Two Guns Are Better Than One

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Say you bought 1,000 shares of stock and trend is beginning to slow

down and may quite possibly reverse. It is time to sell. If you are

trading the Nasdaq market electronically, you will need to use this

tactic to expedite selling the stock. If you want to sell into the active

market you will need to set up two different screens of the same

stock. Because you do not know whether a market maker or an ECN

is going to be on the bid or the ask, you must be ready to hit either

one. If you remember from Chapter 2, you cannot SOES an ECN, and

Island (ISLD) has no size or time restriction. Knowing this information,

you set up the selling screen shown in Figure 6.12.

Both order-routing boxes are preset to sell 500 shares. One is

set to route a limit order to Island, while the other is set to route to

SOES. The SOES order is set at market. This may have to be changed

to a limit order if conditions warrant. By setting up this selling configuration

you are ready to hit an ECN or a market maker. All you have to do is click on the market maker screen to fill in the price on

Island and hit the sell button or, alternatively, hit the sell button for

SOES. It will send a market order.

Say you bought 1,000 shares of stock and trend is beginning to slow

down and may quite possibly reverse. It is time to sell. If you are

trading the Nasdaq market electronically, you will need to use this

tactic to expedite selling the stock. If you want to sell into the active

market you will need to set up two different screens of the same

stock. Because you do not know whether a market maker or an ECN

is going to be on the bid or the ask, you must be ready to hit either

one. If you remember from Chapter 2, you cannot SOES an ECN, and

Island (ISLD) has no size or time restriction. Knowing this information,

you set up the selling screen shown in Figure 6.12.

Both order-routing boxes are preset to sell 500 shares. One is

set to route a limit order to Island, while the other is set to route to

SOES. The SOES order is set at market. This may have to be changed

to a limit order if conditions warrant. By setting up this selling configuration

you are ready to hit an ECN or a market maker. All you have to do is click on the market maker screen to fill in the price on

Island and hit the sell button or, alternatively, hit the sell button for

SOES. It will send a market order.