1. The success of SPRs

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We have coined the expression ‘Ameliorative Psychology’ to refer to the

various empirical work that concerns itself with passing normative judgments

on reasoning strategies and prescribing new and better ways to

reason. In this chapter, we will introduce what we take to be the two main

branches of Ameliorative Psychology. In section 1, we will describe some

of the shocking findings of the predictive modeling literature; and in

section 2, we will try to explain some of these findings. In section 3, we will

briefly explore the other main branch of Ameliorative Psychology—the

psychological investigation into how people tend to reason about everyday


We have coined the expression ‘Ameliorative Psychology’ to refer to the

various empirical work that concerns itself with passing normative judgments

on reasoning strategies and prescribing new and better ways to

reason. In this chapter, we will introduce what we take to be the two main

branches of Ameliorative Psychology. In section 1, we will describe some

of the shocking findings of the predictive modeling literature; and in

section 2, we will try to explain some of these findings. In section 3, we will

briefly explore the other main branch of Ameliorative Psychology—the

psychological investigation into how people tend to reason about everyday
