The New Biomechanical Trader

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Most of this book has been about the new technology of electronic

trading. There is no doubt in my mind that for several years electronic

traders will have an advantage. The speed and power of trading

electronically is far superior to that of online trading. However,

success now and in the future does not rest with the latest technology.

I think you now understand that success is achieved by the

improvement of the trader. The new biomechanical trader is the

next step in trading evolution. Few traders will match the success of

the biomechanical trader who uses technology as a tool and the

enhanced ability described in this chapter. You have a decision to

make in this new millennium. It is very simple: Are you going to

trade the same way everybody else has for the last 100 years, or are

you going to evolve into the new biomechanical trader? What are

you going to do? The future awaits your decision.

Most of this book has been about the new technology of electronic

trading. There is no doubt in my mind that for several years electronic

traders will have an advantage. The speed and power of trading

electronically is far superior to that of online trading. However,

success now and in the future does not rest with the latest technology.

I think you now understand that success is achieved by the

improvement of the trader. The new biomechanical trader is the

next step in trading evolution. Few traders will match the success of

the biomechanical trader who uses technology as a tool and the

enhanced ability described in this chapter. You have a decision to

make in this new millennium. It is very simple: Are you going to

trade the same way everybody else has for the last 100 years, or are

you going to evolve into the new biomechanical trader? What are

you going to do? The future awaits your decision.