Shorting Can Be Bullish

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Institutions that take short positions (large number of shares)—a

trader would call it size—at some point have to buy them back. This

buying activity tends to drive up the stock price. You want to know

what the short positions in the stock are like and whether there is a

lot of put option activity as well. This information can be found in

the short-interest section of Investor's Business Daily or the Wall

Street Journal. This information is available on a monthly basis.

Institutions that take short positions (large number of shares)—a

trader would call it size—at some point have to buy them back. This

buying activity tends to drive up the stock price. You want to know

what the short positions in the stock are like and whether there is a

lot of put option activity as well. This information can be found in

the short-interest section of Investor's Business Daily or the Wall

Street Journal. This information is available on a monthly basis.