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With the rapid advancement in computer technology, Artificial

Intelligence will play a more important role in options analysis

in the future. Already there are computer programs that use

AI to predict stock futures and price action (as we previously


We developed two programs that use AI to evaluate the riskreward

picture of an option purchase (The Push-Button Option

Table I

The Push-Button Option Trader

Table II

The Push-Button Option Writer

Trader) and the risk-reward picture of an option writing position

(The Push-Button Option Writer). AI makes options analysis easy

for the option trader by giving him or her a method to rate the

play, plus Expected Value generated by Baysian Analysis, discussed

in Secret #64. A computer display of each program is

shown in Table I and Table II.

The program automatically creates a game plan and, based

on that game plan, is able to analyze the position automatically

using option analysis tools we have discussed. Though the option

investor can get instant analysis with little work on his part,

these programs are unique because they only look at the risk-reward

picture, rather than an undervalued or overvalued situation.

Regardless, this is another form of option analysis that may

be helpful.

With the rapid advancement in computer technology, Artificial

Intelligence will play a more important role in options analysis

in the future. Already there are computer programs that use

AI to predict stock futures and price action (as we previously


We developed two programs that use AI to evaluate the riskreward

picture of an option purchase (The Push-Button Option

Table I

The Push-Button Option Trader

Table II

The Push-Button Option Writer

Trader) and the risk-reward picture of an option writing position

(The Push-Button Option Writer). AI makes options analysis easy

for the option trader by giving him or her a method to rate the

play, plus Expected Value generated by Baysian Analysis, discussed

in Secret #64. A computer display of each program is

shown in Table I and Table II.

The program automatically creates a game plan and, based

on that game plan, is able to analyze the position automatically

using option analysis tools we have discussed. Though the option

investor can get instant analysis with little work on his part,

these programs are unique because they only look at the risk-reward

picture, rather than an undervalued or overvalued situation.

Regardless, this is another form of option analysis that may

be helpful.