Introduction: Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine
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Creative Problem Solving
Imagine being a dentist in the early part of the nineteenth century. Now,
imagine going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled in the early part of the
nineteenth century. In those days, pulling teeth was a painful experience
for the patient, as there were no known anesthetics in use at the time. The
kinds of things a dentist used to help ease the patient’s pain before a tooth
extraction might have included having the patient suck on a medicinal
herb that produces a numbing effect in the mouth, placing ice upon the
gums, getting the patient to drink alcohol before the procedure, or any
combination thereof. Such were the methods that Dr. Horace Wells likely
used to solve the problem of pain associated with tooth extractions while
working as a dentist in Hartford, Connecticut, circa 1844. These methods
probably were nothing new, and we can imagine that dentists had been
using these remedies for some time so as to alleviate or prevent the pain
associated with tooth extraction.
One evening in 1844, Dr. Wells attended an amusing public demonstration
of the effects of inhaling a gas called nitrous oxide with his friend,
Samuel Cooley. Cooley volunteered to go up on stage to inhale the gas,
and he proceeded to do things like sing, laugh, and fi ght with other volunteers
who had inhaled the gas. As a result of the high jinks, Cooley
received a deep cut in his leg before coming back to his seat next to Dr.
Wells. Someone noticed a pool of blood under Cooley’s seat, and it was
discovered that Cooley had cut his leg; however, Cooley seemed to be
unaffected by and was unaware of the wound. Upon witnessing this event,
a light went on in Dr. Wells’ head: “What if this laughing gas could be
used during tooth extraction to ease a patient’s pain?” The problem of pain
associated with tooth extraction fi nally might be solved! In fact, over the
next several years Dr. Wells proceeded to use nitrous oxide and was successful
at painlessly extracting teeth from his patients, and the seeds of
modern anesthesia were sown (Roberts, 1989).
Humans are resourceful animals. We can imagine Dr. Wells prescribing
the various remedies with which he was familiar—the medicinal herb, the
ice, the alcohol—in the attempt to ease a patient’s pain during tooth
extraction. In such a case, we would have an instance of what Mayer (1995)
has called routine problem solving, whereby a person recognizes many possible
solutions to a problem given that the problem was solved through
one of those solutions in the past. People constantly perform routine
problem solving activities that are concrete and basic to their survival,
equipping them with a variety of ways to “skin” the proverbial cat, as well
as enabling them to adapt to situations and reuse information in similar
However, humans also can engage in activities that are more abstract
and creative, such as invent tools based upon mental blueprints, synthesize
concepts that, at fi rst glance, seemed wholly disparate or unrelated, and
devise novel solutions to problems. When Dr. Wells decided to use nitrous
oxide with his patients, he pursued a wholly new way to solve the problem
of pain. This was an instance of what Mayer (1995) has called nonroutine
creative problem solving, which involves fi nding a solution to a problem that
has not been solved previously. The introduction of nitrous oxide in order
to extract teeth painlessly would be an example of nonroutine creative
problem solving because Dr. Wells did not possess a way to solve the
problem already, and he had not pursued such a route in the past.
Not only do people make insightful connections like that of Dr. Wells
but they take advantage of serendipitous opportunities, invent products,
manufacture space shuttles, successfully negotiate environments, hypothesize,
thrive, fl ourish, and dominate the planet by coming up with wholly
novel solutions to problems—primarily through the use of their visual
systems. How is this possible? In this book, I give an evolutionary account
of the human ability to solve nonroutine, vision-related problems creatively
in their environments. I argue that, by the introduction of the
Upper Paleolithic toolmaking industry near the close of the Pleistocene
epoch, our hominin species evolved a conscious creative problem solving
capacity I call scenario visualization that enabled individuals to fashion the
tools and other products necessary to outlive other hominin species and
populate the planet. Scenario visualization is a conscious activity whereby
visual images are selected, integrated, and then transformed and projected
into visual scenarios for the purposes of solving problems in the environments
one inhabits. The evidence for scenario visualization is found in the
kinds of complex tools our hominin ancestors invented in order to survive
in the ever-changing environments of the Pleistocene world. In this book,
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 3
I also argue that this conscious capacity shares an analogous affi nity with
neurobiological processes of selectivity and integration in the visual system,
namely, processes that enable animals to select relevant information from
environmental stimuli and to organize this information in a coherent way
for the animal. Further, I show that similar processes of selectivity and
integration can be found in the activities of organisms in general. Because
the brain is an evolved organ, a complete explanation of these processes
and capacities must appeal to general biological and evolutionary principles.
The evolution of these processes in our hominin past, I argue, helps
account for the modern-day conscious ability of humans to utilize visual
information so as to solve vision-related, nonroutine problems creatively
in the environments they inhabit.
