Order-Routing Tactics Using Level II Information

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One of the most important things to learn about Level II information

is when and how to route the order using Island, SOES, Archipelago

(TNTO, ARCHIP, ARCA) and Super DOT. You will see several examples

of different Level II screens in the next few pages. Because the

Level II screen changes very quickly, you need to understand which

route is best for buying or selling at a given moment. Understanding

the best route for your buy, sell, or short order will put you ahead of

the game and give you confidence.

One of the most important things to learn about Level II information

is when and how to route the order using Island, SOES, Archipelago

(TNTO, ARCHIP, ARCA) and Super DOT. You will see several examples

of different Level II screens in the next few pages. Because the

Level II screen changes very quickly, you need to understand which

route is best for buying or selling at a given moment. Understanding

the best route for your buy, sell, or short order will put you ahead of

the game and give you confidence.