 21–25

numerical evaluation of,


1-3-5 rule for, 155–156

summarize, bridge, and pull

in, 121–128

thirty-second speech in,

75–98, see also

thirty-second speech

tools for, 73–159

volume of, low versus high,


widening base for, 30–31

conciseness in cold calling, 154

cost/revenue/value language,


decision, in buying process, 101

denial of need, 130

signs of, 131–132

education, in buying process,


e-mail message, thirty-second

speech and, 95–98

e-mails, total, ratio of, to

connected, 22

execution of sale, 69–72

expertise, in gaining leverage,


fax, thirty-second speech and,


fear, of cold calling,

overcoming, 4–5

feature/function language,


forward looking perspective on

time, 58


for prospecting, 158

prospect’s, in second

thirty-second speech, 139

reactive, 27

in targeting prospects, 18


in thirty-second speech, 84

when leaving message, 96

implementation date, 31–32

influence, creating, in targeting

prospects, 18

initial interest, in buying

process, 100

language, 45–52

of CEOs, 49

of first-level managers and

specialists, 46–48

matching to prospect, 51–52

perspective and, 105–107

of vice presidents, 48–49

leverage, gaining, 18–20

management, contact made

with, in cold-call

evaluation, 24

managers, first-level, language

of, 46–48

marketing material, us to them

ratio in, 14

market size and share language,


“May I ask” opening, for thirtysecond

speech, 84

motivation, value of, 55–56

next step calls, in cold-call

evaluation, 23–24


handling, 129–134

no help, 130, 132

no hurry, 130, 133

no need, 130, 131–132

no trust, 129, 131

types of, 129–134

obnoxiousness, aggressiveness

compared with, 9

1-3-5 rule for cold calling,

opportunistic value of time, 58,


permission, requesting, in

thirty-second speech, 85–86

persistence, 9–10

perspective, in prospecting,


positive attitude, 7–8

PowerHour_, 41–43

preparation, for sales execution,


preventative value of time, 117

proactive equation, 27–32

activities in, 29–32

skills in, 28

proactive measures, 27

ProActive Sales Matrix_,



goals of, in second thirtysecond

speech, 139

having passion about, 69–70

language of, 45–52, see also


needs and interests of, focus

on, 11–14

targeting, 17–18, 37–39


buying process in, 99–128, see

also buying process

cold calling in, 1–2, see also

cold calls/calling

following up in, 135–159

implementing technique in,


need for, 3–4

as numbers game, 21–25

second thirty-second speech

in, 137–141

summarize, bridge, and pull

in, 121–128

thirty-second speech in,

75–98, see also thirtysecond


TripTik® in, 143–148


heavy, PowerHour_ for,


medium, PowerHour_ for,


occasional, PowerHour_ for,


pull at end of cold call, 124–125


asking, in transfer of

ownership, 110–111

in gaining leverage, 19

in sales execution, 71

rapport, building, 12–13

rationalization, in buying

process, 101

reactive goals, 27


in thirty-second speech, 83

when leaving message, 96–97

reference calls, in cold-call

evaluation, 24–25

repeatability in cold calling, 154

restorative value of time, 58, 117

return on investment (ROI),

value of, 54

risk, avoidance of, value of, 55

sales call, us to them ratio in,


sales TripTik®, 143–148

skills, in proactive equation, 28

solution box, 61–63

two-way, in transfer of

ownership, 111–113

solution path in sales process,


indications for use of, 151

solutions, selling, 59–63

stall, preventing, 71–72

summarize, bridge, and pull

(SBP), 121–128

talk time, in cold-call

evaluation, 22–23

targeting prospects, time

management and, 37–39

thirty-second speech, 75–98

agreement in, 84

Index 161

asking permission in, 85–86

bridge phrases in, 79–80

e-mail and, 95–98

fax and, 95–98

headline in, 84

introduction in, 77, 78

leaving as message, 95–98

“May I ask” opening for, 84

opening of, variations in,


reference in, 83

rule of three for, 76–80

second, 137–141

summarizing and flipping in,


summarizing and flipping

variations in, 91–93

voicemail and, 95–98

“What’s in It for Me” in,


“What’s in It for Me”