Principally, I am a philosopher of mind and biology, and, insofar as this
is the case, I am concerned with two basic questions concerning human
nature, namely, What are humans, in essence, that distinguishes them
from the rest of reality? and How did we get this way? The hypothesis of
scenario visualization—as one form of conscious activity—and its emergence
in an evolutionary history are my small attempts to answer these
fundamentally philosophical questions. Of course, I will not answer these
questions completely. However, I will offer my hypothetical “piece to the
puzzle” that only could have come about as a result of interdisciplinary
dialogue and research. I believe that philosophy must work closely with
other disciplines in fi guring out the answers to the aforementioned questions,
as well as any basic philosophical question (also see Arp, 2008d;
Watson & Arp, 2008). When all is said and done, I support Churchland’s
(1993) claim that cognitive science should not be autonomous with respect
to neuroscience, psychology, and the other empirical sciences. I endorse
Fodor’s (1998) observation that archeology and the biological sciences are
good places to uncover the nature of the mind. I concur with Pinker (1994,
p. 15), echoing Chomsky, that if research in artifi cial intelligence is to
effectively study the mind, then it needs “constant integration across
disciplinary lines.” Further, I agree with Donald (1997, p. 356) that the
“problem of cognitive evolution demands the widest possible range of
information, (from) neurolinguistics, anthropology, paleontology, neuroanatomy,
and especially cognitive psychology.”
The ideas and arguments in this book are laid out in fi ve chapters. The
ultimate goal of my project is to explain how humans evolved a specifi
c kind of conscious, vision-related, creative problem solving ability I
call scenario visualization (also see Arp, 2005a, 2005b, 2006a, 2007a,
2008c). However, since conscious creative problem solving is a psychophysiological phenomenon that is causally dependent upon the workings
of the brain and nervous system in the human organism, in the fi rst chapter
I give a general philosophical account of organisms and use this account
to explain facts regarding the functioning of the organism’s subsystems
and processes. I do this in order to offer a philosophy of biology that is
comprehensive enough to account for the levels of biological phenomena
that are relevant to my project, and the upshot is to lay the groundwork
for showing that there is an analogous continuity of operation in the biological
world, ranging from the activities of organelles in a cell to the
complex workings of neural networks in a brain from which conscious
abilities emerge (also Arp, 2005b).
I give further elucidation to Mayr’s (1996, p. 103) description of organisms
as “hierarchically organized systems that operate on the basis of historically
acquired programs of information,” as well as ratify Plotkin’s
(1997, p. 1) claim that biological phenomena “only make complete sense
[italics mine] in light of evolutionary theory.” I establish that an organism
is a hierarchically organized living system made up of components that
are engaged in processes constituting coordinated subsystems, with the
product of these processes and subsystems being a particularized homeostasis
relative to their operations that contributes to the overall generalized
homeostasis of the organism. Besides being organized in such a way as to
produce homeostasis in the organism, the processes in which the components
of the organism are engaged possess certain properties. These properties
include abilities to exchange data internally, selectively convert data
to information, integrate that information, and process information from
environments (also Arp, 2008a).
Having established these properties in the fi rst chapter, in the second
chapter I put forward what I call the homeostatic organization view (HOV)
of organisms, whereby the components of organisms are organized to
function so as to maintain the homeostasis of the organism at the various
levels in the hierarchy (Arp, 2008a). Because of HOV, starting with the
organelles that make up a cell and continuing up the hierarchy of systems
and processes in an organism, we can maintain that there are clear instances
of emergent biological phenomena. Using HOV, I endorse a form of what
is known as nomological emergence in the metaphysical realm. Since the
endorsement of a set of entities in the metaphysical realm requires an
adequate description of those entities, I argue that it may be useful for a
researcher to think like an as-if realist when describing the traits and processes
of organisms (also see Arp, 2005c, 2005d). Whereas I use HOV to
give credence to a version of nomological emergence in the metaphysical
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 5
realm, I use as-if realism to give credence to a corresponding form of representational
emergence in the epistemological realm. The end result is a
better understanding of the epistemological views that underpin my metaphysical
views in philosophy of science and philosophy of biology.
In the fi nal section of the second chapter, having argued for HOV and
as-if realism, I compare Cummins’ (1975, 2002) organizational view of
functions with the Griffi ths (1992, 1993, 1996)/Godfrey-Smith (1993,
1994, 1996) modern history view of functions. In fact, it is essential to my
project that I explain and defend a description of functions because my
hypothesis concerning scenario visualization depends upon certain functional
mechanisms of the mind having evolved to solve specifi c problems
encountered in various Pleistocene environments (also Arp, 2006b).
Whereas Cummins argues that a trait functions so as to contribute to the
general organization of some organism’s present structure, Griffi ths and
Godfrey-Smith argue that a trait functions because of its fi tness with
respect to the organism’s recent evolutionary history. I show how these
accounts can complement and be made compatible with one another.
Given that structure, organization, operational fl exibility, function, and
evolutionary history are all factors to be considered in an organism’s
makeup, we should expect that the traits of an organism function the way
they do because such traits presently contribute to the overall organization
of the organism (Cummins) as well as having been selected for in the
organism’s species’ recent ancestry (Griffi ths/Godfrey-Smith).
Building upon the work of the fi rst two chapters, in the third chapter I
show how the subsystems and processes associated with vision in mammals
comprise a hierarchically organized system exhibiting similar, analogous
kinds of properties of information exchange, selectivity, and integration
found in all organisms (also Arp, 2005b, 2008a). My analysis of the brain
is restricted to the primary processes and mechanisms associated with the
mammalian visual system for three reasons. First, there is a lot of empirical
evidence supporting the mammalian visual system’s structure and layout.
