Electronic Trading for a Living

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I am a professional trader. By that I mean that I make my living trading

and training other professionals and individuals to trade the market. People pay me to help improve their trading skills. If I am

successful and improve their ability by a small degree, it could

translate into hundreds of thousands of dollars for them. I have

found that part of successful trading is knowing the difference

between tools and toys and paying the price for professional results.

Let me explain what I mean with a story.

I was in my father's garage returning tools I had borrowed. My

father asked me if the tools had been right for the job. I replied,

"Yes, they were." He then asked me, "Did you take care of my tools?"

Before I could answer, he proceeded to tell me a story, as Texans

often do. He said, "When I was young I worked for a man who had a

landscaping company. I had just returned from doing a job and was

putting away the tools when he asked me, 'Did you take care of my

tools?' " Dad said yes. The man said, "I make my living with these

tools. Always remember, if you take care of your tools, your tools

will take care of you. They make the work I do easier and are worth

the price because the best is never cheap. Never buy a toy unless

you just want to play." Successful traders use the best tools money

can buy because toys will not get professional results. Remember,

your competition does not use toys. They play the serious game of

taking other people's money: It's called trading.

Computerized electronic trading puts you on a level with the

professionals. When your order is entered, it is treated just as an

order from any major firm. Using this sophisticated technology

combined with self-discipline, knowledge, experience, and skill, you

have an opportunity to succeed where many others fail. Part of

your success will come from an understanding of the various segments

that make electronic trading unique to online trading.

I am a professional trader. By that I mean that I make my living trading

and training other professionals and individuals to trade the market. People pay me to help improve their trading skills. If I am

successful and improve their ability by a small degree, it could

translate into hundreds of thousands of dollars for them. I have

found that part of successful trading is knowing the difference

between tools and toys and paying the price for professional results.

Let me explain what I mean with a story.

I was in my father's garage returning tools I had borrowed. My

father asked me if the tools had been right for the job. I replied,

"Yes, they were." He then asked me, "Did you take care of my tools?"

Before I could answer, he proceeded to tell me a story, as Texans

often do. He said, "When I was young I worked for a man who had a

landscaping company. I had just returned from doing a job and was

putting away the tools when he asked me, 'Did you take care of my

tools?' " Dad said yes. The man said, "I make my living with these

tools. Always remember, if you take care of your tools, your tools

will take care of you. They make the work I do easier and are worth

the price because the best is never cheap. Never buy a toy unless

you just want to play." Successful traders use the best tools money

can buy because toys will not get professional results. Remember,

your competition does not use toys. They play the serious game of

taking other people's money: It's called trading.

Computerized electronic trading puts you on a level with the

professionals. When your order is entered, it is treated just as an

order from any major firm. Using this sophisticated technology

combined with self-discipline, knowledge, experience, and skill, you

have an opportunity to succeed where many others fail. Part of

your success will come from an understanding of the various segments

that make electronic trading unique to online trading.