Список литературы.
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John Hull «Options, futures, and other derivatives»
Salih Neftci «An Introduction to the mathematics of financial derivatives»
Keith Cuthbertson «Quantitative financial economics: stocks, bonds & foreign exchange»
Bruce Tuckman «Fixed income securities»
Copeland, Weston «Financial theory & corporate policy»
Шарпэ, Бэйли, Александр «Инвестиции»
John Hull «Options, futures, and other derivatives»
Salih Neftci «An Introduction to the mathematics of financial derivatives»
Keith Cuthbertson «Quantitative financial economics: stocks, bonds & foreign exchange»
Bruce Tuckman «Fixed income securities»
Copeland, Weston «Financial theory & corporate policy»
Шарпэ, Бэйли, Александр «Инвестиции»