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Bohnsack Ralf. Interaktion und Kornmunikation. In: Korte Hermann & Schdfers Bernhard (hrsg.).

Einfuhrung in Hauptbegriffe der Soziologie. Leske; Budrich, Opladen, 1992.

Brown Hedy. Socialization. The Social Learning Theory Approach. The Open University Press, 1976.

Eskola Antti. Vuorovaikutus, muutos, merkitys. Tammi, Helsinki, 1982.

Dahrendorf Ralf. Soziale Klassen und Klassen-konflikt in der Industriellen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart, 1958.

Гидденс Энтони. Социология. Челябинск, 1991.

Heath Anthony. Social Mobility. William Collins Sons & Co Ltd, Glasgow, 1981.

Lampikoski Kari. Ammattiyhdistys ja ammat-tikunnan status. Turku, 1972.

Lowry Ritchie & Robert Rankin. Sociology. Social Science and Social Concern. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1972.

McKee James B. Introduction to Sociology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., USA, 1969.

Michels Robert. Puoluelaitos nykyajan demo-kratiassa. WSOY, Porvoo, 1986.

Mosca Gaetano. The Ruling Class. McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, 1939.

Pareto Vilfredo. The Rise and Fall of the Elites. An Application of Sociological Theory. Totowa, New Jersey, 1968.

Ronnby Alf'. Sosiaalityon perustelut. Otava, Keu-ruu, 1986.

Смелзер Нейл. Социология. М., 1994.    .,

Turner В. S. Status. Open Universtity Press, 1988.

Weeks David R. A Glossary of Sociological Con­cepts. The Open University Press, 1972.

Wrong Denis. Power. Its forms, bases and uses. Oxford, 1979.


Bohnsack Ralf. Interaktion und Kornmunikation. In: Korte Hermann & Schdfers Bernhard (hrsg.).

Einfuhrung in Hauptbegriffe der Soziologie. Leske; Budrich, Opladen, 1992.

Brown Hedy. Socialization. The Social Learning Theory Approach. The Open University Press, 1976.

Eskola Antti. Vuorovaikutus, muutos, merkitys. Tammi, Helsinki, 1982.

Dahrendorf Ralf. Soziale Klassen und Klassen-konflikt in der Industriellen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart, 1958.

Гидденс Энтони. Социология. Челябинск, 1991.

Heath Anthony. Social Mobility. William Collins Sons & Co Ltd, Glasgow, 1981.

Lampikoski Kari. Ammattiyhdistys ja ammat-tikunnan status. Turku, 1972.

Lowry Ritchie & Robert Rankin. Sociology. Social Science and Social Concern. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1972.

McKee James B. Introduction to Sociology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., USA, 1969.

Michels Robert. Puoluelaitos nykyajan demo-kratiassa. WSOY, Porvoo, 1986.

Mosca Gaetano. The Ruling Class. McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, 1939.

Pareto Vilfredo. The Rise and Fall of the Elites. An Application of Sociological Theory. Totowa, New Jersey, 1968.

Ronnby Alf'. Sosiaalityon perustelut. Otava, Keu-ruu, 1986.

Смелзер Нейл. Социология. М., 1994.    .,

Turner В. S. Status. Open Universtity Press, 1988.

Weeks David R. A Glossary of Sociological Con­cepts. The Open University Press, 1972.

Wrong Denis. Power. Its forms, bases and uses. Oxford, 1979.