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In Secret #6. we discussed the almost impossible task of predicting

futures and stock prices. However, out there are some

methods that will improve your ability to predict the future; in

other words, crystal balls that work sometimes. We live in a problematic

world where there are no sure things, but there are ways

to bend the odds in your favor where you are right about the future

more often than you are wrong.

We are in the midst of a technological revolution. In the

next two decades computers will probably become more intelligent

than humans. This is due to the fact that microprocessors’

speed doubles every eighteen months and has for the past thirty

years. The explosion in technological development will accelerate

as the computer becomes more intelligent.

Forecasting techniques that have developed due to this revolution

include neural nets and genetic algorithms. These techniques

are only possible with high-powered computers, which

are now even in the home.

Neural nets use a methodology similar to how our brains

work and identify patterns in data that cannot be identified by the

naked eye.

Genetic algorithms is an evolutionary process similar to

how we evolved from microorganisms over millions of years.

With super fast and powerful computers, the evolutionary

process can be replicated on the computer.

One company, Ward Systems, has trading systems software

that use neural nets and have developed a specific software that

may give you an edge. We also have experimented with neural

nets in predicting stock index moves and have formed systems

that predict market moves about 60% of the time. Nevertheless,

because even neural nets can only have a small porthole on the

future, this still tells us that the markets approach randomness.

Besides, these artificial intelligence tools, such as neural

nets, do require a lot of work and a lot of continued retraining to


Furthermore, even with these futuristic techniques for predicting

the markets, when too many people use these methods

and millions of dollars are poured into this process, the markets

will become even more efficient and the future less predictable.

You may be able to develop a system that finds a peep hole

on the future, but that could take a lot of work and continued retuning

of your system.

Here, again, the advantage of options trading comes

through; you don’t have to predict the future.

In Secret #6. we discussed the almost impossible task of predicting

futures and stock prices. However, out there are some

methods that will improve your ability to predict the future; in

other words, crystal balls that work sometimes. We live in a problematic

world where there are no sure things, but there are ways

to bend the odds in your favor where you are right about the future

more often than you are wrong.

We are in the midst of a technological revolution. In the

next two decades computers will probably become more intelligent

than humans. This is due to the fact that microprocessors’

speed doubles every eighteen months and has for the past thirty

years. The explosion in technological development will accelerate

as the computer becomes more intelligent.

Forecasting techniques that have developed due to this revolution

include neural nets and genetic algorithms. These techniques

are only possible with high-powered computers, which

are now even in the home.

Neural nets use a methodology similar to how our brains

work and identify patterns in data that cannot be identified by the

naked eye.

Genetic algorithms is an evolutionary process similar to

how we evolved from microorganisms over millions of years.

With super fast and powerful computers, the evolutionary

process can be replicated on the computer.

One company, Ward Systems, has trading systems software

that use neural nets and have developed a specific software that

may give you an edge. We also have experimented with neural

nets in predicting stock index moves and have formed systems

that predict market moves about 60% of the time. Nevertheless,

because even neural nets can only have a small porthole on the

future, this still tells us that the markets approach randomness.

Besides, these artificial intelligence tools, such as neural

nets, do require a lot of work and a lot of continued retraining to


Furthermore, even with these futuristic techniques for predicting

the markets, when too many people use these methods

and millions of dollars are poured into this process, the markets

will become even more efficient and the future less predictable.

You may be able to develop a system that finds a peep hole

on the future, but that could take a lot of work and continued retuning

of your system.

Here, again, the advantage of options trading comes

through; you don’t have to predict the future.