Attain (ATTN)

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The ECN symbol ATTN was launched in February of 1998. If the

broker-dealer is a subscriber to the ATTN, ECN traders may match

orders to the ATTN book. Nonsubscribers can use SelectNet to preference

the ATTN ECN. Attain's primary focus is the retail day trader.

The volume of activity on the ATTN ECN is low compared to other

ECNs. Even though this ECN caters to day traders, the activity does

not compare to Island or Archipelago.

The ECN symbol ATTN was launched in February of 1998. If the

broker-dealer is a subscriber to the ATTN, ECN traders may match

orders to the ATTN book. Nonsubscribers can use SelectNet to preference

the ATTN ECN. Attain's primary focus is the retail day trader.

The volume of activity on the ATTN ECN is low compared to other

ECNs. Even though this ECN caters to day traders, the activity does

not compare to Island or Archipelago.