Second, the visual system is present in many kinds of vertebrate species
thought to be homologous to human beings. And third, the visual system
plays a central role in the evolutionary account I give of the progression
from noncognitive visual processing to conscious cognitive visual processing
in terms of scenario visualization. As I go on to demonstrate, visual
processing is an important factor—if not the most important factor—in the
evolution of conscious creative problem solving capacities in humans.
In the third chapter, I also distinguish four levels of visual processing in
animals. The fi rst is a noncognitive visual processing that takes place at
the lowest level of the visual processing hierarchy associated with the eye
and its neural projections to the lateral geniculate nucleus and primary
visual cortex. The second is a cognitive or psychological visual processing
that occurs at a higher level in the visual hierarchy associated with the
what and where unimodal areas of the brain. The third is a cognitive visual
processing that occurs at an even higher level in the visual hierarchy
whereby visual unimodal areas are integrated in the visual unimodal association
area of the brain. The fourth is a conscious cognitive visual processing
that occurs at the highest level of the visual hierarchy whereby the
visual association areas are integrated with other sensory modalities, the
limbic areas, and frontal areas of the brain (also Arp, 2005a, 2007b).
By the end of the third chapter, I show that the visual systems of
mammals, in general, function so as to produce visual cognition. Visual
cognition is the phenomenal representation of some object in the mammal’s
visual fi eld that is the result of the integration of modular visual
information received from that object in association with iconic memory,
attention, and the synchronous fi ring of neurons in the areas of the brain
relevant to the processing of the visual percept. Special attention is paid
to visual modularity and visual integration. Visual modularity refers to the
fact that the visual system is made up of distinctly functioning and
interacting modules or areas having evolved to respond to certain features
of an object in typical environments. Visual integration refers to a
neurobiological set of processes that bind together the relevant information
gleaned from visual modules/areas into a coherent cognitive
representation of some object, enabling an animal to negotiate typical
In the fourth chapter, after speaking about the general evolutionary
principles of genetic variability and natural selection, I trace the evolution
of the visual system from organisms that developed a light/dark sensitivity
area to humans who are capable of the complex activities involved in
conscious cognitive visual processing, including scenario visualization. I
do this utilizing the anatomical evidence from fossils and living species
thought to be homologous to ancient species. I also use archeological
evidence from ancient toolmaking techniques, since I believe that the
evolution of tool-types parallels the evolution from noncognitive visual
processing, through cognitive visual processing, to conscious cognitive
visual processing. The variety and complexity of tools discovered and
dated by archeologists offer us compelling evidence that the brain and
visual system have evolved with the passage of time (also Arp, 2006a,
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 7
I suggest that advanced forms of toolmaking require scenario visualization,
a conscious activity whereby visual images are selected, integrated,
and then transformed and projected into visual scenarios for the purposes
of solving problems in the environments one inhabits (also see Arp, 2005a,
2005b, 2006a, 2007a, 2008c). As a conscious process, scenario visualization
is distinct from the cognitive processes of simply forming a visual image
or recalling a visual image from memory; these activities can be performed
by nonhuman primates, mammals, and certain other animals. Scenario
visualization requires a mind that is more active in the utilization of visual
images through the processes of selectivity, integration, and projection
into future scenarios. It is not the having of visual images that is important;
it is what the mind does in terms of actively selecting and integrating visual
information for the purposes of solving some problem relative to some
environment that really matters.
In this project, I am concerned mostly with the progression from cognitive
visual processing to conscious cognitive visual processing, the relationship
of these processes to one another, and, ultimately, how conscious
cognitive visual processing—in terms of scenario visualization—evolved
from cognitive visual processing. There is a huge amount of literature
devoted to questions about the existence of psychological phenomena and
whether psychological phenomena supervene upon or emerge from neurobiological
phenomena (for starters, see Chalmers, 1996; Heil, 2004a,
2004b; Arp, 2007b, 2008d). Working out the problems associated with
these issues constitutes solving several so-called mind–body problems. Now,
no one has been able to give a satisfactory account of how it is that psychological
states—particularly conscious psychological states—arise from,
as well as interact with, the gray matter of the brain. Although I will not
be able to completely solve the mind–body problem of how it is that conscious
experience can emerge from and interact with the gray matter of
the brain, my hypothesis concerning scenario visualization is an attempt
to explain one aspect of our consciousness and the reason for its emergence
in our species.
In order to fortify my hypothesis concerning scenario visualization and
tell a concrete evolutionary story of the emergence of scenario visualization,
I trace the evolution of the javelin from its meager beginnings as a
stick through our Homo habilis →Homo ergaster →Homo heidelbergensis →
Homo sapiens lineage. Given that modern humans evolved from early
hominins, I further fortify the emergence of scenario visualization by presenting
the psychological evidence that this kind of activity occurs in our
species when trying to solve certain problems, as well as by presenting the neurobiological evidence showing that our brains are wired so that this
kind of psychological activity can occur in the fi rst place (also Arp, 2006a,
We are the only kind of species that can scenario visualize, and what I
suggest by the end of the fourth chapter is threefold. First, modern-day
humans have the unique ability to actively select and integrate visual
images from mental modules so as to transform and project those images
in visual scenarios for the purposes of negotiating environments—this is
scenario visualization.
