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Delta Neutral strategies have received a lot of hype over the

last few years. They involve putting on a spread by adding and

subtracting legs as the market moves. You do this to keep your

market position neutral so that you profit no matter what the

market does.

On paper this strategy looks great, but in practice it rarely

works well. The problem you face is too many trades. I can’t

overemphasize how important it is to minimize your trading, or

the alligator will get you. Whenever you are planning a strategy,

keep it simple.


Delta Neutral strategies have received a lot of hype over the

last few years. They involve putting on a spread by adding and

subtracting legs as the market moves. You do this to keep your

market position neutral so that you profit no matter what the

market does.

On paper this strategy looks great, but in practice it rarely

works well. The problem you face is too many trades. I can’t

overemphasize how important it is to minimize your trading, or

the alligator will get you. Whenever you are planning a strategy,

keep it simple.