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Арон Раймон, Этапы развития социологической мысли. М. 1993.

Andreski Stanislav (ed.). Herbert Spencer. Nelson, London, 1971.

Bouman P.J. Einfuhrung in die Soziologie. Fer­dinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1955.

Douglas Jack D. (ed.). Introduction to Sociology. The Free Press, New York, 1973.

Дюркгейм Эмиль. Самоубийство: социологичес­кое исследование. М., 1996.

Frisby David. Georg Simmel. Ellis Horwood Ltd, Sussex, 1984.

Hartfiel Gunther. Worterbuch der Soziologie. Alf­red Kroner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976.

Kinloch Graham C. Sociological Theory. Its Development and Major Paradigms. McGraw, Hill, Inc., New York, 1977.

Park Robert E. & Ernest W. Burgess. Introduc­tion to the science of sociology. The University of Chi­cago Press. Third edition. Chicago, 1969.

Roc her Guy. Talcott Parsons and American Socio­logy. Nelson, London, 1974.

Ross Dorothy. The Origins of American Social Science. Cambridge University Press, USA, 1991.

Simmel Georg. Muodin filosofia (Философия мо­ды). Kustannus Oy Odessa, Rauma, 1986.

Вебер Макс. Протестантская этика и дух капи­тализма // М. Вебер. Избранные произведения. М., 1990.

Worterbuch der Marxistisch, Leninistischen Sozio-logie. Dietz Verlag. Berlin, 1977.

Zeitlin Irving M. Ideology and The Development of Sociological Theory. Prentice, Hall, Inc. Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968.


Арон Раймон, Этапы развития социологической мысли. М. 1993.

Andreski Stanislav (ed.). Herbert Spencer. Nelson, London, 1971.

Bouman P.J. Einfuhrung in die Soziologie. Fer­dinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1955.

Douglas Jack D. (ed.). Introduction to Sociology. The Free Press, New York, 1973.

Дюркгейм Эмиль. Самоубийство: социологичес­кое исследование. М., 1996.

Frisby David. Georg Simmel. Ellis Horwood Ltd, Sussex, 1984.

Hartfiel Gunther. Worterbuch der Soziologie. Alf­red Kroner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976.

Kinloch Graham C. Sociological Theory. Its Development and Major Paradigms. McGraw, Hill, Inc., New York, 1977.

Park Robert E. & Ernest W. Burgess. Introduc­tion to the science of sociology. The University of Chi­cago Press. Third edition. Chicago, 1969.

Roc her Guy. Talcott Parsons and American Socio­logy. Nelson, London, 1974.

Ross Dorothy. The Origins of American Social Science. Cambridge University Press, USA, 1991.

Simmel Georg. Muodin filosofia (Философия мо­ды). Kustannus Oy Odessa, Rauma, 1986.

Вебер Макс. Протестантская этика и дух капи­тализма // М. Вебер. Избранные произведения. М., 1990.

Worterbuch der Marxistisch, Leninistischen Sozio-logie. Dietz Verlag. Berlin, 1977.

Zeitlin Irving M. Ideology and The Development of Sociological Theory. Prentice, Hall, Inc. Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968.