variations in, 87–89


forward looking perspective

on, 58

opportunistic value of, 58,


preventative value of, 117

restorative value of, 58, 117

value of, 54, 57–58

time demo, 118–120

time dimension, 115–117

time direction, 117–118

time-in person, 115–116, 117


in cold calling, 155

in targeting prospects, 18

time management, 33–43

perspective on, 33–34

PowerHour_ in, 41–43

ProActive Sales Matrix_ in,


targeting prospects in, 37–39

time-through person, 116, 117

transfer of ownership

asking questions in, 110–111

in buying process, 101,


two-way solution box in,


TripTik®, sales, 143–148

trust, lack of, 129

signs and symptoms of, 131

value criteria, 54–58

value difference, 67–68

value path in sales process, 150

indications for use of, 151

values, of prospects

matching language to, 45–52

selling to, 53–58

value statement, in gaining

leverage, 20

vice presidents, language of,


voicemail, thirty-second speech

as, 95–98

warm calls, converting cold

calls into, 15–17

“What’s in It for Me” (WIIFM) in

thirty-second speech, 77–80

variations in, 87–89


action, value and, 56–57

actionability in cold calling, 154

activities, in proactive equation,


agenda, in second thirty-second

speech, 140

aggressiveness, 8–9, 153–156

agreement, in thirty-second

speech, 84

brand, value of, 56

bridge question, 124, 127

buying process

buyer’s steps in, 100–101

controlling call in, 101–102,


creating action in, 102

time and, 115–120, see also

time; time entries

transfer of ownership in, 101,


CART rules for cold calling,


CEOs, language of, 49


resistance to, fighting,


selling, 65–68

cold calls/calling, 1–2

beginning of, 75–98, see also

thirty-second speech

buying process in, 99–120, see

also buying process

CART rules of, 154–155

converting into warm calls,


converting maybes into orders

in, 31–32

end of, 121–128

fear of, overcoming, 4–5

to low-level prospects, 29–30

middle of, 99–120, see also

buying process

as numbers game, 21–25

numerical evaluation of,


1-3-5 rule for, 155–156

summarize, bridge, and pull

in, 121–128

thirty-second speech in,

75–98, see also

thirty-second speech

tools for, 73–159

volume of, low versus high,


widening base for, 30–31

conciseness in cold calling, 154

cost/revenue/value language,


decision, in buying process, 101

denial of need, 130

signs of, 131–132

education, in buying process,


e-mail message, thirty-second

speech and, 95–98

e-mails, total, ratio of, to

connected, 22

execution of sale, 69–72

expertise, in gaining leverage,


fax, thirty-second speech and,


fear, of cold calling,

overcoming, 4–5

feature/function language,


forward looking perspective on

time, 58


for prospecting, 158

prospect’s, in second

thirty-second speech, 139

reactive, 27

in targeting prospects, 18


in thirty-second speech, 84

when leaving message, 96

implementation date, 31–32

influence, creating, in targeting

prospects, 18

initial interest, in buying

process, 100

language, 45–52

of CEOs, 49

of first-level managers and

specialists, 46–48

matching to prospect, 51–52

perspective and, 105–107

of vice presidents, 48–49

leverage, gaining, 18–20

management, contact made

with, in cold-call

evaluation, 24

managers, first-level, language

of, 46–48

marketing material, us to them

ratio in, 14

market size and share language,


“May I ask” opening, for thirtysecond

speech, 84

motivation, value of, 55–56

next step calls, in cold-call

evaluation, 23–24


handling, 129–134

no help, 130, 132

no hurry, 130, 133

no need, 130, 131–132

no trust, 129, 131

types of, 129–134

obnoxiousness, aggressiveness

compared with, 9

1-3-5 rule for cold calling,

opportunistic value of time, 58,


permission, requesting, in

thirty-second speech, 85–86

persistence, 9–10

perspective, in prospecting,


positive attitude, 7–8

PowerHour_, 41–43

preparation, for sales execution,


preventative value of time, 117

proactive equation, 27–32

activities in, 29–32

skills in, 28

proactive measures, 27

ProActive Sales Matrix_,



goals of, in second thirtysecond

speech, 139

having passion about, 69–70

language of, 45–52, see also


needs and interests of, focus

on, 11–14

targeting, 17–18, 37–39


buying process in, 99–128, see

also buying process

cold calling in, 1–2, see also

cold calls/calling

following up in, 135–159

implementing technique in,


need for, 3–4

as numbers game, 21–25

second thirty-second speech

in, 137–141

summarize, bridge, and pull

in, 121–128

thirty-second speech in,

75–98, see also thirtysecond


TripTik® in, 143–148


heavy, PowerHour_ for,


medium, PowerHour_ for,


occasional, PowerHour_ for,


pull at end of cold call, 124–125


asking, in transfer of

ownership, 110–111

in gaining leverage, 19

in sales execution, 71

rapport, building, 12–13

rationalization, in buying

process, 101

reactive goals, 27


in thirty-second speech, 83

when leaving message, 96–97

reference calls, in cold-call

evaluation, 24–25

repeatability in cold calling, 154

restorative value of time, 58, 117

return on investment (ROI),

value of, 54

risk, avoidance of, value of, 55

sales call, us to them ratio in,


sales TripTik®, 143–148

skills, in proactive equation, 28

solution box, 61–63

two-way, in transfer of

ownership, 111–113

solution path in sales process,


indications for use of, 151

solutions, selling, 59–63

stall, preventing, 71–72

summarize, bridge, and pull

(SBP), 121–128

talk time, in cold-call

evaluation, 22–23

targeting prospects, time

management and, 37–39

thirty-second speech, 75–98

agreement in, 84

Index 161

asking permission in, 85–86

bridge phrases in, 79–80

e-mail and, 95–98

fax and, 95–98

headline in, 84

introduction in, 77, 78

leaving as message, 95–98

“May I ask” opening for, 84

opening of, variations in,


reference in, 83

rule of three for, 76–80

second, 137–141

summarizing and flipping in,


summarizing and flipping

variations in, 91–93

voicemail and, 95–98

“What’s in It for Me” in,


“What’s in It for Me”

variations in, 87–89


forward looking perspective

on, 58

opportunistic value of, 58,


preventative value of, 117

restorative value of, 58, 117

value of, 54, 57–58

time demo, 118–120

time dimension, 115–117

time direction, 117–118

time-in person, 115–116, 117


in cold calling, 155

in targeting prospects, 18

time management, 33–43

perspective on, 33–34

PowerHour_ in, 41–43

ProActive Sales Matrix_ in,


targeting prospects in, 37–39

time-through person, 116, 117

transfer of ownership

asking questions in, 110–111

in buying process, 101,


two-way solution box in,


TripTik®, sales, 143–148

trust, lack of, 129

signs and symptoms of, 131

value criteria, 54–58

value difference, 67–68

value path in sales process, 150

indications for use of, 151

values, of prospects

matching language to, 45–52

selling to, 53–58

value statement, in gaining

leverage, 20

vice presidents, language of,


voicemail, thirty-second speech

as, 95–98

warm calls, converting cold

calls into, 15–17

“What’s in It for Me” (WIIFM) in

thirty-second speech, 77–80

variations in, 87–89