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Арон Раймон, Этапы развития социологической мысли. М. 1993.
Andreski Stanislav (ed.). Herbert Spencer. Nelson, London, 1971.
Bouman P.J. Einfuhrung in die Soziologie. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1955.
Douglas Jack D. (ed.). Introduction to Sociology. The Free Press, New York, 1973.
Дюркгейм Эмиль. Самоубийство: социологическое исследование. М., 1996.
Frisby David. Georg Simmel. Ellis Horwood Ltd, Sussex, 1984.
Hartfiel Gunther. Worterbuch der Soziologie. Alfred Kroner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976.
Kinloch Graham C. Sociological Theory. Its Development and Major Paradigms. McGraw, Hill, Inc., New York, 1977.
Park Robert E. & Ernest W. Burgess. Introduction to the science of sociology. The University of Chicago Press. Third edition. Chicago, 1969.
Roc her Guy. Talcott Parsons and American Sociology. Nelson, London, 1974.
Ross Dorothy. The Origins of American Social Science. Cambridge University Press, USA, 1991.
Simmel Georg. Muodin filosofia (Философия моды). Kustannus Oy Odessa, Rauma, 1986.
Вебер Макс. Протестантская этика и дух капитализма // М. Вебер. Избранные произведения. М., 1990.
Worterbuch der Marxistisch, Leninistischen Sozio-logie. Dietz Verlag. Berlin, 1977.
Zeitlin Irving M. Ideology and The Development of Sociological Theory. Prentice, Hall, Inc. Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968.
Арон Раймон, Этапы развития социологической мысли. М. 1993.
Andreski Stanislav (ed.). Herbert Spencer. Nelson, London, 1971.
Bouman P.J. Einfuhrung in die Soziologie. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1955.
Douglas Jack D. (ed.). Introduction to Sociology. The Free Press, New York, 1973.
Дюркгейм Эмиль. Самоубийство: социологическое исследование. М., 1996.
Frisby David. Georg Simmel. Ellis Horwood Ltd, Sussex, 1984.
Hartfiel Gunther. Worterbuch der Soziologie. Alfred Kroner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976.
Kinloch Graham C. Sociological Theory. Its Development and Major Paradigms. McGraw, Hill, Inc., New York, 1977.
Park Robert E. & Ernest W. Burgess. Introduction to the science of sociology. The University of Chicago Press. Third edition. Chicago, 1969.
Roc her Guy. Talcott Parsons and American Sociology. Nelson, London, 1974.
Ross Dorothy. The Origins of American Social Science. Cambridge University Press, USA, 1991.
Simmel Georg. Muodin filosofia (Философия моды). Kustannus Oy Odessa, Rauma, 1986.
Вебер Макс. Протестантская этика и дух капитализма // М. Вебер. Избранные произведения. М., 1990.
Worterbuch der Marxistisch, Leninistischen Sozio-logie. Dietz Verlag. Berlin, 1977.
Zeitlin Irving M. Ideology and The Development of Sociological Theory. Prentice, Hall, Inc. Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968.