Second, scenario visualization emerged as a natural consequence of our
evolutionary history, which includes the development of a complex
nervous system—through genetic variability and natural selection—in
association with environmental pressures that occasioned the evolution of
such a capacity. If an advanced form of toolmaking acts as a mark of conscious
behavior, then what I suggest is that visual processing must be a
signifi cant way in which this consciousness emerged on the evolutionary
scene. Considering that our early hominin ancestors not only had to select
certain materials that were appropriate to solve some problem but also
engaged in a number of mental steps that resulted in the construction of
a variety of tool types, it becomes apparent that a fairly advanced form of
cognitive activity had to occur. My suggestion is that such a process exhibits
conscious mental activities associated with scenario visualization, since
one must be able to segregate relevant visual information from irrelevant
information, integrate those pieces of visual information into coherently
organized mental pictures, and transform and project those pictures into
various scenarios so as to construct tools that are adequate to solve problems
in environments.
Third, our capacity to scenario visualize is a central feature of conscious
behavior, an idea that comports well with Sternberg’s (2001) notion of
consciousness’s entailing the setting up of future goals, Carruthers’ (2002)
idea that humans are the only kinds of beings able to generate, and then
reason with, novel suppositions or imaginary scenarios, and Crick & Koch’s
(1999, p. 324) claim that “conscious seeing” requires the brain’s ability to
“form a conscious representation of the visual scene that it then can use
for many different actions or thoughts.”
In the fi fth chapter, I further explicate the notions of routine problem
solving and nonroutine creative problem solving, and I show how scenario
visualization fi ts into the evolutionary psychologist’s schematization of the
mind to form a more complete picture of how it is that humans evolved
the ability to solve vision-related, nonroutine problems creatively (also see
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 9
Arp, 2005a, 2006a, 2007a, 2008c). Routine problem solving entails a mental
activity that is stereotyped and wholly lacking in innovation because there
are simply perceptual associative connections being made by the mind of
an animal. Images in perception or memory are associated with one another
and/or with some environmental stimuli so as to learn some behavior or
produce some desired result. If that result is not achieved, an alternate
route is pursued in a routine trial-and-error fashion.
Unlike routine problem solving—which deals with associative connections
within familiar perspectives—nonroutine creative problem solving
entails an innovative ability to make connections between wholly unrelated
perspectives or ideas. Koestler (1964) referred to this quality of the
creative mind as a bissociation of matrices. In bissociation, humans put
together ideas, memories, representations, stimuli, and the like in wholly
new and unfamiliar ways. Thus, when we ask how it is that humans can
be creative, part of what we are asking is how they bissociate, namely, take
some idea found “way over here in the left fi eld of the mind” and make
some coherent connection with some other idea found “way over here in
the right fi eld of the mind,” to put it crudely. Humans seem to be the only
species that can engage in this kind of mental activity, principally with
the usage of visual images.
I then build upon the ideas and arguments put forward by Mithen (1996,
1999, 2001) and other evolutionary psychologists that creative problem
solving is possible because the mind is made up of a suite of encapsulated
modules that evolved in our Pleistocene hominin past to deal with specifi c
problems in erratic environments. According to Mithen, creative problem
solving occurs because humans have evolved the mechanism of cognitive
fl uidity, a capacity for information to fl ow freely between and among
mental modules. Mithen’s idea of cognitive fl uidity is supposed to explain
our ability to bissociate because, on this view, the potential always is there
to make innovative, previously unrelated connections between ideas or
perceptions, given that the information within modules has the capacity
to be mixed together, or fl uidly intermingle.
While agreeing with the part of Mithen’s hypothesis regarding the fl exible
fl ow of information between and among modules, I transform his
account by arguing that human beings scenario visualize—they actively
select, integrate, transform, and project visual information from mental
modules into imagined scenarios—when they solve vision-related kinds of
problems creatively. It is not enough that this modular visual information
simply intermixes, as Mithen would have us believe, because then the
information would be chaotic, directionless, and lacking in integrated coherency. The visual information must be selected and integrated relevant
to a particular problem in an environment so that a solution becomes
coherent for the problem solver, and a particular course of action can be
Finally, in the fi fth chapter, I bring the entire discussion of the book
around full circle, so to speak, by linking this conscious ability to select
and integrate information to brain processes of the visual system, as well
as other biological processes, that engage in similar selecting and integrating
tasks. My claim is that just as biological processes, in general, exhibit
selective and integrative functions, and just as visual integration performs
the function of selecting and integrating visual module areas, so too, a
certain form of consciousness emerged as a property of the brain to act as
a kind of metacognitive process that scenario visualizes, namely, selects
and integrates relevant visual information from psychological modules for
the purpose of solving vision-related, creative problems in environments
(also see Arp, 2005b, 2008a). In this way, the mental and neurobiological
processes of selectivity and integration are really analogous extensions of
similar general biological processes. The upshot of my hypothesis is a biologically
based account of vision-related, creative problem solving whereby
the most complex psychological phenomena and processes are explained
as emerging from neurobiological phenomena and processes, which, in
turn, are explained as emerging from general biological phenomena and
processes—all phenomena and processes being subject to evolutionary
Creative Problem Solving
Imagine being a dentist in the early part of the nineteenth century. Now,
imagine going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled in the early part of the
nineteenth century. In those days, pulling teeth was a painful experience
for the patient, as there were no known anesthetics in use at the time. The
kinds of things a dentist used to help ease the patient’s pain before a tooth
extraction might have included having the patient suck on a medicinal
herb that produces a numbing effect in the mouth, placing ice upon the
gums, getting the patient to drink alcohol before the procedure, or any
combination thereof. Such were the methods that Dr. Horace Wells likely
used to solve the problem of pain associated with tooth extractions while
working as a dentist in Hartford, Connecticut, circa 1844. These methods
probably were nothing new, and we can imagine that dentists had been
using these remedies for some time so as to alleviate or prevent the pain
associated with tooth extraction.
