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If possible, your trading room should have a window. You want natural

light. If this is not possible, arrange for overhead light with natural

light panels. Avoid desk lamps if at all possible. They tend to

create glare and extra heat in the room. If you have to have a desk

light, make sure it lights your desk area without creating eyestrain

or causing reflections off of the monitor screens.

Work Area

You need as much work area on your desk as possible for charts,

books, and written materials. First measure from the front of your

monitors to the wall. Once you have positioned the monitors in the

configuration you desire, you will need an additional 15 inches (minimum)

of desk space in front of them. The more work area the better.

Every aspect of your trading room must be carefully designed.

Wall space can be used effectively for storage shelves and corkboards

for displaying information. One whole wall in my office is

dedicated as a bookshelf and storage area. Make sure you have a

paper shredder in your office so your desk is not covered with an

endless blizzard of white paper.

If possible, your trading room should have a window. You want natural

light. If this is not possible, arrange for overhead light with natural

light panels. Avoid desk lamps if at all possible. They tend to

create glare and extra heat in the room. If you have to have a desk

light, make sure it lights your desk area without creating eyestrain

or causing reflections off of the monitor screens.

Work Area

You need as much work area on your desk as possible for charts,

books, and written materials. First measure from the front of your

monitors to the wall. Once you have positioned the monitors in the

configuration you desire, you will need an additional 15 inches (minimum)

of desk space in front of them. The more work area the better.

Every aspect of your trading room must be carefully designed.

Wall space can be used effectively for storage shelves and corkboards

for displaying information. One whole wall in my office is

dedicated as a bookshelf and storage area. Make sure you have a

paper shredder in your office so your desk is not covered with an

endless blizzard of white paper.