chapter 2 electronic trading

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The term online trading is often misused and abused by the media,

professionals, and the public to refer to electronic trading. Let me

make this perfectly clear once and for all. Trading online over the

Internet and sending orders to an online broker do not constitute

electronic trading. The two are as different as night and day. If you

are trading online, before you can key in your buy or sell order, the

electronic trader has already made the trade and received confirmation.

The term online trading is often misused and abused by the media,

professionals, and the public to refer to electronic trading. Let me

make this perfectly clear once and for all. Trading online over the

Internet and sending orders to an online broker do not constitute

electronic trading. The two are as different as night and day. If you

are trading online, before you can key in your buy or sell order, the

electronic trader has already made the trade and received confirmation.