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ness, they possess consentience, for we cannot doubt that in
them, as in us, sensitive influences of different kinds are
received into one common sensorium. A tiger not only
hears the plaintive cries of its victim, but at the same time can
see and feel its writhing limbs, and taste and smell its blood.
Such sensations also, no doubt, call up within it more or
less distinct reminiscences of similar feelings previously ex-
perienced, and give rise to vivid emotions and to appropriate
But the irrationality of animals is shown by what, if they
were rational, would have to be called their exceeding stu-
pidity. Acts which would be reckoned as signs of extreme
obtuseness in us are common enough amongst animals usually
reckoned as the most intelligent. The fidelity of dogs is
proverbial, but in a sudden scuffle it is by no means an
unprecedented thing for a dog to fly at its own master.
Dogs have seen fuel put upon fires again and again, yet
what dog ever puts on any itself to maintain the heat it so
much enjoys ? Apes have been said sometimes to warm
themselves at deserted fires, yet no one asserts that they
have replenished them. It is quite wonderful they do not,
for such an act seems to come well within the scope of mere
sensuous faculties. Some readers may have had a pet cat
which has now and again got a piece of bone fixed between
its back teeth. The useless motions the animal, when so
circumstanced, will make with its paw are sufficiently ir-
rational ; but although the accident may have occurred to it
several times, it will act in the same way again and again,
and will sometimes stupidly struggle against its master while
he removes the object which distresses it, and, as soon as it
is removed, the animal will go off licking its jaws without a
sign of gratitude for the relief afforded.
Swallows will continue to build on a house which they can
see is being pulled down, and flies will deposit their eggs on
ness, they possess consentience, for we cannot doubt that in
them, as in us, sensitive influences of different kinds are
received into one common sensorium. A tiger not only
hears the plaintive cries of its victim, but at the same time can
see and feel its writhing limbs, and taste and smell its blood.
Such sensations also, no doubt, call up within it more or
less distinct reminiscences of similar feelings previously ex-
perienced, and give rise to vivid emotions and to appropriate
But the irrationality of animals is shown by what, if they
were rational, would have to be called their exceeding stu-
pidity. Acts which would be reckoned as signs of extreme
obtuseness in us are common enough amongst animals usually
reckoned as the most intelligent. The fidelity of dogs is
proverbial, but in a sudden scuffle it is by no means an
unprecedented thing for a dog to fly at its own master.
Dogs have seen fuel put upon fires again and again, yet
what dog ever puts on any itself to maintain the heat it so
much enjoys ? Apes have been said sometimes to warm
themselves at deserted fires, yet no one asserts that they
have replenished them. It is quite wonderful they do not,
for such an act seems to come well within the scope of mere
sensuous faculties. Some readers may have had a pet cat
which has now and again got a piece of bone fixed between
its back teeth. The useless motions the animal, when so
circumstanced, will make with its paw are sufficiently ir-
rational ; but although the accident may have occurred to it
several times, it will act in the same way again and again,
and will sometimes stupidly struggle against its master while
he removes the object which distresses it, and, as soon as it
is removed, the animal will go off licking its jaws without a
sign of gratitude for the relief afforded.
Swallows will continue to build on a house which they can
see is being pulled down, and flies will deposit their eggs on