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To be a successful option trader, you must get the proper education.

Without the education, you can, indeed, walk through a

minefield. Reading this book is a good start. If you are unclear

about options, make sure to read the tutorial at the back of this

book or The Complete Option Player, a very easy-to-understand,

but comprehensive coverage of option trading. Try to read everything

you can on options by the option authorities who are also

active traders, such as Larry MacMillan’s, Options As a Strategic


Take a course on options. There are video and DVD courses

available if you can’t get to a classroom setting. The value of

these courses and books is that just one nugget of knowledge

taken from these courses can greatly improve your performance

in the market.

Again, try to stay with the option authorities that trade actively

and that don’t fill their presentations with hype! Getting an

education may seem time-consuming and expensive, but ignorance

can cause far more pain and expense.

To be a successful option trader, you must get the proper education.

Without the education, you can, indeed, walk through a

minefield. Reading this book is a good start. If you are unclear

about options, make sure to read the tutorial at the back of this

book or The Complete Option Player, a very easy-to-understand,

but comprehensive coverage of option trading. Try to read everything

you can on options by the option authorities who are also

active traders, such as Larry MacMillan’s, Options As a Strategic


Take a course on options. There are video and DVD courses

available if you can’t get to a classroom setting. The value of

these courses and books is that just one nugget of knowledge

taken from these courses can greatly improve your performance

in the market.

Again, try to stay with the option authorities that trade actively

and that don’t fill their presentations with hype! Getting an

education may seem time-consuming and expensive, but ignorance

can cause far more pain and expense.