4 Strategic Reliabilism: Robust Reliability
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Ameliorative Psychology provides countless examples of reasoning strategies
that we ought to adopt. In making these recommendations, it is
guided by substantive epistemological assumptions. The epistemological
theory underlying Ameliorative Psychology is a view we call Strategic Reliabilism:
Epistemic excellence involves the efficient allocation of cognitive
resources to robustly reliable reasoning strategies applied to significant
problems. Strategic Reliabilism gives a systematic voice and a theoretical
foundation to the long-standing success of SPRs while at the same time
avoiding the most serious objections to traditional process reliabilism (as
we will argue in the Appendix, section 10).
Ameliorative Psychology provides countless examples of reasoning strategies
that we ought to adopt. In making these recommendations, it is
guided by substantive epistemological assumptions. The epistemological
theory underlying Ameliorative Psychology is a view we call Strategic Reliabilism:
Epistemic excellence involves the efficient allocation of cognitive
resources to robustly reliable reasoning strategies applied to significant
problems. Strategic Reliabilism gives a systematic voice and a theoretical
foundation to the long-standing success of SPRs while at the same time
avoiding the most serious objections to traditional process reliabilism (as
we will argue in the Appendix, section 10).