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Being afraid to take a loss is a classic error of the option

player, especially option writers and spreaders.

When your trade goes bad, get out!

When you are uncomfortable in a position and can’t sleep at

night, get out!

When the trend of the underlying goes against you, get out!

Being able to bail out of positions is critical to your success;

if you hesitate, you are lost! Remember, taking losses in option

trading is a virtue, not a sin. When you are an option writer with

high risks, exiting is your only lifeline, and when things go

against you, use that lifeline and get out of that position even if

you must take a loss. The secret to success when playing poker is

to “know when to fold them”. The same rule applies to option



Being afraid to take a loss is a classic error of the option

player, especially option writers and spreaders.

When your trade goes bad, get out!

When you are uncomfortable in a position and can’t sleep at

night, get out!

When the trend of the underlying goes against you, get out!

Being able to bail out of positions is critical to your success;

if you hesitate, you are lost! Remember, taking losses in option

trading is a virtue, not a sin. When you are an option writer with

high risks, exiting is your only lifeline, and when things go

against you, use that lifeline and get out of that position even if

you must take a loss. The secret to success when playing poker is

to “know when to fold them”. The same rule applies to option
