Graphics Cards

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You are better off buying one graphics card that will run four monitors

at one time. While Windows 98 will run multiple monitors, most

traders who use it seem to have problems with it crashing. I suggest

you consider Colorgraphic. This company manufactures professional

graphics cards, and it has a fine reputation and offers multiple

products. Before you buy a computer, find out about its ability

to drive multiple monitors. Call Colorgraphic's toll-free number

(1-887-WIDE VIEW), or visit its Web site at

You are better off buying one graphics card that will run four monitors

at one time. While Windows 98 will run multiple monitors, most

traders who use it seem to have problems with it crashing. I suggest

you consider Colorgraphic. This company manufactures professional

graphics cards, and it has a fine reputation and offers multiple

products. Before you buy a computer, find out about its ability

to drive multiple monitors. Call Colorgraphic's toll-free number

(1-887-WIDE VIEW), or visit its Web site at