Instinet (INCA)

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The ECN Instinet was originally designed to make markets between

institutions. Today you can access the Instinet ECN if your broker

dealer has an arrangement allowing you to do so. Not all electronic

trading firms are created equal. You will find that some firms do not

allow you to use certain ECNs; this is a business decision of each

particular firm. Instinet allows you to trade 45 minutes before and

after NYSE hours. Instinet is not considered a retail ECN, as most of

its activity is institutional trading.

The ECN Instinet was originally designed to make markets between

institutions. Today you can access the Instinet ECN if your broker

dealer has an arrangement allowing you to do so. Not all electronic

trading firms are created equal. You will find that some firms do not

allow you to use certain ECNs; this is a business decision of each

particular firm. Instinet allows you to trade 45 minutes before and

after NYSE hours. Instinet is not considered a retail ECN, as most of

its activity is institutional trading.