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Option trading is one of the greatest games on earth! You

can be a two-dollar investor, betting on the action of stocks, the

markets, futures and/or commodities, or you can be the casino or

a legalized bookie, taking the bets instead of making the bets.

You pick the role and have the fun and profit. With options, gains

of over 1000% are not unusual, and you can design strategies

that will win up to 90% of the time.

Better yet, options are an excellent investment tool that

gives you much more flexibility, reduces your risks and increases

your income in the investment markets. Once properly learning

to use options, you will use this tool in your investment portfolio

for the rest of your life.

However, many novice option traders, as they start trading,

encounter many disappointments and issues in the options markets

and leave with a bitter taste, for they have unrealistic expectations

and are not equipped to compete in this game. This book

will help the novice option traders as well as the experienced option

traders become better equipped to stay in the game and

compete successfully.

I have been trading options since the option exchanges first

opened in 1973 and have seen everything. As an option newsletter

writer starting in 1973, I have monitored and talked to hundreds

of traders. Now you can have the benefit of all this

experience and information. This book provides important

nuggets of knowledge about option trading that I have collected

over the past thirty years: strategies, tactics and methods that

have worked and not worked for me and my subscribers.

Some secrets are classics or old adages heard on Wall Street

for many decades, but that do work. Others use the new technologies

that are available today. Some secrets are common

sense. Others are quite unique. Many will help you avoid paying a

high tuition as you learn to trade options or try to improve your


If you are a beginner, make sure to read the tutorial at the

end of this book. If you need further education, read my book,

The Complete Option Player, now in its 4th edition, which makes

options very easy to understand.

Then prepare to have revealed to you a lifetime of option

trading secrets. Just a few of these nuggets could make the difference

between winning and losing the option game.

Option trading is one of the greatest games on earth! You

can be a two-dollar investor, betting on the action of stocks, the

markets, futures and/or commodities, or you can be the casino or

a legalized bookie, taking the bets instead of making the bets.

You pick the role and have the fun and profit. With options, gains

of over 1000% are not unusual, and you can design strategies

that will win up to 90% of the time.

Better yet, options are an excellent investment tool that

gives you much more flexibility, reduces your risks and increases

your income in the investment markets. Once properly learning

to use options, you will use this tool in your investment portfolio

for the rest of your life.

However, many novice option traders, as they start trading,

encounter many disappointments and issues in the options markets

and leave with a bitter taste, for they have unrealistic expectations

and are not equipped to compete in this game. This book

will help the novice option traders as well as the experienced option

traders become better equipped to stay in the game and

compete successfully.

I have been trading options since the option exchanges first

opened in 1973 and have seen everything. As an option newsletter

writer starting in 1973, I have monitored and talked to hundreds

of traders. Now you can have the benefit of all this

experience and information. This book provides important

nuggets of knowledge about option trading that I have collected

over the past thirty years: strategies, tactics and methods that

have worked and not worked for me and my subscribers.

Some secrets are classics or old adages heard on Wall Street

for many decades, but that do work. Others use the new technologies

that are available today. Some secrets are common

sense. Others are quite unique. Many will help you avoid paying a

high tuition as you learn to trade options or try to improve your


If you are a beginner, make sure to read the tutorial at the

end of this book. If you need further education, read my book,

The Complete Option Player, now in its 4th edition, which makes

options very easy to understand.

Then prepare to have revealed to you a lifetime of option

trading secrets. Just a few of these nuggets could make the difference

between winning and losing the option game.