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J-Curve theory Devaluation of a currency will trigger export gains in

the long term, rather than the short term, because of previous

contracts, existing inventories, and behavior modification.

Jittai Body of the candlestick (See Candlestick charts.)

Journal of Commerce Index Index that consists of the prices of 18

industrial materials and supplies used in the initial stages of

manufacturing, building, and energy production. It is more sensitive

than other indexes, as it was designed to signal changes in inflation

prior to the other price indexes.

J-Curve theory Devaluation of a currency will trigger export gains in

the long term, rather than the short term, because of previous

contracts, existing inventories, and behavior modification.

Jittai Body of the candlestick (See Candlestick charts.)

Journal of Commerce Index Index that consists of the prices of 18

industrial materials and supplies used in the initial stages of

manufacturing, building, and energy production. It is more sensitive

than other indexes, as it was designed to signal changes in inflation

prior to the other price indexes.