Psychological Factors and Personality

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Emotions play an extremely important role in trading, but many

traders ignore them or minimize their importance. Ignoring emotions

does not make them go away. It just weakens your control over

their effects on your trading. In Chapter 1 you learned that you must

adopt a trading strategy that fits your individual personality. If you

do not, the chances of failure are very high. One characteristic of

successful traders is an early identification of strengths and weakness.

Successful traders maximize their strengths and try to minimize

their weaknesses, but to do this you must first know and

understand yourself. What kind of trading personality are you? I'm

going to profile three broad types of trading personalities that fit

most people. Chances are, one of the three will fit your personality. If

you see traits in yourself that are not complimentary, don't become

defensive and deny them. Becoming a biomechanical trader means

seeing what is true and accepting both the positive and the negative.

Once you see yourself honestly, you can begin the transformation

psychologically. This is the first step in developing a trader's state of

mind, whereby you control the market instead of the market controlling


Emotions play an extremely important role in trading, but many

traders ignore them or minimize their importance. Ignoring emotions

does not make them go away. It just weakens your control over

their effects on your trading. In Chapter 1 you learned that you must

adopt a trading strategy that fits your individual personality. If you

do not, the chances of failure are very high. One characteristic of

successful traders is an early identification of strengths and weakness.

Successful traders maximize their strengths and try to minimize

their weaknesses, but to do this you must first know and

understand yourself. What kind of trading personality are you? I'm

going to profile three broad types of trading personalities that fit

most people. Chances are, one of the three will fit your personality. If

you see traits in yourself that are not complimentary, don't become

defensive and deny them. Becoming a biomechanical trader means

seeing what is true and accepting both the positive and the negative.

Once you see yourself honestly, you can begin the transformation

psychologically. This is the first step in developing a trader's state of

mind, whereby you control the market instead of the market controlling