One evening in 1844, Dr. Wells attended an amusing public demonstration
of the effects of inhaling a gas called nitrous oxide with his friend,
Samuel Cooley. Cooley volunteered to go up on stage to inhale the gas,
and he proceeded to do things like sing, laugh, and fi ght with other volunteers
who had inhaled the gas. As a result of the high jinks, Cooley
received a deep cut in his leg before coming back to his seat next to Dr.
Wells. Someone noticed a pool of blood under Cooley’s seat, and it was
discovered that Cooley had cut his leg; however, Cooley seemed to be
unaffected by and was unaware of the wound. Upon witnessing this event,
a light went on in Dr. Wells’ head: “What if this laughing gas could be
used during tooth extraction to ease a patient’s pain?” The problem of pain
associated with tooth extraction fi nally might be solved! In fact, over the
next several years Dr. Wells proceeded to use nitrous oxide and was successful
at painlessly extracting teeth from his patients, and the seeds of
modern anesthesia were sown (Roberts, 1989).
Humans are resourceful animals. We can imagine Dr. Wells prescribing
the various remedies with which he was familiar—the medicinal herb, the
ice, the alcohol—in the attempt to ease a patient’s pain during tooth
extraction. In such a case, we would have an instance of what Mayer (1995)
has called routine problem solving, whereby a person recognizes many possible
solutions to a problem given that the problem was solved through
one of those solutions in the past. People constantly perform routine
problem solving activities that are concrete and basic to their survival,
equipping them with a variety of ways to “skin” the proverbial cat, as well
as enabling them to adapt to situations and reuse information in similar
However, humans also can engage in activities that are more abstract
and creative, such as invent tools based upon mental blueprints, synthesize
concepts that, at fi rst glance, seemed wholly disparate or unrelated, and
devise novel solutions to problems. When Dr. Wells decided to use nitrous
oxide with his patients, he pursued a wholly new way to solve the problem
of pain. This was an instance of what Mayer (1995) has called nonroutine
creative problem solving, which involves fi nding a solution to a problem that
has not been solved previously. The introduction of nitrous oxide in order
to extract teeth painlessly would be an example of nonroutine creative
problem solving because Dr. Wells did not possess a way to solve the
problem already, and he had not pursued such a route in the past.
Not only do people make insightful connections like that of Dr. Wells
but they take advantage of serendipitous opportunities, invent products,
manufacture space shuttles, successfully negotiate environments, hypothesize,
thrive, fl ourish, and dominate the planet by coming up with wholly
novel solutions to problems—primarily through the use of their visual
systems. How is this possible? In this book, I give an evolutionary account
of the human ability to solve nonroutine, vision-related problems creatively
in their environments. I argue that, by the introduction of the
Upper Paleolithic toolmaking industry near the close of the Pleistocene
epoch, our hominin species evolved a conscious creative problem solving
capacity I call scenario visualization that enabled individuals to fashion the
tools and other products necessary to outlive other hominin species and
populate the planet. Scenario visualization is a conscious activity whereby
visual images are selected, integrated, and then transformed and projected
into visual scenarios for the purposes of solving problems in the environments
one inhabits. The evidence for scenario visualization is found in the
kinds of complex tools our hominin ancestors invented in order to survive
in the ever-changing environments of the Pleistocene world. In this book,
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 3
I also argue that this conscious capacity shares an analogous affi nity with
neurobiological processes of selectivity and integration in the visual system,
namely, processes that enable animals to select relevant information from
environmental stimuli and to organize this information in a coherent way
for the animal. Further, I show that similar processes of selectivity and
integration can be found in the activities of organisms in general. Because
the brain is an evolved organ, a complete explanation of these processes
and capacities must appeal to general biological and evolutionary principles.
The evolution of these processes in our hominin past, I argue, helps
account for the modern-day conscious ability of humans to utilize visual
information so as to solve vision-related, nonroutine problems creatively
in the environments they inhabit.
