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we have found it suddenly relieved by finding something

which was previously missing, though we were not conscious

of missing it till the shock we experienced on our having

automatically found it has called our attention to the

matter. We ourselves have frequently experienced this

when one of the various objects we habitually carry in our

pockets has been unconsciously transferred from one to

another. We can, as everyone knows, do many things

automatically and without consciousness which we often

perform with full consciousness. This fact makes it probable

that similar actions may take place in animals, and another

fact is also very significant : this is the notorious circum-

stance that persons deprived of one of their senses often

have their remaining senses made more acute. It is also

commonly affirmed that some savages, who have very little

intellectual power, have much keener powers of seeing,

hearing, and, perhaps, even smelling, than we have. How

much keener still may not be the sensitive powers of

creatures whose whole being is entirely given up to sensi-

tivity, without its being interfered with by any true

intellectual activity ! It should surely cause us little wonder

if we find them doing many things which we ourselves

could not do in similar circumstances. That an elephant

should blow through its trunk on the ground beyond some

object it sought to attain, and to thus drive back ; that a

bear should paw the water in order to bring a floating piece

of bread within reach, or that dogs, accustomed to rivers

or the sea shore, should automatically allow for the action

of currents with which they were practically familiar, need

occasion no surprise to anyone. Such actions are just the

ones we might confidently anticipate should take place under

the given circumstances.


The late Mr. Darwin related the circumstance that a dog

of his, on hearing the words " Hi ! hi ! where is it ? " rushed



we have found it suddenly relieved by finding something

which was previously missing, though we were not conscious

of missing it till the shock we experienced on our having

automatically found it has called our attention to the

matter. We ourselves have frequently experienced this

when one of the various objects we habitually carry in our

pockets has been unconsciously transferred from one to

another. We can, as everyone knows, do many things

automatically and without consciousness which we often

perform with full consciousness. This fact makes it probable

that similar actions may take place in animals, and another

fact is also very significant : this is the notorious circum-

stance that persons deprived of one of their senses often

have their remaining senses made more acute. It is also

commonly affirmed that some savages, who have very little

intellectual power, have much keener powers of seeing,

hearing, and, perhaps, even smelling, than we have. How

much keener still may not be the sensitive powers of

creatures whose whole being is entirely given up to sensi-

tivity, without its being interfered with by any true

intellectual activity ! It should surely cause us little wonder

if we find them doing many things which we ourselves

could not do in similar circumstances. That an elephant

should blow through its trunk on the ground beyond some

object it sought to attain, and to thus drive back ; that a

bear should paw the water in order to bring a floating piece

of bread within reach, or that dogs, accustomed to rivers

or the sea shore, should automatically allow for the action

of currents with which they were practically familiar, need

occasion no surprise to anyone. Such actions are just the

ones we might confidently anticipate should take place under

the given circumstances.


The late Mr. Darwin related the circumstance that a dog

of his, on hearing the words " Hi ! hi ! where is it ? " rushed