Selling Examples
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Selling your stock at the bid (termed hit the bid) is simply a matter
of perceiving whether a market maker or an ECN is at the bid.
When a stock is starting to move up on momentum, you may
want to offer out your stock on the ask with a market maker using
Island showing 3/8 or, alternatively, improve the market by becoming
the lowest offer in the country at 5/16 using ISLD. This would be done
only if you wanted to sell the stock at once.
Here are two more examples of selling using SOES and Island.
The route simply depends on whether a market maker or an ECN is
at the bid or the ask.
Selling your stock at the bid (termed hit the bid) is simply a matter
of perceiving whether a market maker or an ECN is at the bid.
When a stock is starting to move up on momentum, you may
want to offer out your stock on the ask with a market maker using
Island showing 3/8 or, alternatively, improve the market by becoming
the lowest offer in the country at 5/16 using ISLD. This would be done
only if you wanted to sell the stock at once.
Here are two more examples of selling using SOES and Island.
The route simply depends on whether a market maker or an ECN is
at the bid or the ask.