Principally, I am a philosopher of mind and biology, and, insofar as this
is the case, I am concerned with two basic questions concerning human
nature, namely, What are humans, in essence, that distinguishes them
from the rest of reality? and How did we get this way? The hypothesis of
scenario visualization—as one form of conscious activity—and its emergence
in an evolutionary history are my small attempts to answer these
fundamentally philosophical questions. Of course, I will not answer these
questions completely. However, I will offer my hypothetical “piece to the
puzzle” that only could have come about as a result of interdisciplinary
dialogue and research. I believe that philosophy must work closely with
other disciplines in fi guring out the answers to the aforementioned questions,
as well as any basic philosophical question (also see Arp, 2008d;
Watson & Arp, 2008). When all is said and done, I support Churchland’s
(1993) claim that cognitive science should not be autonomous with respect
to neuroscience, psychology, and the other empirical sciences. I endorse
Fodor’s (1998) observation that archeology and the biological sciences are
good places to uncover the nature of the mind. I concur with Pinker (1994,
p. 15), echoing Chomsky, that if research in artifi cial intelligence is to
effectively study the mind, then it needs “constant integration across
disciplinary lines.” Further, I agree with Donald (1997, p. 356) that the
“problem of cognitive evolution demands the widest possible range of
information, (from) neurolinguistics, anthropology, paleontology, neuroanatomy,
and especially cognitive psychology.”
The ideas and arguments in this book are laid out in fi ve chapters. The
ultimate goal of my project is to explain how humans evolved a specifi
c kind of conscious, vision-related, creative problem solving ability I
call scenario visualization (also see Arp, 2005a, 2005b, 2006a, 2007a,
2008c). However, since conscious creative problem solving is a psychophysiological phenomenon that is causally dependent upon the workings
of the brain and nervous system in the human organism, in the fi rst chapter
I give a general philosophical account of organisms and use this account
to explain facts regarding the functioning of the organism’s subsystems
and processes. I do this in order to offer a philosophy of biology that is
comprehensive enough to account for the levels of biological phenomena
that are relevant to my project, and the upshot is to lay the groundwork
for showing that there is an analogous continuity of operation in the biological
world, ranging from the activities of organelles in a cell to the
complex workings of neural networks in a brain from which conscious
abilities emerge (also Arp, 2005b).
I give further elucidation to Mayr’s (1996, p. 103) description of organisms
as “hierarchically organized systems that operate on the basis of historically
acquired programs of information,” as well as ratify Plotkin’s
(1997, p. 1) claim that biological phenomena “only make complete sense
[italics mine] in light of evolutionary theory.” I establish that an organism
is a hierarchically organized living system made up of components that
are engaged in processes constituting coordinated subsystems, with the
product of these processes and subsystems being a particularized homeostasis
relative to their operations that contributes to the overall generalized
homeostasis of the organism. Besides being organized in such a way as to
produce homeostasis in the organism, the processes in which the components
of the organism are engaged possess certain properties. These properties
include abilities to exchange data internally, selectively convert data
to information, integrate that information, and process information from
environments (also Arp, 2008a).
Having established these properties in the fi rst chapter, in the second
chapter I put forward what I call the homeostatic organization view (HOV)
of organisms, whereby the components of organisms are organized to
function so as to maintain the homeostasis of the organism at the various
levels in the hierarchy (Arp, 2008a). Because of HOV, starting with the
organelles that make up a cell and continuing up the hierarchy of systems
and processes in an organism, we can maintain that there are clear instances
of emergent biological phenomena. Using HOV, I endorse a form of what
is known as nomological emergence in the metaphysical realm. Since the
endorsement of a set of entities in the metaphysical realm requires an
adequate description of those entities, I argue that it may be useful for a
researcher to think like an as-if realist when describing the traits and processes
of organisms (also see Arp, 2005c, 2005d). Whereas I use HOV to
give credence to a version of nomological emergence in the metaphysical
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 5
realm, I use as-if realism to give credence to a corresponding form of representational
emergence in the epistemological realm. The end result is a
better understanding of the epistemological views that underpin my metaphysical
views in philosophy of science and philosophy of biology.
In the fi nal section of the second chapter, having argued for HOV and
as-if realism, I compare Cummins’ (1975, 2002) organizational view of
functions with the Griffi ths (1992, 1993, 1996)/Godfrey-Smith (1993,
1994, 1996) modern history view of functions. In fact, it is essential to my
project that I explain and defend a description of functions because my
hypothesis concerning scenario visualization depends upon certain functional
mechanisms of the mind having evolved to solve specifi c problems
encountered in various Pleistocene environments (also Arp, 2006b).
Whereas Cummins argues that a trait functions so as to contribute to the
general organization of some organism’s present structure, Griffi ths and
Godfrey-Smith argue that a trait functions because of its fi tness with
respect to the organism’s recent evolutionary history. I show how these
accounts can complement and be made compatible with one another.
Given that structure, organization, operational fl exibility, function, and
evolutionary history are all factors to be considered in an organism’s
makeup, we should expect that the traits of an organism function the way
they do because such traits presently contribute to the overall organization
of the organism (Cummins) as well as having been selected for in the
organism’s species’ recent ancestry (Griffi ths/Godfrey-Smith).
Building upon the work of the fi rst two chapters, in the third chapter I
show how the subsystems and processes associated with vision in mammals
comprise a hierarchically organized system exhibiting similar, analogous
kinds of properties of information exchange, selectivity, and integration
found in all organisms (also Arp, 2005b, 2008a). My analysis of the brain
is restricted to the primary processes and mechanisms associated with the
mammalian visual system for three reasons. First, there is a lot of empirical
evidence supporting the mammalian visual system’s structure and layout.
