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Remember that an option is a right you have for a period of

time. You must pay for that right, and the amount of money you

must pay is referred to as time value, which is what the market

thinks the intrinsic value of an option will be in the future.

As time passes, the value of an option will decrease. In fact,

the time value of an option continually declines to “0” as time

passes and the option reaches the end of its life.

The time value is the most important factor that we work

with. In many cases, the options you buy will be options with

time value only—no intrinsic value.

Remember that an option is a right you have for a period of

time. You must pay for that right, and the amount of money you

must pay is referred to as time value, which is what the market

thinks the intrinsic value of an option will be in the future.

As time passes, the value of an option will decrease. In fact,

the time value of an option continually declines to “0” as time

passes and the option reaches the end of its life.

The time value is the most important factor that we work

with. In many cases, the options you buy will be options with

time value only—no intrinsic value.