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Option spreading is another unique advantage of the option

markets. Option spreads enable you to create strategies where

you limit your risks and maximize your gains. Spreads allow you

to adjust your positions as the market changes to neutralize market

risks. Credit spreads, debit spreads, straddles, stripes and

straps are all types of option spreads.

A well designed spread is one with an excellent risk-reward

picture. For the option buyer, spreads are, to use baseball jargon,

for those who are satisfied with singles and doubles instead of

home runs. For the option writer, spreads can remove the unlimited

risk present with naked writing. The big advantage of

spreads is that spreads can be designed with a high probability of

profit and very limited risk. (At the end of the book, we will disclose

two of the best plays in the option markets, spreads with

these features.)

A spread is best defined as a combination of buying and selling

(writing) two or more different options at the same time usually

on the same underlying issue. Any professional option trader

should know how to spread and use it as a tool and as part of his

option trading arsenal. The difficult part of spreading is learning

how to design a spread and understand the risk-reward picture

for the spread, which takes some practice.

Option spreading is another unique advantage of the option

markets. Option spreads enable you to create strategies where

you limit your risks and maximize your gains. Spreads allow you

to adjust your positions as the market changes to neutralize market

risks. Credit spreads, debit spreads, straddles, stripes and

straps are all types of option spreads.

A well designed spread is one with an excellent risk-reward

picture. For the option buyer, spreads are, to use baseball jargon,

for those who are satisfied with singles and doubles instead of

home runs. For the option writer, spreads can remove the unlimited

risk present with naked writing. The big advantage of

spreads is that spreads can be designed with a high probability of

profit and very limited risk. (At the end of the book, we will disclose

two of the best plays in the option markets, spreads with

these features.)

A spread is best defined as a combination of buying and selling

(writing) two or more different options at the same time usually

on the same underlying issue. Any professional option trader

should know how to spread and use it as a tool and as part of his

option trading arsenal. The difficult part of spreading is learning

how to design a spread and understand the risk-reward picture

for the spread, which takes some practice.