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“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before

which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

—John Quincy Adams

One of the most important attributes of a professional option

trader is patience, the patience to wait for the good trade and

the patience to handle a lot of losses and wait for the big profits.

I cannot over emphasize the importance of being patient. Most

option investors will jump impetuously into option trades, looking

for action rather than looking for sound trades.

You need the patience to find an option play with a good

risk-reward picture, and then you need the patience to wait for

the profits! Few option buyers have this attribute.


“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before

which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

—John Quincy Adams

One of the most important attributes of a professional option

trader is patience, the patience to wait for the good trade and

the patience to handle a lot of losses and wait for the big profits.

I cannot over emphasize the importance of being patient. Most

option investors will jump impetuously into option trades, looking

for action rather than looking for sound trades.

You need the patience to find an option play with a good

risk-reward picture, and then you need the patience to wait for

the profits! Few option buyers have this attribute.