Second, the visual system is present in many kinds of vertebrate species
thought to be homologous to human beings. And third, the visual system
plays a central role in the evolutionary account I give of the progression
from noncognitive visual processing to conscious cognitive visual processing
in terms of scenario visualization. As I go on to demonstrate, visual
processing is an important factor—if not the most important factor—in the
evolution of conscious creative problem solving capacities in humans.
In the third chapter, I also distinguish four levels of visual processing in
animals. The fi rst is a noncognitive visual processing that takes place at
the lowest level of the visual processing hierarchy associated with the eye
and its neural projections to the lateral geniculate nucleus and primary
visual cortex. The second is a cognitive or psychological visual processing
that occurs at a higher level in the visual hierarchy associated with the
what and where unimodal areas of the brain. The third is a cognitive visual
processing that occurs at an even higher level in the visual hierarchy
whereby visual unimodal areas are integrated in the visual unimodal association
area of the brain. The fourth is a conscious cognitive visual processing
that occurs at the highest level of the visual hierarchy whereby the
visual association areas are integrated with other sensory modalities, the
limbic areas, and frontal areas of the brain (also Arp, 2005a, 2007b).
By the end of the third chapter, I show that the visual systems of
mammals, in general, function so as to produce visual cognition. Visual
cognition is the phenomenal representation of some object in the mammal’s
visual fi eld that is the result of the integration of modular visual
information received from that object in association with iconic memory,
attention, and the synchronous fi ring of neurons in the areas of the brain
relevant to the processing of the visual percept. Special attention is paid
to visual modularity and visual integration. Visual modularity refers to the
fact that the visual system is made up of distinctly functioning and
interacting modules or areas having evolved to respond to certain features
of an object in typical environments. Visual integration refers to a
neurobiological set of processes that bind together the relevant information
gleaned from visual modules/areas into a coherent cognitive
representation of some object, enabling an animal to negotiate typical
In the fourth chapter, after speaking about the general evolutionary
principles of genetic variability and natural selection, I trace the evolution
of the visual system from organisms that developed a light/dark sensitivity
area to humans who are capable of the complex activities involved in
conscious cognitive visual processing, including scenario visualization. I
do this utilizing the anatomical evidence from fossils and living species
thought to be homologous to ancient species. I also use archeological
evidence from ancient toolmaking techniques, since I believe that the
evolution of tool-types parallels the evolution from noncognitive visual
processing, through cognitive visual processing, to conscious cognitive
visual processing. The variety and complexity of tools discovered and
dated by archeologists offer us compelling evidence that the brain and
visual system have evolved with the passage of time (also Arp, 2006a,
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 7
I suggest that advanced forms of toolmaking require scenario visualization,
a conscious activity whereby visual images are selected, integrated,
and then transformed and projected into visual scenarios for the purposes
of solving problems in the environments one inhabits (also see Arp, 2005a,
2005b, 2006a, 2007a, 2008c). As a conscious process, scenario visualization
is distinct from the cognitive processes of simply forming a visual image
or recalling a visual image from memory; these activities can be performed
by nonhuman primates, mammals, and certain other animals. Scenario
visualization requires a mind that is more active in the utilization of visual
images through the processes of selectivity, integration, and projection
into future scenarios. It is not the having of visual images that is important;
it is what the mind does in terms of actively selecting and integrating visual
information for the purposes of solving some problem relative to some
environment that really matters.
In this project, I am concerned mostly with the progression from cognitive
visual processing to conscious cognitive visual processing, the relationship
of these processes to one another, and, ultimately, how conscious
cognitive visual processing—in terms of scenario visualization—evolved
from cognitive visual processing. There is a huge amount of literature
devoted to questions about the existence of psychological phenomena and
whether psychological phenomena supervene upon or emerge from neurobiological
phenomena (for starters, see Chalmers, 1996; Heil, 2004a,
2004b; Arp, 2007b, 2008d). Working out the problems associated with
these issues constitutes solving several so-called mind–body problems. Now,
no one has been able to give a satisfactory account of how it is that psychological
states—particularly conscious psychological states—arise from,
as well as interact with, the gray matter of the brain. Although I will not
be able to completely solve the mind–body problem of how it is that conscious
experience can emerge from and interact with the gray matter of
the brain, my hypothesis concerning scenario visualization is an attempt
to explain one aspect of our consciousness and the reason for its emergence
in our species.
In order to fortify my hypothesis concerning scenario visualization and
tell a concrete evolutionary story of the emergence of scenario visualization,
I trace the evolution of the javelin from its meager beginnings as a
stick through our Homo habilis →Homo ergaster →Homo heidelbergensis →
Homo sapiens lineage. Given that modern humans evolved from early
hominins, I further fortify the emergence of scenario visualization by presenting
the psychological evidence that this kind of activity occurs in our
species when trying to solve certain problems, as well as by presenting the neurobiological evidence showing that our brains are wired so that this
kind of psychological activity can occur in the fi rst place (also Arp, 2006a,
We are the only kind of species that can scenario visualize, and what I
suggest by the end of the fourth chapter is threefold. First, modern-day
humans have the unique ability to actively select and integrate visual
images from mental modules so as to transform and project those images
in visual scenarios for the purposes of negotiating environments—this is
scenario visualization.
