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If you are a beginner to option trading, getting started can

be a difficult task. One way to gain the confidence to trade options

is to play it on paper first. Let’s call it exhibition season or

preseason games where you get to make errors without losing

any money. Make some theoretical purchases of options and play

as if you have real money in the game.

Playing it on paper becomes more important when you are

considering high risk trades, such as naked writing. Then you

want to be fully comfortable with the strategy and be sure of the

pitfalls before you put some real money on the line.

Once investors put real money in the game, their behavior

changes. RISK and GREED come into play, and the greatest

enemy of all, the ego, gets in the way.

When you paper trade, you will act rationally, but once

investors really trade, they tend to become irrational. One of the

greatest battles of option traders is to maintain their rationality.

When you paper trade, nothing is at risk, so it is like walking

a straight line across your living room. However, when you have

money at stake, it is like walking on a ledge of a twenty story

building. Suddenly it is a lot more difficult walking a straight line

because fear comes into play.

Therefore, don’t paper trade for too long, for real learning

only occurs when real money is on the line; you will pay a tuition

in the real world even if you paper trade for a long time.


If you are a beginner to option trading, getting started can

be a difficult task. One way to gain the confidence to trade options

is to play it on paper first. Let’s call it exhibition season or

preseason games where you get to make errors without losing

any money. Make some theoretical purchases of options and play

as if you have real money in the game.

Playing it on paper becomes more important when you are

considering high risk trades, such as naked writing. Then you

want to be fully comfortable with the strategy and be sure of the

pitfalls before you put some real money on the line.

Once investors put real money in the game, their behavior

changes. RISK and GREED come into play, and the greatest

enemy of all, the ego, gets in the way.

When you paper trade, you will act rationally, but once

investors really trade, they tend to become irrational. One of the

greatest battles of option traders is to maintain their rationality.

When you paper trade, nothing is at risk, so it is like walking

a straight line across your living room. However, when you have

money at stake, it is like walking on a ledge of a twenty story

building. Suddenly it is a lot more difficult walking a straight line

because fear comes into play.

Therefore, don’t paper trade for too long, for real learning

only occurs when real money is on the line; you will pay a tuition

in the real world even if you paper trade for a long time.