Secret 93THE 5 P’S

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If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up

some place else.”

—Yogi Berra

The 5 P’s are Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance,

or plan before you play. Good management is an important part

of option trading. Most investors enter the option game totally

unorganized. They have unrealistic expectations and don’t understand

the risk-reward picture of the strategies they enter.

To be successful, you need a well defined game plan of each

position you enter, written down in black and white (See Secrets

#29 and #66), and an overall game plan or strategic plan. This

plan, for example, would map out how many positions and what

kind of trades you will enter each month and each year. If you are

an option buyer, this is critical, for such a plan will force you to

stay the course and not quit and stop buying options when you

should be buying.

Such planning should lay out the maximum risks of the

trade as well as the profit potential. In planning your trades,

make sure each trade or strategy gives you a mathematical or statistical

advantage or some kind of edge. Set some overall profit

objectives, but make sure they are realistic.

If you do the proper options analysis, you will know how

often you will be successful and you will have few surprises. A

good battle plan is truly the only way to long term success in the

options game.


If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up

some place else.”

—Yogi Berra

The 5 P’s are Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance,

or plan before you play. Good management is an important part

of option trading. Most investors enter the option game totally

unorganized. They have unrealistic expectations and don’t understand

the risk-reward picture of the strategies they enter.

To be successful, you need a well defined game plan of each

position you enter, written down in black and white (See Secrets

#29 and #66), and an overall game plan or strategic plan. This

plan, for example, would map out how many positions and what

kind of trades you will enter each month and each year. If you are

an option buyer, this is critical, for such a plan will force you to

stay the course and not quit and stop buying options when you

should be buying.

Such planning should lay out the maximum risks of the

trade as well as the profit potential. In planning your trades,

make sure each trade or strategy gives you a mathematical or statistical

advantage or some kind of edge. Set some overall profit

objectives, but make sure they are realistic.

If you do the proper options analysis, you will know how

often you will be successful and you will have few surprises. A

good battle plan is truly the only way to long term success in the

options game.