Second, scenario visualization emerged as a natural consequence of our
evolutionary history, which includes the development of a complex
nervous system—through genetic variability and natural selection—in
association with environmental pressures that occasioned the evolution of
such a capacity. If an advanced form of toolmaking acts as a mark of conscious
behavior, then what I suggest is that visual processing must be a
signifi cant way in which this consciousness emerged on the evolutionary
scene. Considering that our early hominin ancestors not only had to select
certain materials that were appropriate to solve some problem but also
engaged in a number of mental steps that resulted in the construction of
a variety of tool types, it becomes apparent that a fairly advanced form of
cognitive activity had to occur. My suggestion is that such a process exhibits
conscious mental activities associated with scenario visualization, since
one must be able to segregate relevant visual information from irrelevant
information, integrate those pieces of visual information into coherently
organized mental pictures, and transform and project those pictures into
various scenarios so as to construct tools that are adequate to solve problems
in environments.
Third, our capacity to scenario visualize is a central feature of conscious
behavior, an idea that comports well with Sternberg’s (2001) notion of
consciousness’s entailing the setting up of future goals, Carruthers’ (2002)
idea that humans are the only kinds of beings able to generate, and then
reason with, novel suppositions or imaginary scenarios, and Crick & Koch’s
(1999, p. 324) claim that “conscious seeing” requires the brain’s ability to
“form a conscious representation of the visual scene that it then can use
for many different actions or thoughts.”
In the fi fth chapter, I further explicate the notions of routine problem
solving and nonroutine creative problem solving, and I show how scenario
visualization fi ts into the evolutionary psychologist’s schematization of the
mind to form a more complete picture of how it is that humans evolved
the ability to solve vision-related, nonroutine problems creatively (also see
Routine Problem Solving versus Nonroutine Creative Problem Solving 9
Arp, 2005a, 2006a, 2007a, 2008c). Routine problem solving entails a mental
activity that is stereotyped and wholly lacking in innovation because there
are simply perceptual associative connections being made by the mind of
an animal. Images in perception or memory are associated with one another
and/or with some environmental stimuli so as to learn some behavior or
produce some desired result. If that result is not achieved, an alternate
route is pursued in a routine trial-and-error fashion.
Unlike routine problem solving—which deals with associative connections
within familiar perspectives—nonroutine creative problem solving
entails an innovative ability to make connections between wholly unrelated
perspectives or ideas. Koestler (1964) referred to this quality of the
creative mind as a bissociation of matrices. In bissociation, humans put
together ideas, memories, representations, stimuli, and the like in wholly
new and unfamiliar ways. Thus, when we ask how it is that humans can
be creative, part of what we are asking is how they bissociate, namely, take
some idea found “way over here in the left fi eld of the mind” and make
some coherent connection with some other idea found “way over here in
the right fi eld of the mind,” to put it crudely. Humans seem to be the only
species that can engage in this kind of mental activity, principally with
the usage of visual images.
I then build upon the ideas and arguments put forward by Mithen (1996,
1999, 2001) and other evolutionary psychologists that creative problem
solving is possible because the mind is made up of a suite of encapsulated
modules that evolved in our Pleistocene hominin past to deal with specifi c
problems in erratic environments. According to Mithen, creative problem
solving occurs because humans have evolved the mechanism of cognitive
fl uidity, a capacity for information to fl ow freely between and among
mental modules. Mithen’s idea of cognitive fl uidity is supposed to explain
our ability to bissociate because, on this view, the potential always is there
to make innovative, previously unrelated connections between ideas or
perceptions, given that the information within modules has the capacity
to be mixed together, or fl uidly intermingle.
While agreeing with the part of Mithen’s hypothesis regarding the fl exible
fl ow of information between and among modules, I transform his
account by arguing that human beings scenario visualize—they actively
select, integrate, transform, and project visual information from mental
modules into imagined scenarios—when they solve vision-related kinds of
problems creatively. It is not enough that this modular visual information
simply intermixes, as Mithen would have us believe, because then the
information would be chaotic, directionless, and lacking in integrated coherency. The visual information must be selected and integrated relevant
to a particular problem in an environment so that a solution becomes
coherent for the problem solver, and a particular course of action can be
Finally, in the fi fth chapter, I bring the entire discussion of the book
around full circle, so to speak, by linking this conscious ability to select
and integrate information to brain processes of the visual system, as well
as other biological processes, that engage in similar selecting and integrating
tasks. My claim is that just as biological processes, in general, exhibit
selective and integrative functions, and just as visual integration performs
the function of selecting and integrating visual module areas, so too, a
certain form of consciousness emerged as a property of the brain to act as
a kind of metacognitive process that scenario visualizes, namely, selects
and integrates relevant visual information from psychological modules for
the purpose of solving vision-related, creative problems in environments
(also see Arp, 2005b, 2008a). In this way, the mental and neurobiological
processes of selectivity and integration are really analogous extensions of
similar general biological processes. The upshot of my hypothesis is a biologically
based account of vision-related, creative problem solving whereby
the most complex psychological phenomena and processes are explained
as emerging from neurobiological phenomena and processes, which, in
turn, are explained as emerging from general biological phenomena and
processes—all phenomena and processes being subject to evolutionary