1. Starting points: What epistemology is about

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Theories, including epistemological theories, are supposed to be about

something. They are supposed to explain or account for some range of phenomena.

An important way in which our approach to epistemology differs

from that of most contemporary English-speaking epistemologists is in

terms of what we take to be the proper subject matter of epistemology—

what we take to be the phenomena or evidence that an epistemological

theory is supposed to account for or explain. Traditional epistemological

theories aim to provide a theory that captures our considered epistemic

judgments, in particular, our considered judgments about knowledge and

justification. Our epistemological theory aims to uncover the normative assumptions

of a branch of science. We disagree with most traditional

epistemologists in terms of what epistemology is about. This difference

couldn’t be more fundamental.

Theories, including epistemological theories, are supposed to be about

something. They are supposed to explain or account for some range of phenomena.

An important way in which our approach to epistemology differs

from that of most contemporary English-speaking epistemologists is in

terms of what we take to be the proper subject matter of epistemology—

what we take to be the phenomena or evidence that an epistemological

theory is supposed to account for or explain. Traditional epistemological

theories aim to provide a theory that captures our considered epistemic

judgments, in particular, our considered judgments about knowledge and

justification. Our epistemological theory aims to uncover the normative assumptions

of a branch of science. We disagree with most traditional

epistemologists in terms of what epistemology is about. This difference

couldn’t be more fundamental.